The BBC’s showcase political TV programme in Northern Ireland is called “Hearts and Minds” and it is broadcast on a Thursday night. As has been mentioned before here, I am on occasional contributor being the token right-winger and anti peace-processor. Last night it ran an item on the US election and both points of view were represented – Hillary and Obama’s!! Disgracefully, the programme could only find US students living in NI who were democrats, and so the entire discussion was about the Dem fortunes. The presenter, Noel Thompson, also approvingly quoted Dan Rather, in evident admiration. (Given Rather’s ignoble exit from his job, I would have thought it might be better to keep quiet about him) GOP candidate John McCain got one sentence. This is all part of the co-ordinated cheer-leading for the Democrats on behalf of the BBC and it without doubt unfair and unbalanced.
Meanwhile back in National BBC land, did you see the “Shami Chakrabarti show” aka Question Time? What a dismal spectacle this was – with a panel that was yet again loaded! We had the gormless Labour MP and Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Andy Burhham. (Left) We had the ubiquitous Shami Chakrabarti (Left), we had Lib-Dem Julia Goldsworthy (Left), we had Glaswegian entrepreneur (Left) and to balance, Chris Grayling, a Conservative MP and former BBC producer. The audience came from Liverpool (hard left). As ever, it was well chaired by Dimbleby – but the left wing view prevails on every issue. This programme is institutionally dysfunctional I’m afraid. The selection of panelists is bias incarnate. Can you imagine a QT programme where four of the five panelists were from a conservative background? Of course not – it would not happen. But having four out of five from a Leftist background seems so very reasonable, right?
Then to finish, Five Live – and the morning programme hosted by Nicky Campbell. I caught it just after 8am and it covered the Sharia Law news story by getting… the view of some Muslims on it. Anyone who tuned in would have heard some classic Islamic dissembling and some very meek and mild questioning from Nicky Campbell who was obviously reluctant to pursue exactly what the Muslim spokemen were claiming. Listening to the gentlemen from Peterborough mosque speak, why one would conclude Sharia law is a wise and kindly form of judgement. And naturally, he added that NO-ONE is suggesting that the criminal aspect of Sharia be implemented in the UK. Heaven forbid.
Just three snap shots of the BBC in 24 hours pumping out unbalanced opinion. And we pay a mandatory tax to facilitate this?
Rockall | 08.02.08 – 3:57 pm
Who are ‘her people’?
As a matter of interest how often does the mouthpiece of the Women’s Institute get on to the Question Time panel?
John Reith
I know who she is and what she is (how can one not, given her ubiquity on the vile BBC) and I have no objection to her views being represented. But surely you will accept that she represents and espouses a particular leftist view and that others who perhaps represent a more conservative position are wholly ignored?
“and that others who perhaps represent a more conservative position are wholly ignored”
Like on ID cards, you mean?
Put it this way, I didn’t see her out campaigning for the fox hunting lobby when their ‘human rights’ were being impinged did I?
Dr R | 08.02.08 – 4:04 pm
I don’t think Chakrabarti is a ‘leftist’ particularly- she’s certainly tried to decouple Liberty from its previous tendency to be too close to Labour. She’s certainly less leftist in this job than Harriet Harman was.
Oh dear Beeboids – have the HYS boards been taken over by the Daily Telegraph? What to do?
This for a start:
“Adoption of parts of Sharia law would be of benefit to British society”
Sam, Northampton
And this piece of mush for another:
Feature smiley muslims:
And finally keep underlining the fact that these sort of people do it:
Some recent Question Time panels:
The liberals weren’t happy:
“The audience came from Liverpool (hard left).” – This made me laugh out loud.
Here’s the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – I can’t find any reference to a right to hunt foxes. Perhaps you could point to it. Or is it perhaps more a privilege than a right? Discuss.
“I don’t think Chakrabarti is a ‘leftist’ particularly- she’s certainly tried to decouple Liberty from its previous tendency to be too close to Labour.”
Oh Mr Reith, can you write that with a straight face?
She wants to uncouple herself from Labour because Liberty regard Labour, or Tony Blair to be exact, as too right wing.
