Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may be moderated.
David Gregory:
You should have a word with your Scottish BBC colleague David Blaine. He was on the Today programme this morning enthusing about the new electricity supply on the island of Eigg [sp?]. He said the combination of wind, wave, and solar power would mean “an end to their existing expensive and unreliable supply”. So does he regard the £1.6 million it has cost to provide mains electricity to 87 houses as “cheap”. At around £20,000 per property it strikes me as a extremely expensive source of power. And does he really think that this will provide an example for future developments?
His whole report was an appalling case of economic, scientific and environmental illiteracy. I hope those within the BBC who actually know their stuff are suitably embarrassed.
Doh! I meant Colin Blaine.
I wrote yesterday in reply to a question about if the BBC would be doing a version of Ross Kemp ??? in Afghanistan and stated that they would be doing it from the Taliban side.
and guess what?
Why the Afghan Taleban feel confident
In Afghanistan, the Taleban now claim to have influence across most of the country and have extended their area of control from their traditional heartland in the south.
They are able to operate freely even in Wardak Province, neighbouring the capital Kabul, as a BBC camera crew who filmed them recently found.
Anybody else notice how the Taliban terrorists all have their faces covered up? Anybody wish to tell me just why a terrorist force which the BBC reports as walking round in the open feels it has to cover up its faces?
anyone else listen to the 5 live phone in this morning?
According to the Nu Labour harriden Victoria Derbyshire they sit down and think about the phone in for some time. Oh really!
Well we had lightweight Phil Williams filling in for Ms Derbyshire this morning. And the subject that the BBC thinks is uppermost in our minds today? Yep “Britney Spears”.
Yes a WHOLE hour or more devoted to this vital item in todays news.
And what did we get? Well a few callers asking why they thought anyone would be interested (given short shrift by Phil Williams) then a spate of callers attacking the “Murdoch press” and Sky News? Rather ironic when it was the BBC that was doing a phone in on the american car crash waiting to happen.
One canny caller did ask if the BBC were trying ot divert attention from the debate about our freedoms being sold down the river by Nu Labour with the Lisbon treaty which was being debated in the House of Commons that same morning.
Whooa!!!. hang on, would the BBC really decide to have a phone in about Britney Spears rather than debate the Lisbon treaty?
Well who do you think the BBC had on to talk about Ms Spears? Yep ALISTAIR CAMPBELL. Not a question from Williams to Campbell about selling our freedoms down the pan by McLabour and Mr Bean, but a 20 minute tirade by Campbell at our media for harassing poor Britney.
The BBC really has lost the plot.
Mayo just interviewd the head of the TUC. What an utter leftie love in. not one difficult question.
When the TUC bloke attacked companies and taxes all we got were emails from people saying that we should be paying MORE tax.
Everyone knows small companies get a hard time of it and we’re taxed to the eye balls now.
Not only that but the TUC prat when asked by Mayo about immigrants coming into the UK (who are of course under cutting British workers) but rather than stand up for HIS MEMBERS who pay his wages he instead attacked companies.
What a joke. I was half expecting Mayo and him to do some toncil ticking it was that pathetic.
Why is it only Tories or Republicans that get a hard time on the BBC?
Am I the only one that supects that if Greg Arsehole Mulholland were a Tory rather than a LibDem there would be an outcry by the BBC to get him suspended from parliament but as it is they seem to think its ok.
The BBC, its hatred of America and half a story.
US army suicides set for new high
Suicide rates among US soldiers are heading for a record high, army data released on Thursday shows. Eighty-nine suicides were confirmed in 2007, and if 32 suspected suicides are also confirmed, the total will rise above the 2006 figure of 102.
The BBC champions its anti American stance by promoting that more and more Americans are topping themselves because of the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan. But hang on shouldn’t the suicide rate question be why is the army rate lower than national one. I mean the BBC does (at the end) say that the Army rate for topping oneself is lower than the national average. With that evidence in mind why does the BBC make a song and dance about a group of people who after seeing what the BBC presumes is hell and destruction in far away occupied lands still prefer to live than those stuck at home.
