Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may be moderated.
I think its The Emperors New Clothes.
Yes, sorry – was trying to do too many things at once. Apologies 😉
But … but … isn’t he known the world over as Jesus of Jerusalem???
What a waste of oxygen that almost-person is.
Downs Syndrome women are detonated by remote control in Baghdad killing 98, the BBC News leads with cold weather stories?
It wouldn’t happen in the UK but Gaza isn’t the UK, is it?
From our ’embedded’ correspondent. Presented by former foreign correspondent, Alan Johnston.
Witnessing Gaza’s rocket militia
By Paul Martin
BBC, Gaza
BBC guidelines state that:
Witnessing illegal activity.
When investigating criminal activity we may, on rare occasions, want to record a specific crime. When that might raise questions about our relationship with the criminal or involves witnessing serious criminal activity it must be referred to a senior editorial figure or for Independents to the commissioning editor, as well as Controller Editorial Policy and Programme Legal Advice. Approval to be present at or record serious illegal activity will be given only if it is clearly in the public interest, even then we must avoid:
* condoning, aiding or abetting criminal behaviour.
* encouraging or provoking behaviour which would not otherwise have occurred.
* directing the activity in any way.
Paul Martin, accompanies the Abu Rish rocket-firing militant group from Fateh as they, unsuccessfully as it turns out, fire rockets into Israel.
Some interesting quotes from the piece.
He is searching for the best target for their short-range rockets.
But Mohamed has a complaint: these Google Earth map-makers, he says, are deliberately hiding Israeli military installations.
Israel has claimed repeatedly that these rockets are not targeting anything military but are just fired indiscriminately to kill civilians.
This quote seems to prove the ‘claim’ in spades.
The militants set out in a battered white jeep, its windows plastered with small photos of fighters who have been killed.
In a back street little boys stop playing football to gaze admiringly at their heroes.
As the jeep heads east towards the Gaza Strip’s border with Israel, its occupants stop to ask locals if they have seen any of the much-feared zananas, or drones, in the sky.
Normally, acting as lookouts for a criminal act makes you an accessory, doesn’t it?
There are complaints that these days it is hard to get decent equipment.
Abu Haroun’s rocket-firing militant group is from Fatah, the previously dominant movement which lost control of the Gaza Strip to its rivals Hamas last June.
Hamas, it is said, has better maintained rockets thanks to the multitude of secret tunnels that its men control which run under the Gaza Strip’s border with Egypt.
My next post will refer to Paul Martin’s From our own correspondent –Crossing into Egypt for supplies
:?:Isn’t launching rockets deliberately at civilian targets without any military justification a war crime?
:?:Who gave Paul Martin permission before this assignments or isn’t a war crime a serious enough criminal activity to warrant asking?
:?:What are the guidelines for World Service reporters witnessing serious crimes or don’t they have any?
The BBC and its defecne of Islamic Jihad.
So it seems the good Bishop has riled a few feathers in the community of those who profess peace. But of course to the BBC it’s just threats but why do they avoid saying death threats. Almost all other reports say they are death threats but not the BBC. Why?…and/ 7223788.stm com…202081909990003…/ nbishop102.xml
Crossing into Egypt for supplies
By Paul Martin
BBC News, Gaza
Since the Egypt-Gaza border was breached more than a week ago, Palestinians have been crossing into Egypt looking for items they cannot find in Gaza.
These items (apart from detonators, see deegee | 02.02.08 – 8:29 pm) include:
•10 bags of cement to build a new kitchen.
•A large mattress for the matrimonial double bed.
•Goats, sheep, cows and shining, new, Chinese-made motor-cycles.
•A large red box of crisps and a crate of Coca Cola.
Ismail is far from impressed with some aspects of Egyptian hospitality: traders have pushed up their prices for the throng of Gazans, and the shwarma sandwich he has bought is, he says, “disgusting”.
Oh, the humanity 8)
BBC anti-american sneer quotes
I seem to have forgotten to provide a link for Witnessing Gaza’s rocket militia.
, fascism is not a right-wing or conservative idea at all. It’s always been a leftist notion, and even today, a lot of liberal beliefs have, unbeknownst to liberals themselves, fascist origins.
