Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may be moderated.
The Tango Man Resigns:
The BBC’s website article on the Hain resignation is pretty sound, but it’s quite amusing to read the highlighted quotes which are, shall we say, quite kind to Mr Hain.
One of these quotes comes from the Lib Dems’ Danny Alexander and, frankly, it seems to be a little bit weird:
“The transition from Blair to Brown feels increasingly like the transition from Thatcher to Major.”
Huh? Au contraire, it feels like the dying days of the Major regime.
I do think Robbo is rather pre-empting things on his blog though:
Now, I wouldn’t wish to suggest that Nick is trying to excuse Ms Alexander and Ms Harman but his article does have a faint whiff of exculpation about it.
With regards to the BBC selling off TV Centre. Didn’t my TV taxes pay for it in the first place?
So where’s my cut then?
Didn’t my TV taxes pay for it in the first place?
Only if you were paying telly tax in the 1950s.
John Reith spins in his grave | Homepage | 24.01.08 – 12:21 pm
Thanks. I know I keep repeating myself, but they keep asking.
Hain the hero resgins:
Surely Osboune should resign too if HAIN THE HEOR HAS RESINGED,.
Hain the hero resgins | 24.01.08 – 1:11 pm | #
Not only illiterate but just plain wrong. The Osborne donations were all reported to the Electoral Commission within time and were apparently legal – and of course all in the public domain.
They were not reported to the Register of Members Interests (not a legal obligation anyway) because of Osborne’s interpretation of the rules (confirmed by the people reponsible for the register) that these were party rather than personal donations, to support the work of the Shadow Cabinet.
And of course NO-ONE has accused Osbourne of a breach of the LAW (are you Mr HTHHR?) and the electoral commission hasn’t put Knacker of the Yard onto him.
David Gregory (BBC) | 24.01.08 – 1:03 pm |
Just to pick up this point about overseas contributors. Clearly they see a small fraction of the BBC’s output and so that means those in America tend to have concerns about our coverage of American politics and those in Israel concerns about covering stories there.
It’s always interesting to hear their contributions but in the end this is just a small part of what the BBC does.
You’ve used this defense before, and I’m telling you that it doesn’t wash. With the videos posted on the website, video newsfeeds, and various satellite options, I can watch the entire output of the BBC, and so can anyone else.
And even if I don’t sit around all day watching everything from reports on the current onion shortage due to last year’s crop disaster to the 4.9% rise in Hampshire council tax, to whatever else is out there. Some of it is a day late, but there are current satellite feeds I can go to for the latest.
It’s not just about the portion of BBC output I see, either. It’s also about the damage done by domestic broadcasts in the UK that affects me. Even if we never mention Israel or George Bush again, I can still point to examples of BBC biased reporting which have affected me personally.
After the attacks of Sept. 11, there was a massive panic in the marketplace. Lots of people decided that the US economy would be screwed, all kinds of things were going to get shut down, obstacles to business put in place, etc. The BBC’s usual anti-US business slant took on an even more discouraging tone, especially by bringing up “talk of war”. Basically, some people got scared because of the national disaster presented to them by the BBC, and I lost my little business because my UK partners pulled out immediately. They didn’t get scared from reading the Economist. I know exactly what they saw, and what they thought because someone told me. Apparently Money Box Live was particularly unhelpful.
Even if I never listen to Radio 3 again (which is in fact the kind of thing I think government should support in any country), all of us would still be negatively affected – if only slightly – when a Twenty Minutes discussion with the Archbishop of Canterbury which is supposed to be about the concept of Christian love in Russian philosophy (a topic on which the ArchB is expert) gets hijacked by the presenter who keeps insisting that the real story is the special place collectivism has in the Russian soul. The poor confused Dr. Williams didn’t know where to turn as the woman kept dragging back to the topic of collectivism in an attempt to get him to approve her theory. This was just the presenter’s opinion, something that had nothing to do with the topic at hand, and was merely an attempt by an individual BBC employee to get a political message across to the listener.
I could go on with other examples, but I’m sure you get the point.
