I caught the BBC Radio 4 News headlines at 6.30am this morning and noticed that the “Save The Guantanamo Six” campaign has now kicked off, following the news that the US intends to try six men, including alleged plot mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, with plotting the events that led to the mass terror attack on 9/11. The BBC are foaming at the mouth about this story because it combines several of their innate leftist prejudices. The Bush regime (bad) is going to take Guantanamo inmates (innocent, in the wrong place at the wrong time) to a military commission (always bad) and if they are convictedthey could face – gasp – the death penalty (double bad) The first comment came from the UN Rapportuer on torture Manfred Nowak(Remember, Gitmo bad) who was given free reign to imply that the poor Jihadi might not get a fair trial. Indeed I was entertained to hear the BBC reporter explain that he had “broken the news” to Manfred (who was on a ski-ing holiday, natch) that the Gitmo inmates could now face the death penalty. How interesting that the BBC thinks that the first person to speak to after this breaking news is a representative of the morally bankrupt UN which has consistently opposed the war on terror. Here’s a hint for the BBC – why not get in contact with those who lost loved ones on 9/11 and who crave that justice be done? The BBC has been a constant echo-chamber for the anti-war lobby who knee-jerk that Guantanamo be closed and that if there is evidence against those interned there, then bring them to trial. Now that the US is doing just that, they are even more upset because it’s the wrong sort of trial and as all good Beeboids know, there is no justice in the USA, right? (OJ apart) I look forward to the trial and conviction of these alleged Jihadi and hope that they will made their fate – and the death penalty seems about right to me. The world is divided into September 10th and September 11th people – the BBC remains resolutely stuck in September 10th 2001.
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sounds good to me!
Apart from the amusingly melodramatic prose and the legal disaster that is the sentence “I look forward to the trial and conviction of these alleged Jihadi” I agree.
The story here is that people allegedly involved in the murder of thousands may be about to face justice. The dubious nature of their treatment and the legal process is a story but it’s very much a substory. The BBC lunchtime news yesterday jumped straight to some clown talking about the impossibility of a fair trial, barely pausing to give the context of what these blokes are alleged to have done.
Hang on, you’re annoyed because of what?
In all your ranting and raving there was only one actual case of “bias” in the report – that after reporting the White House’s statement first, they asked someone from the UN and haven’t sniffed out the victims’ families yet. That’s it? That merited a five-inch rant in bold print? Most of this drivel isn’t even about the BBC!
I think it would take a hijacked 747 straight into Broadcasting House or the TV Centre to rid most beeboids of their cherished “principles” – and even then I’m not sure.
Listening to the report this morning it did sound like there was sympathy for the idea that they were not going to get a fair trail from the military tribunala and the word ‘showtrial’ was used four or five times.
There were a number of liberal commentators invited on who were critical with no one really standing up for the decision that has been taken.
That said, I did not detect any sympathy for the six individuals themselves. In the past they would have been called the ‘Guantanamo Six’. Maybe that is to follow.
Angry young Alex,
Talk about rants! I think you will find that the BEEBOID collective are tying themselves in knots trying to fan the flames of leftist indignation.
The BBC talked to one relative of a 9/11 victim and lo and behold she was towing the BBC ‘poor Gitmo victims’ they wouldnt get a fair trial blah blah.
Of course the 9/11 vitims(civilian) and their suffering doesnt come into it does it? The BBC and its leftist chums havent shed a single tear for the thouands of innocent victims have they?
But let the BBC carry on, because then people will see just where their priorities are!
Cockney | 12.02.08 – 10:39 am
The BBC lunchtime news yesterday jumped straight to some clown talking about the impossibility of a fair trial, barely pausing to give the context of what these blokes are alleged to have done.
Yeah, you’ve got a point there.
A poor call, but not one arising out of support for or sympathy with the perps of 9/11 as some of the nuttier folk around here allege.
I note on their BBC news player they have footage of ‘waterboarding’, and of Gitmo, along with the general telling of the crimes these men are charged with. I also note, with some amusement the picture of one of the murderers, sorry, alleged murderers, how he looks so tired and worn out – poor guy!!
If they get the death penalty, it will be too good for them, 2973 people dead, including 8 children. Not a lot of quoting of these numbers from the bbc.
