I see that the BBC is in full battle cry against… bottled water. You may wonder how relevant this is at a time when our very civilisation is under attack by Islamofascists, and when our national sovereignty is being diluted on a daily basis by Europhiles, but hey, in leftworld there’s always going to be some utter irrelevance to distract attention from that what counts. So it is that tonight’s Panorama is given over to an all out attack on those of us who prefer to drink bottled water. Consumer choice is apparently a bad thing and so the BBC gives all possible aid to the ramblings of Environment Minister Phil Woolas and the rest of the crew who would deny us water -when it’s not the right sort of water.
The War on Water.
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Ah, the fashions of the liberal/left-wing middle class. Ten or even five years ago, it would have been a cold day in hell before you found a cappuchinista who would criticise bottled water. Now, it seems, there has been a mass lurch to the opposite opinion.
The BBC is the State Broadcaster, so what else do you expect.
What’s surprising is that there’s still a lot of people that naively think the BBC can be trusted.
It’s easier to do mass medication on the population through tap water than through bottled water. That must be why Labour/BBC are now so keen on it.
As Marie Antionette , allegedly, famously said “let them drink Coke”
‘Atticus’ in this weekends Sunday Times has nailed this particular ‘do-as-I-say, not-as-I-do’ quite succinctly.
“… Guess how much the BBC spent on bottled water last year. According to figures released the local government Association, it was £312,908.52 in London and Glasgow alone, with another £44,000 in Bristol and Manchester”
They just can’t stop themselves, can they?
How about an investigation into who commisions this shite? Having read the bumph on the Panorama homepage, it sounds like they jetted off on a jolly to Fiji. Nevermind the CO2 emmisions for that ‘essential visit’
Oh, to be a champagne socialist….
(parasites on the taxpayer)
This isnt news and then at the end of the free advert for the Panoroma program, Al Beeb then point to the nasty carbon footprint of disposoing of them pesky bottles.
Earth day next week, so Al Beebs just keeping the carbon scare story in the news for that. Expect a lot more propaganda in the next few days
So no bottled water because of transport costs/impact, but at the same time another govt dept wants us to buy flowers from Kenya. Joined up govt?
Valentine’s Day romantics planning to say it with flowers are being urged to buy roses from Kenya to help the troubled country.
The UK government says buying flowers from developing countries creates jobs and reduces poverty.
The bottled water bollox sounds uncannily like this brilliant send up posted on Guido – Hat tip: Bill Quango MP
Expect an awful lot of bollocks .. erm I mean stories to keep the media busy and away from the Northern Rock disaster.
I still have last weeks unused Flint Flyers ..I expect she will use some of them this coming week.
New homes to be built not just on flood plains but in actual floods.. like rivers, lakes , ponds etc. “the plug sockets will be higher up on the wall and a special flipper and snorkel rack installed by the back door’.
‘Mullah Lite’ special mosque prayer towers to be incorporated into some churches in a move to really encourage diversity and a special mixed faith worhip area.
{ leak to Mail for maximum ‘fund raising for church roof must comply with sharia law effect/ get Archbishop to babble on a bit too.. always good for a wind up.}
Hospital visitors coming to see sick relatives to be searched for weapons in an attempt to reduce knife crime in high risk hospital areas.
Nationalisation has been such a huge success the government is looking to ‘help’ a few more financial institutions take on board this very promising economic model.
{leak .. alliance and leicester and bradford and bingley, best get the news out there + imply Southern banks can get stuffed.}
Halt Friday night crime and binge drinking statistics by renaming Friday to Thursday
GB wants briefing against AD. Do another of those Badgers cause TB countryside scare stories and every time Badger is mentioned flash Darlings face up.
Announce closure of 4000 more post offices in the morning, then say after careful review blah blah we have ammended this to 4 post offices. Then in the afternoon announce plans for a new Bank holiday, but pitch it for February 2nd to jam up the phone-ins re ‘ whats the point of a day off in february ‘etc.