Oh and for the info the US comes out at the lower end of a list complied by WHO for those who wish to kill themselves.
The BBC, its hatred of America and half a story.
“Well who do you think the BBC had on to talk about Ms Spears? Yep ALISTAIR CAMPBELL”
The man with the tin ear,but of course the BBC has to transfer some of the license tax to its political wing one way or another.
You think the BBC might be interested in how badly Mc Labour and Bean treat OUR soldiers?
Why do they concentrate on the US Army?
Could it be that by attacking the USA, the BBC can vent their evil left wing bile, but do it in a way that does not hurt Mc Labour?
pounce | 01.02.08 – 2:22 pm | #
have a look at the clips on youtube I posted the link to in the other thread.
bodo: Hmmmm, if people are using their own generators for electricity I guess this will end up cheaper in the long run. Have you seen the price of fuel?
An excellent thought:
“Civilian Casualties in Iraq for December continued to decline…of course this good news was tempered by a major Suicide Bombing in Baghdad on January 1st.
Civilian Casualties in Iraq for January continued to decline…of course Al Queda had two major Suicide Bombings in Baghdad today, the 1st of February.
This should pose an ethical dilemma for News Editors…innocent people are being deliberately killed in order to influence story placement in their publications. Major Suicide bombings have now occurred two months in a row on the day that the major Iraq story should have been that violence levels continued to drop.
We are all familiar with the maxim, “it it bleeds it leads”…but what if the inverse is true ‘it bleeds,because it leads”
If story placement can be shown to be a causal factor in Murder, does that make News Editors an accessory to murder?
A serious ethical and moral dilemma to be sure.”
Interesting …..
I just wish to mention that I am no fan of the BNP but this article exposes BBC Bias in a case I have been following in my local area.
Just on BBC o’clock news…Featuring the Derek Conway ‘scandal’.Funny how it’s only a scandal when it’s a Tory.I can’t remember the word scandal used on BBC TV News when Hain was in then limelight last week.Gregory.Don’t even come in on this one.Your selective comments are beginning to piss me off.
Ex-BBC reporter, Andrew Gilligan, has:
“Sixth City Hall project investigated by police”
How come on the BBC 1 news at 6pm they didn’tr bother to mention that the two female suicide bombers in Iraq were mentally disabled?
Were the BBC frightened it might show “the great religion of peace” in a bad way? (as if detonating two bombs in a market with children around wasn’t bad enough)
In respect of this story. ITV news made the point that Mc Labour hadn’t declared how many of their MP’s employed family members.
Note the BBC story glosses over the lack of McLabour openness.
Could you imagine what the BBC headline would have been if the Tory party hadn’t declared how many of its MP’s employed family members?
“Tories refuse to come clean…”
“Cameron refuses to declare how many MP’s employ family members..”
“Our great hero Gordon Brown shows up the Tory scum once more…” (Whoops) thats what thicko Beeboids would like to post.
Anonymous | 01.02.08 – 6:58 pm,
In fairness, I just saw that story prominently displayed on the homepage of the BBC website:
Absolutely diabolical.
While the BBC is more than happy to promote the Muslims of East Londons here’s a little something they haven’t bother their arse in reporting;
Holocaust Day marred by ‘racist’ stone-throwing
THE Holocaust Memorial Day marking the genocides of the 20th century was marred on Sunday when a gang of youths stoned Jewish tourists on a guided tour of London’s East End.
An eye-witness said: “Stones started to come down on us and some in the group were scared and ducked.
“I looked over the fence and saw four Asian youths throwing stones. They were laughing, then ran away.”
The Mayor of Tower Hamlets blamed it on “narrow religious views” in the community.
“We must mediate between the narrow religious views of some in the Bangladeshi community. There is narrow mindedness in all communities. Everyone must realise ours is a tolerant society.”
