A warm hello to all Biased BBC readers!
My name is David Vance and I am the editor of the right of liberal website A Tangled Web. I am also a regular contributor to the BBC, especially here in Northern Ireland. I’m the token conservative-minded person and have railed against BBC bias for many years now. I am delighted to be able to weigh-in here since I passionately believe that the BBC must be held to account and that balance must be provided. Jeff Randall is absolutely right when he says that the BBC believes itself to be fair and balanced. In a way, it is. It is balanced perfectly between left and extreme left. It is poised perfectly between a mild dislike of our British identity and a complete hatred of it.
Having an on-line site that catalogues BBC bias is a great idea. Everyday, every hour, the BBC pumps out propaganda disguised as news. It postures as a neutral body when in fact it is just one very powerful arm of the leftist consensus which seeks to undermine everything that has made Britain great. Not only is it malignant in that regard but it’s international agenda also promotes the multiculti-mush typified by the UN and its bankrupt values. The bias in nuanced and it is institutionalised.
I hope my offerings here will help to further nail BBC bias and look forward to talking to you shortly.
This. Has got to be. One of the best posts B-BBC. Has ever done. Ever.
Well done indeed.
“I am the editor of the right of liberal website A Tangled Web.”
Remember, to be against Liberalism is to be suspicious of Enlightenment values. Given the crapness of the 20th and so far 21st century this is not such a bad thing.
welcome david. i’m looking forward to your posts.
Great. John Reith, our resident BBC apologist insists that the BBC is comprised of a balance of all types of people across the political spectrum. I have always suspected that Reith’s idea of a good balance is one conservative to five thousand lefties.
Maybe you can verify that for us?
No. More like one comservative to ten thousand foaming at the mouth lefties. I consider that equal in intellectual terms but a real problem in getting equal air time!!!
Can I add my voice to the welcome David.
How come BBC NI allows an “out” rightwinger a regular spot on air?
Will it ever happen in London?
I fondly remember JR on here once telling me that they were balanced because they once had Norman Tebbit to guest edit Today in 2002 or some such.
Maybe you can jam their frequencies.
It conveys balance in their minds, I guess. Plus over here there is so little conservative and right of liberal views that I reckon they see me as a circus freak. Of course THEY are the freaks, but they lack the insight to see their odd distortions.
Welcome aboard David, look forward to hearing from you…
Welcome, I look forward to your contributions…
Hi david, im a long time reader of your blog.
Keep up the good work
Really good to see you, and hope to read much more of your work.
Well it will certainly be interesting to see David Vance lock horns with the usual toadying BBC gestapo we see goose stepping up and down this blog: John Reith, Ben, Sarah Jayne etc.
Of course, to them, and like us you are just another mental case in need of psychiatric care, but I wish you the very best of luck taking them on.
Good to have you here, David.
Welcome news and a big boost to this wonderful blog.
What we need is a lot more BBC defectors who are sick of the lies and cynical manipulation of the truth.
The BBC reminds me of the East German state circa 1985+, most of the people knew that the failed GDR was finished BUT it took time for the first brave people to break ranks before it became a flood!
I would like to see the defection of people like David G, when you read his posts you get the feeling that he knows he is defending the indefencible and yet he tows the ‘party line’ for whatever reason.
To all BBC employees I would say this, you have been betrayed and you will be betrayed by the BBC high commisars, they care NOTHING for you, like the NUM rank and file you are nothing more than class war cannon fodder to be used and dicarded. When the Tories are elected all you cannon fodder will be thrown to the wolves NOT by the new Tory regime but by your own smug high commisars! I can promise you ordinary BBC worker that they will be well looked after with money/quango nonjobs/fat pensions Etc.
Come on BBC workers, tell the truth and shame the Devil Eh?
This is like Manchester United getting Wayne Rooney. You can never have enough stars, and David is one of the shiniest in the night sky.
Excellent news.
Welcome David I also look forward to your posts.
May I stick up for Andrew Neil here.
When asked about perceived left-liberal bias at the BBC at a meeting of MPs on the Media this week he agreed there was bias and that he was ‘the token cuckoo in the BBC’s nest’.
I love that man!
Barnetpete – entirely agree about Andrew Neil. It should be added the BBC hierarchy do everything they can to destabilise and marginalise their token cuckoo.
Welcome, David. We could do with some good examples it’s been slim pickings round here for a long time.
“I would like to see the defection of people like David G, when you read his posts you get the feeling that he knows he is defending the indefencible and yet he tows the ‘party line’ for whatever reason.”
Seriously Cassandra. No party line. Obviously I think more of the BBC than you most posters here, but I recognise it’s faults and problems too. As I’ve said before I really won’t slag off other colleagues online, it’s rude more than anything. But nobody tells me what to write.
