71 Responses to Denmark – Mysterious “youths” in Mysterious Rioting

  1. Martin says:

    How could anyone EVER think that Moozlums might want ot hack someone’s head off. What a daft idea.


  2. Mr Anon says:

    why dont beeboids just google “danish riots” if they need answers


  3. HSLD says:

    I expect the rioting was ” mostly good natured ” though 🙂


  4. Ritter says:

    “It is not clear what triggered the riots. Reports say the youths – mainly with immigrant backgrounds – have been accusing police of harassment.”

    There. it’s the racist police that’s to blame…..


  5. George R says:

    Hint to BBC from ‘Jihadwatch’:

    ‘Bomb, slaughter Danes due to republication of Muhammad caricatures’



  6. pounce says:

    Yet when Serbs burn down a couple of border posts in protest at losing part of their country to immigrants from next door the BBC has the story in print faster than a speeding bullet.


  7. David Preiser (USA) says:

    Good spot. The BBC continues to hide information from British citizens. This hasn’t just been lasting, like Hannukah, for eight days. It has been going on for three years.

    And it’s not just about the cartoons. But it is something the Bishop of Rochester will find familiar.


  8. Chuffer says:

    Dontcha love this bit:

    ‘Some observers say last week’s reprinting by Danish newspapers of a cartoon satirising the Prophet Muhammad might have fuelled the riots.’

    Time for Beeboids to look up ‘Weasel Words’ on Wikipedia:



  9. pounce says:

    Apologies for posting this again, but it is more relevant to this thread.

    The BBC and how its rewrites rioting Muslims in Denmark as victims.

    Danish Muslims despair at portrayal
    In the wake of the reprinting in Denmark of one of the 12 cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad, BBC religious affairs correspondent Francis Harrison finds the country’s Muslim community dismayed but determined.
    “We will keep on working for integration, to build bridges. If you don’t know who is Muhammad I am telling you please read about Muhammad,” said the imam. He was leading prayers in a small overcrowded building in Copenhagen used as a mosque – with the faithful forced to pray outdoors in the courtyard on plastic mats in the icy wind. Danish Muslims have bought land for a purpose-built modern mosque, but they say their application somehow always gets stuck in the planning stage. It is one more grievance.

    So the BBC has Fatima Harrison of Iran fame do a write up on the appalling conditions that Muslims have to endure in Denmark. I did like the part about people having to pray outside as the Danes won’t let them build a mosque in Copenhagen
    Well a quick internet search on the Danish Muslim site tells me there is purpose built mosque why they even publish details on their site on how to get there.

    So what mosque is Fatima talking about, Could it be the grand mosque that the Danish authority approved in 1992.
    So why isn’t it built yet. Here is something the BBC doesn’t wish to share with the plebs;
    “The Islamic Cultural Center and a coalition of Muslim embassies submitted the first proposal for the mosque in 1992. A majority of the City Council gave the groups permission to construct a mosque, despite significant local opposition on Amager.
    However, the construction never began and the proposal was eventually abandoned due to internal disagreements. The Islamic Cultural Center and the Muslim embassies stopped renting the land and the debate died.”

    Click to access Goldberg__Krasner,_2001.pdf

    So it is actually internal politics within Danish Muslims rather than Danish procrastination which is holding up this mosque. Yet that isn’t the image the BBC presents.

    “Denmark has about 250,000 Muslims – from Pakistan, Somalia, Turkey, Iraq and many other countries. It is a small figure, but Muslims make up 5% of the population.” Well according to the Danish version of the MCB they say 3% and 160,000 but hey it’s only the BBC inflating figures yet again.

    I do like this subtle threat the BBC allows Feisal to make to his fellow non Islamic country men.
    “The Danish press should have learned from their previous mistakes”
    Now imagine if a Jew had made the very same remark about the BBC, why they would have the Old bill knocking on that mans door demanding justice.

    In a nutshell the BBC does an passive makeover for the Danish Muslims. Lets be serious while they allow Every Mohammed and his dog to bitch about the Danes the BBC leaves out just why the Muslims feel angry about the country that gave them sanctuary.
    Lets see;
    In 2001 the most liberal government in Europe for over 70 years was replaced by most conservative government Demark has ever seen, since then they have;
    They have limited immigration
    They have banned forced marriages
    They have cut back on benefits. (But that applies to everybody) This came about it was revealed that the Islamic population of Denmark (3%) consumed 40% of Denmark’s welfare budget.
    Now the person behind the vast majority of all the above is immigration minister ‘Rikke Hvilshoj’ (well she said in 2007 she was leaving) and in 2005 after a muslim got shot a certain iman Ahmed Abdel Rahman Abu Laban, (of cartoon fame) demanded that the government pay blood money to the family, stating that the family’s thirst for revenge could be thwarted for money. When Hvilshoj dismissed his demand, he argued that in Muslim culture the payment of retribution money was common, to which Hvilshoj replied that what is done in a Muslim country is not necessarily what is done in Denmark. The Muslim reply came soon after: her house was torched while she, her husband and children slept. All managed to escape unharmed, but she and her family were moved to a secret location and she and other ministers were assigned bodyguards

    In light of the above I wonder if the Fatimia Harrison would like to amend her closing statement on her article;
    “So far Muslims in Denmark have been talking about discrimination and the need for more respect. But the more they feel nobody is listening to their anger the more susceptible they will be to the message of radical political Islam.”

