I see that the BBC carry a report that the Liverpool teacher who was jailed in Sudan for calling a teddy bear Mohammed, is preparing to start a new job at a school in China. Our loss, ahem, China’s gain? Gillian Gibbons was spared flogging but was sentenced to 15 days in custody after being convicted of insulting Islam. She was graciously pardoned after eight days by President Omar al-Bashir last December. Mrs Gibbons also said she had not ruled out working in a Muslim country again at some point. (Proving she never learns) The BBC report goes on to say that the divorced mother of two was freed after two British Muslim peers flew to the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, to champion her cause. Further, it states that her treatment caused international outrage, with British Muslim groups describing it as “excessive”. (Wonder what punishment they felt was “appropriate” for such a “crime”? )
The problem is that this report completely misleads as to precisely what Baroness Warsi and Lord Ahmed actually did when they met with the Islamic thugs who runs Sudan. It paints a picture of heroic British Muslim establishment figures, backed by well meaning “British Muslim groups” bravely securing the release of this foolish woman from Liverpool. Problem is, this is far removed from reality.
Let’s just remind ourselves that the publicity-craving Ahmed and Warsi grovelled to the Sudanese government, they apologised for so-called “misunderstandings” concerning the heinous crime of calling a Teddy bear “Mohammad,£ and their visit merely conveyed spurious credibility on the genocidal monsters that run Sudan. They also were curiously mute about the fact that this wicked regime has murdered hundreds of Christians, for example. One presumes murder is even worse than being up on a charge of offending Mighty Mo? But not a cheep from the intrepid pair on that. Nor did they go to into the fact that it was the same Shari’a law which 40% of British Muslims (plus the Archdhimmi of Canterbury) want to see introduced in the UK that created the circumstances that led to Gibbons being arrested in the first place! President Al-Bashir scored a propaganda coup through the lamentable actions of those such as Ahmed and Warsi and this BBC rewrite of history shall not pass.
Gillian Gibbons – she’s the Carry-On team all rolled into one
Yes, she’a a walking calamity Jane!
If Gillian Gibbons is going to work in the People’s Republic of China than a piece of advice Ms Gibbons; if you are going to ask the children to name a cuddly toy, then I suggest vetoing the names Chiang Kai-shek, Falun Gong, Wang Dan, Chai Ling, Zhao Changqing, Wuer Kaixi, Dalai Lama, Jiang Zongxiu and Pastor Cai Zhuohua. I believe that “democracy” and “free speech” are also dirty words in China.
Can I also add that she does should not allow the children to name a teddy bear “Tiananmen Square”
Wouldn’t that be ‘Tiananmen Bear’?
(I’ll get my coat)
“She never learns”?
Well lefties never do. Clearly this woman is some kind of intellectual missionary, on a crusade to aid the “savage nations” with her western do-goodery.
Personally, I couldn’t see what all the fuss was about. I think she well deserved 50 lashes, because at the very least it would teach lefty sicophants such as Gibbons a good hard lesson.
Also, I would actively encourage more lefty twats of her ilk to piss off to places like China and various muslim nations. Because it’s the only place in the world they can no longer spout their ‘progressive’ agendas, and it’s also the utopia they’re searching for.
Could we now send the entirety of Al Beeb over to Sudan so they can fill her shoes, and get a taste of what Britain will be like in 25 years or so – thanks to their relentless propaganda.
Apparently, this is ‘news’:
“They also were curiously mute about the fact that this wicked regime has murdered hundreds of Christians, for example.”
Not heard of ‘diplomacy’, have you? Opening the negotiations with “you know you genocidal monsters really should stop your indiscriminate racist slaughter” isn’t going to help your case much.
“Personally, I couldn’t see what all the fuss was about. I think she well deserved 50 lashes, because at the very least it would teach lefty sicophants such as Gibbons a good hard lesson.”