Dear David G,
That ‘moral high tone’ just does not convince me one bit, but OK!
You can perhaps find comfort in the fact that the higher up commisars will have their nests well feathered as they march you worker drones of that cliff?
You are being sacrificed for a political aim, can you not see it? Its plain to see that when(not if)the purge comes, it will be nice people like you that gets thrown out onto that dole line.
Next time they tell you that the ends justify the means and what you are doing is noble and the cause is just Etc, just remember that they will push you over that cliff to save their own scrawny worthless necks! If you think for one second that when the public inquiry comes that your higher ups have not ‘cut a deal’ with the Tories to save themselves, then I feel for you, I really do!
Up the workers Eh? yeah right.
In a brief interview on BBC 2’s ‘Newsnight Review’ last night (available here, 8 minutes into VIDEO), Martin Amis blames the promoters and purveyors of ‘multiculturalism’ for the ideological appeasement of Islamism. (I know who he means):
Good on you David!
Up the workers Eh? yeah right.
Cassandra | 26.01.08 – 5:41 pm |
shouldn’t that be – and indeed always has been – ” up the workers’ “?
“Martin Amis blames the promoters and purveyors of ‘multiculturalism’ for the ideological appeasement of Islamism. (I know who he means):”
As I have informed the readers of this website in an earlier thread; Amis is braindead and anything he says is just random and meaningless cellular activity. Multiculturalism has done nothing to scuttle anybodies heartfelt desire to ‘integrate’. Geddit??
I think we should be clear David, you don’t work for the BBC and have never worked for the BBC?
You are occasionally invited to give your views, ie ‘Hearts and Minds’.
You are not a ‘defector’ as such? and not like ‘Manchester United getting Wayne Rooney’?
I contribute on a regular basis to several BBC programmes. I appear on the BBC NI political flagship programme “Hearts and Minds” and have done so for the past three years. I have also contribute to BBC NI radio programmes such as “Sunday Sequence”, “Talkback” and “Nolan Show” on a regular basis. In addition, I have appeared on the BBC World Service.
I am not claiming in any way to be a defector. I’m an opponent.
As for Wayne Rooney and Man Utd, I’m a Grimsby Town fan myself so I neither seek glory nor riches. I am interested in truth however, and my posts here, on A Tangled Web, on Jammiewearingfool and elsewhere, are solely focused on trying to provide another perspective from that which prevails in the spneless immoral pro-appeasement MSM. Is that clear enough?
Its clear for me, but some posters seemed to be under the impression that you were a BBC employee who had defected. I thought it important to clarify that.
How have you found your treatment when contributing to these programmes? Has anyone in the BBC told you that you can’t say something, or edited your comments in a way that was misleading, or not invited you onto a BBC programme because of something you have written or said?
Hi Richard,
Interesting question. I have had many experiences, some good some bad. I have never been told what to say/not to say. Those who know me would realise that I am not the sort who would accept censure!
I have been picked up many times by BBC interviewers who took issue with my terminology. For example, when I used the term “Islamic terrorism” I was criticised by the BBC interviewer, but in the same interview, an ex-Gitmo internee was given the kids glove treatment.
I also find that any discussion on global warming is massively stacked against my ant- AGW view.
I find BBC staff polite, pleasant and I like them. I find their politics, when revealed, conform to herd mentality. They are leftist to the core. In Northern Ireland, they all support the appeasement process.
I hope to widen this and share withe readers going forward since I feel bias is subtle, rampant and needs exposed. So I hope you will enjoy what I say.
Hate to be a wet blanket but is this some elaborate fifth column operation?
JR is making no progress, so time to attack from within
or am I paranoid? ๐
Richard Pacquette | Homepage | 27.01.08 – 1:23 pm |
How have you found your treatment when contributing to these programmes? Has anyone in the BBC told you that you can’t say something, or edited your comments in a way that was misleading, or not invited you onto a BBC programme because of something you have written or said?
I doubt it would be so unsubtle it seems to be ‘say the wrong thing and we won’t ask you back so often.’ Or worse ‘get up on a Tory Party Conference podium and we’ll make sure you never work on the BBC again, oh and we will ensure you become the target of hate filled ‘comedy’ until well after you are dead’ sort of thing.
There are many ways to intimidate people into saying the ‘right’ thing without being too explicit.
How else do you explain the likes of Lowry Turner, Kate Silverton and Janet Ellis who spout Labour Party dogma whilst obviously not understanding it.
You mean, like a sausage made 50:50 out of meat and bread? One ounce of meat to one loaf of bread?
As to the term ‘liberal’, that has been hijacked a long time ago. Most of those who claim to be ‘liberal’ these days are screaming Fascists.
“Multiculturalism has done nothing to scuttle anybodies heartfelt desire to ‘integrate’. Geddit??”
If you say so, dear boy, if you say so.