Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may be moderated.
Peter | 18.01.08 – 12:40 pm |
Have you ever watch French or German TV. It makes Live TV look slick and professional.
God strike me down for typing this but I’d rather have the BBC, biased as it is, than European style pap.
Fat Contractor,
Yes,but it isn’t just bias that concerns me.It is bias paid for out of compulsory taxation.That one cannot own a device for receiving television without paying the BBC tribute is appalling.
Peter | 18.01.08 – 4:45 pm |
Tell me about it, it’s galling and why I occationally haunt this site. The BBC is capbable of producing good, even great TV (usually it’s the sort of TV it cannot put it’s left-of-centre stench on) which the Germans and the French in particular seem not to able to do.
BBC News website front page is reporting on the Pallywood “fuel crisis” in Gaza with the headline: “Gaza City plunged into darkness” (Sunday, 20 January 2008, 18:48 GMT) . To illustrate the dire situation, there is a photo of some poor Gazan mites sitting round a table with only a candle for illumination. Oh those wicked Israelis! Curiously though, rolling the mouse over the photo reveals that it is entitled “Children in Gaza – 14/01/08”. Would anyone care to shed some light on this?
I certainly don’t access it for entertainment.
Bryan | 18.01.08 – 2:19 pm | #
Do you pay for it?
I would prefer an honest answer to a cute one.
Of course Bryan doesn’t pay for it. This isn’t about fun. There’s a jihad going on, don’t you know?
It’s not entirely clear what else he does during the day but he spends an awful lot of time making very sure that the BBC’s bias is catalogued. And he seems to believe he is fighting some kind of ideological battle with the BBC.
Anyway, when he’s not being open minded about things he strongly encourages Reith, without a trace or irony, to open his eyes and take his blinkers off.
I would prefer an honest answer to a cute one.
Sarah-Jane 21.01.08 – 5:31 pm
Yes, I pay for it all right and I’ve been paying for a long time. I pay for it by seeing prejuduced BBC hacks turn people against me and mine by means of their pernicious propaganda and their twisting of the truth through omission and distortion of facts.
I don’t know if you regard that as an honest or cute answer but you have to work with what you get here. You might also like to actually read some of the thousands of examples of gross BBC bias on this site alone, not just on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but on pretty much every issue under the sun.
PK 20.01.08 7:00 pm
When it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the BBC is Pallywood and any old photo will do.
Curiously though, rolling the mouse over the photo reveals that it is entitled “Children in Gaza – 14/01/08”. Would anyone care to shed some light on this?
PK | 20.01.08 – 7:00 pm
Any old photo will do. The BBC is Pallywood in its coverage of this conflict.
On another thread, we are told that even the Arabs admit (boast?) that the Gaza candle pics are staged, being taken in daytime but with the curtains drawn.
Can the objective Al Beeb shed some light on this claim? Ooops, no – that would require proper investigative journalism instead of anti-Israel propaganda.
“Perhaps the conservatives and others would have held more weight if they themselves had not sent their children to faith schools or more likely private schools in such large numbers” –
err, it wasn’t the Tories who were screeching for many years about ‘privilege’. When this bunch of crooks came into power, some of us discovered the truth about them: they are liars and hypocrites of the first magnitude. That is a political issue, and people have every right to complain about it.