Liberty is all about rights and nothing to do with responsibilities.
I hope you are not being serious. In case you are I am afraid I must ‘cherrypick’ to not get involved in your daft discussion.
What we are against is the refusal of the BBC to reflect the reality, i.e. some aspects of current Islamic practice are offensive (decapitation, stoning etc) and that some Muslims really are out to get us BECAUSE of their faith. The current BBC output in this area, in contrast to Channel 4 is little more than propaganda
Arthur Dent | 08.02.08 – 3:19 pm | #
Did you see the News at Ten last night? Sharia Law was depicted with images of; public flogging, amputation and public execution. The conclusion of any right-minded person is inevitable. But any instance such as this is ignored, as you would expect.
David – nice attempt at wriggling, have you even convinced yourself I wonder?
“News at Ten”
A new BBC venture?
Sarah-Jane: Sorry but you don’t understand Islam (and neither does the Arch Idiot of Canterbury)
Islam is NOT just a religion. It’s a way of life, not just something you do on a Sunday morning.
The fact is leftie liberals cannot chery pick the bits of the Sharia THEY see or think is acceptable.
The fact is that Muslims are already able to do much of what the pillock of Canterbury is suggesting, just as anyone else is so long as both parties agree.
The argument is that the twat of Canterbury wants ot CHANGE our legal system to incorporate Islamic principles. Why stop there? What about other religions?
You can only have one legal system and the Sharia IS barbaric in many aspects. The problem is many Muslim males don’t see those bits as barbaric.
The BBC liberals fail to see this as well, which is rather ironic. the BBC liberals refuse to accpet that “some of us” don’t want to pay for the licence fee, yet the BBC isn’t willing to say OK, you only have to pay if you want to watch.
The argument is that we all have to pay for the BBC and in return the BBC is supposed to offer a range of programming to all (which it fails to do)
Look around the world and point out ONE Islamic Country where Shaira law is implemented but the stoning, beheading etc is NOT carried out.
PM starts off with a clip from a muslim academic (Univ of Warwick) supporting Rasputin. Bet the BBC went all out to find someone like this today.
Hi Martin
Couple of things:
1. I don’t agree with the license fee.
2. I don’t want to see any form of Sharia law in this country. Ever.
I think the BBC has performed a good job of exposing William’s argument to the scrutiny it deserves, while maintaining a semblance of impartiality, but really no right-minded person is looking at any of this and thinking other than it’s a bad thing.
Sometimes this blog just pushes what it wants to believe far beyond what can be supported by the evidence of BBC’s output.
This is one of those times. But don’t take my word for it, take those of all the regulars here who think the same.
The only “wriggling” I see here is by worms such as Mr Reith who – if they are working for the BBC – rather validate every criticism that comes its way. The ROP it is.
Sarah-Jane: Sorry but 5 live this morning refused to give this subject a proper phnoe in. They knew it would get heated, so they mixed in 3 stories into the phone in. This is NOT my imagination, but fact.
I can’t remember the last time the BBC did that on 5 live with Victoria Derbyshire.
The fact is the BBC are squirming here. They love what this prat said, but as even most of their liberal mates are opposed to this the BBC don’t know what to do.
The BBC has been pushing the “good points” about Sharia for months now, but as I’ve pointed out, to a Muslim you don’t pick and choose Sharia, it’s all or nothing.
The thick liberals in the Church and the BBC don’t seem to get that.
If you want a laugh, visit this “helpful” analysis of Sharia Law provided by AL Beeb.
Meanwhile the BBC is reporting that Williams is “in shock”. Given the stupidity of the comments made, I’m thinking he should be in therapy.
Incidentally, when asked by the Hellograph to name her ‘person of the year’ in 2007, Shami Chakrabarti chose Dominic Grieve, the Shadow Attorney General.
Liberty has certainly formed some dubious alliances in recent times, but it is certainly no great friend of the Labour government.