David, anyone who lives in the UK and spends money on bottled water has more money than sense IMHO, but hey I’m just a grumpy peasant !
I do however object to reading in my ST that the beeboids spending hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money on it. That is institutionalised peculation !
Hmm. So just when a think tank connected with the government decides that “We must make people think it’s unfashionable” to drink bottled water, the BBC dutifully steps up to the plate. How convenient.
Backwoodsman: Or they live in a tower block, where the tap water is undrinkable. I’d hazard a guess that most of the bottled water in Britain (by volume, if not by value) is bought by people on council estates. Purely a guess, mind. Certainly a great deal of it is, and once that gets out it’ll be fun to watch the lefties wriggle.
No sam, seems to me most bottled water is purchased by the middle classes so they can walk round with a bottle of it and convince themselves they’re healthy as it gives the appearance they’ve also been the gym
Surely the point is that it’s a matter of consumer choice! It’s not for the government to tell us what we shall eat or drink, but this collective of socialist vermin in power see it as their mission to educate us poor ignorant people. Also, what about all those who work in this industry – don’t their jobs matter, or is it just Northern Rock voter ballaste we have to concern ourselves with?
David: Of course. Couldn’t agree more. But if the green authoritarians think they’re on safe ground attacking what they see as solely a middle class luxury (cf. SUVs) they’re in for a shock.
anyway, dont be taking the piss out of the tap water, it needs all the flavour it can get
I’ve no idea why “our very civilisation[sic] is under attack by Islamofascists” means that no other subject can be discussed, but I guess pandering to David Vance’s sectarianism is the stock in trade for this blog.
I wonder if the BBC needs to contact David in order to get permission to discuss other subjects. Especially Panorama.
Actually bottled water in Western countries is a complete waste of money, resources and fossil fuels. The West (generally) has an extremely good and safe supply coming from the tap, so its a luxury item.
Big deal. On VanceTV it would be wall-to-wall conspiracy theories about religions that Vance doesn’t like. Maybe he should get out of the Orange ghetto and visit some European countries first.
Aussie, i actually like wasting my money, i work hard for it and have a good time spending it. I dont need Al Beeb, the government or anyone else telling me what i can spend it on
I see that a vacation in France wasn’t good enough for the team. Had to travel all the way down to Fiji. And to prove what exactly?!
It’s simpler that that; the water that comes out of my tap tastes horrible. The water out of my bottle of Evian tastes lovely.
I might start buying bottled water, just for the sheer hell of telling the BBC and other authoritarians to p*ss off.
i dont buy the stuff either, but if it increases my carbon foot print, i can afford to spend a fiver a day on it
“bottled water in Western countries is a complete waste of money, resources and fossil fuels…”
just like tea, coffee, orange juice, wine, and a vast number of other beverages. People aren’t using it to wash in (which really would be wasteful); they’re buying it because they like the taste. And of course it’s a luxury. ‘Who needs it?’ Panorama dares to ask. No one, is the rather obvious reply. And who’s arguing it’s any more of a necessity than chocolate fudge brownies? No one again. It really does not sound like a great topic for a Panorama investigation.
But what’re they (NGOs like Greenpeace, WWF and so on) going to hand out to people at music festivals now? Just Hezbollah flags? Huh.
Interestingly, our water has started tasting, and even smelling, really, sharp, chemically recently…it’s hard to describe. I assume it’s extra flouride, but it’s not enough to really alleviate me being bummed out about how our Glorious Revolutionary Government are hammering in nails to the coffin that is Britain faster than they can get their paws on them.
I wonder if they’ll adopt the same tactic they’ve (the First Church of Environmentologists) used with their crusade against carbon dioxide and chop the offending molecule in two. So, like with carbon dioxide – which, even though all species in the animal, plant and fungi kingdom produce it as a byproduct of respiration it’s still eeevil – and how they changed it to carbon (the fourth most abundant element in the universe), likewise, with water, they can change it to hydrogen or maybe oxygen.