So, David, I believe the whole of the BBC’s output can affect me whether I watch it or not, whether I like it or not. I don’t like it when I have to defend myself or my country from lies or propaganda, I don’t like it when neo-Marxist, multi-culti groupthink is crammed down my friends’ throats, or when a supposedly respectable broadcaster lies to their children and grandchildren.
Don’t think for a moment that this is just about a handful of reports critical of the US and Israel which may have caused offense.
The BBC’s political line on the E.U.’s directive/fatwa on the mandatory renewable energy targets is largely uncritical, except to suggest, via Harrabin and Greenpeace, that E.U. targets should be tougher.
The BBC relegates criticism of all that as footnotes to its overall mission. Issues like that of the COSTS, to British people and to British industry, are discussed elsewhere:
“E.U. Global Warming Crackdown Will Cost Every Family £730 a year”
Hain’s replacement James Purnell is, of course, an ex beeboid.
Head of BBC Corporate Planning until he left to work for Blair in 1997 (is that what he was planning?)
On that subject, we’ve just launched a new project on our BBC Pioneers blog.
We’re giving our “Hero of Socialist Broadcasting” award to past and present BBC folk with strong Nulab connections – of which we’ve found over 30 so far.
Have a look at the first dozen or so at:-
Purnell’s name will appear shortly.
I would encourage others here to read the following BBC article and let me know whether they think the writer of it agrees with Bennett or not on the question of abolishing private education.
Inevitably, as night follows day, today the BBC publishes the inevitable quote against 42 days without charge anti-terror plan by their long-time chum, Ms. S. Chakrabarti, of the part National Lottery funded ‘Liberty’ outfit. ‘Liberty’ has set itself the job of ONLY criticising the UK (and the USA) in terms of ‘liberty’. It does not assess the massive liberty failures of other countries. It does not explicitly criticise the world-wide activities of Islamic jihad, or of any Muslim country. And the BBC laps up this notion.
Are we getting through to some of these people at last? Another breath of fresh air in the form of amiable boffin Prof. David Bellamy, keep ’em coming:
I love this quote:
“But I would show you this one thing out of the paper • strawberries in December, frog spawn in February • not 2007 but 1868 and no one blamed global warming then. I have asked the global warmers how to explain facts like that and they always don’t give me an answer. So I am a sceptic.”
What a refreshing change from the same stale tired old shit the BBC normally serve up, namely variations on human activity + capitalism = global warming, end of argument.
David Gregory: “Clearly they see a small fraction of the BBC’s output…”
…but it makes no difference. If a report is biased and fails to present a balanced account of the facts, then the BBC has failed in its duty. If it does so frequently then something is amiss.
Rockall: Here’s a similar thought experiment – if Justin Webb, John Simpson and Jeremy Bowen could have participated in the last US election, does anyone think there is even the faintest chance they might have voted for Bush. If they were doing their job, it’s not a question you should be able to answer.
I understand that Martin Amis is a guest on Andrew Marr’s ‘Start the Week’, BBC Radio 4,next Monday, 28 Jan.,at 9.05 am, and available online at BBC site. Here’s a sample of Amis’s concerns:
“Martin Amis Slams Islamism, Mocks Bin Laden, Scorns Appeasers”
The most FANTASTIC U-turn from Radio 2 news today during the Jeremy Whine show, on crime figures.
12 o’clock news: ‘Latest crime figures from the Home Office show there’s been a 4% increase in gun crime in England and Wales. In the 12 months to last September, police recorded nearly 200 firearms offences each week. Recorded crime overall fell. The Liberal Democrat leader, Nick Clegg, said the government strategy for tackling gun crime may not be enough. “…not getting to the heart of the matter..young men arming themselves…with knives and guns..terrible cycle of despair…” ‘
Fairly negative take, I think you’ll agree.
By One o’clock, however, there has been the most amazing rewrite.
‘The latest crime figures suggest there’s been a small increase in gun offences in England and Wales. It was up by 4% in the year to last September….Overall recorded crime has fallen by 9%’
I think a call has come in from No. 10’s Traktor Production Figures Officer! The same one who insisted that Alan Johnstone was sent on his way just before the One O’clock news with a “We think the NHS is BRILLIANT!” email read out.
