Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may be moderated.
For those that don’t know him, Major General Peter Cosgrove is an “Australian treasure!”
This is a portion of an ABC interview between a female broadcaster and General Cosgrove who was about to sponsor a Boy Scout Troop visiting his military headquarters.
So, General Cosgrove, what things are you going to teach these young boys when they visit your base?
We’re going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery and shooting.
Shooting! That’s a bit irresponsible, isn’t it?
I don’t see why, they’ll be properly supervised on the rifle range.
Don’t you admit that this is a terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children?
I don’t see how. We will be teaching them proper rifle discipline before they even touch a firearm.
But you’re equipping them to become violent killers.
Well, Ma’am, you’re equipped to be a prostitute but you’re not one, are you?
The radio went silent and the interview ended.
Tim Hames column in The Times:-
The Return of the Likely Lads
Advice for two new Cabinet frontmen
It is very unfortunate that Mr Purnell’s switch within the Cabinet came just days after he had made the best and bravest speech of any Culture Secretary in the Labour era. Addressing a media conference in Oxford, he departed from his script to assert that the method by which the BBC is subsidised is the “huge elephant in the room” and then spoke sympathetically of the option of “topslicing”- that is, allowing stations other than the Beeb to bid for a share of the licence fee for public service broadcasting.
This did not get a euphoric reception from his audience. Indeed, many of them would have been less horrified if he had simply stayed silent and stripped naked on stage. It was heresy, and condemned so by The Guardian, which on subjects such as these is rather like the BBC’s inhouse magazine Ariel, except less critical of the corporation.
Hannah M (Hannah is my favourite female name incidently), I didn’t call Amis a racist. He’s much worse then that. He is a gnostic evolutionist. Gnosticism maintains that man and his organizations are perfectable through a process of ‘evolution,’ through leaps of conciousness.
According to New-Age thinking, all religions are invented by man ergo man is god. It follows from there that all religions express this same truth and that all can evolve into a global religion of peace and tolerance. Obviously there can be “no tolerance for the intolerant” which means Muslim states must be evolved with force and ‘enlightenment’. That Islamic tenets are unchanging and eternal doesn’t enter the argument unfortunately. Which means Martin Amis, along with all Neo-Cons, have turned ‘Tolerance’ into a weapon of global and ceaseless war.
Also, to deviate from this total war for tolerance makes you a ‘moral relativist’; it is the avant garde fashion these days to be an enlightened moral ‘universalist’.
The BBC, its hatred of America ,things that fall out of the sky and half the story.
Why the spy satellite won’t fall on your head
This is not Armageddon: stand down Bruce Willis, we don’t need you!
An out-of-control US spy satellite – possibly the size of small bus – is believed to be plummeting out of its orbit and is expected to crash somewhere on the planet within weeks. But space experts don’t believe the rogue satellite poses much of a threat to humankind.
The world was put on alert when Skylab plunged to Earth in 1979
Normally, when US spy satellites reach the end of their lives, they are disposed of through a controlled re-entry and dumped in the Pacific Ocean, so that no-one can learn their secrets.
The BBC reports on a US satellite which is falling back to Earth. In that report it goes out of its way in which to paint this impression that the largest man made satellite which has fallen to earth was the US Skylab in 1979:
“In 1979, the world was given warning of a large spacecraft falling uncontrollably from the sky. The 77.5-tonne US space laboratory, Skylab I, eventually plunged to Earth, scattering debris across the southern Indian Ocean and sparsely populated Western Australia. Days beforehand, police across India’s 22 states were put on full alert.
Yup those yanks are nasty buggers having their satellites falling uncontrollably back to earth. Strange how they had to go back to 1979 in which to find an example of a large satellite falling back to earth. Strange how they didn’t go back 7 years and highlight this much larger soviet satellite (135 tonnes) which fell to earth
Oh and how many ex Russian sats have returned to earth?
80 Progress spacecraft and nine Salyut space stations
The BBC, its hatred of America ,things that fall out of the sky and half the story.