If the female ‘suicide’ bomber where mentally disabled and where remotely detonated should the bbc use the term suicide bommer at all.
If I remember correctly, the term used on everything was ‘donations row’, so you’re quite correct. Conservatives do something wrong and it’s scandalous – Labour do something wrong and it’s nasty people picking a fight with Labour and causing a squabble.
“Just on BBC o’clock news…Featuring the Derek Conway ‘scandal’.Funny how it’s only a scandal when it’s a Tory.I can’t remember the word scandal used on BBC TV News when Hain was in then limelight last week.Gregory.Don’t even come in on this one.Your selective comments are beginning to piss me off.”
Well you’ll be pissed off then
And I quote;
The resignation of Peter Hain has forced him [Brown] to rebuild a Cabinet he only appointed seven months ago – and has left questions about his own handling of a funding scandal which has been brewing for months. ”
The BBC’s pro-Green propaganda continues apace. This afternoon’s edition of ‘Costing the Earth’ was one long encomium for the wind power industry. Speakers attacked the idea that wind farms and associated power lines should be subject to any planning regulations. The proposed Beauly – Denny transmission line was mentioned as one being held up by a public enquiry. No mention was made of the fact that the proposed line will consist of giant pylons through the Cairngorms National Park, since using underground cables would adversely affect the profits of shareholders. But an entry for the most specious argument of the year was the reason why a wind farm proposed for the Shetalnds was more sensible than building wind farms close to where the power is used. This reason being that oil already comes ashore in the Shetlands and not near to the main population centres. The lack of oil fields near London, say, clearly has nothing to do with the matter. London does have wind resources though, the wind does blow on the North Downs and the Chiltern hills, so wind farms are perfectly possible there.
No dissenting voice was heard on the programme. No one who would have to live with the constant noise of, or whose tourist business would be destroyed by, wind turbines was interviewed. Only those who, no doubt living hundreds of miles away, would benefit from the huge subsidies paid to the wind farm industry were allowed a say. What happened to the requirement for impartiality?
David Gregory: For starters the article you linked to was a comment from John Sopel of the Politics show and NOT from the BBC NEWS WEBSITE, which is where most people look to read the news.
The BBC, its hatred of America, Afghanistan and half a story..
US Afghan stand-off puzzles Nato allies
The BBC berates the US again for asking NATO countries who have until now kept their troops in slipper city in Afghanistan.
But hang on didn’t the Canadian PM berate President Bush the other day on this very subject?
Canada PM issues Afghan ultimatum
So why does the BBC try to paint this picture of an ungrateful US demanding that its allies do more when it comes out in the wash that another country is demanding the same thing. In fact if we look back a few months we find other NATO countries have asked the same , yet the BBC for some strange reason omits to mention these requests.
Now here is something the BBC doesn’t even entertain if Canada was to pull out, who would take up the slack and if they did up sticks who would follow. Very salient questions which the BBC doesn’t even bother its arse in asking? But hey can we say the same above its heroic coverage of the terrorist Taliban. Who not only have the BBC on speed-dial but have no problem doing photo shoots for Al-Beeb.
But it gets better. Has anybody noticed the negative reporting by the BBC on Afghanistan since the results of the Iraqi surge have become apparent? Doom and gloom is all the BBC can report from the region. Yet here is something. ISAF in the country have 4 stages of sorting the country out here is a map of those 4 stages from the ISAFs own web site;
Stage 3 was the assault on the Taliban homeland. (The pastun areas) in other words of the 4 provinces in which the Taliban still had a semblance of control we have taken 2 and limit their movement in the other 2. This is common knowledge yet the BBC continues to paint this picture that ISAF is losing in Afghanistan and that nothing of worth has transpired with all that Aid money which has poured in. Really?