‘Stop breathing! There’s oxygen in this air!’ ‘Yeah, so?’ ‘You’re hurting Gaia by breathing!’ ‘What? Get the hell away from me, you nutjob.’ ‘OMG you warmongering fascist!’
And so on.
Bottled water is pointless, for sure, but I have a feeling this is going to become the next issue du jour and we will be told in Panorama tonight that the Government Must Do Something.
The plethora of related news stories and Phil Woolas’ intervention make me suspect that civil service mandarins are already hard at work. And, quicker than it takes to say ‘stealth tax’, there will be government proposals on the Budgetary table.
Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder spring to mind:
BBC and Treasury/Live Together in Perfect Harmony…
Cynical? Moi?
Aussie Bystander: Why don’t you go back to humping sheep?
You’d think that the BBC losers would be happy that people prefer to drink water than say a fizzy drink?
I use an old plastic bottle that I fill with tap water. However, it is recommended that if you do that you replace the water every day and air dry the bottle to stop bacteria building up.
I wonder how many people bother?
Here’s a tip for the BBC. Shut the **** up you ********* and leave us alone.
I alwo wnder if that Mc Labour arsehole that has banned bottled water would have done so if he had a large number of people who live in his constituency rely on work at the local bottled water factory?
Oh and down here in Kent tap water tastes like piss unless you filter it first.
“bottled water in Western countries is a complete waste of money, resources and fossil fuels…”
As is the BBC.
Though nothing on earth would persuade me to actually watch a Panorama about bottled water, I’m glad they’ve done this one.
I find that the people most likely to be carrying around a bottle of mineral water all day are precisely the same censorious biddies who put leaflets disguised as parking tickets on my windscreen to chide me for the ‘crime’ of driving a 4X4 in London.
Now we have the word of a government minister that they are just as ‘immoral’ as car drivers, maybe they’ll stop being so bloody sanctimonious.
As for bias • the BBC certainly isn’t being one-sided on this issue. In the course of the day I’ve seen/heard a procession of bottled water manufacturers/PR-types putting their case.
There was one on Today this morning arguing that we really need a ‘thriving bottled water industry’ just in case we’re hit by floods again. This would be a hilariously desperate bit of special pleading if it weren’t • sadly • true, Gunga Din.
One episode of ‘Panorama’ now constitutes an “all-out attack”? Calm down you bunch of drama queens. Nobody’s forcing you to even watch it, let alone reconsider your consumer decisions.
The BBC don’t approve of consumer choice. The nasty consumer might want to stop paying the telly tax.
Speaking from my own experience, the local tap water is grim – very hard water and not very nice. I love the pretence being put around that what flows from every British test is soooo good that only environmentalist luddites would drink anything else! No one is going to swallow that.
so they make you feel guilty drinking bottled water so u drink fizzy drinks instead in order to save Gia, then they wallop you with this. 😆
“Obesity requires climate plan”
“Professor Philip James said the challenge of obesity was so great that action was needed now, even without clear evidence of the best options”
Bottled water??
Well my tap water tastes fine, but since I live in Florida I do buy bottled water and keep it in the house because of hurricanes or in the car for an emergency. I don’t think that’s a waste of money in this case.
I heard that if you are going to buy bottled water it is best to buy it from a company that manufactures it in another state rather than your own, because if they manufacture it in your own state they don’t have to meet certain safety regulations that out-of-state brands do. But this is in the US.
Maybe what the BBC should be talking about is why your tap water tastes so bad, THAT is something the Government is actually involved in and responsible for since you pay taxes for it.
But why worry about taxpayers’ concerns, they are forced to pay the BBC anyways so who cares about them huh???? I think that’s where the problem lies, since the BBC has guaranteed pay they no longer have to report and face the real world, they can just sit back in la-la land and pass their own agenda. They pretend to work while you are forced to pay, that is awfully one-sided.