“Climate Change story of the hour”
I’ve just listened to PM with a report from Davos about how the assembled bankers et al are being fed local seasonal produce to highlight the issues of food miles etc, whine, etc.
The impression given was that the ‘evil capitalists’ would ordinarily be spooning caviar off the brow of a freshly scrubbed sweatshop worker.
I may be remiss in my listening but I can’t remember the BBC banging this particular drum when the Goracle et al were whooping it up in Bali for two f*cking weeks.
Odd that.
David Bellamy is used to being attacked about his views on climate change. Not by me.
By leftie vegetable eaters and stupid BBC types who call themselves “environment analysts” with a degree in English.
I wonder if Harrabin could give me a scientific explanation on the interaction between cosmic rays and the upper atmosphere? What do you reckon?
Sorry should have posted this on this general thread in the first place, my apologies.
The BBC admits fakery today and will apologise this week and give refunds.…ent/ 7207665.stm
Only wasn’t this already the case months ago. tol…icle2575614.ece
Even the faking is faking…
Hannah M, your bbc link does not seem to work.
If anyone has any doubt about how bad the BBC is with it’s anti-Israeli bias I suggest you check out the World HYS, nearly every post makes slanderous comments about Israel yet they are all allowed to stay.
Many of the posters are from the Middle East and refuse to accept that Hamas are directly responsible for the problems now facing the residents of Gaza, if any poster had tried to say the same thing but slandering Hamas on the normal HYS they would have had their post either rejected/not published.
The BBC really needs to sort out it’s anti-Isreali behaviour and try and aim for some balance.
“Latest from Gaza in Tim Franks report – Palestinians rush over the Egyptian border to alleviate their dreadful sufferings – price of cigarettes halves.”
My MFO mate tells me in an email today that the main life saving products that were being taken back to the destitute and poor people of Gaza were essential items such microwaves,TVs, cars, mobile phones and fags. In fact two cars rolled up at El Gorah (North Camp for the MFO) this morning asking if they could shop at the American run Force Exchange!
Poor destitute Gazans……some of whom were intercepted trying to get onto the ferry across the Suez Canal at Quantara! A long way from Gaza which must be worrying the Egyptians – watch them seal up the border again shortly without a peep from the BBC – after all the Israelis have a wall (which is mostly a fence) whilst the Egyptians have a fence (which is mostly a stonking great big wall!)
Just to pick up this point about overseas contributors. Clearly they see a small fraction of the BBC’s output….It’s always interesting to hear their contributions but in the end this is just a small part of what the BBC does.
David Gregory (BBC) | 24.01.08 – 1:03 pm
I’m not sure why you are continuing to beat this particular drum. In the age of the internet, nobody is going to buy the argument that foreigners necessarily access less BBC output than locals. Agreed there are things I can’t watch, like English soccer or BBC Prime but one is unlikely to find bias in an interior decorating programme or “The Weakest Link.”
Through exposure to the World Service and the website, with its articles and video links, I probably absorb more BBC output than the average Britain…er, I mean Briton.
So here’s a suggestion: instead of trying to find apparent reasons for us being misguided about BBC bias, how about actually debating the points we raise. You don’t have to worry about offending any of your colleagues. Nobody gets fired at the BBC, no matter what they do.
The BBC, Its hatred of the US Armed forces and half a story.
Learning survival with the US Air Force
In the frozen forests of America’s far north-west, the US Air Force (USAF) is busy training its crews for the unthinkable: escaping from a downed aircraft behind enemy lines while being hunted down.
But back at Fairchild Airforce Base, they did show us an alarming rite of passage many aircrew must now endure. It’s called “stress inoculation”.
But these days America has no shortage of enemies around the globe, and with nearly 250,000 US troops deployed on operations worldwide, the instructors at SERE School look set to remain busy for a long time to come.
Yup Frank (don’t shoot I’m a muslim) Gardner reports on the USAF in his capacity as the BBCs security expert. Err Frank (or any of the BBC clones) why do you quote that compulsory (H and S) helicopter ditching drills as an alarming rite of passage. Centring on a poor girl who has a panic attack. If this security expert was any good he would know that Oil rig crews in the UK have to undertake the same test (and pass) that Blue Peter love to visit the Dunker at RNAS Yeovilton.