Yes I totally agree, they’ve shown their anti US bias in this report, although I will say one last thing. American justice will be on trial here too, they do not want to end up as the British did in NI with the full extent of its ‘justice’ yet to be revealed. Which Eames/Bradley will be bringing forth. Allegedly, that is.;-)
While R.Williams and the BBC muse over having some Sharia law in the UK, one has the impression from them that maybe the September 11 Islamic jihad murderous attacks on people in the USA was simply some kind of Islam-inspired aberration. So the guard of the West is down. Daniel Pipes (Dec. 2005) wrote this:-
“My Gloom: Back to September 10”
“Revealed: Islamist extremists have penetrated the heart of Britain”
(Stephen Wright).
Get back to me when you move on past 9/10.
Thanks for that.
You don’t get it, do you? The point is that in the war on terror, the BBC should be on our side. Instead, it provides as much time to the poor oppressed Islamic terrorists and their propagandists as it does to the victims. If you consider that my taking the side of victims of terrorism is nutty, put it down to living through thirty five years of terrorism in Northern Ireland.
David Vance, The BBC and half a story.
Since David took over the helm of this blog, he has attracted the ire of the ethical Latte brigade . Accusations of;
Racist, Bigot, Islamopobe have all been thrown his and by extension our way. What I cannot understand is how in their trade friendly repasts they do not discuss what the rest of us plebs chat about.
David has really stirred a hornets nest, people are taking note of how the BBC is a Trojan horse when it comes to Islam.
Typing in Biased BBC into Google not only brings this blog up at the top of the list but that list contains over a ¼ of a Million Hits on the subject. Try typing in biased ITV,Ch4 and you get hits in the 10s of the thousands. No this site is opening the eyes of the world on how the ruling class at the BBC stick their arses in the air 5 times a day and wish to ensure that we all follow their example.
David keep up the good work, if you are making the wankers at the BBC sweat,(Try taking your burka off) then you are doing a fine job.
David Vance, The BBC and half a story.
I think you’ll find David Vance, like Enoch before him – who was much misunderstood but generally right in what he said. (Though he isn’t right all the time;-) )
Someone needs to highlight the things he does. In many instances he is the only person who will give the victims and their families a voice.
I find it impossible to believe that the BBC can seriously portray their largely unfounded doubts* about a fair trial as more important than what these people are on trial for. The word “fixation” springs to mind. The point above about the lack of contact with any of the relatives of the victims is also valid. The BBC always seems to be able to drag out a relative or two to suggest that a driver who has accidentally knocked down and killed some poor soul should be locked up for life (especially at local level), but when a few thousand have been murdered in the name of Allah, their journalistic skills seem to desert them. I wonder why this is?
*I ought to expand on “unfounded doubts” for the sadly burgeoning collection of trolls that are gathering here:
1. There is no proven evidence that Gitmo inmates are tortured.
2. There is no proven evidence that Gitmo inmates are mistreated or underfed; in fact there is much evidence to the contrary.
3. There is no evidence, proven or otherwise, that the trial of these 6 will be anything other than rigorously fair. Certainly more fair than a rape trial in Saudi Arabia, I would guess!
David, excellent post, I would echo Pounce’s reactions. I am about to post something less complimentary on the thread below, but with regards to this, keep up the good work!
BBC Danish cartoons ‘plotters’ held http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7240481.stm
CNN ‘Terror plot’ to kill Mohammed cartoonist http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/europe/02/12/denmark.cartoon/index.html
Guardian Danish arrests over ‘plot to kill Muhammad cartoonist’ http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/feb/12/muhammadcartoons.religion
Times Islamic extremists ‘plotted to kill Danish Mohammad cartoonist’ http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article3355938.ece
Sky News Arrests Over Plot To Murder Cartoonist http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30200-1305040,00.html
In BeebLand, they`re just “Cartoon Plotters” see! Its all been a bit of a laugh and a big misunderstanding. All other News outlets manage to call a spade a spade.
The BBC, Laughable if it wasnt so dangerous.
“how the ruling class at the BBC stick their arses in the air 5 times a day and wish to ensure that we all follow their example.”
Yes,but not always for religious reasons .
I heard that 8.30 one and, like Reith, I think it was framed from an overly liberal perspective. My own views on this subject are highly illiberal, but even so, in this case I dont think they got the balance point right.
The report on Newsnight was a much better effort with Paxman even asking what right these people had to any kind of due process at all.
By means of checking my own perspective I went to have a look at HYS to see what the tone was there, and was very surprised to see it seemed to have been flooded with liberal American and Canadian opinion, and there were hardly any comments from Brits there at all. Probably in the queue as 80% of comments submitted were in it.
