I see that the BBC is in full battle cry against… bottled water. You may wonder how relevant this is at a time when our very civilisation is under attack by Islamofascists, and when our national sovereignty is being diluted on a daily basis by Europhiles, but hey, in leftworld there’s always going to be some utter irrelevance to distract attention from that what counts. So it is that tonight’s Panorama is given over to an all out attack on those of us who prefer to drink bottled water. Consumer choice is apparently a bad thing and so the BBC gives all possible aid to the ramblings of Environment Minister Phil Woolas and the rest of the crew who would deny us water -when it’s not the right sort of water.
The War on Water.
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Angry Young Alex vented:
One episode of ‘Panorama’ now constitutes an “all-out attack”? Calm down you bunch of drama queens. Nobody’s forcing you to even watch it, let alone reconsider your consumer decisions.
No, no one’s being forced to watch it. But they are being forced to pay for it. This is just another example, of the BBC pissing away the money they extort from the public. The BBC’s nothing but a protection racket.
Jeez, where have people got these ideas about medicated water?
…in leftworld there’s always going to be some utter irrelevance to distract attention from that what counts.
There’s an interesting post on Brussels Journal about the parallels to this head-in-the-sand thinking during the time of the decline of the Roman Empire:
Take for instance what actually worries the European political class. Is it the declining economic prospects of the continent? Is it the deadly demographics? Is it a growing and increasingly fanatical minority within its borders? The answer is none of the above.
The issue is mama earth’s thermostat. Even if you think that this is the number one issue, you must realize that you won’t be able to deal with it without a vibrant economy and you must also realize that it won’t be a priority under any Caliphate.
So there was Bertrand Russell, the British philosopher, writing during WWII The History of Western Philosophy in the section on the late Roman Empire period…:
“It is strange that the last men of intellectual eminence before the dark ages were concerned, not with saving civilization or expelling the barbarians or reforming the abuses of the administration, but with preaching the merit of virginity and the damnation of unbaptized children.”
Ah, the fashions of the liberal/left-wing middle class. Ten or even five years ago, it would have been a cold day in hell before you found a cappuchinista who would criticise bottled water. Now, it seems, there has been a mass lurch to the opposite opinion.
Indeed, Rob, aren’t they hilarious? Remember the great anti-fur crusade of 10 or 15 years ago? Now they’re saying that real fur is more environmentally correct because fake fur is made from nasty petroleum and other chemicals! Then there’s the nuclear power debacle — 30 years ago they were picketing nuclear power plants, now they’re screeching that nuke plants are the only things that can save us from “global warming!” Then there’s the anti-smoking crusade. . .don’t get me started!
They believe in nothing except being trendy. The whole Western world needs to screech to a halt so that these self-obsessed losers can congratulate themselves on their latest foray into fahionable moral rectitude.
After they’ve finished with bottled water, will Al Beeb then start attacking the plastic wrapping their beloved sandwiches from Pret-A-Wanker come in?
Thought not?
“They believe in nothing except being trendy. The whole Western world needs to screech to a halt so that these self-obsessed losers can congratulate themselves on their latest foray into fahionable moral rectitude.”
Beautifully succinct. Pay attention Beeboid lurkers sitting up there in ivory Broadcasting towers reading this blog while you digest last night’s expensive meal from Islington, coming downn off a gramme or two of Columbian’s finest.
You’re a pack of sorry hypocrites. A slow public execution is seriously to good for all of you.
Here is a piece that reflects the madness that the BBC have descended into.
I have just seen a ‘report’ about the snow in Greece and just couldnt believe what I heard!
The reporter said “this is natures way of fighting back against the hot and dry weather of last summer” Is the BBC turning to witchcraft to explain changes in the seasons now? How about cold fronts,high/low pressure zones,falling temperatures(in line with decreasing solar activity)Etc! Does the BBC think that superstition can explain changes in weather? The report tries to make out that Greece never experiences snow and cold weather, in fact Greece has historically endured very cold winters and large areas see heavy snowfall.
Nature does not “fight back”! Nature is not a conscious entity!
WTF, Has the evidence against AGW/MMCC become so great that the BBC has turned to stone age superstition to force feed us their AGW fantasies?
Just a quick look back in the history books will tell you that heavy snow and cold weather is quite normal for that part of the world and a basic knowledge of warm and cold front interactions will tell you how snow is formed!