Frank makes general use of the word ‘recruit’ in which to give the impression that these people are wet behind the ears and thrown in at the deep end. What frank forgot to tell you is that before they go out into the woods the course (which is what it is) has to attend the SERE Indoctrination Course which consists of 5 days of on-base training and 4 days of field training. Those that fail, get RTUd. In otherwords Frank you forgot to mention the joining criteria. You know like the BBC joining criteria of only Muslims can report from the Middleeast.
Lastly The US airforce does not hold 250,000 airmen, and that not everybody in the AF flies. (No matter what they tell you in the Bar)
Yes the other arms have their SERE (Even the Brits do it) but not all of them will go into the ditching tank. Rite of passage indeed.
The BBC, Its hatred of the US Armed forces and half a story.
The BBC, how it defends Islamic mores and half a story.
New move to lift Turkey scarf ban
The governing party in Turkey and a key opposition party have agreed to work together to lift a ban on the Islamic headscarf in universities. The Islamist-rooted ruling AK Party and the nationalist MHP said it was an issue of human rights and freedoms.
Together the two parties have enough votes in parliament to overturn the constitutional ban on headscarves. Headscarves were banned in schools and universities in 1980 after a coup by the pro-secular armed forces.
The irony of a Muslim party citing human right laws in which to oppress. But hey while the BBC does a good hatchet job on the Turkish military (which I agree isn’t the most humane group going) the BBC kind of omit this little snippet from their own reporting;
Court backs Turkish headscarf ban
Turkey can ban Islamic headscarves in universities, the European Court of Human Rights has ruled. The court rejected an appeal by a Turkish woman who argued that the state ban violated her right to an education and discriminated against her.
Although overwhelmingly Muslim, Turkey is a secular republic and the Islamic headscarf is banned in all universities and official buildings. According to the court’s ruling, which is final, the headscarf ban is based on the Turkish constitution’s principles of secularism and equality…In a society where men and women are equal, it said, a ban on religious attire such as the headscarf was justified on university premises.
“The court did not lose sight of the fact that there were extremist political movements in Turkey which sought to impose on society as a whole their religious symbols and conception of a society founded on religious precepts,” the court’s ruling added.
Neither do they mention that in every Islamic country which has the Hijab law walking outside without one ensures arrest at the least, a good beating at the most. Which is the otherside of the story and one the BBC ensures on any western human rights story. But not here?
The BBC, how it defends Islamic mores and half a story.
I seem to remember recently John Reith produced documents purportedly showing how the Zionists had some evil influence over the Brits before the Balfour declaration and how the creation of the state of Israel was a Zionist ploy to get the Americans involved in WWII, or something like that. That being the case here’s something JR, and others, may find illuminating.
Bygone Days: Chaim Weizmann’s tea with Mussolini
Classic BBC rolling headline:
LATEST: Two Palestinians shot dead in West Bank after knife attack at Jewish seminary.
Nasty Jews killing poor Jordipgtians again for no good reason?
Let’s read on shall we…
Three dead in Mid-East violence
Two Palestinians infiltrated a Jewish settlement in the West Bank and attacked students at a seminary before being shot dead, police say.
Witnesses said the two men, who were disguised as Israeli soldiers, managed to stab two students in Kfar Etzion, near Bethlehem, before being killed.
Later in the same article we learn the following:
In a separate attack, an Israeli border policeman was shot dead by Palestinian gunmen on the outskirts of Jerusalem.
A female colleague of the officer was also wounded in the incident at a checkpoint close to the Shuafat refugee camp.
So why doesn’t the headline say something like “One Israeli killed and three injured by Palestinian terrorists”?
The BBC, Anti Israeli news and the Irony
Bishop defends Church Israel moveA bishop has defended the Church’s decision to review investment in companies used by Israel in the occupied territories. The Church of England Synod voted to review its £2.5m investment in Caterpillar, a bulldozer manufacturer.
Before any clones castigate me, have a look at the sidebar and this link the BBC provides.