Where is Gleggoly?
surely the police should be investigating this?
express rascism needs to be stamped out from Al Beeb. At least the Met’s rascism wasnt intentional
Anonymous | 03.02.08 – 12:46 am |
Al-Beeb has gone too far this time. Still if this is bad, why isn’t “postive action” viewed in the same light?
Everything you wanted to know about Honour Killings of which the BBC does its best in which to keep you in the dark about.
Click to access CrimesOfTheCommunity.pdf
Multiple wives will mean multiple benefits;jsessionid=Z132GZY434ODPQFIQMGSFFWAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2008/02/03/nbenefit103.xml
No mention of the Mayor’s party…
…So she can’t be a Republican then.
For the record, Andrew Marr did a good, straight,(short) interview with Nigel Lafarge of UKIP this morning (BBC 1); of course, there wasn’t enough time to explore the following theme properly:
‘Mote and beam’
Interesting piece here in “The Times” on the “Today” programme rewriting history to give it an anti-American slant:
Note which of these two stories regarding Muslims the BBC gives preference to:-
1.)”Khan welcomes ‘bugging’ inquiry”
2.)”Multiple wives will mean multiple benefits”;jsessionid=Z132GZY434ODPQFIQMGSFFWAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2008/02/03/nbenefit103.xml
Nice not to see the BBC going OTT over Wendy Alexander being reported to the Police. NOT!!!!!!!!
Now, just HOW MANY Police investigations have Nu Labour been involved with? I’ve lost count.
With regards to Muslim men being treated differently under the law. What a shock, McLabour sucking up to their core vote.
The only answer is to run Mc Bean and the rest of his corrupt crooks out of town and back over the border.
Finally a negative story about forced marriages. Bloody Christians I see 🙂
All day yesterday (Sat 2/2) radio 2 news were running the story of the ‘government advisor’ who was suggesting that a high proportion of benefits claimants were on the fiddle.
Mind you, they prefaced mention of the advisor with the headine that the the eeevil tories were behind the whole thing. Soooo eeeeevil!
Worth a listen at Radio 2 ‘Listen Again’, Stuart Maconie show, 1500.
George R | 03.02.08 – 9:51 am |
There is an argument that says that in order to reduce the Tory vote it is necessary to split it by any means possible. If that means encouraging people to vote UKIP …
I see Marr allowed Farago to claim that UKIP put Nation before party by not contesting the seats held by MPs who held similar views to theirs. Marr failed to point out that this was because, in those seats, UKIP do not stand a cat in Hell’s chance of winning.
Oops that should be Lafarge not Farago – that man Freud new his beans alright.
Pounce 3:11am
Martin 10:51am
Yes, the BBC seems to miss information about certain Muslims in the UK and honour-based violence:
“Crimes of the Community: Honour-based violence in the UK”
Just listened to Cuba radio (5 live) and Phil Williams had Dave Gorman on talking about some TV show going out on More 4 this week in which Gorman travels across America in a car (how un PC)
Needless to say Williams had a load of camp left wing pillocks in as guests and basically attacked America from start to finish, one guest a “comedy comedian” (is there any other type) said how evil it was that all our high streets look the same with a Starbucks everywhere and then went off on one.
Have these left wing arseholes ever thought for a second that the reason our high streets are full of large chains is that the evil vile corrupt left wing councils have racked up taxes on small businesses so much (to pay for the benefits of Muslim men and their multiple wives for example) that ONLY large companies can afford the rates?
Oh and I can think of one really vile little camp organisation that has an office in just about every town in the world. Anyone want to take a guess at what large state run socialist organisation that might be? (“be” being a clue)
Al Beeb: more on Islam, Radio 4, 1.30pm (GMT) today:- “Uncovering Pakistan: A Leap of Faith”; the BBC’s former Islamabad correspondent wonders why so many of the hopes and aspirations of the nation remain unfulfilled. Yes, puzzling, isn’t it?Listen for the sounds of walking on egg-shells.
Another slant to the Witnessing Gaza’s rocket militia piece.
deegee | 02.02.08 – 8:29 pm
From our ‘own’ correspondent ❓
The transcript of Paul Martin’s From Our Own Correspondent broadcast on 26 January on BBC Radio 4 seemed very familiar to our researchers at HonestReporting. In fact, Paul Martin’s personal description accompanying Palestinian Qassam-firing crews in Gaza and a visit to Sderot is identical (minus some details to cover up the timing of the report) to an article first published in The Washington Times filed way back in November 2007.
