Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may be moderated.
Cheeta | Homepage | 14.01.08 – 5:54 pm,
There’s no doubt that many of the “moderators” who fiddle with comments on Have Your Say don’t understand their own “House Rules”.
I have had quite innocent comments rejected as well. I tried to complain about it but just got led on a wild goose chase. The BBC makes a big show of being accountable to the public. It isn’t.
“Still, I am finally starting to understand this site. Your central premise appears to be based around the mis-guided belief that our government is, in some way, left-wing.”
Which is why it is called BIASED BBC.
“This government is the natural heir to Thatcher and your obsfucation cannot detract from this very obvious, inescapable truth.”
Gordon Brown carries a handbag?
BBC Newsnight again. Polish doctors flying in from Poland to carry out out of hour duties in the UK.
But guess what, no Roger Harrabin comment!!!!!! I’m really upset.
Not a single mention of CO2 or Carbon Footprint.
Could it be because the BBC think its OK for Immigrants to fly over here but not hard working licence tax payers to go on a cheap holiday once a year?
Anyone who thinks this is a right wing Government is a loon of the first class.
This vile administration has taken us into two wars, it has racked up taxes, it has crushed the white middle classes under the heel of its “multi culturism” crap, it has allowed millions of immigrants to flood into our Country, it is allowing millions of people to lard arese around on benefits so long as they get their fat arses down to a polling station (they don’t even have to do that now as we have the corrupt postal voting system) and while I’m on the subject of voting, we used to have the most honest system on the planet, now thanks to this corrupt bunch of vile Socialists our voting system is probably the most corrupt of any western democracy (I notice the BBC didn’t bother to investigate the fraud after the last election here, but keeps going on about the US election in 2000 with idiots like Greg Palast appearing on Newsnight)
Then we have crime, totally our of control because of liberal left wing values, the harassment of ordinary hard working people and the extortion of fines for minor motiring offences whilst rapists, child molesters and murderers are relased back into society (so they vote Labour one assumes)
Then we have ID cards. Yet another way for this crap corrupt Government to keep their little fat hands on our data.
Oh and the preachers of hate from the “great religion of peace” who were allowed to preach their evil on our streets for years WITH Police protection just so they didn’t lose their beloved “Moozlum” vote.
Then we have the unfairness of Scottish MP’s voting on affairs in England but no reciprical arrangement for English MP’s.
Then we have the education system, once the finest in the world, now most kids are abandoned to “bog standard” comps (unless your name is Tony Blair, Harriet Harman or Diane Abbot of course)
Jesus I could go on for hours about this bunch of left wing *****.
The BBC support this bunch of tools because they believe in the liberal views and they need to arse lick the party most likely to keep renewing the licence fee.
Newsnight yet agian. This time over Cameron’s helicopter flights (ooh er)
Looks like they’ve tried ot dig up dirt and found sod all. Poor Paxo, he looked heart broken.
Never mind that Peter Hain bolke he’s OK as he once dug up a Cricket pitch.
Martin 9:52 “… the Portillo programme on execution … was a totally pointless programme. Capital punishment is not carried out in any EU Country and is not likely to ever be carried out”
One part of the BBC empire, the Radio Times sees the programme as missionary work
It’s grimly fascinating, but what’s the real agenda here? For a start, the UK doesn’t execute people any more, so the science of pain-free state killing is only a live issue for Horizon’s US viewers (at whom its programmes appear to be increasingly aimed).
Well at least it wasn’t telling them to stop capital punishment, just how to do it better.
It was illuminating to hear Americans wanting some pain in the process. I suppose that’s why they don’t replace the lethal injection cocktail with a Shipman shot.
Korova! You really have lost the plot. Horizon did a programme about the method that a state might execute people, yet no EU Country does. It was not even a history of execution in Europe.
The only western Country that executes is the USA (not all states)
Yet no mention was made of the methods of execution in China, North Korea, Cuba or “Moozlum Countries”
It just attached the methods used in the USA, some of which are far less barbaric than the state executions of homosexuals in Iran or the beheadings in Sadui Arabia.
It was an attack on the USA, again.
I see Yasmin Alabi Brown (she is a vile woman) admits she sends her kids to fee paying schools (admitted on Sky News)
Need to add her to my ever growing list of Labour supporting liberals that preach one thing and practice another.
Tony Blair, Harriet Harman, Diane Abbot, Poly Toynbee
But so long as they continue to spout their bollocks about “inclusiveness” in crap state schools that run them down into the ground, where kids leave withot being able to read or write it’s comforting to know the children of the very same politicians and Labour luvvies (and those in the pay of the BBC) will get the very best education money can buy.