Yup the BBC pulls out all the stops in which isolate Israel. Now have a look at this Hamas heavy earth pusher and the name of who built it?,29307,1706384_1522986,00.html
The BBC, Anti Israeli news and the Irony
Biodegradable’s Ghost | 25.01.08 – 1:27 am
Yes, exactly re: the headline.
Also, the article on Weizmann was a remarkable recounting…
Biodegradable’s Ghost | 25.01.08 – 1:27 am
Here’s the next line in that BBC article: “Witnesses said the two men, who were disguised as Israeli soldiers, managed to stab two students in Kfar Etzion, near Bethlehem, before being killed.”
“managed to stab”? Sounds like the Beeb was rooting for them.
Here’s the Ha’aretz headline re: the same violence: “Policeman killed, 4 hurt in two W. Bank terror attacks”
Sounds more like what you were suggesting “”One Israeli killed and three injured by Palestinian terrorists””.
Biodegradable’s Ghost | 25.01.08 – 1:27 am
Here’s the next line in that BBC article: “Witnesses said the two men, who were disguised as Israeli soldiers, managed to stab two students in Kfar Etzion, near Bethlehem, before being killed.”
“managed to stab”? Sounds like the Beeb was rooting for them.
Here’s the Ha’aretz headline re: the same violence: “Policeman killed, 4 hurt in two W. Bank terror attacks”
Sounds more like what you were suggesting “”One Israeli killed and three injured by Palestinian terrorists””.
Just watched breakfast news on the new lottery admissions system. Obvious that the reporter thinks they are a good idea. According to her its unfair to base it on exam results or on distance from school (because that favours wealthy kids)
Ayayaya: Just watched breakfast news on the new lottery admissions system. Obvious that the reporter thinks they are a good idea. According to her its unfair to base it on […] distance from school
Oh, jolly good. That means lots more 4x4s taking the kiddies to school!
David Attenborough must be feeling quite pissed about being betrayed by the BBC high commisars(did he think they would be loyal?).
Further to my last post on the internal rumour that David was put under great pressure to spout the AGW/MMCC propaganda or his new series wouldnt get funding. It seems the BBC high commisars ordered him to insert large amounts of warmist/alarmist propaganda into the next Life on Earth documentaries BUT David said no!
His reasoning was that his documentary was not a political diatribe but a serious portrayal of the nature of the planet. Of course that was not good enough for the BBC commisars was it? To the BBC collective everything is political in nature so it follows by this perverted logic that political ‘education’ should be inserted into all BBC products. I wonder if our esteemed commenter David(I is a scienist y’know)Gregory would like to comment about his beloved science being used and abused for petty political gain?
Now if only David would grow some balls and tell the truth about the blackmailing and devious goings on at the BBC socialist high command bunker, the sooner we can get rid of the leftist/socialist BBC parrasites and wreckers.
“Just to pick up this point about overseas contributors. Clearly they see a small fraction of the BBC’s output….It’s always interesting to hear their contributions but in the end this is just a small part of what the BBC does.”
David Gregory (BBC) | 24.01.08 – 1:03 pm
I am always interested to hear what overseas contributors think.
They could quite reasonably be considered impartial observers, given that they are not forced to pay the license fee, or employed by the BBC.
Why are we still coerced into paying for the BBC, regardless of whether we want it? Especially when so much information, education and entertainment is available only a mouse click away for free.
Anyone from outer space would be scratching their heads.
Biodegradable’s Ghost | 25.01.08 – 1:27 am
Simon | 25.01.08 – 5:16 am
“managed to stab”? Sounds like the Beeb was rooting for them.
That’s despicable. Did the “witnesses” really say that? Or is this the BBC’s hero-worshipping of the brave Palestinian freedom fighters coming through here? Whatever the case, it’s just a nudge away from actually calling on Palestinian terrorists to kill Israelis. The BBC is skating on very thin ice indeed here.
If the BBC had a “complaints” facility worthy of the name, I’d complain.
One gets a very different impression on reading the Jerusalem Post’s article on the attack:
No doubt the terrorists thought that a school would be an easy target and they’d be able to satisfy their blood lust and kill lots of unarmed Jews. But they chose the wrong target – armed counsellors holding a meeting.