Do the BBC have to be told that in winter it gets cold and sometimes it gets very cold?
Instead of some fat bloke with a squint hawking witchcraft stories why not have a scientist on to explain the science? or would that piss on the AGW picnic?
Can we look forward to an African witchdoctor armed with juju beads or an Indian shamen armed a shrunken head or a druid sacrificing young virgins as the new BBC science reporters?
Mind you its funny to see the leftists fall into lunacy! maybe its something in the water? Ha Ha Ha
Dear David,
Re my last post, I have this picture in my mind of a future BBC report about the weather and it goes like this…
BBC news reader dressed in a full hijab head to toe with only a slit for the eyes “now over to our science reporters”
We see a shamen, a druid and a witchdoctor!
The witchdoctor says its all because of ‘evil spirits of dead ancestors’!
The shamen says its because the ‘earth spirit’ is angry!
The druid says that we must sacrifice 7 virgins and let their blood flow into the earth to feed the angry gods!
Then they all start fighting each other and we cut to the BBC newsreader shaking her fist and shouting ‘death to the infidels’ etc!
Monty Python would have a field day!
You state a shamen, a druid and a witchdoctor, but which one is gay, which one is black and which one has a regional accent?
Dear PFJ,
You are right, I am a terrible evil racist and I must attend an ‘racism awareness course’ at once!
They were all assorted colours and races and disabled and regional and er, everything else as well!
All displaying the wonderful nature of the multicultural new order!
I need an outreach worker cos I is a victim too y’know?
Dear Popular front of Judea,
I support the Democratic peoples liberation front of Judea, the DPLFJ which has I think stronger policies on dealing with counter revolutionarys and clearer policies on fighting the Romans!
i missed panoroma last night, i went the pub instead, did i miss much?
oi! i’ll accept the barrage of abuse that people seem to get on here for having the temerity to have a bit of taste in culture and a nice house in North London but i can’t have people slagging off pret-a-manger. Anyway all their wrapping is hand reared by aboriginies in Benin – it says so on the posters – something like that anyway, who cares? Crayfish and rocket mmmmmmmm
Cassandra: Well the BBC knows that it can’t spin blatent lies about winters being warmer when we’ve been hacking lumps of ice off our cars for the last few weeks and we’ve had people being dragged out of cars stuck in snowdrfits.
So they turn to somewhere else instead and simply parrot their usual bollocks “assuming” that most people won’t bother to look up how often it actually does snow in Greece (Greece of course bieng one of those places that those evil bastard cheap airlines fly to in the beeboid world).
Snow is quite common in Greece and in places like Cyprus.
What I’d like to know is how we can challenge the BBC over this? I’d suggest the report is a clear distortion of the truth, but being as deformed jaw at Number 10 relies on that, I can’t see anyone from the Government taking an interest.
I wouldn’t buy bottled water but that is my choice as a consumer and have no problem if others want to buy it. There are a myriad of things and foodstuffs that are not essential to our survival: soft drinks, chocolates, cakes, beer, wine, spirits, video games, Ipods, calculators and so on. Shall we outlaw them all or tax them out of the reach of the masses? Perhaps the enviro-fascists and their sympathizers would like us to return to a rural-based society c 1400? No cars, lorries, trains, planes, power stations, industry. A time where people grew their own food and rarely travelled more than a few miles from their home. Yes, I know that sounds extreme, but it does make me wonder if that kind of society is secretly what at least a few of the more extreme environmentalists would welcome.
Btw, I wonder if we would have all this nonsense about bottled water if its source was Africa rather than Europe and the UK?
Dear Martin,
As I look out at snow and freezing temperatures I cannot help but think that the only way to expose the BBC lies and political manipulation is to let them carry on!
Give them enough rope and they WILL hang themselves?
Entrenched hatred and political jelousy always ends in tears, always!
The BBC belief set can only begin to devour itself in an orgy of violence and self hatred.
They are doomed to repeat a lesson that seemingly they are unable to understand again and again!
Even a dummy like me knows that the urge to control and modify human behaviour(however noble) will always result in terrible evil and cruelty.
Again I say that if we do not learn the lessons of history, then we are doomed to play out the tragedies of the past, again and again.
Zamboy: You ask what sort of society these enviro arseholes want. Well take a look at the lesbian camp at Greenham Common or the one that was set up near Heathrow a while back.
Basically full of either unemployed or unwashed BBC types, lesbians or the weekend enviro student type.