You lot are fucking weird. I would have thought you’d have a little sympathy for Ms Gibbons, at least to entrench your hatred of the Sudanese government. But no, to you lot, she’s evil as well and actually they were right to arrest her and should have stoned the bitch to death. Probably because she didn’t come home screaming “I’m learned my lesson! We must slay these savage foreigners with nasty medieval weapons!” and so you’ve decided she’s actually a Communist.
Angry Young Alex: Are you one of those “progressive leftie twats” then?
You lefties love this idea that those “savage Moozlums” just need a bit of Socialist inclusiveness and they’ll stop the stonings and beheadings overnight. Just like the Chinese.
What “we” here think is that she went to a backwards Country that has a savage way of life called “Islam” and she thought her “Mersyside” liberal views would be well met with love and flowers.
Well she got a dose of real life. The way she was treated was quite moderate by Moozlum standards I thought.
With people like HER and YOU within a decade or so this sort of thing will be happening at Anfield. Mind you the way Liverpool play it might be a better use of Andield.
Silly cows like here do deserve all they get. I wouldn’t go to any Moozlum Country for either a holiday or to live. Nor would I visit a Commie Country either. Those that do fine, but don’t expect “PC, gay Guardian luvvies” lining up to greet you.
wonder how long before she puts her foot in it again. We dont have any Peers of Chinese Origin so she’s on her own this time
So what, it’s her fault now? As I said, you lot are weird.
Martin | 17.02.08 – 11:37 am
“What “we” here think is that she went to a backwards Country that has a savage way of life called “Islam” and she thought her “Mersyside” liberal views would be well met with love and flowers.”
I doubt she was that stupid. I see her as like those Christian missionaries that went out to run clinics and schools in Bongobongoland in the 19thC.
Okay, so some ended up in the cannibals’ pot, but they did a lot of good too. Probably more than today’s NGO crowd.
Good on ‘er that she at least tried to bring up some Sudanese boys not to behave like savages. And Good Luck to her in China. I hope she calls her next teddy Confucius.
PaulS: do you have a response to this?
Angry Young Alex: It’s her fault in so far as she should have understood that a backward bunch of halfwits would have wanted to hack her head off.
PaulS: Sorry but we need to stop pretending that Islamic Countries can be “converted”.
Our thick inbred fat politicians keep going on about “tolerant Islam” and “Aspects of Sharia”
1. There is no such thing as tolerant Islam, if there is can someone please point it out ot me?
2. Muslims don’t pick and choose which parts of the Sharia to obey. It’s a silly idea said by fat smelly politicans and mad Bishops who don’t understand.
Saying that we could incorporate parts of Sharia is like saying people only need to obey some of our laws. You can’t have people choosing what laws to follow and what not based on a silly fairy story.
“Muslims don’t pick and choose which parts of the Sharia to obey…Saying that we could incorporate parts of Sharia is like saying people only need to obey some of our laws.”
Well that’s clearly rubbish. Even if you were right that Muslims don’t pick and choose which laws to follow, that doesn’t mean that Britain can’t pick and choose which parts to enshrine into law. The Bible says do not commit murder. British law forbids deliberate killing of human beings. The Bible forbids sowing your fields with two kinds of crop. This, however is perfectly legal in the UK.
Like wiping your arse on sandpaper, this Sharia thing is a bad idea, but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible.
Angry Young Alex said
“British law forbids deliberate killing of human beings”
Unfortunately, not the preborn
“Not heard of ‘diplomacy’, have you?”
Diplomacy isn’t what you think it is,some kind of theraputic encounter group.Diplomacy is horse trading and agreeing the price.It requires the carrot and the stick.If you don’t have either there is no deal.
Angry Young Alex, as you are a beeboid, I assume it’s safe to reach the logical conclusion that you are quite possibly gay. If not then I’m sure a large section of your friends are.
Could I ask how your pro-islamic arse licking will benefit both yourself (if you happen to be gay) or your friends (if you have any).