HR doesn’t mention the difference in illustrations:
BBC illustration –
Washington Times illustration
Why would the BBC hide Abu Haroun’s identity behind a mask and the Washington Times show an identifiable picture of father and son (presumably Haroun) ❓
George R: Yes odd that India has managed to create a high tech economy and a half decent democracy, yet Pakistand is a joke. Why might that be? Hmm. Which religion dominates Pakistan? In fact which religion dominates most failed states across the planet? Any takers?
Forgive me if this has been posted upthread, I looked but didn’t see it…but this article gives a very good insight into the mindset of Al Beeb…and also to what will happen to the application forms of any white science graduates who happen to apply for this job when it is readvertised with the “zany asian required” taken out to comply with employment law.
The BBC remains the last redoubt of unquestioning, subsidised ‘multiculturalism’:-
“Support for ‘no-go’ bishop after death threats”;jsessionid=3QVULSBVYDRPPQFIQMFCFF4AVCBQYIV0?xml=/news/2008/02/03/nislam103.xml
“Multiculturalism – Merits and Debits.”
Oh Dear!, The British public simply dont buy the BBC view of the world
Yes. Our scummy politicians seem to be quite happy to have you and I under surveillance, what with CCTV cameras, number plate recognition cameras, speed cameras, conjestion charge cameras, ID cards, low emission zone cameras, and F**K knows what else.
What I laugh at is the scum that run the BBC think it’s OK to film the BNP or the Police undercover, but not to film the extremism that goes on in our Mosques!!!!
What about the rights of the people the BBC film daily?
Tebbit’s ‘shoot it, eat it’ book
…….er, thats LORD Tebbit to you crass BBC employees of the State.
A New BBC Logo?
The BBC, how it defends radical Islam and half a story.
Turks protest over headscarf plan
Thousands of Turks have rallied in Ankara to protest against a government plan to allow women to wear the Islamic headscarf in Turkish universities.
Has anybody noticed that when Muslims protest for the good of Allah (or against the US or UK) the BBC always inflates the figures. However on counter protests the BBC always downplays the figures. In this case the BBC says thousands, but doesn’t give a figure. So how many people walked the streets in Turkey on Saturday protesting about allowing the Hijab into mainstream education. 1,2 8 thousand? How about 125,000.
“Some 125,000 flag-waving Turks, mostly women, denounced the Islamic-rooted government over its plans to lift a decades-old ban on Islamic headscarves in universities – a move the foreign minister said would expand Turkish freedoms.”;_ylt=A0WTcUpL9KVHTYcAJyCs0NUE
Now if this protest had been in favour of the hijab the BBC would have cited hundreds of thousands.
The BBC, how it defends radical Islam and half a story.
I’ve just had a reply from a BBC complaint. It was from an address called
They dismiss your complaint and are rude enough to give you a reply address that is rejected by email systems. You pay their wages and they can’t even be bothered to correspond with you.
Why should we believe this arrogance is any less rife in the news dept than it obviously is in the complaints dept?
Yes, after being fobbed off many times, and generally not even receiving an automated response to my complaint, I have decided that the complaints system demonstrates the BBC’s contempt for the public.
Dunno if anyone saw this:
Google blocks access to the Biased BBC blog via search
John Reith–
You recently argued on this site that the reason the BBC never uses headlines like “Palestinians bomb Jerusalem Pizza Parlour” was that do so would unfairly vilify an entire people.
What do you think of this headline, from today’s BBC online:
“Lebanese man ‘killed by Israelis’ “?
( )
Your argument was that it was okay to use the term “Israel strikes Gaza” because Israel is a sovereign nation, but because there is not yet a sovereign state called Palestine, it is unfair to refer to “Palestinians” as perpetrators where suicide bombs and Qassam rockets are concerned, for fear of mis-labelling an entire people.
So again, I ask, how do you account for this continuing, apparent double standard?
“…tax credits mean 40% of families pay no net tax…”
Really? I can’t believe that’s true. Is there no one at BBC News online who is able to test statements from the government like this?