Here are a few examples of good news the BBC doesn’t want you to know;
83% of the population now has access to medical facilities, compared to 9 percent in 2004
76% of children under the age of five have been immunized against childhood diseases
More than 4000 medical facilities opened since 2004
Over 600 midwives were trained and deployed in every province of Afghanistan
GDP growth estimates of between12-14% for the current year
Government revenues increased by around 25% from 2005/06 to 2006/07
Income per capita of $355, compared to $180 three years ago
Afghanistan is one of the fastest growing economies in South-East Asia
Private Sector:
10% of Afghans now own a mobile phone, compared to 2 lines per 1000 people in 2001
150 cities across Afghanistan now have access to mobile phone networks and internet provider services
Multinationals and internationals operating or showing an interest in Afghanistan include Coca Cola, Siemens, Nestle and Etisalat
Evidence of strong consumer demand in Kabul (eg, road traffic, new shopping malls, new hotels)
Over 4000 km of roads completed
Work has begun on 20,000 new homes for Afghans returning to Kabul
Over 1 billion square metres of mine contaminated land cleared
17,000 communities benefited from development programmes such as wells, schools, hospitals and roads through the Government’s National Solidarity Program (NSP)
Over 60,000 ex combatants disarmed and reintegrated
35-40,000 officers are serving in the new national police force
30,000 soldiers are serving in the new national army
Over a quarter of parliamentarians are women
Millions of girls are back in school with 400,000 new female students starting school for the first time this year
Over 100,000 women benefited from micro finance loans to set up their own business
Over 7 million girls and boys are in school or higher education
10 universities around the country, against one (barely functioning) under the Taleban
7 national TV stations (6 private); numerous radio networks, plus a diverse and increasingly robust and professional print media
You’ll find even more stats here;
The BBC, its hatred of America, Afghanistan and half a story..
Ok I know it’s not a direct BBC thing. But on Sky News just now that prat Stephen Pound was doing the paper review.
This story came up
But is the BBC lying ot protect the “great religion of hate – sorry peace?”
According ot the BBC, there is no death sentance.
I quote from the BBC story.
“…The upper house of parliament in Afghanistan has withdrawn its support for a death sentence issued against a journalist convicted of blasphemy…”
But the Indy.
“…Afghanistan’s President, Hamid Karzai, has been inundated with appeals to save the life of Sayed Pervez Kambaksh, the student journalist sentenced to death after being accused of downloading an internet report on women’s rights….”
Note as well that the BBC spins the story even more Pro Moozlum.
“…Pervez Kambakhsh, 23, was found guilty last week of downloading and distributing an article insulting Islam. He denies the charge…”
But according to the Indy he was downloading information on the rights of women.
A little bit different BBC.
More spin and lies. You decide.
Who will take over? Why that magnificent body of persons, the EU Army
Eat your heart out,you haven’t got gloves like that.
news24.Two mentally disabled women,
“carried out”
a suicide bombing.
Must have been their fault then.
news24.Changed to “used to carry out”
on the next bulletin,
crikey! someones awake.
The BBC,how it maligns the British army and half the story.
Carnage crash shocked witnesses
If you read the above article whom would you presume was transporting those tanks (CVR(t)) The military or a civy company?
Yep, They made a much better job of it on the telly.
Anyone for “joined up news”?
I wonder what the quote marks are intended to imply here :
Poland ‘agrees’ to host US shield
That they’ve just agreed in principle, it’s not the final agreement ? Couldn’t be or virtually every agreement mentioned on the BBC would have quote marks round it. That it’s just what somebody says, not something that the BBC can verify ? No, they really have agreed, both sides say so and the rest of the BBC report accepts it as a fact. That there is something unreal about the agreement • eg the Poles had their arm twisted ? I don’t think even the BBC think that.
So I’m mystified. The BBC’s use of quotation marks is very strange at the best of times, but this is one of the strangest uses I’ve ever seen.
Martin: Well then I can’t find the word scandal used to describe the behaviour of either Hain or Conway just searching the BBC News website.