“I also wrote about the EIB bank loans to the BBC in 2004 after reading about the EU’s de Clercq Report on the Bruges Group site. In fact I think I actualy commented on your article in the days when you used Halo Scan for your comments
The EU’s de Clercq Report 1993 devised initiatives to ensure that:
More on the EIB funding for the BBCW
“…European identity must be ‘ingrained in people’s minds’ as a ‘good product’ using marketing techniques and that certain social categories, particularly ‘women and youth’, should become ‘priority target groups’. More controversially, it suggested that newscasters and reporters must themselves be targeted, they must themselves be persuaded about European Union…so that they subsequently become enthusiastic supporters of the cause.”
Posted by Anoneumouse at EUReferendum
The BBC, its hatred of America ,things that fall out of the sky and half the story.
Yep, it’s amazing that the BBC can write a whole article about satellites falling out of the sky without mentioning the notorious Cosmos 954 that scattered nuclear waste across 124,000 square kilometres of northern Canada…
Of course that satellite was launched by their Soviet friends so obviously Beeboids must gloss over it.
WoAD (UK) 7.12
(WoAD (UK): is my favourite ant-gnosticist name incidently) but I still enjoyed listening to Martin Amis on Islam.
The tentacles of the intolerant Liberal Elite at the BBC spread to almost all programmes. On Sunday night I listened to “The Learning Curve”, a programme about education. We were told that their education reporter wrote about education for a national newspaper. Which one? I will give you one guess. The Guardian, of course!!!!
The main item was about the increasing segregation of primary schools. The contributers were all against this, even if it meant ignoring the wishes of parents. The lower orders must be forced to send their children to schools to mix with people with whom they have nothing in common. The Liberal Elite can continue to send their children to private schools so they only mix with children of similar backgrounds.
classic R5 drivel this a.m with sheial fogarty taking on the met inspector who led the raid which resulted in 10- 15 roma children briefly going into care and 15 roma detained for immigration offences.
a taped record of a rant by the father of one of the children seized relayed that the children had been seized with no explanation “just like Hitler’s Germany”.
he was not interviewed by our fearless bbc hackette.
la Fogarty accepted said Roma’s story entirely and then proceeded to mercilessly grill the met inspector.
she said in effect that it was appalling that the parents had not been given an explanation and likened the whole case to the cleveland “scandal”. she opened the interview with a hysterical” what went wrong ?” rant.
her willingness to accept everything mr. roma said was calmly pointed out by the patient inspector who carefully explained the whole raid to her.
she said that she would accept what he said at “face value” but did so in such a grudging way that it was obvious that,
A) she desperately wanted this story to be a “police bungled raid” story
B) she accepted the word of a roma immigrant who, for whatever reasons, had had his child taken into care, over and above that of a metropolitan police inspector.
and when she had a gun pointed in her face who did she call – mr roma – i dont think so……..
reprinted from evening standard
A boat race was held between the BBC and a Japanese crew. John Birt was DG. Both sides practised long and hard and the Japanese won by a mile. So Birt did what any manager would do: he set up a working party to find out why. The working party reported that the Japanese had seven people rowing and one steering and that the BBC had seven people steering and one rowing. So, faced with a crisis of that magnitude he appointed management consultants. That’s the only thing you can do.
The management consultants, who cost a million pounds, reported and they confirmed the diagnosis of the working party but they suggested that the BBC crew be completely restructured: three assistant steering managers; three deputy steering managers; a director of steering services and the rower should be given an incentive to row harder.
They had another race and this time the Japanese won by two miles. So they laid off the rower for poor performance and they sold the boat and used it for a higher than average pay award for the director of steering services.
(Reith – I believe that you are more likely to be the rower than a director !)
I think that Peter Cosgrove story is a hoax. See Snopes for the details.
Dear Jimbob,
That is the funniest and truest explanation of the BBC greater socialist collective I have yet heard!
Pure genius!
BBC is planning a network of 60 ultra-local websites. Is this really public service broadcasting?:
Interesting that when all the Nu Labour sleaze broke (including the latest with Johnson) BBC 5 lite didn’t do a phone in on the subject.
Anyone want to guess what the phone in today is all about? Go on take a guess!
Interesting that when all the Nu Labour sleaze broke (including the latest with Johnson) BBC 5 lite didn’t do a phone in on the subject.
Anyone want to guess what the phone in today is all about? Go on take a guess!
Yep – the Conway case!
Obviously Conway is greater than Hain+Harperson+Johnson+Wee Wendy Alexander+Tipsy Red Ken etc.
Al Beeb – pulling out the stops for their Labour pals. Tune in!