Cheeta /Bryan,
There’s no doubt that many of the “moderators” who fiddle with comments on Have Your Say don’t understand their own “House Rules”.
Funny you should mention that that HYS on that Ghanaian woman the forth entry on that board. (page 29) and you find this snippet:
Just as a point of information – Ms Sumani arrived in the UK legally, on a student visa – but this had expired.
She was diagnosed with cancer after she arrived in the UK.
BBC Host, Cardiff
and just in case the BBC remove it
Which is strange as the BBC article on that woman has this to say.
She first came to the UK as a visitor in 2003, but then changed her status to student and attempted to enrol on a banking course at a city college, her solicitor explained. Ms Sumani’s lack of English prevented her from pursuing the course and she went to find work which contravened her student visa. In 2005 she returned to Ghana to attend a memorial service for her dead husband.
It seems the BBC have no problem lying in which to promote the image they wish to present. Pity the public were having none of it.
Martin wrote;
It just attached the methods used in the USA, some of which are far less barbaric than the state executions of homosexuals in Iran or the beheadings in Sadui Arabia.”
I wonder when the BBC is going to get round to reporting this humane killing;
Note graphic picture.
At the end of this article
“The debate also comes after Mrs Clinton and Mr Obama moved to tone down a controversy that sparked sharp exchanges between them regarding race and the legacy of the civil rights movement. ”
Rubbish! Clinton and hubby are the ones who started THAT piece of allegedly racist crap off…and Obama turned it into a swipe by showing that Hilary obviously “thinks of what goes on inside Washington and not what happens outside Washington”….but don’t expect the BBC to tell you the whole story!
It also doesn’t say that in fact the Democrats in Michigan can now only vote for Clinton (who went against the views of the other candidate, so desperate is she for delegates) and are not allowed to ‘write in’ Obama’s name if they wish. The local black populace are in UPROAR in the local press and so forth yet the dear old BBC yet again misses the story! I have yet to see the BBC tell us that even if Obama wins state after state that Clinton still has the so called super-delegates in her pocket as most of them are ex friends or appointees of her husband. So if she loses the popular vote she could still win the nomination by the back door thanks to her and Bill’s old pals network within the Democrat party.
Why the heck can the BBC not tell us all this which is freely available on left and right wing blogs as well as Fox NBC and ABC in the USA?? Hmm?
If you want to read about Hillary, then the BBC website is a waste of time. Take a look here.
Oh and Hillary wasn’t quite so keen on equal rights when she was last in the White House.
“…It was unusual for Hillary to have such a close friendship with a man. Since her school days, she had operated most easily among women; and when it came to appointing her own staff at the White House, she chose 29 women and one man…”
The BBC, its so called Photo shows from Gaza and another story..
The dead were given “martyrs’ funerals” at the Omari mosque in Gaza City, with hundreds of mourners taking part.
And the actual AP photo says;
Palestinian mourners pray next to the bodies of Palestinians killed in an Israeli army operation, during their funeral in the Omary mosque in Gaza City, Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2008. Thousands of angry mourners marched through Gaza to bury the son of Gaza’s most senior Hamas leader, alongside 16 other Palestinians, mostly militants, in an Israeli incursion into the strip on Tuesday. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra);_ylt=AgYTurmfuS2_hha.YXIXo1UUewgF#/080115/481/fb99251541084a1d83ddfa4aeda007c6
Palestinian relatives of the dead and Hamas vowed revenge. The rival Palestinian Fatah movement condemned what it called a “massacre”, hampering its peace talks with Israel.
And the actual AP photo says;
Palestinian relatives of Mahmoud Abu Laban, who was killed by Israeli troops, cry during his funeral in Gaza January 15, 2008. Israel killed 16 Palestinians, nearly all of them Hamas militants, in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, in a raid the Palestinian Authority said was a “slap in the face” to U.S. President George W. Bush’s peace efforts.;_ylt=AgYTurmfuS2_hha.YXIXo1UUewgF#/080115/ids_photos_wl/r1877244947.jpg
(Here’s a good one who do you think are in the photo IDF or Hamas?)
Israeli tanks have raided the eastern suburbs of Gaza City, leading to one of the deadliest days of violence in recent months.