I heard the report about disposable income by the center for policy studies (“why do we feel so broke” ) on the Toady programme this morning. I was told twice by the reporters that the think tank was “right leaning” and a “bit rightwing” and then the analysis went on to sneer that the conclusions would be different if a different date range had been used. As if the “left – leaning” State “crime figures” couldn’t be re-interpreted by the judicious application of a dose reality
This has to have been one of the most blatant examples of pure bias I have heard in years – and it scores really highly on the blatancy score by the inclusion of the included the notorious BBC health warning “right leaning” that is applied to anything that isn’t the product of some Fabian Society love-in
Shouldn’t this site be intensely concerned about how the shameless and arrogant bbc wastes our money? A “reporter” called Kim Gatas(sp)enlightened us about the horrific murder of five women in a Chicago suburb. She didn’t name the location, or give us many details about the crime. There is a good reason for that. Our beeboid was sitting in Washington D.C., about 1000 miles away from the scene! Why not use an American reporter actually in the area. Sure it would cost some money, but not as much as maintaining a host of beeboids in a country where understandable English is spoken! How much exactly does it cost us to maintain the America-hating Justin Webb, the bombastic Matt Fry (sp), or any others of the tens of money wasting freeloaders incompetently reporting on the most important country in the world?
A ‘moral maze’ question for the BBC and their chums at ‘Liberty’:
which do you support, wind farms or national security?
“Two targets, one dilemma: to defend the Earth or the skies?”
In true Orwellian style, the Government’s Ministry of Truth draws up a new “vocabulary” to make sure Muslims are not offended or “demonised” when references are made to the terrorist outrages perpetrated in their name.
It’s been “handed” to the Guardian – (which is the same as giving it to the BBC) stand by for the Beeb to use this as yet more reason to re-write history.
The Winston Smiths at Beeb House are even now sharpening their crayons to cross out ungood definitions and replace them with the new doubleplusgood ones gifted to them by HM Vote-buying Government.
Matt Frei
“”This is not about political correctness, but effectiveness – evidence shows that people stop listening if they think you are attacking them.””
Oh god I’m laughing so much I can barely sit up.
Have you ever met a lefty who subscribes to the view that ‘people stop listening if they think you are attacking them?’ Leftys are just loud mouthed cowards at heart. Their aggressive intellectualism is just over compensation for their own physical weakness and general all-round weediness. If they all shut up and attempted to persuade rather than demand, they’d probably die from blood poisoning due to all the pent up aggression they’d store up in their systems.
Anyway, I don’t know why they need an entire handbook to learn how to lie adequately to the muslim community. Why don’t they just refer to all terrorists and extremists as “Fluffy Bunny Wunnies” and all the atrocities they commit as “Whoops-A-Daisies” or something.
I also think that the civil servants concerned shouldn’t be approaching the muslims in stiff suits or official uniforms because this could frighten the flighty doe-eyed muslim community needlessly when they are grazing peacefully in their glades. Instead, civil servants should be trained to creep up on them wearing Giant Panda Outfits (halal fur only) waving big plastic rattles and cooing “Does Snooky-Wookyinums want ga-ga with the big bad man”
Simon | 04.02.08 – 7:55 am
John Reith- ……
What do you think of this headline, from today’s BBC online:
“Lebanese man ‘killed by Israelis’ “?
Since the article makes clear the man was killed by Israeli security forces, I have no problem with that headline.
But if he had been killed by Kahane Chai, then ‘Israelis’ would be too broad a label. There is no double standard.
The BBC, how it fights to keep illegal immigrants in the country and half a story.
Deported cancer woman gets worse
Supporters of a dying Ghanaian woman controversially deported say her condition has rapidly deteriorated because she can’t get the drugs needed. Ama Sumani, 39, was removed from the University of Wales Hospital and flown home after her visa expired despite being diagnosed as terminally ill.
I see the BBC keeps on banging its drum for the rights of a failed asylum seeker. (She never was a student) I see the BBC is promoting the story that her visa expired.
Err no she lied and her visa was revoked, but hey anything in which to allow somebody who has no right to be in the Uk to be treated at our expense.
The BBC, how it fights to keep illegal immigrants in the country and half a story.