Anyway, the criticism seems fair, even if the ascribed motivation is the usual hyperbole and conjecture.
Actually while the balance of the R4 news this morning wasn’t right IMO, looking at David’s article again, I don’t think it’s “fair criticism” at all, even if I agree with one of the points he is trying to make.
So much of it is unsubstantiated conjecture about a mindset and groupthink he thinks he has an inside line on.
If the article had less of that, and a bit more of this:
“The first comment came from the UN Rapportuer on torture Manfred Nowak who was given free reign to imply that the poor Jihadi might not get a fair trial. Indeed I was entertained to hear the BBC reporter explain that he had “broken the news” to Manfred (who was on a ski-ing holiday, natch) that the Gitmo inmates could now face the death penalty. Here’s a hint for the BBC – why not get in contact with those who lost loved ones on 9/11 and who crave that justice be done? ”
The point would be made much more clearly and elegantly. Especially when you consider the 8:30am bullettin spoke to someone who had lost a relative on 9/11 but was opposed to a military trial.
When may we anticipate a Question Time with an audience stacked with the mouth-foaming, feet-stomping sympathisers for murder that the BBC brought to our screens just days after 9/11?
Congratulation on getting those tax-funded tosspots riled up.
It is sign of the increasing effectiveness of B-BBC that it is drawing such flak.
To echo Cassandra; I too was struck that the only 9/11 relative that was interviewed yesterday came down against the death penalty. I wonder how representative she was?
I think future coverage of Gitmo may give us a textbook example of how you do not need lies to bias the story: context and angle are everything and omission of inconvenient opinions, a prerequisite
We can look forward to a lot of sly bias disguised as imparial coverage like this from this morning:
Q John, this isn’t going to satisfy Guantanamo’s critics is it.
A Absolutely not, the attention is already focussing in the kind of justice these men are likely to face
No doubt ‘Newsnight’ will want to support the 73 years old Danish cartoon illustrator, Kurt Westergaard, in the interests of free speech:
“Police foil plot to kill Muhammad illustrator”
After all, Kurt Westergaad featured in one of ‘Newsnight’s most worthwhile reports of recent years,
“Cartoon row revisted” (video):
Keep it coming! Chocky fa-la, if you’ll pardon the expression.
It’s interesting that the BBC seems to have taken the “torture” allegations at face value, yet the footage of “waterboarding” it showed on lat night’s news seemed to suggest that the practice, while no doubt unpleasant to undergo, is on a par with the sort of thing we train pilots/special forces to endure. I don’t know whether pounce might be able to enlighten us.
I’m actually very impressed that the US is going to such lengths to ensure due process. Where were terrorists who specifically rejected all conventions of warfare given the protection of military law?
Yesterday’s Newsnight made the outrageous allegation that people at Gitmo have been “tortured”, they then allowed a terrorist rights activist to repeat this claim without any evidence. Paxo echo-chambered this by talking about “human rights authorities” saying waterboarding is torture – what makes them authorities? Why aren’t these human-rights gurus trying to defend the tens-of-thousands in the US military who have undergone this waterboarding “torture”?
We then saw library pictures of Gitmo, orange jumpsuits and cages. Of course Gitmo hasn’t been like that for four years – it now looks like any other prison – so why these particular images that the far-left identify with?
To top it all there was a George Soros stooge making outrageous, unfounded, claims about the US military.
This was pure Al-Queda propaganda. I hope none of the victims of 9/11 were watching, it made me embarrassed to be British.
Jed Babbin made mincemeat of Ratner (the “Soros stooge”) from where I was sitting. Are you sure we were watching the same programme?
Diffident (“furore”), post 9/11- type, BBC reporting suggested here:
“Arrests in Denmark”
Danish cartoons ‘plotters’ held
When I read this BBC headline I thought that Kurt Westergaards printers had been impounded.
Yes, you do wonder if we had been fighting WW2 how today’s BBC would have dealt with PoW’s etc?
Those poor Germans being forced to exterminate all those evil Jews.
Oh and what about the bombing of Germany, I’m sure Shami would have had a few words to say on that.
Eff the BBC, it’s full of leftie nonces.
Oh and in the same way the BBC betrayed the British forces in the Falklands war I’m sure the Beeboids would have happily given away the invasion of Normandy plans given the chance.