And the actual AP photo says;
Palestinian militants take positions during an Israeli military operation at the Zeiton neighborhood in Gaza City, Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2008. Israeli tanks, bulldozers and helicopters raided the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, killing the militant son of the territory’s most powerful Hamas leader and 13 other Palestinians in one of the bloodiest days of fighting since the Islamic group took over the area in June. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra);_ylt=AgYTurmfuS2_hha.YXIXo1UUewgF#/080115/481/685dd4c9b592473a813ff4c91130c2ba
And my fav (Notice how the BBC always show screaming Arabs but only concerned jews)
In a day of violence on both sides of the Gaza border, a labourer from Ecuador working on an Israeli kibbutz was killed by sniper fire claimed by Hamas.
I wonder why the BBC didn’t show this photo;
Residents of the Ein Hashlosha kibbutz, near the Israeli-Gaza border, burst into tears as paramedics, unseen, carry the body of a volunteer from Ecuador who was killed by a sniper from inside Gaza, Tuesday Jan. 15, 2008. Israeli tanks and helicopters raided Gaza Tuesday, killing at least 17 Palestinians in the bloodiest day of fighting since Hamas seized the coastal strip in June. In the course of the fighting, a Palestinian sniper fired from the border area into Israel, killing the volunteer who was working in a field at the communal farm, Israeli rescue officials said. Hamas’ military wing claimed responsibility. (AP Photo / Tsafrir Abayov);_ylt=AgYTurmfuS2_hha.YXIXo1UUewgF#/080115/481/bf7a82661174400c99ba1a2c25e1d10e
It appears the BBC really has no problem changing the script in which to promote the victimhood nature of Hamas.
The BBC, its so called Photo shows from Gaza and another story..
In a wide-ranging Guardian interview, part of an attempt to move on from the BBC’s annus horribilis, Thompson also urged other broadcasters to follow his “full disclosure” approach to last year’s collapse in public trust. He vowed to play a pivotal role in repairing the damaged relationship between media, public and politicians, and outlined a range of plans to tackle the problem. They include:
Say Whaaaaat!
More pro-abortion bias, this time on the BBC’s “OUTLOOK” programme on the World Service. I may as well just copy and paste the email I wrote to them.
“I can’t believe what a one sided piece of propaganda I’ve just been listening to. The BBC’s pro-abortion (sorry, I mean “pro-choice”) bias is shameless. It was very clear you were on the side of the abortionists in this debate and against the rights of the unborn child and their defendants. You characterised opposition to abortion is Spain as something ideological, and the promoters and providers of abortion as motivated by humanitarian goals. This is as fallacious as it is biased.
You only presented only side of the story, and you made it pretty clear you supported the idea of the “right to choose”, which is not the law in Spain. In fact, there is huge concern about ILLEGAL abortion in Spain. That is why there have been these raids.
Which leads us to your factual inaccuracies. First “England” doesn’t have abortion laws, Britain does. Secondly, we do NOT have the “right to choose” in Britain as you suggested. In fact, abortion is a medical decision based on medical necessity, in exactly the same way as it is in Spain. It’s called the 1967 Abortion Act, and five million defenceless and innocent people have been killed under its auspices. Don’t mislead your listeners like this, suggesting that Spain “needs to modernise”, i.e. remove all defences that these children have.
Get your facts straight. Please correct this inaccuracy on your next programme. “
“Spain “needs to modernise”,”
This is what I call “Chronological Messianism”. That something can be more true now because of the date.
Anyway, my retort is this: Has there ever been a time when murder has been acceptable?
MP accuses BBC chief of illegally championing Microsoft
“By guaranteeing full functionality to the products of one software vendor [the BBC] is as a public body handing a commercial advantage to that company – effectively illegal state aid!”
I don’t often listen to the Today program, life’s too short, but I couldn’t get a good signal from RTL (France)so tuned in.
The 8 o’clock news breathlessly reported a finding that 17% of British coastline is experiencing erosion, heaviest in England. I looked at the white cliffs as I drove into Dover and thought, ‘..but that’s what coasts do.’
The entire south coast is the result of erosion. If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be queueing for this ferry. I’d just drive straight to Paris. That’s why those cliffs are tall & white. If they weren’t, Dover would be famous for its marsh. Or maybe its miles of golden sands. Is it only 17%?
Coasts are either eroding or they’re being deposited. That’s what coasts do. Unless you concrete them & call them docks. Which I’m sitting on.
I really can’t wait to get to France & sanity.
The BBC is finished, it’s in its death throws. Will someone have the courage to finally slit its throat and let it die please?
It just shows HOW thick Beeboids are. You are correct that erosion is a natural part of the cycle of the planet. It’s erosion, along with wind, rain etc that helps shape the landscape.