Anybody got any ideas about this?
Last Thursday a Cabinet member resigned because PC Plod was investigating him for dodgy donations.
So, on Friday what issues did Victoria Derbyshire’s crap show cover?
1st hour – Should rugby players from other countries be allowed to play for the home countries? If Vainio Thunderthighs arrives from the South Seas and decides he wants to play the oval ball game for England should he be allowed to do so?
10:00 – 10:15 – Births in NHS hospitals.
10:15 to 10:38 How do disabled fans cope at football matches?
10:38 – “Rita” from Liverpool is allowed to rant about the ownership of Liverpool FC (for those that don’t know the owners are…American) and the manager (a Spaniard). Other fans then join the debate.
Third hour – sundry topics including extra marital affairs (hey, Victoria – I wonder if Fi Glover was listening?), the Aussie Open Tennis, D-Day Omaha Beach landing (trailer for Timewatch), news and traffic.
But the Hain affair and its ramifications? Nothing. “Move along please, nothing to see here.”
Of course, had some Tory councillor been exposed for overclaiming for stationery supplies then the above schedule would have been cleared and “sleaze” would have led the programme.
BBC bias in action – Victoria Derbyshire style.
The BBC, how it promotes Sharia law and half a story..
Sharia wealth tax in Nigerian state
Salisu, a blind man, is led around the central market in the city of Bauchi, northern Nigeria, by his eight-year-old grandson. They beg for money from traders and shoppers who give them a few crumpled naira notes. “We survive living from the people. I move from one place to another – some people will give and some will not,” he says. Many Bauchi residents give money to beggars such as Salisu, as Muslims are supposed to give some of their wealth to charity in order to purify it, according to Islamic custom
The BBC airs yet another article highlighting the benefits of Islamic sharia law. Today they talk about how Muslims must give some of their wealth to the poor in which to become more pious. (Could somebody please explain why the biggest givers of aid to the Muslim world are Non-Muslims?) What a load of crock. Have a look at how Muslims in the UK use the sharia tax in which to build more mosques. Give money to the poor you’re having a giraffe. I mean name me one Muslim country which has a social welfare system? Exactly for hand outs they make their way to Europe.
Lastly while I accept that the article is about taxing people who have more than the average person. (I suppose the BBC feels a tug of kinship on how people are made to pay in Nigeria in extolling the benefits of Sharia law) the article should also have included what kind of punishment the state hands out.
Want to get on the back of a motorbike as a woman?
Motorbike ban in Sharia state
How about having a child out of wedlock?
Nigerian woman fights stoning
How about those who prefer the love of their fellowman?
18 Face Death In Nigeria For Homosexuality
Those few examples of sharia law in Nigeria tell me that the BBC is telling only half the story when it peddles articles on the wonders of Islam.
And on that note here is the latest from the BBC (I wonder how they will re-write this up in which to make the guilty party victims?)
The BBC, how it promotes Sharia law and half a story..
I pointed out here that HYS felt offended enough to reject a comment I made pointing out Hamas’ desire for a Jew-free Gaza:
However, they have no problem publishing this:
Added: Sunday, 27 January, 2008, 17:05 GMT 17:05 UK
Egypt should welcome the Palestinian people with open arms.
After suffering almost 60 years of occupation, oppression and killing they deserve at least a little bit of humility.
In fact, now would be a good time for Egypt to offer to annexe Gaza into its sovereign territory. It would solve two problems – no seiges against the Palestinian people for exercising their internationally recognised right to resist occupation, and Israel would be 1.5M steps closer to its “pure Jewish State” goals.
[Ark_right], London, United Kingdom
Recommended by 4 people
Repeat a lie often enough….
We are told 60% of the capital’s population have fled. Again. Or rather again and again and again. The BBC says this every time it mentions Somalia.
We are told the government are supported by the Ethiopians. Again and again and again.
That they ousted the Islamists a year ago. Again and again and again.
If you took out the constantly repeated mantra there wouldn’t be much of an article left.
Its either incredibly lazy reporting, treating the audience as idiots, massively setting a pro UIC agenda or a combination of all of these.
But in the story itself you would get the impression the UN were complaining about the government and longing for the UIC’s return.
But the attacks are being committed by the Islamists.