“Guess how much the BBC spent on bottled water last year.”
Not as much as they did on Coke.
This is an arse covering exercise for Woolas.Scunner Brown will have bollocked him for his comments about Muslims marrying first cousins with the risk of genetic defects.
Woolas will have been told “Say something to bury this Sunshine or you are a goner”
Worked hasn’t it?
“Nobody’s forcing you to even watch it, let alone reconsider your consumer decisions.”
We are being forced to pay for it though are we not? Just go back to playing with yourself until your hormones settle down.
Hilarious comment, but it’s put me off my freshly opened box of non-fairtrade generic Jaffa Cakes 🙂
Now come on, if ‘Panorama’ is an “all out attack” then what the fuck was September 11th?
You lot need to relax. Try playing with yourselves.
Angry Young Alex: Well I think there are more important things that the BBC should be reporting on.
For example.
1. McLabour corruption
2. The unfairness of the Scottish cash handouts
3. The lies told to us my McLabour
4. The lies over Northern Rock
5. The lies over climate change
6. The betrayal of our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan by a bunch of McLabour COWARDS and arse wipes.
Had to laugh this morning. Someone texted in to “punchable face” (Niki Campbell) that he was having to scrape climate change off his car windscreen.
Anyone noticed that all that silly horseshit by tosspot Shuckman (that Spring was here because there were some Daffodils flowering in London) has gone from the TV?
Poor old camp Shuckan. He minced his way around the world telling us that because of Climate change our Winters would be warmer.
Well, I’ve used up several cans of de-icer this year because of the cold nights. If this is “climate change” we really do need to warm the planet up.
A pointless story covered to excess by Panorama. This really is a case of stating the f***ing obvious. Bottled water ios a rip off and inefficent. tell me something I don’t know.
Panorama is supposedly the BBC’s ‘flagship’ investigative journalism program. This investigation into the scandal of bottled water clearly shows that the BBC has abandoned all substance in its commissioning and really questions what editorial policy is being followed. Unfortunately the BBC has not lost its’ taste for delusional self promotion.
Is there nothing going on in Britain or the world more worthy of investigation….
Beeboids here are a few (non MMCC) suggestions of topics more worthy than your P*ss poor bottled water
Immigration and the Govennments policy on demographic change
the newly released Iraq dossier – we need to get to the truth if that is not now considered a ‘variable’ quantity
Northern Rock
Cash / loans for Ermine
Europe in all its hideous manifestations
All the data Scandals
the universal failure of state database and IT projects
ID cards
The scandal of crime figures
Education and the manipulation of results
What happened to £40bn extra cash PA for the NHS
What happened to the CSA?
The decline of the defense budget
I can’t be bothered listing any more – I am sure you get the general idea
there is a lot more scope here – but the unifying theme of state mendacity and incompetence may not be to a leftist apparats’ taste
Just watched the half-hour propaganda fest. What made me particularly angry was Tim Lang (name correct?) saying: “We must MAKE people believe…blah blah blah”
So, the BBC and it’s nu-labour masters are now quite blatently telling us that they are going to “make” us believe what they want us to believe.
Subtle, isn’t it?
“Well I think there are more important things that the BBC should be reporting on. For example.
1. McLabour corruption
2. The unfairness of the Scottish cash handouts
3. The lies told to us my McLabour
4. The lies over Northern Rock
5. The lies over climate change
6. The betrayal of our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan by a bunch of McLabour COWARDS and arse wipes. ”
I think that might be taking sides a tad, don’t you? Also you forgot to put ‘lies’ in capitals.
Panorama is a joke programme now. The modern BBC specialises on stuff like Eastenders and Flog It now to bring in the crowds and its very much the B team that get to do ‘current affairs’. As they were humiliated by the soft target of the Scientologists I expect they think a few polite council employees defending their sub-BBC sized bottled water bills are as much as they can cope with these days.