Thicko Beeboids seem obsessed with any change to the planet being detremental.
The BBC is not quite the enthusiast it was for the Labour government’s ‘policy’ of mass immigration. The BBC is less scathing about the informed
and a BBC web report seems to have found at least one ‘no-go’ area in the UK for non-Muslims:
“Estate with an ethnic majority”
The Pub philosopher site puts this in context:-
“BBC on the Clichy Estate”
But the BBC is still an enthusiast in its ‘multi-culturalist’ sympathy for having many more immigrants, illegal or otherwise, African, Muslim or otherwise, as shown in Panorama last Monday, and again on BBC tv News at 10 pm tonight, apparently. The interests of the British indigenous people are relegated; Britain is becoming colonised at a fast rate. (BBC 2’s ‘Newsnight’tonight:
features the threat from Islamic Jihadist immigrants in Britain who
use the internet globally to spread their threats to us. We need to make the connection between immigration and Islamic jihad, and stop mass immigration here. Make the link, BBC.)
“Multiculturalism as practised in the West today is an ideology of territorial and political aggression by the anti-Western invader and the submissive ideology of state sanctioned white European appeasement.” (Paul Weston)
Jonathan Boyd Hunt | Homepage | 15.01.08 – 6:55 pm
Don’t you agree, John, that Fraser Steel’s concession suggests that our research should be worth at least half an hour?
When I read your book ‘Trial by Conspiracy’ in October 1998, I had a similar reaction to Fraser Steel’s.
But since the publication of your book, the issue of whether Hamilton took money or not was exhaustively tested in the 1999 libel trial. The evidence in that trial was convincing. Hamilton lost fair and square before a jury. The evidence of the Mobil executive was particularly devastating. In the following year, 2000, the case went to the Court of Appeal • who also found against Hamilton.
By then your own book was plain out of date.
Alan Rusbridger has also explained some of the curious anomalies you raised that gave room for any lingering doubt (e.g. Q: Why was John Mullin’s Downey statement in a different typeface from Hencke’s if they came off the same computer queue? A: Rusbridger printed Mullin’s off on his home Apple Mac, which had different default fonts.)
Classic BBC Beeboid attack on the Tory party just now on News 24. Interview with Chris Grayling over the incompetent Peter Hain.
Beeboid accused the Tories of NOT (yes NOT) calling for the resignation of Peter Hain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reason? BBC Droid accused the Tories of wanting ot give the Government enough rope to hang themselves!!!!
I don’t think Grayling could believe what he was hearing.
So now the BBC are blaming the Tories for allowing the Government to dig themselves into a hole with Peter Hain.
Oh those nasty Tories.
I love it when someone calls others thick but himself doesn’t know that the phrase is “death throes”, not “throws”.
Anonymous | 16.01.08 – 11:02 am
Well spotted. He’s also uninformed – he seems to think Tony Blair sent his kids to private schools.
The London Oratory (where Bliar sent his kids) is a school outside of his catchment area and is for all purposes a selective school and NOT the local comp.
If Bliar and the other Nu Labour bile had sent THEIR kids to bog standard comps (where most people have to send their kids)then the standards would be made to go up not down.
Its Biased BBC, not left wing biased BBC or right wing biased BBC.
You may draw the conclusion that the bias is coming from an innate political position, that is not what the blog is about and if it was I and many others would cease contributing.
A state broadcaster despite whatever restrictions on it will have certain biases in favour of the current government that are unacceptable, this is true under Brown and was true for Blair, Major and Thatcher. Its a good argument for ending having a state broadcaster in this modern age we do not need one.
The BBC has a clear agenda on some topics; pro or supportive – multiculturalism, liberalism, gay ‘rights’, secularism, atheism, islam, palestinian, government spending, foreign intervention in favour of ‘presecuted’ muslims; anti or dubious – USA, Christian, Israel, military intervention especially in muslim countries, ‘man made global warming’, private business.
Politically it is liberal rather than conservative, but not necessarily party political outside having some natural support for the government of the day and its agenda. Given the choice I think most BBC would vote liberal democrat but thankfully theres little to no chance of them ever getting into office.
The BBC has a biased agenda which it backs up with its actions, that is what this blog is all about, not whether it is right or left wing.
Its climate change, man made global warming, says the BBC as a matter of fact.
Could be, but its a non sequitur.
“seas are becoming more violent, causing coastal erosion and a higher risk of flooding.”
That is around the UK.