It’s good news about Pervez Kambakhsh, I forwarded The Indy’s petition to colleagues at work and other journalists I know. You’re being a bit selective with your quotes though.
You say;
“Note as well that the BBC spins the story even more Pro Moozlum.
“…Pervez Kambakhsh, 23, was found guilty last week of downloading and distributing an article insulting Islam. He denies the charge…”
But according to the Indy he was downloading information on the rights of women.”
From the BBC article
“A court in the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif convicted him of downloading and distributing a blog article which questioned the Koran’s attitude to women.”
Once again, its all there.
Anyway, can’t do any harm to get a few more signatures on the Indy’s petition. You can find it here, please forward it
“Poland ‘agrees’ to host US shield”
Yes, that’s odd. It looks like innuendo. My first thought on seeing the headline – which is one of the top three links on the front page – is that Poland hasn’t really agreed at all. The quotes say “that’s the official story, but we all know what’s really going on”.
In this case it’s probably fair to say that the people of Poland do not crave a missile shield, but it would be better for the sake of neutrality if the BBC did not use such a hamfisted way of getting this across.
If I worked at the BBC, I would have reported this neutrally, and then I would have arranged for a second report, in which Polish people are asked for their opinion. It would be a simple matter to pick some Polish people who are against the missile shield, and put their comments at the top of the article, in the middle, and at the end. I would then make sure that the pro-missile opinions are from unsavoury people, e.g. “many within the neo-Nazi movement support the missile shield.”
David Gregory, you are wrong! The BBC makes out that he was doing something anti aslamic, yet the Indy points out that in actual fact all he did was download some information on the rights of women.
Why didn’t the BBC report say that?
The BBC report is as if it’s coming from the side of the Afghan Government.
Poland “agrees” Explaination:
Ceefax/internet department of the BBC is made up of international right-on trash.
At weekends the senior editors are away and their true colours come shining through.
Hopefully in the future the yanks will come up with a system that protects us and not the people who “wrote” the article.
Martin: Clearly we’re going to have to agree to disagree on this one.
But sign the petition if you have a moment. Plenty of BBC journalists have.
Can’t find anything on the BBC about Baroness Meacher a former social worker who said on Tuesday in the House during a debate that disabled kids should be aborted as they are not “viable people”
Reacting John Smeaton, national director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, said that Baroness Meacher’s comments support what SPUC has said about recent British legislation, that it creates a mandate to kill the disabled and vulnerable. SPUC has pointed out regarding the Mental Capacity Act, “that [the term] ‘best interests’ in that legislation can be defined in such a way that mentally incapacitated patients may now be killed in their ‘best interests'”
“Baroness Meacher,” Smeaton said, “clearly considers that her own capacity and achievements in life put her right to life in a different category from the right to life owed to people with cerebral palsy – that she is ‘viable person’ but ‘they’ are not ‘viable people’.”
So why no outrage, no immediate news report or Panorama about the laws which enable this government to kill people on this by the BBC and others? She is saying what the Nazis said AND DID to disabled children and adults and there is no outrage? Were someone to say the same about gay people or gypsies the BBC would be in full screaming mode!
David Gregory: Why should I sign the petition? What about the homosexuals hung in Iran? I don’t see the leftie media scum asking for petitions to save those people?
It’s you bloody liberals who are using it as an excuse to bash the USA and UK, when the REAL EVIL is ISLAM itself, but you lot in the media can’t accept that.
Note the subtle dig:
“David Freud, an investment banker, said up to 185,000 claimants work illegally while on the benefit.”
Completely irrelevant to the article, but inserted because investment bankers are a BBC puppet hate figure.
The glimmer of light that was brought to our attention by Melanie Phillips in a Times article by Robin Shepherd
was extinguished by the tone of this morning’s Today report from Gaza by ‘Ally McBeal”
Another sob story about suffering Gazans deprived of essential electrical goods and washing powder, a Palestinian economist bleating gloomily that such relief from oppression could not last long because Gazans would soon run out of money ……..despite receiving more aid per capita….(?), Oh, he forgot to mention that; he forgot to mention 4,000 rocket attacks; he forgot to mention the reason for their predicament. Oh yes, of course their 40 year oppression by Israel.