Great news that the counsellors managed to kill them before being themselves seriously wounded or killed.
More product placement stuff here for the muslim religion….
is there a european islam
Just repeat after teacher: “being muslim is OK… being muslim is OK … being muslim is OK”
From Private Eye:
Outraged politicians in Northern Ireland are waiting to hear if the BBC will discipline one of its editors over a conflict of interest. This follows the …revelation that Mike Cairns, a key executive in the corporation’s newsgathering team…moonlighted for the RAF as a spin doctor.
By day Cairns was a mild-mannered editor….at the weekend…he was Wing Commander Cairns, commanding officer of 7644 Squadron, RAF Volunteer Reserve. His part time job involved training military personnel how to answer questions from, er, the BBC…….
Highly significant in the politics of the troubled province was that Cairns… was responsible for weekly political output…and supervising the NI political editor.
A member of the Northern Ireland Assembly’s culture committee … urged Cairns to resign… calling his position ‘untenable’.
No mention on Biased-BBC, of course. This patriotic reserve officer doesn’t fit the coke-up-the-nose leftie stereotype manufactured here.
John Reith
Of course he should be sacked. The rotter should have been moonlighting as a spin doctor for the Palestinians instead.
Dear John,
Just because this reserve ‘political/propaganda officer’ works for the RAF part time it does not follow that he would be a conservative type does it? It is much more likely that he is a typical leftist commisar placed in that position to keep an eye on the forces and what information is passed to the media.
In the days of the USSR there were loads of political commisars attached to the soviet forces and NuLiebour just took a leaf out of Stalins book and inserted them into HM forces.
Each senior commander cannot utter a word to the media unless it has been cleared by the political/media commisars first! I for one enjoy your posts very much as they are mostly very informative and sensible(you have changed my mind on several occasions)BUT on this ‘item’ you are mistaken I think?
Post script FAO John R,
The rank of this ‘political commisar’
was not earned, it is an ‘honourary rank’ given out to those political/experts who work with HM forces ie doctors Etc.
“Outraged politicians in Northern Ireland are waiting to hear if the BBC will discipline one of its editors over a conflict of interest.”
If that – revealed in Private Eye according to you – is all you can come up with to castigate the commenters on this blog it’s fairly obvious that you are failing pretty miserably in the job you’ve been assigned by your managers at the BBC. I doubt if the commenters here have 8,500 journalists and £3.5bn available to check every nook and cranny of the BBC’s output. However, those commenters have quite enough evidence of BBC bias without having to replicate Private Eye’s work.
Simon, Bryan – I’m sure the BBC were rooting for the Jordipgtian terrorists. The ones responsible for the murder of the the border police officer and seriously wounding his female colleague are, according to the Jerusalem Pot members of a Fatah affiliated group – that’s Fatah, the party of the “moderate” Abbas. Also the entered through a recently opened road block:
Roadblocks all around Jerusalem separating camps like Shuafat from the central part of the capital were opened following a ruling by the High Court of Justice. Citing this fact, Franco said that “if it were up to me, the roadblocks would stay closed.”
Franco said that roadblock such as the one near Shuafat were “weak points” around the city.
The other two who were thankfully killed before they could do too much harm were among those recently released from Israeli jails as a “good will gesture”. That’s how good will is repaid!,7340,L-3498707,00.html
The two terrorists who were killed Thursday evening after breaking into a yeshiva in the settlement of Kfar Etzion were released from an Israeli prison last week, Palestinian sources in Hebron told Ynet.
According to the sources, the terrorists were identified as relatives Muhammad and Mahmoud Sbarana, both 20-year-old Hamas members from the village of Beit Omer, near Hebron.
Palestinian security officials told Ynet Friday morning that the two were imprisoned in Israel for the past two years for attempting to steal weapons from an IDF base in the Gush Etzion area.
Jerusalem Pot = Jerusalem Post
Jack Hughes | 25.01.08 – 9:35 am |
Just repeat after teacher: “being muslim is OK… being muslim is OK … being muslim is OK”
And all philosphers are Greek no doubt?