JR justified Shami’s presence on QT “because she’s the mouthpiece of what used to be called ‘the National Council for Civil Liberties – in its way as much part of the warp and weft of national life as the Women’s Institute or Oxfam – whose declared mission is:
to protect civil liberties and promote human rights for everyone”
Other commentators have stated that Liberty has less than 2000 members. If I create an organisation with over 2000 members who wish (for example)to “preserve the tradtional way of british life” – can we have a representative on Question Time every week? If not, could John Reith please explain what we would need to do to achieve this?
“On Muslims – you are in a tiny minority because you are so extreme. Sure, people in Britain don’t want sharia; aren’t keen on all sorts of multi culti and many are fed up with their way their towns have changed – but they don’t regard all Muslims as vile scum and don’t deny there’s any such thing as a moderate Muslim – typical of the sentiments frequently posted here.”
Neither do we regard most Muslims as extremists fanatics or vile scum – but we ARE fed of up such people (usually unelected and from the likes of the MCB etc )being given prominent and regular forums from which to speak when the opposite view or that of really moderate Muslims is hardly ever allowed air time by the BBC. You are being rather naughty by trying to smear all here with the same brush that one or two may deservedly require.
I for example don’t regard all BBC people as evil agents of the anti British front – only around 90% of them! 😎 I have friends in the TV business but no BBC ones; does that make me a Beebist?
why hasnt the bbc sent a hidden camera reporter to chop chop square in Riyadh, since the hot topic this week is sharia law.
or maybe to tehran to film a stoning or hanging.
wouldnt that be somewhat educational about what sharia is ?
the thing the infuriated me about the bbc’s coverage of the “sharia” debate is that they didnt invite any refugees from sharia law on – who are living in this country.
instead , we get the Vicar of Dibley.
Archie Opterix
I think John John Reith is wonderful,he is doing for the BBC what Rowan Williams did for the Church of England.
Wraith must be a plant,who else would castigate the customers?
I await with bated breath, the upcoming BBC documentary on Sharia Law and how it applies (and is applied)to the treatment of Christians in Muslim countries. And also look forward to Dr.Williams participation in it.
(looooong intermission while any number of tumbleweeds roll past…)
What is John Reith reading?
It certainly isn’t what I am reading on Biased BBC.
There was a great line in “The Life of Brian”. It was one of the audience of Brian’s impromptu sermon when running away from the soldiers – “He’s making it up as he goes along”.
Why did that spring to my mind when John Reith characterises the general opinion people here have of muslims and islam?
BTW I can understand the accusation that the QT panel is stacked with ‘leftists’ (and I won’t go off on a tangent how misleading I think the left/right paradigm is). The panelists have a track-record and the BBC can chose who to invite.
How can the BBC stack an audience? Is there some type of questionnaire they have to fill out? If Liverpool is overwhelmingly left (votes Labor, Lib-Dem, Respect, Green, SWP?) where could stage the debate to be sure of neutrality? … overwhelmingly right? … typical of little England? … typical of Great Britain?
Does the BBC invite the audience by directing invitations at specific groups? Do they have a map showing which major city will have what target audience?
Perhaps leftists are more likely to volunteer to attend these discussion groups? Empirical evidence, please.
The Question Time application is below:
Joel | Homepage | 09.02.08 – 12:27 pm
I assume that it would be fairly easy to receive the audience documents for the last 10 QT’s. That’s what the FOI act is for. That would give an answer to the question, does the BBC deliberately skew Question Time audiences?
deegee | 09.02.08 – 12:35 pm |
Go for it! If you need help with the fee we could have a whip round 😉
JR, 25,000 people have taken the time to post a comment on HYS stating that they are against the Archbishops argument, 67 bloggers on Newsnight and the majority were supportive of the Archbishops argument……. now what does that tell me?..that the majority of viewers of Newsnight are the real minority and seem to be left-wing apologists, and that the HYS bloggers seem to be the majority of the UK public and come from all walks of live, which blows your argument to pieces that the people who blog on this site are the minority.
David Vance: This is all part of the co-ordinated cheer-leading for the Democrats on behalf of the BBC and it is without doubt unfair and unbalanced.
The co-ordinated cheerleading on behalf of the BBC is all for obama. The pro obama bias is glaring and v unfair to hillary.