The UIC will never be allowed back into power except by force, its time for the BBC to end its dream that they will.
pounce | 29.01.08 – 11:16 am |
Be fair. In Man admits plot to behead soldier the BBC does use the ‘M’ word. Not to describe Parviz Khan, a 38-year-old Birmingham man, nor Amjad Mahmood, 33, and Zahoor Iqbal, 31, who deny involvement in the plot. The Muslim in this case was the unnamed serviceman.
The BBC also uses the ‘T’ word, however, not to describe the two ‘Brummies’ Both men are also accused of intending to supply equipment to terrorists operating along the Pakistan-Afghan border.
Now why would Parviz Khan plead guilty in the plot to behead a soldier?
Pounce wrote;
And on that note here is the latest from the BBC (I wonder how they will re-write this up in which to make the guilty party victims?)
I wrote the above knowing that the BBC would re-write it to radical Islam’s advantage and here it is;
Man admits plot to behead soldier
and how other news agencies have reported the story:
Guilty pleas over soldier beheading plot
Four men have pleaded guilty to offences linked to a plot to kidnap and murder a Muslim member of the British armed forces and to supply equipment to terrorists, a court heard today.,,2248677,00.html
Four admit plot to behead Muslim soldier
Plot To Kidnap and Behead British Soldier,,30100-1302890,00.html?f=rss
all of the above report that 4 men have pleaded guilty, not just the one. But hang on here are a few other news agencies
which say four;
So while the rest of the media say four, the BBC says one .
n a sense, Mr Burnham’s task at Mr Purnell’s old haunt has its parallels. Both of them need to send the right signals, in Mr Burnham’s case on a piece of business that is less unfinished than barely begun, namely the fate of the BBC licence fee.
It is very unfortunate that Mr Purnell’s switch within the Cabinet came just days after he had made the best and bravest speech of any Culture Secretary in the Labour era. Addressing a media conference in Oxford, he departed from his script to assert that the method by which the BBC is subsidised is the “huge elephant in the room” and then spoke sympathetically of the option of “topslicing”- that is, allowing stations other than the Beeb to bid for a share of the licence fee for public service broadcasting.
Pounce: Top story on N24 at 1230: “Four men have pleaded guilty…” ect ect.
And while you may not like the headline the BBC report certainly makes it clear that 4 people were involved in various ways.
The EU has designs on the producers of Culture presumably that is why the BBC brown noses the EU.
Simon says “the BBC ought to…provide more context in its reporting on the Middle East, as required by the recent investigative report it commissioned (the one with a bunch of British-sounding surnames on it) which it routinely touts to demonstrate how impartial it is.”
The independent review did conclude that the BBC should attempt to provide more context. One suggested way of doing this was to include the BBC website address on screen after a tv report, where viewers could read more about the history of the conflict etc.
The suggested context was not ‘the history of the Middle East according to Simon’.
When people call for more context, what they really mean is their own version of events.
Has Al Beeb covered this?
nah didnt think so
the truth is out there, u just wont get it from the beeb
Mr Gregory, so Al Beeb read this blog and amended their story eh
I noticed that the headline article on simon Mayo was yes you guessed it Tory Sleaze again. Mr Conway. There were then accusations allowed to be made that David Cameron had “dithered” (from that prat John Pinhead) in withdrawing the whip.
Somehow the BBC like to think that comparing the dithering over a general election or what to do about Northern Rock is like waiting a few hours to decide if an MP should loose the whip.
There is no end to the lies and slur that the likes of Mayo (a well known Nu Labour supporter) will allow on his show.
Oh and I DID send in several emails to Derbyshire’s vile show and Mayo asking why no mention of Harriet Harriden, Peter Hain, Alan Johnson (the BBC made that one go away quick) and so on.
Why so quick to have two main radio shows fronted by alleged Tory Sleaze?
I wonder if we find out that any Labour MP’s have done the same thing we will see the same attention from the BBC?
Oh and according to Jon Craig on Sky News. the reason for Cameron’s change of mind was not “dithering” but that Cameron was at first happy to let the Commons decide his punishment, but AFTER the news came out about his second son also being involved, Cameron decided enough was enough.
Hardly “dithering” Mr Pinhead is it?
The BBC is determined to continue to perpetuate the myth of the past wonders of Islamic culture, with ever more lavish tv productions, and ever more lavish pro-Islamic propaganda.