Biodegradable’s Ghost
The two terrorists who were killed Thursday evening after breaking into a yeshiva in the settlement of Kfar Etzion were released from an Israeli prison last week, Palestinian sources in Hebron told Ynet.
Yeah, I just heard that on Israel radio.
Cassandra | 25.01.08 – 10:23 am |
The rank of this ‘political commissar’
was not earned
Not so.
Cairns learned to fly with his University Air Squadron, was commissioned in 1993 and has served in Bosnia and Kosovo.
Comments such as
“It is much more likely that he is a typical leftist commisar placed in that position to keep an eye on the forces and what information is passed to the media”
“I’m sure the BBC were rooting for the Jordipgtian terrorists”
really serve to undermine the credibility of this blog. They – and similar comments posted here – are they B-BBC equivalent of the Protocols of Zion – far more telling about the person peddling the line than the supposed target.
I await B-BBC’s next installment of the conspiracy files. Was John Humphreys the second gunman on the grassy knoll? Did Andrew Marr despatch Jimmy Hoffa?
p and a tale of one chip;
Why do the BBC lump all the dead together drawing an equivalence between murdered Israelis and terrorists killed while attempting to perpetrate a massacre?
One man’s terrorist is the BBC’s freedom fighter perhaps?
Why does the BBC not tell us who the said terrorists are affiliated with, that those who claimed responsibility are part of Mohamed Abbass’s “moderate” Fatah?
Why does the BBC not tell us that two of the would-be murdering terrorists were just released from jail?
Why does the BBC not tell us that the check point had recently been opened on the orders of an Israeli judge for “humanitarian” reasons?
There’s much more the BBC does not tell us – it’s called “bias by ommission”.
It’s not invented, as where the Protocols of Zion.
The BBC’s pro-Islam programme this morning (presented by a Muslim and with only Muslim guests and contributors) ‘The Funny Thing About Muslims’ (Radio 4 11 am GMT) projected the BBC’s presumptuous ‘multiculturalist mission’ statement towards Islam.
In the real world, not a BBC pro-Islamic fabricated one, this is what is REALLY happening as a result of the world-famous Islamic sense of humour; today, it happens to be France,
and it is precisely this which must be resisted in the interests of Western civilisation. Support ‘Charlie Hebdo’:
“French editor back in court over prophet cartoons”
Dear John Reith,
Thanks for clearing that up for me, I withdraw my accusation that he was a political plant by the NuLab regime. The HM forces media units are still controlled by political ‘minders’ though are they not?
Dear P and a tale of one chip,
Ha Ha very funny, although you miss the point about this blog I think? Unless questions are asked there will be no answers will there?
You may not like some posts and you may dislike the posters views BUT in a free blog all views are welcome are they not?
The BBC will not acknowledge bias be it political or cultural and that is why this blog is so very popular is it not?
If the BBC was honest and independent there would be no need for B-BBC but as it stands the BBC is filled with socialists/leftists with a political agenda, its plain to see and plainly disgusting and insulting to many people.
BioD’s Ghost & Simon
How come when the BBC use the phrase ‘managed to stab’, you say it’s indicative of bias, but not when Israel’s Y-Net News or other media use the same phrase in the same context?
two terrorists arrive at yeshiva at settlement of Kfar Etzion, manage to stab two instructors…,7340,L-3498562,00.html
two Palestinians entered a religious Jewish college and managed to stab three Israelis…
Another bias allegation that’s pure invention (as were the Protocols of the Elders of Zion).
The BBC continued its pro-Islamic ‘multiculturalist’ agenda this morning with a 30 minutes Radio 4 programme, presented by a Muslim, and with only Muslim guests and contributors, ‘The Funny Thing About Muslims’ (11 am, GMT).
Away from the BBC’s fantasy expensive search throughout the Northern Hemispere for Islamic humour, in the REAL world, the following is what is going on. This gives a verdict about whether there is an Islamic sense of humour. This Islamic action (are there any Muslim ‘comedians’ opposing ?), happens to be in France, it could be here.
Suport ‘Charlie Hebdo’:
” French editor back in court over prophet cartoons ”