Problem with these arseholes is that they wouldn’t know a hard days work if it farted in their face.
Life expectency 800 years ago was about half what it is now. The idea that people had better diets is just not true. Many people starved and if the harvest failed you were done for.
The environazi’s are morons. All arts educted types who think the Guardian is a jolly good read.
If they really want to help the planet then protest about women having babies.
They won’t do that for 2 reasons. Firstly, these arseholes are only capable of producing babies (they have no other skills of any use) and of course without a younger population who’d be there to throw waste bins through the windows of the local McDonalds?
Cassandra: You are so right. What is the Carbon footprint of the BBC? Why not shut down the BBC on the grounds that we don’t really need it and not only would it save each of us personally £140 per year but it would also help the planet?
Hmm. Somehow I don’t think the BBC will campaign for that, do you?
Given a choice between no bottled water or no BBC, I choose to keep the water.
The idea that in this day and age ‘consumer choice’ should still take precedence over environmental concerns is as childish as it is ill-informed. Apparently, the writer believes that the actions of any individual have no impact on the rest of the world. A quick lesson in systems analysis should quickly dispel that ignorant view … assuming the writer has the intellectual tools to assimilate the lesson.
“So the bottled water industry is worth billions a year, what about all the jobs that it creates?” – yes, so does the tobacco industry, never mind the opium and heroin industry.
“The idea that in this day and age ‘consumer choice’ should still take precedence over environmental concerns is as childish as it is ill-informed…”
Yet it’s an idea that’s put into practice in relation to every other non essential foodstuff and beverage. Why single out bottled water, that’s the question. Why not ban pineapple juice.
Nearly Oxrordian,
You just let your mask slip there didnt you?
The mask of a Liberal with the hidden face of a facist?
WTF where would your control freak fantasies lead to, have you thought about that?
Your ideas about who should eat or drink what leads into all the authoritarian madness of a facist regime.
Anthropogenic global warming and most of the other eco loony scare stories you people harp on about are nothing more than a beard to hide your facist and Stalinist yearnings?
I bet you long to live in a Castro/Chavez style dictatorship dont you?
Perhaps you fantasise about putiing dissidents into mental hospitals/internment camps?
You come across as a typical ‘wealth consumer’ socialist. A typical state parasite who is happy to bleed the host dry while hating the very beast of burden you feed off?
Have a read of Animal farm, the horse is a case in point!
At one time Panorama could be relied upon to carry out some first class journalism.
But now so many avenues worth investigating are closed off to them by the BBCs leftie, dumb-down agenda.
Tomorrow night at the Royal Television Society (RTS) awards Panorama is shortlisted for “TV’s Dirty Secrets”
How ironic that it is up against
Dispatches “Undercover Mosque” an investigation that Panorama should feel ashamed it has never done.
Much too busy telling us what water we should be drinking…
Nearly Oxfordian:
“The idea that in this day and age ‘consumer choice’ should still take precedence over environmental concerns is as childish as it is ill-informed.”
This has to be the most alarming comment I’ve read up here for a long time. How anyone can harbour such totalitarian ideals in what is supposed to be a democracy is beyond me.
So if that’s the case Nearly Oxfordian, should the state then be able to force upon us things we should buy that we don’t want to. Such as “Fairtrade” bottled water no doubt (soon to be law I’m sure) and erm…the BBC?
Keep goose-stepping up and down the forums matey, you’re doing a grand job.
“You come across as a typical ‘wealth consumer’ socialist. A typical state parasite who is happy to bleed the host dry while hating the very beast of burden you feed off?”
You have a wicked way with words. Are you a writer by chance?
Let them drink Chardonnay? – is that the idea Beebidiots?
Actually what with binge drinking (particularly rife according to the beeb amongst the middle classes) and the awful effects of caffeine in tea and coffee and sweet drinks leading to gout (remember that?) not to mention diabetes and obesity. And diet drinks ruining your metabolism so you actually put on weight. What exactly is there left to drink? Chlorinated tap water? There’ll soon be a health scare on that I betchya …
As a Tanzanian based in UK I find your post on the Panorama deeply offensive and insensitive to people in the developing countries who have to die because their water services have been privatized due to the the pressure by UK Government through DFID
How about you do a little research on how Tanzania, Ghana and Sierra Leone are being pressured by DFID,BIWATER and other UK based water companies
How about you do some research on MDGs and the water link?