Angry Young Alex: Like I said Muslims are not interested in parts of Sharia, they want it all. You really don’t understand the Sharia do you? Get your school teacher to tell you about it.
Only the gay left wing liberals in the media and politicians (along with a few Bishops) seem to think that Sharia law has any place in our legal system.
No religious group should have its laws written into our laws.
Can I also point out that the Bible is full of bollocks. If you look at many pre Bible cultures many of the 10 Commandments and fairy stories were already in existance in one form or another, so the idea that this crap came from a “god” is nonsense.
The reason that tit of an Archbishop came out with what he said was that Christianity is (thankfully) being exterminated in our society. By hanging onto the coat tails of Islam he’s hoping that if Moozlums get their way, then he can demand Chrisitans get the same treatment.
Can anyone please explain WHY our legal system should include laws based on fairy tales?
If this is to be the case are we going to have Sleeping Beauty, Bambi and Snow White and the Seven vertically challenged adults written into law as well?
In fact what about the Jedi religion? One of the largest groups according ot he last Census. What if they want the Jedi divorce arrangements written into our laws? That OK Alex? Or just religions that use threats of violence to get their way?
Why do thicko’s show “respect” to religions like Islam and Chrisitianity? Would we be expected to show the same respect to people who practice witchcraft?
I’ve got nothing against Gibbons for fulfilling her dream of educating the natives in darkest Africa. But once they charged her with that absurd “offence”, shoved her in jail and allowed a bunch of barbarians to go marching down the street baying for her blood, I would have expected her to be furious. Certainly the very last thing I would have expected was a dhimmi attitude, once she was out of their clutches and had nothing more to fear from them. She let her fellow Brits down badly and at the same time made it seem as if the Sudanese had some valid complaint against her and were so wonderful for having pardoned her. That’s what I object to.
It’s such a typical lefty attitude: the natives can do no wrong – like that hack who stood in front of the TV cameras saying he could see smiling faces among the demonstrators.
I saw some pretty nasty looking weapons there. But the lefties will endlessly play down anything that puts their favoured victim group in a bad light.
I’m inclined to give the Teddy-lady a break. Perhaps she just couldn’t get a job in her homeland because of her age (mid-fifties)? I have read it is well-nigh impossible to get a job after 50 in the UK. So possibly she had to take what she could get overseas. And her dhimmi behavior may have been because she was afraid of retaliation from UK Muslims even after she got back to her own country.
Dunno. What worries me is the probablity that she really believes the smiling natives of Sudan can do no wrong or if they appear to be doing something wrong they must immediately be forgiven.
One suspects that the antipathy towards Gillian Gibbons lies in that many long for the sort of florid faced woman in sensible shoes that took the joys of Empire to the Dark Continent. One that would have returned demanding a stiff g & t and fulminating about her treatment by the ignorant savages. What they actually got was the usual pale pink liberal equivocation & apologia.
Now she’s off to China as an ambassador of our strength & determination.
God help us.
Biodegradable’s Ghost | 17.02.08 – 1:05 pm |
PaulS: do you have a response to this?
http://www.haloscan.com/comments…8879890/ #385339
sorry if you were waiting for an answer but I have nothing much to add. Thanks for the googleitfirst prompt, but actually I had googled it and the reuters and other news feeds said nothing about kassam parts. Neither do the links you supply, they just have some speculation about an explosion.
I’d be more concerned if the BBC started to join in the speculation than I would if they said nothing , as they did. I am not making a big deal of it – but I think it’s wrong to cry ‘foul’ just because they didn’t say the same as the JPost.
I’d be interested to know how the JPost can get better info on what’s going on in Gaza than the big agencies. If they have their own reporter there, he deserves a medal – I can’t think of a more dangerous job description than ‘Jerusalem Post’s Gaza Correspondent’.