In 2007, BBC 4 TV screened (more than once, of course), ‘An Islamic History of Europe’ (90 minutes) by Muslim, Rageh Omar, then of the BBC, but now equally at home with the Hamas-supporting, Al Jazeera.
In its typical, uncritical Islamic advocacy, that BBC programme didn’t talk of the Islamic invasion of Spain in 711, nor that the land was forcibly occupied; instead we have sugared words like these, in the BBC web preamble:-
“Rageh travels across medieval Muslim Europe to reveal the vibrant civilisation that Muslims brought to the West.”
Now, this Thursday, it looks as
though there is to be more of this pro-Islamic propaganda history of Spain in Part 1 of ‘The Art of Spain’.This time it’s Andrew Graham Dixon, about whom,, the BBC website preamble, drifts into Islamic propaganda:-
“He also explores the debt which modern Spain and modern Europe owe to Moorish Spain.”
Here is a contrasting, CRITICAL comment (by Robert Spencer) on Islam and the arts which the BBC seems
happy not to mention:
…”Islamic law outlaws both music and artistic renderings of the human form…Islamic law invokes Muhammad himself in forbidding musical instruments, quoting several ahadiths…” (Robert Spencer, ‘A Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)’,p.88.
jimbob | 28.01.08 – 10:51 pm |
Very funny indeed, and too true. Only the version I know has it that the BBC actually had to forfeit the race the first two years as the division they created to build the boat was way behind schedule and over budget.
Richard Pacquette | Homepage | 29.01.08 – 1:36 pm |
The suggested context was not ‘the history of the Middle East according to Simon’.
When people call for more context, what they really mean is their own version of events.
Totally and utterly false. What we want is for the BBC to present a given event within its proper context (space constraints are very, very rarely a valid excuse). We are not asking for historical revision (unless we want the BBC to retract a lie, that is). We ask for an accurate representation of a situation, and not reports nearly divorced from reality.
David G wrote;
“And while you may not like the headline the BBC report certainly makes it clear that 4 people were involved in various ways.”
Yes thanks for that. My point was about how the BBC would write up this story in which to make Islam a victim.
So while you are correct in saying the BBC re-wrote (As the story unfolds) the story correctly I noticed the BBC have aired this story.
‘Few’ Muslim anti-terror police
Now unlike a lot of people here, this story actually impinges on me directly. I still have a Military ID card, I have a Muslim name. (But actually C of E) So if I was to go out on the piss in Birmingham. (Been once never again) I could find myself having a bad shave.
My point in how the BBC covers Islamic terrorism.
It is here, they are real, they have killed and still the BBC tries to promote Islamic terrorism as a reaction to British racism. Wrong, wrong wrong.
Lets be serious here these people are fucking evil, they do not deserve any airtime what so ever. Yet the BBC not only panders to them, it actually allows them to peddle the “We are victim” line time after time. So while I respect the BBC for a lot of things I cannot do so for how they pander to a homosexual evil death cult. Which is allowed to peddle its hatred for everything non –Islamic as a religious right for a religion of peace. Even at its most benign state the faith oppresses women, advocates the killing of apostates (look out pounce) and we still treat them as equals. There is no equals in Islam you are either master or slave. This pathetic mantra of the left (I count the BBC here) in which they actually believe that if we give the faithful what they want, will somehow lead to a mellowing of the religious mindset is wrong. We have 3rd generation women living in the Uk who cannot speak English, yet we allow the religious mores of a repressive religion to stifle our condemnation in case we cause offence. Every time something happens because of radical Islam, Muslims are allowed to say on the BBC. “ Not Muslims, Police state and we are victims?” This ability to point the finger in every direction bar the mirror gives Islam a cop-out from cleaning out their own house.
All the BBC has done with its wishy washy reporting of plumbers, charity workers and lost travellers is polarise the British public as never before. Yes I am passionate about this story. As I wrote above. Unlike a lot of people in the UK I actually fill all the criteria for appearing in my own movie. Hence my displease with how the BBC covers for radical Islam.
“Rageh travels across medieval Muslim Europe to reveal the vibrant civilisation that Muslims brought to the West.”
Yes and Rageh traveled up Iraq from Kuwait with our forces in 2003 and made little secret of whose side he was on.