But it can only be global if it is that around the world, otherwise its just climate, just weather.
Does the article or the report make research around the world to back this up?
I might as well say that my cat has four legs (true), so do dogs (also true), therefore my cat is a dog (obviously untrue).
Here’s a bit of bias for you to mull over; what about the story yesterday, about the Pope’s visit to La Sapienza University in Rome being “scuppered” by stroppy academics?
Observe how the article slyly fails to point out that the comments by the Pope in question were made 15 years ago.
Then take into account that they fail to tell us exactly WHAT those comments were, other than the vague “rational and just”. No context whatsoever, which as I seem to recall was the same trick they played during the alleged “Papal anti-Islam speech” a few years ago.
In fact, the entire article seems to head to the inevitable conclusion: “These poor oppressed scholars stood up to the awesome might of the evil baby-eating Pope.” Just another example of BBC anti-Catholic bias, as they try to promote the idea of a great (but nonexistant) war between science and religion.
Martin | 16.01.08 – 11:35 am
The London Oratory (where Bliar sent his kids) is a school outside of his catchment area and is for all purposes a selective school..
Parents don’t have catchment areas, schools do.
Blair lived within the catchment area of the London Oratory. The LO doesn’t select on the basis of academic abilities.
If Bliar and the other Nu Labour bile had sent THEIR kids to bog standard comps (where most people have to send their kids)then the standards would be made to go up not down.
Typical leftie argument.
“Observe how the article slyly fails to point out that the comments by the Pope in question were made 15 years ago.”
Correct. They were made in 1990, as the article points out.
“Pope Benedict was in charge of Roman Catholic doctrine in 1990 when, as Cardinal Ratzinger, he commented on the 17th-Century Galileo trial.”
Politically it is liberal rather than conservative, but not necessarily party political outside having some natural support for the government of the day and its agenda. Given the choice I think most BBC would vote liberal democrat but thankfully theres little to no chance of them ever getting into office.
The BBC has a biased agenda which it backs up with its actions, that is what this blog is all about, not whether it is right or left wing.
baggiejonathan | 16.01.08 – 11:48 am | #
I wish you were right, BJ – but I’m afraid I can’t agree.
We’ve started researching, for our website, exactly how many senior BBC people have held jobs in or assiciated with the Labour party over the last decade – and vice versa.
The number is truly eye opening – there is no equivalence of links with either of the other two parties.
At the risk of being deleted for “self advertising” – have a look at our site over the next few weeks as we put the names up and see if you’re surprised.
I was.
God help us, Mark Thomson, BBC director-general, has written at length on the editors blog about a speech he gave in Westminster today. He now thinks it is the BBC’s role to restore “trust in democracy”, ie trust in our government and public institutions — and he quotes the wise words of Tony Blair as one of the reasons for doing this — yes that’s the same Blair who spun lied and deceived his way through 10 years in Downing Street.
No doubt Labour will be delighted at this news of a new overtly political role for the BBC.
Team JR – If you’re in the office today.
Following all the discussions here yesterday about how the BBC handled the Hain and Osborne issue.
I noticed the way the Grauniad handled Osborne’s case was a model of accurate, factual and clear reporting – in complete contrast to the BBC:-
Osborne: Commons donation rules unclear
The shadow chancellor, George Osborne, today defended his decision not to register donations worth £500,000 in the House of Commons register of members’ interests.
Osborne said he was following the advice of Commons officials who suggested that the money did not need to be registered because it was given to the Conservative party and not directly to him.
The donations, which came from wealthy businessmen, were registered properly with the Electoral Commission. However the money was given to the party on the understanding that it would be used to fund Osborne’s office, giving rise to claims that he should also have declared it in the register of members’ interests.
No attempt to muddy the waters by linking to the completely legally different (and possibly criminal) Hain scenario.
No attempt to brand the donations as “secret” or “dodgy”.
In short no Labour spin.
One might think this would be the style of reporting we might expect from an impartial public broadcaster – but one would be wrong.
Spinning JR – Well said, and yes, it shows just how bad the BBC has become when, by comparison, the Guardian is a model of balanced and accurate reporting.
John Reith spins in his grave | Homepage | 16.01.08 – 1:30 pm
Shot yourself in the foot this time.
The Guardian Unlimited piece to which you give such a glowing testimonial is a write-up of yesterday morning’s BBC Today programme item put up by the Guardian web team after listening to the original on Radio 4.
It’s more or less word for word what went out on Today – just put into reported speech.
As I pointed out yesterday – BBC presenters have been scrupulous in making plain that the Hain and Osborne/Cameron cases are not equivalent.