“Angry Young Alex, as you are a beeboid, I assume it’s safe to reach the logical conclusion that you are quite possibly gay. If not then I’m sure a large section of your friends are.”
I don’t think you’ve reached a logical conclusion in your life.
“In fact what about the Jedi religion? One of the largest groups according ot he last Census. What if they want the Jedi divorce arrangements written into our laws?”
Jedi are celibate you duckwit.
Thanks for the googleitfirst prompt, but actually I had googled it and the reuters and other news feeds said nothing about kassam parts. Neither do the links you supply, they just have some speculation about an explosion.
PaulS | 18.02.08 – 5:25 pm
Nothing about Kassam parts?!
Posted: 2008-02-16 12:24:47
Witnesses reported seeing fragments of what looked like locally produced rockets at the scene, suggesting the house may have been used to store arms.
Witnesses reported seeing fragments of what looked like locally produced rockets at the scene, suggesting the house may have been used to store arms.
The BBC still make no mention of that. They’re usually very happy to quote “witnesses” when it suits them.
I’d be interested to know how the JPost can get better info on what’s going on in Gaza than the big agencies. If they have their own reporter there, he deserves a medal
The JPost report doesn’t say much more than is reported by AP – the BBC often publish AP reports almost verbatim but their bias by omission is obvious in cases such as this.
It’s not necessarily the case that the JPost has better sources, it’s just that they publish more info than the BBC while the BBC chooses to ommit certain facts.
The Jerusalem Post employs at least one Arab journalist that I know of, probably more.
Meanwhile the BBC article on the explosion that killed Ayman Fayed is exactly the same as when it first appeared:
No additional information, no updates, nothing about Kassams discovered in the wreckage. They are just going to let everyone who reads it come away with the impression that it was most likely the Jews. They did the same thing with the explosion that killed the family on the beach in Gaza a few years back. Alan Johnston, as I recall, was leading the outraged mob baying that it was Israel’s doing. At Johnston’s elbow was one Mark Galasco, I think, of Human Rights Watch, who is an alleged expert on military matters and who concluded that it must have been a missile from Israel. On what evidence? Precisely none, apart from the manufactured type. The BBC played down the subsequent Israeli enquiry that found that Israel was not responsible. The BBC will take the word of terrorists over ordinary people any day.
I sent in a formal complaint about the Ayman Fayed report.
No doubt I’ll get a response within ten days.
Don’t avoid the question Angry Young Alex. Come out of the closet. You are among friends.
Angry Young alex:
“Jedi are celibate you duckwit”
I’m talking about the more tolerant form of Jedi. Not the ones that want to fly X-fighters into Death Stars or behead people with their light sabres.
We should encourage the more moderate Jedi’s to integrate but still keep their culture and beliefs.
If they want to marry and dovorce, they should be allowed to using their legal code.
Or are you suggesting that only “certain” religions should have priority?
Re the tragic death of Ayman Fayed:
‘Witnesses reported seeing fragments of what looked like locally produced rockets at the scene, suggesting the house may have been used to store arms..’
Ah, but those were ‘good-natured’ rockets, not like those
dreadful nuclear bombs that the evil Jooos fire at Palistinian babies.
“Don’t avoid the question Angry Young Alex.”
There was a question? All I could find was incoherent personal abuse.
“Come out of the closet. You are among friends.”
I’m among what!?!!
“All I could find was incoherent personal abuse.”
Abuse? I was merely asking if you were gay Alex. No need to be so homophobic.
Jesus you lefties, never practise what you preach do you?
“Abuse? I was merely asking if you were gay Alex. No need to be so homophobic.”
“Could I ask how your pro-islamic arse licking will benefit both yourself (if you happen to be gay) or your friends (if you have any).”
And I’m supposedly among friends.
Honestly you lot. You make fun of me for my age and behave like a bunch thirteen-year-olds.
Don’t worry about that one Alex, clearly he has some closet-type issues.