Richard Paquette:
I’m not asking for the BBC to provide the “history of the Middle East” according to anybody. But in this case, it has been shown clearly that Hamas has quite brilliantly manipulated the situation to its advantage with demonstrably false information and images presented to the media, and to ignore its tactics and take what they present at face value is to ignore context—the context of their history and prior tactics.
1) Parliamentarians by candlelight because the power is out. In fact, the photos were taken in daytime, as evidenced by wider shots showing sunlight behind the large curtains. This is clear evidence of Hamas’ media manipulation for propaganda purposes.
2) False impression of starvation—as the Egyptian blogger points out, and as has been verified by other mainstream news organizations, there is no starvation in Gaza. An op-ed in the Boston Globe claimed there was a 99% reduction in the amount of daily flour required due to the Israeli “blockade”, from 680,000 tons to 90 tons. As critics have noted, simple math shows that implies Gazans require ½ ton of flour per day per person (there are 1.5 million people in Gaza.) In fact, it turns out the daily imports before the “blockade” were 275 tons, revealing an exaggeration in the Op-Ed piece of 3 orders of magnitude. Times 2.
3) Promulgation of the falsehood that Israel was responsible for power cut-offs. Fatah-linked sources indicated that there was no reason for Hamas to shut off the power as soon as they did—that there should have been enough fuel supplies stored to keep the plant running much longer–and that the only reason they did was for propaganda purposes.
4) People from Gaza appear to be purchasing everything from tv sets and mattresses to motorcycles in Egypt and bringing them to Gaza, according to Egyptian blogger, the Sandmonkey, a fact verified in other news sources and photographs, and something which seems to add weight to the argument that there is no “starvation” in Gaza.
None of these issues appear to have been addressed in the BBC reports, except perhaps as a sidelong reference to Israeli “claims” of media manipulation, a backhanded way for the BBC to cast skepticism on the matter.
“Rageh travels across medieval Muslim Europe to reveal the vibrant civilisation that Muslims brought to the West”.
Over a thousand years after the Romans,even longer after the Greeks.Interesting that the Egyptians,Persians and all the glorious civilisations of Asia Minor that preceded Islam are never credited with anything.
pounce: I read your posts with interest and respect, though I can’t swear I click on every link. It’s clear you have a very particular world view shaped by events in your past. I make no judgment about that, but obviously you have strong opinions.
But strong opinions can lead people to jump to the wrong conclusions, which I do think is what happened here. Having said that I wait to see what you highlight next because you may well be right the next time. But given you start from your position and the BBC starts from one of impartiality well they’re bound to clash now and again.
As for you being a victim? You don’t seem the type, but yes it could have been you. But then I had a close shave with an IRA splinter group in Birmingham and a racist homophobe’s nailbomb when in London. Don’t let the buggers get you down is what I say.
And come back to Birmingham it’s changed. Great night out guaranteed. I’ll throw in a tour of the Beeb as well 😉
There is no equals in Islam you are either master or slave.
pounce | 29.01.08 – 8:26 pm
Precisely. And yet the BBC still doesn’t get this. Or maybe it does get it, but it’s happy to be a dhimmi enslaved to Islam.
But given you start from your position and the BBC starts from one of impartiality well they’re bound to clash now and again.
David Gregory, the BBC wouldn’t know what impartiality is. It approaches virtually every issue wielding its agenda and then tries to force fit the facts to the agenda. I thought you knew this.
“But then I had a close shave with an IRA splinter group in Birmingham and a racist homophobe’s nailbomb when in London. ”
odd that.
Islamists also equate the IRA with their Jihad, using the
“well you didnt say Catholic Terorrists did you” line of argument.
the Beeboids must be either in cahoots with the islamists or utterly braindead about what the Jihad really is.
“I’ll throw in a tour of the Beeb as well David Gregory (BBC) | 29.01.08 – 10:09 pm ”
can he arrive in full military dress uniform?
how about a tour of the local birmingham mosques, again in full dress uniform?
At last, the BBC leads on the crisis in the National Health Service which is being caused by the massive increase in UK IMMIGRATION.
In the current BBC tv reports late on tonight, Mark Easton does voice the word ‘IMMIGRATION’ as being ‘the elephant in the room’. The BBC is having to implicitly admit that
has been correct about this IMMIGRATION crisis for a long time;
the summary BBC website material on this (link below) does not come over as strongly as the tv report, showing on BBC late evening, and the weasel phrase, ‘migrant baby boom’ is there ( what happen then – do ‘migrants’ come to Britain, to use NHS hospitals to have babies and then ‘migrate’ back overseas? Ludicrous language.)