Hence Jim Naughtie’s ‘a very different sort of story’ and Paxo’s ‘compared to what’s been alleged against Peter Hain, this is very small beer isn’t it?’
First the “lyrical terrorist”, now “terrorist 007”. Don’t these guys know that the use of the word “terrorist” is often a bar to understanding, and only one narrative among many others? Shame (from BBC’s point of view) that they didn’t call themselves “lyrical extremist” and “militant 007” – now it means even the BBC had to use the dreaded T-word…
John Reith spins in his grave
Read my whole post and you will see I refer to the BBC’s natural tendancy towards the government, which in the last decade of course would be labour, they have been in power since 1997.
I believe you will find a labour bias/links considerably less in the 17 years prior, in that of conservative rule.
The fact that the BBC and labour have been hand in glove may surprise others, and I welcome your publicity of it, but it does not surprise me in the least.
I would go further and say that they are much cosier to Brown than Blair so it will only get worse.
Does that make it left or right wing?
I have to say no, in fact for some things that NuLab do they would (rightly) have been called right wing in the past and I see no reason not to continue to say that.
Camerons NuCons seem to have deliberately moved over near to labout so the right and left wing difference is less clear anyway.
My point was even if the bias was mostly one way (for example left wing)that the blog is about bias, and bias in all its forms, and that does not have to be all one way from a political point of view, or come to that social, religious or whatever.
Gawd help us the neo-marxist beeboids now want to indoctrinate the kids.obvously the teachers are not turning out enough marxists these days
I believe the sobriquet “misguided criminal” is what you are looking for?
John Reith:
John Reith spins in his grave | Homepage | 16.01.08 – 1:30 pm
Shot yourself in the foot this time.
The Guardian Unlimited piece to which you give such a glowing testimonial is a write-up of yesterday morning’s BBC Today programme item put up by the Guardian web team after listening to the original on Radio 4.
It is in fact you who have the shot foot – JR Team Member.
I didn’t date the piece, but it was from a Grauniad article on January 14th – Monday.
Hard to believe therefore that it was based on Tuesday’s Toady prog.,,2240597,00.html
You made all that up – didn’t you?
I’ll leave it to others who heard the Naughtie bit to comment – but I bet it was nothing like you described.
John Reith spins in his grave | Homepage | 16.01.08 – 2:42 pm
The Today programme item was on Monday 14th at 0730 and the Guardian piece quoting it went live at 10.15 the same morning.
“• An official complaint has been made over George Osborne’s failure to declare nearly £500,000 given to his office.
Labour MPs Kevan Jones and John Mann reported the omission from the Register of Members’ Interests to Parliamentary Standards Commissioner John Lyon yesterday. ”
Who would have thought it?
“The Today programme item was on Monday 14th at 0730 and the Guardian piece quoting it went live at 10.15 the same morning.
John Reith | 16.01.08 – 3:00 pm | # ”
Incestuous little blighters,did you send the Guardian a transcript?
As a matter of interest, is it normal practice for the Guardian to write up BBC programmes and credit it to “Andrew Sparrow and agencies”?
The BBC – downgrading “terrorism”. It’s what we do
Bob 2:24pm.
In the case you mention, I have no strong objection to the BBC using the word ‘terrorist’ for 2 reasons:-
1.) the Moroccan jihadist apparently referred to himself as ‘007 terrorist’, in Arabic;
2.) the BBC uses the accurate phrase, ‘cyber-jihadist’ in its title to the web-piece.
Of course, we shall have to watch the full BBC 2 ‘Newsnight’ report tonight to get a full impression.( I agree that ‘terrorist’ is usually too loose a description.)
Certainly, ‘Newsnight’ has been giving some serious attention and analysis to the Jihadist security threat of late. E.g., last night’s edition was informative on a Jihadi website, Al Qaeda in Britain, see here
J Reith
I am still waiting for an answer off you as to why the CBBC Newsround site’s guide index has Islam but not Christianity listed.
Labour’s attack dogs (Kevan Jones etc) have sent the names of 80 Tories to the Electoral Commission….so when the names of HUNDREDS of Labour MPs are sent in return will they still cry foul? If a Try has broken the rules then hammer him/her but this latest stunt is designed to take the heat of Labour and Hain aided and abetted by the political wing AKA the BBC!
And will the BBC report ALL the facts about the LABOUR MPs or just concentrate on the Tories in an effort to hide the scale of NuLabour’s theft and waste of public money over the last decade?