“Ah Mr Churchill, aren’t you being blinkered? Surely the war can only be ended with a political solution which takes account of the very real grievances at out behaviour expressed by Her Hitler? Surely, with the Cabinet split between you and Lord Halifax, it’s time to move on from the blood-thirsty rhetoric?”
last night paxo was in full flow where he said of Khaled sheikh mahommed (KSM)
paxo – “KSM cut off daniel pearls head, boasts about it, boasts about 9/11, he’s admitted everything – he’s lucky he’s even getting a trial and not just taken out of his cell and shot”
human rights protester – “mumble mumble… uphold democratic values… mumble mumble”
why not more of this on the today programme, mainstream bbc news ?
isn’t the really amazing story that they are actually having a trial.
did daniel pearl/ ken bigley etc etc get a trial ? do the taliban/AQ hold trials for captured combatants.
That the astroturfers have come out of their holes to attack and denigrate means that you are getting through to them.
Good keep it going.
did daniel pearl/ ken bigley etc etc get a trial ? do the taliban/AQ hold trials for captured combatants.
jimbob | 12.02.08 – 1:50 pm | #
I’d prefer to set the bar somewhat higher than the Taliban and AQ..
So why carp when the USA does precisely that?
“If you consider that my taking the side of victims of terrorism is nutty, put it down to living through thirty five years of terrorism in Northern Ireland.”
After 35 years you still haven’t a clue either.
Let’s go through the latest rant with subtitles, so we can see the Vance “thought” processes clank into line:
“THE SEPTEMBER 1OTH PEOPLE. I caught the BBC Radio 4 News headlines at 6.30am this morning and noticed that the “Save The Guantanamo Six” campaign has now kicked off, following the news that the US intends to try six men, including alleged plot mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, with plotting the events that led to the mass terror attack on 9/11.”
I must have missed the “Save the Guantanamo Six” campaign. Perhaps because the BBC reporters weren’t wrapping themselves in the Stars and Stripes and high-fiving each other with whoops and hollahs that justice will be done and we get to hang the bastards?
“The BBC are foaming at the mouth about this story because it combines several of their innate leftist prejudices. The Bush regime (bad) is going to take Guantanamo inmates (innocent, in the wrong place at the wrong time) to a military commission (always bad) and if they are convictedthey could face – gasp – the death penalty (double bad)”
…say the voices in Vance’s skull. That must be it. No questioning of the Bush administration is allowed in Vanceworld.
“The first comment came from the UN Rapportuer on torture Manfred Nowak(Remember, Gitmo bad) who was given free reign to imply that the poor Jihadi might not get a fair trial.”
What? You mean no-one, but no-one, is allowed to challenge a statement made by the White House ever?
“Indeed I was entertained to hear the BBC reporter explain that he had “broken the news” to Manfred (who was on a ski-ing holiday, natch) that the Gitmo inmates could now face the death penalty.”
Clearly you’re overjoyed by this. I think you don’t need any stinkin’ evidence to convict the men. The fact that they are accused is all that’s required for you to make up your mind.
“How interesting that the BBC thinks that the first person to speak to after this breaking news is a representative of the morally bankrupt UN which has consistently opposed the war on terror.”
The UN has consistently opposed the war in Iraq, but then so did most of the world (including very clear majority of Britons). I have not seen a sentence that the UN opposes the invasion of Afghanistan, the key lynchpin of that campaign – but then accuracy was never your strong point.
“Here’s a hint for the BBC – why not get in contact with those who lost loved ones on 9/11 and who crave that justice be done?”
What has that to do with anything? Normally justice is served through jury trials and the presentation of evidence with adequate opportunity to rebut. Not with asking the victims to rubberstamp a drumhead trial.
“The BBC has been a constant echo-chamber for the anti-war lobby who knee-jerk that Guantanamo be closed and that if there is evidence against those interned there, then bring them to trial”
You mean, they have allowed people inside and outside America to express an opinion you don’t care for? That’s a shame. Its called freedom of speech, David.
The people calling for Guantanamo to be closed were also Americans as well, including not a few Congressmen.
“Now that the US is doing just that, they are even more upset because it’s the wrong sort of trial and as all good Beeboids know, there is no justice in the USA, right? (OJ apart)”
Ah yes, OJ apart. And all those other times that American jurisprudence has convicted innocent people and acquitted the guilty.
Not that I regard the US system to be that bad, only imperfect especially with celebrities involved, or in the case of show trials like the the McCarthy-era UnAmerican Activities Committee.
There is no evidence that the BBC believes “there is no justice in the USA”. That’s the voices in your head again, David.