“UK paying for the ‘migrant baby boom'”
Of course, this BBC report is a massive indictment of Labour Government, which is not in control of IMMIGRATION; in fact Brown/Miliband want millions more IMMIGRANTS from EU enlargement, including Turkey, later. Not that the Government can stop the EU enlargement,as the few brave MP opponents of the EU are finding in the House of Commons, this very evening. (See debate on Parliament channel, if you have access.)
But given you start from your position and the BBC starts from one of impartiality well they’re bound to clash now and again.
David Gregory (BBC) | 29.01.08 – 10:09 pm |
Can you really type the words BBC and impartiality in the same sentence without a twinge of embarassment?
I know you have to do your best to keep your gravy train on the rails – but please go easy on the “i” word.
We’ve now logged, on our BBC Pioneers blog, around twenty people with strong Labour affiliations who have had key political jobs at the BBC in recent years(another three added today with with many more to follow).
There is simply no parallel with either of the other parties.
In most cases they were known Labour supporters and activists before, after -and often even during – their BBC service.
The majority of them moved on from the BBC to key positions in the Labour government or party.
I’d really like you to have a look and explain to us all how this fits with with your vaunted “impartiality”.
Can you really type the words BBC and impartiality in the same sentence without a twinge of embarassment?”
He must have a special keyboard,mine won’t do it.
My keyboard keeps making strange laughing noises when I try to type “BBC” and “unbiased” in the same sentence too!
Watched Horizon tonight. Oh dear, yet another BBC show dumbed down for the “Chav” Eastenders watching minority.
We had some half wit “scientist” who appeared to spend most of his time hitting his car sat nav or taking pictures of the camera crew or screwing up his lines.
I won’t even bother to mention that our scientific expert forgot that light actually travels nearly 500,000 miles to get to the Moon and back (the astronomer he was talking to remined him). Oh I’ve just mentioned it.
Is the BBC ashamed of having ANYTHING on TV that requires an IQ in three figures?
Does the dropping by the BBC of the prefix “im” in “immigrant” presage its admission that the BBC’s use of the “im” in “impartial” to describe its reportage is a gross error?
bias and incompetence on (Don’t) Have Your Say:
Question: Has immigration affected maternity serives? (sic)
The two cherry picked, totally unrepresentative comments that the BBC choose to display on the (D)HYS front page :
“Since when did it matter what country the mother is from, the baby is born here so it is British
G Wilson, UK”
“Immigration to the UK means not only more babies, it also means more doctors and nurses
Ula, Rhyl, UK
And the people’s most recommended comments (i.e. what the majority of people actually think):
“So, the country can afford maternity care for immigrants who have paid nothing for it but it can’t afford care for the elderly who have paid their taxes into the system all their lives • welcome to the Labour’s UK in 2008.”
“The question should be “Which services have not been affected by uncontrolled immigration?”
Then the moderators could take the day off, as we would all be stumped.”
“So our pensioners have to be means tested, have to sell their houses to live in a care home, get some of the poorest pensions in Europe and immigrants can get maternity services for free?
What kind of country is this Labour Party turning it into? This is a national disgrace. We have just given India £50 million, yet 11,000 babies were born to nationals from the Indian sub-continent in NHS hospitals!!
This is not just the NHS, it’s a foreign NHS!!”
“Good question BBC.
Seriously, what will be the ‘top debate’ for tomorrow? “Has vast and un-controlled immigration affected {insert public service here}”?”
“OF COURSE IT HAS!! Adding millions of people to anything will over-stretch it! I’m pretty sure this comment will not be added because it’s not politically correct to admit immigration is out of control and more than likely mainly responsible for most of the UK falling to its knees. Oh and I’m not allowed to suggest we revolt either.”
“Unbelievable. I am almost lost for words.. It Really Makes My Blood Boil. Not Only Is This Small Island Filiing Up Rapidly With Migrant..They Are Breeding In Great Numbers And We The British Public Are Paying The Cost. Isn’t It About Time We Put Up A Sign. “We Are Full” “No Vacancies” “Go Home””
No bias here, move along (Oh and we can’t spell either)