While I can see that sometimes context or balance may need to be brief, to leave it out completely is more than careless. As for the 40 year oppression that is trotted out as proof of how Gazans’ deprivation is entirely the fault of the nasty Israelis, what about Egypt and their contribution?
See Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale speech in House of Lords debate July 2007 (link by Mel a long time ago)
“I was in Israel in August 40 years ago and remember, in the weeks after the six-day war, the euphoria and high hopes of peace at last that permeated Israel, and the mad rush of Israelis to see places—many of them holy to Judaism—that they had not been able to visit since 1948. They fully expected that many of those places would, under any hoped-for settlement, not be in Israeli hands for long.
I would like to put on record that I visited Gaza then for the first time. It was a hellhole, and it was only a matter of weeks since it had been in Egypt’s responsibility.”
Not to mention occasionally reported comments from Palestinians about how much better conditions were in Gaza before the Israeli withdrawal and the Hamas coup. Even under Israeli occupation things were better.
Mythology becomes fact which is perpetuated by media and regurgitated on HYS etc.
The BBC, David gregory and half a story…
Ferry sheds thousands of biscuits
Thousands of packets of chocolate biscuits have washed up on the Lancashire shore from a stricken ferry.
Notice how the BBC doesn’t mention that some of those biscuits were not chocolate. Bloody BBC bias.I blame David Gregorg, with his science degree he should know that not everybody likes to dunk chocolate biscuits into Tea as global warming effects it.
Now I’m not a shirt lifter, I have never met DG (and never will) but the guy isn’t the BBC, yes he works there, but lets be honest can we judge him guilty of the content of the BBC news we don’t agree with.
For petes sake have a look in the mirror for a bunch of people moaning about free speech and equality it appears we have have become the very thing we hate the most.
People who have noticed my posts would be right in thinking that I am a one horse jockey.
I am not right wing. I am not religious. I am not a member of any club association or cabal. I may not be a woman. I may not be called Sue. (Never heard of a boy called Sue?)
I have a strong sense of injustice and always have. That is what motivates me. My feelings about Israel and the media may be teetering on the brink of paranoia, and according to Beeboids that is they way they see it. But I am not alone in what I see happening to this country, and the sooner such an influential body as the BBC steps back a bit and reevaluates some of its attitudes, the better for everybody.
The BBC, David gregory and half a story…
Ferry sheds thousands of biscuits
Thousands of packets of chocolate biscuits have washed up on the Lancashire shore from a stricken ferry.…ire/ 7223811.stm
pounce…is this one of yours as it doesn’t sound like you at all.
If is IS then are you suffering from digestive problems or have you fallen out with the ginger nut again having been fed too rich a tea by her? Be careful or she’ll not let you lay your weary head on her marshmallows… 😎
I don’t think we can accuse Greggers of biscuitism.Doubtless he has his own free range,high fibre,fair trade, organic,low fat,sugar free, BBC approved biscuits with low emissions.
I would class Gregory as a ‘Rich Tea’type.One long dunk and he falls to bits!
A flicker of hope from deep within the BBC
James MacMillan is Composer/Conductor with the BBC Philharmonic.
The ‘Independent’ is now an objective and reliable source about the ME?
Sue, it’s not called paranoia but being one of a relatively small number of sane people in a madhouse. Sometimes you begin to doubt it, but cool reflection soon sorts that out. It’s also called the New Emperor’s Clothes syndrome.
Cheers 😉
“The ‘Independent’ is now an objective and reliable source about the ME?
Well Robert Fisk claims to know everything and every one involved there!
Has anyone told him to correct his book where he claimed Jesus was born in Jerusalem….amongst lots of other errors!