“I look forward to the trial and conviction of these alleged Jihadi and hope that they will made their fate – and the death penalty seems about right to me.”
OK why not skip the boring stuff and get straight to lynching them? After all, no evidence needs to be presented for David Vance to approve of detention without trial if the persons involved are Moslem and have brown skin. That’s already been demonstrated.
“The world is divided into September 10th and September 11th people – the BBC remains resolutely stuck in September 10th 2001”
If course, if nobody questions authority then 35 years of Northern Ireland terrorism is the result. Over and over again.
The world of David Vance is divided into right wing and left wing, Catholic and Protestant, loyalism and nationalism, white and black, Christian and Moslem, for us or against us. Its infantile and reactionary in other words.
If these people were involved then I support punishment, and the Death Penalty is an option. But only on the basis of a fair trial.
Hah, so you are adamant that they will receive a fair trial, and then say you are looking forward to their conviction? Foregone conclusion in your mind clearly, so why bother with a trial? And you support the holding of prisoners without trial then? Maybe we should get the police to arrest you indefinitely on grounds of this blog being a threat to national security (whether it is or not), and see how you like it?
I can only presume that angry young alex and the Aussie nutter with the royal family fetish weren’t listening to the Toady programme. Sometimes the beeboid line is almost a parody and today’s hyperventilating about the gtm trial was one of them.
BBC lies for Islamic extreemism:
Danish cartoons ‘plotters’ held
“The BBC’s Thomas Buch-Andersen in Copenhagen says the arrests have stunned people in Denmark, where the furore over the cartoons was thought to have passed”
Stunned?? Really?. Only if you are a Dane who’s been hiding in a cellar for the last couple of years:
Theo van Gogh
“Theo van Gogh was a Dutch film director, television producer, publicist and actor. He was murdered by a jihadist in 2004.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
“Following the murder of Theo Van Gogh, the Dutch government had been financing round the clock security for her. However, it decided to stop paying for protection while she is living abroad. As a result, Hirsi Ali returned to the Netherlands until security arrangements are in place for her in the United States.”
Can the BBC serve up some ‘stunned’ dutch folk to back up their article claim? I doubt it. The dutch are well aware of islamic extreemism in their country and the likely murder attempts by islamic extreemists on those who would exercise their rights to free speech.
I’m ‘stunned’ that BBC journalists think that they can get away with such lies. Do they take us all for fools?
BBC lies for Islamic extreemism.
Aussie doean’t do much Bystanding does he?
” Aussie doean’t do much Bystanding does he? ”
I think the poor little Kangaroo has had sand in his pouch ever since Mr Vance arrived ( who I had never heard of before, obviously I don’t get out on the internet enough 😉 )
The intrepid Antipodean doesn’t seem to know too much about the US constitution, or history for that matter:
“Not that I regard the US system to be that bad, only imperfect especially with celebrities involved, or in the case of show trials like the the McCarthy-era UnAmerican Activities Committee.”
Since when did congressional committees conduct trials? Oh, and McCarthy was a Senator and therefore not involved in House hearings. And, yes, Alger Hiss actually was a Soviet agent, even though the Lefties made him a cause celebre on the grounds of his allegedly injured innocence.
Better stick with the chilled tinnies, AB. And those bug thingies, they’re delicious.
“Can the BBC serve up some ‘stunned’ dutch folk to back up their article claim?”
Have I misread this, or are you mixing up the Danes and the Dutch?
More stunning news from the BBC:
Islam critic seeks French haven
“Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali-born former Dutch MP and outspoken critic of Islam, says she is seeking French citizenship.
Ms Ali says she cannot be assured of protection back home, after receiving death threats from Islamist extremists.”
“Right-wing lawmaker Geert Wilders has warned that the Netherlands is being swamped by “a tsunami of Islamisation”. He is expected to release his own controversial film about Islam soon.”
Look forward to that. Will it be on the BBC?
‘David Gregory’ (BBC) fairplay admits his status 100%.
‘John Wraith’ and ‘Sarah Jane’ admit to being BBC though not in name.
‘Hillhunt’, ‘Aussie Bystander’, ‘Angry Young Alex’ ‘P and a tale of one chip’ – clearly not BBC, though their trolling does not make this as clear as would be desireable.
‘Bill’, ‘Ben’, ‘BJ’, etc.
It appears clear most if not all of you are BBC employees masquerading as members of the public.