1. McLabour corruption
2. The unfairness of the Scottish cash handouts
3. The lies told to us my McLabour
4. The lies over Northern Rock
5. The lies over climate change
6. The betrayal of our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan by a bunch of McLabour COWARDS and arse wipes. ”
“I think that might be taking sides a tad, don’t you”.
You mean there is another side?
I think the “Scottish Mafia” behind “McLabour” and all the scientists that believe in climate change would probably disagree with you.
This is a great story… only Al-Beeb could publish this comedy… sorry “news”.
Methinks that they are trying to out-do the great John Sullivan. The episode of Only Fools and Horses in question is:
Note to editor of Al-Beeb: your days of real comedy are over. One only needs to read your “news” articles to see comedy. Please don’t piggy-back on ‘real’ comedy like Only Fools And Horses which you already make too much money out of on UKTV Gold. The indigenous population of the UK have more important things to worry about than bottled urine.
Angry Young Alex: Can you remember the last time Panorama did an investigation into McLabour sleaze? Please list those programmes out if you know.
We have billions of pound of public money invested in Northern Rock. No politicians asked my permission to invest my money in Northern Rock. There were clearly lies told to us over Northern Rock.
Perhaps a BBC fool like you thinks that pissing away 50 billion is not a problem, we’ll just stick taxes up some more (standard McLabour tactics)
The BBC spin lies over climate change to try to frighten people into believing that all the new taxes being racked up are in the interest of “the future” when in fact it’s in the interest of fat smelly Scotsmen at Westminster.
The fact that are soldiers are treated like shit by a bunch of crappy left wing mafia scum called McLabour.
I think ALL of the above should be investigated by the BBC. But instead they stick to the BNP, Tory sleaze and plastic bottles. How brave of them
For anyone who has tasted the highly chlorinated water (sometimes with brown sludge) that comes out of our taps, the chance to buy a bottle of ordinary water is wonderful.
But then if we all drank clean bottled water how would the guv’mint add chemicals to our lives to help pacify us?
Climate ChangeIs this where your scientists take a winter break? What ever happened to Global Warming?
Angry Young Alex | Homepage | 18.02.08 – 9:26 pm |
“Well I think there are more important things that the BBC should be reporting on. For example.
1. McLabour corruption
2. The unfairness of the Scottish cash handouts
3. The lies told to us my McLabour
4. The lies over Northern Rock
5. The lies over climate change
6. The betrayal of our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan by a bunch of McLabour COWARDS and arse wipes. ”
I think that might be taking sides a tad, don’t you? Also you forgot to put ‘lies’ in capitals.
I think you have revealed yourself for the contrarian instigator that you really are. Your comment makes no sense whatsoever. You seem to be implying that the BBC ought not to report on anything that might make Labour look bad because that would be taking sides? In other words, the BBC shouldn’t do any investigative reporting at all? You clearly have no clue about what the BBC is or is supposed to be. Start with the Charter.
No, this is beyond reason. You’re just spouting whatever drivel comes to mind just for the sake of arguing with people whom you believe to be nasty right-wing, bigoted bastards, or some such. So you latch on to any old subject and take the contrary position, just to try and make people angry. You can’t possibly believe half of what you say makes any real sense. You’re just re-enacting your own version of the old Argument Room sketch.
What you are doing is trolling and wasting everybody’s time. I don’t know what you hope to accomplish with all your many arguments, but you certainly can’t hope to “educate” or change anyone’s minds here with these nonsense tactics.
Windy Blow: Yes, very interesting that just a week or so after McBean and his scummy little mates wanted to pump Fluoride into our water (as if the crap they put in the water is not deadly enough) this litlte doozy comes out from the BBC.
What is it with scummy Socialists? So the bottled water industry is worth billions a year, what about all the jobs that it creates?
The BBC is just full of thick retards who pump out McBean propaganda without ever thinking about what they are doing.
Angry Young Alex is just a troll, please don’t feed him.