The biggest giveaway of all of this deception is your Damascus conversion to supporting B-BBC when Andrew was the main editor rather than David, when at the time you were actually raving against him and I have to assume would again if he returned.
I know this type of masquerading has been popular with the BBC recently but it only shames you when it is so obvious and you are found out.
Ritter 3:30 pm
At least France 24 tv has ROBERT SPENCER, director of
in discussion on Ms. Hirsi Ali, go to:
“Islam and its taboos” (click on ‘Play Video’)
Aussie bystander:
Any chance you could keep your postings much shorter in future? I had to scroll down for about 5 seconds to skip your last post. Previously it was only taking half a second. Have some respect for the people here who wish to ignore you. Scroll wheels cost money you know.
It just seems strange,when there is so much sheep sh***ing to be done,that our antipodean commenter can find so much that concerns him in our Broadcasting Service and politics.It isn’t as if David Vance has mentioned Australia at all.
I can understand the Jewish contributors,since they get Beebed so frequently,but what is with Aussie Bystander,does he pay the License Tax?
In Aussie’s defence, it was a lengthy article, and since almost all of it was histrionic and irrelevant waffle, it all needed to be refuted.
Why not criticise David Vance for his long post. At least Aussie Bystander has more than a sentence-worth’s of point to make.
” At least Aussie Bystander has more than a sentence-worth’s of point to make ”
A great big dollop of standard liberal issue moral relativism, uninformed Yank bashing and accusations of racism ?
Yes, that’s a point REALLY worth making – and so refreshingly unique 🙂
“Alex, Get back to me when you move on past 9/10.”
Is that far-right ideologue for “talk to the hand”?
You come across as an apologist for those that detest freedom and free speech and think nothing of beheading and blowing up innocent civilians.
Save your energy and literary prowess for REAL miscarriages of justice:
Where is your sense of outrage against the perpetrators of 9/11, 7/7, Madrid, and bombings in Mumbai,
Dehli, Amman, Varanasi, Sharm el-Sheikh, the murder of Theo van Gogh, the 186 children killed in Beslan,…?
I perceive absolutely none from you whatsoever.
Amazing how they all come out and defend each other,like boys in the same band.
The BBC, its hatred of America and half a story.
CBS journalists missing in Iraq
Two journalists working for the American network CBS are believed to have been kidnapped in southern Iraq.
Police and witnesses said they were seized from a hotel in the city of Basra by at least eight gunmen. CBS released a statement saying the two were missing and that efforts were under way to find them. The network did not name the journalists and it requested that others refrain from speculating on their identities.
The BBC reports on the kidnapping of ‘Two journalists working for American network CBS’ the emphasis being that they are American and thus promote the BBC mantra that they are a legitimate target for Islamic vengeance.
Here is what they aren’t telling you;
” Richard Butler, a British photojournalist employed by the network was kidnapped in the southern city of Basra on Sunday, a police source told the Voices of Iraq (VOI) news agency on Monday.Butler was reportedly in the Qasr al-Sultan hotel in Basra, when a group of armed men forced him and his translator inside a car and took them to an unknown location.”
Now while the BBC have no problem referring to anybody who has received a postcard from the UK as ‘British’ they refrain from doing the same when the victim can be expressed as a ‘yank’ for as long as possible. Now why are kidnappings all the rage in Iraq at the moment. The BBC doesn’t say why?
“(AFP) — Some leaders of Al-Qaeda in Iraq and other extremist groups are fleeing Iraq with cash to escape US forces and possibly to try to regroup outside the country, a senior US commander said Monday. Major General Mark Hertling, commander of US forces in northern Iraq, said other Al-Qaeda fighters are dispersing from cities into the desert because of fear of capture.” We have had many indications that many of them are leaving the country because of what they perceive as an increasing amount of pressure,” Hertling told reporters here via video link from Iraq.”We’ve also had several indications that several of their leaders are leaving the country, leaving the country with cash, the cash that they were sent to pay fighters with,” he said.Some were fleeing through Syria, while others were going back to Saudi Arabia and Qatar, he said. “The dispersal of extremist fighters has also coincided with a spike in kidnapping for ransom, as fighters try to raise cash for themselves or their organizations.”
Yet if you relied solely on the BBC what image do you formulate in your mind about the current security situation in Iraq?
Yup the BBCs masters are retreating in Iraq yet the BBC still presents this image that radical Islam will prevail in Iraq.
The BBC, its hatred of America and half a story.