    The BBC and how its rewrites rioting Muslims in Denmark as victims.


  10. Ritter says:

    BBC policy on the relevance of mentioning religion in reports. If the victims are muslim, make sure you mention it in the first sentence of the report. If the guilty party is muslim and the act is directly related to extremist religious views, don’t mention the word ‘muslim’ at all (use ‘man’, ‘plotter’, or ‘plumber’ instead).

    Man admits helping 21/7 plotter

    A man has admitted helping 21 July bomb plotter Hussain Osman avoid arrest…”

    Five students win terror appeal
    “The convictions of five young Muslim men……have been quashed”


  11. Greencoat says:

    ‘Some observers say….’

    Nurse! The screens!


  12. George R says:

    ” So what’s next? ”



  13. Gibby Haynes says:

    Leave the Beeb alone. It is all rather confusing. When you have people setting fire to things, threatening murder and genocide and shouting, ‘Behead those who draw cartoons of the Prophet(s.a.w.). Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar!’ it really isn’t clear just what it’s all about and who is doing it. Could be just about anybody.


  14. NotaSheep says:

    pounce: “This came about it was revealed that the Islamic population of Denmark (3%) consumed 40% of Denmark’s welfare budget.” Where did you get this information from?


  15. Cassandra says:

    I wonder why these Muslims choose to stay in a country that they think hates them so much?
    Could it be that they love all the free money that the former leftists heaped on them?
    Why dont these Muslims leave and live in an Islamist paradise?
    Could it be that in an Islamist nation there is no such thing as a wefare state?
    The Muslims just love free money and scrounge from every Christian state that is foolish enough to give them entry! The Muslims are happy to sponge off Christian nations while they sow hatred and plot to hurt the host nation?
    The ‘enlightened leftists’ thought they could buy the Muslim vote by heaping benefits on them, but the truth is the more free money they heaped on the Muslim parrasites the more they hated the givers in return!
    Muslims are not suited to live in a free western nation, they are far better off in a Muslim nation and the sooner they leave the better for all of us.
    The BBC panders to the Muslims because they think that by appeasing them they will have peace? There will never be peace with a group that wishes your destruction, never.


  16. HSLD says:

    Has anyone found out who is rioting yet ?
    I’ve got a tenner on it being Seventh Day Adventists 🙂


  17. p and a tale of one chip says:


    Danish police must be “dhimmis” too

    “Police are unsure what triggered the violence [..] “We’re in the process of putting a profile of these youngsters together to see if we can come up with what is driving them. … But the only thing we know for sure right now is that most of them are under 18.”


    “It was not clear what triggered the unrest”

    And the Herald Tribune.


    And the Washington Post.


    And USA Today.

    “Seventeen people were arrested, Copenhagen Police spokesman Flemming Steen Munch said, adding police were not sure what sparked the violence”

    In short – another example of B-BBC leaping to conclusions – that even the Danish police aren’t prepared to substantiate. And this apparently means that the B-BBC – rather than B-BBC’s resident headbangers – has the agenda here.


  18. Martin says:

    Cassandra: But the lefties DO get the Muslim vote. Just look at the number of Labour MP’s (such as Jack Straw) that have huge Muslim populations in their area. How many got kicked out in 2005? Ona King is the only one I can thank of and she was replaced by an ever bigger arsehole with his own agenda.


  19. Diana says:

    My question is what makes these “youths – mainly with immigrant backgrounds” think that they have a right to get sparked and begin acting violently???
    As far as I know if you get “sparked” or “fueled” because your rights were violated you go to the police or to the courts, I don’t see why the BBC tries to justify these “youths” violence by saying that they were “sparked” or “fueled” by someone else.
    I wonder where the parents of these “youths” are and if they are going to have financial responsability over the actions of these minors.


  20. Biodegradable's Ghost says:

    It’s all rather baffling, isn’t it?

    What do they have in common?


  21. Allan@Oslo says:

    I heard the news on Radio 4 and it was reported that ‘a man’ had been found guilty of attempting to murder a British muslim soldier. Now, the BBC state that the soldier was muslim so a benchmark should have been set. However, nothing was revealed about the background of ‘the man’. As always with the BBC, one is (deliberately) left none the wiser.


  22. meggoman says:

    I couldn’t really understand the real reasons why the BBC made a Panorama programme and reported at great length the other day about how nasty and evil bottled water is. But now I do.






  23. pounce says:

    Any chance of opening up a new General BBC-related comment thread


  24. Martin says:

    Panorama should be a real doozy next week. Looks like the BBC are investigating those evil effing bastards the British army!!

    Any chance you wankers at the BBC could investigate the lies and corruption of McLabour instead please?


  25. HSLD says:

    ” In short – another example of B-BBC leaping to conclusions ”

    If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then…it’s a generic feathered biped ? 🙂


  26. archduke says:

    it has to be those pesky Mormons. always causing trouble and rioting on a whim.

    do i get a free cookie?


  27. Peter says:

    That’s nothing,I’m always getting Evangelicals blowing up on my doorstep.Some kindly looking little old lady will be standing there with a leaflet then,Boom!


  28. RBT36 says:

    One day i hope we christians will relaise that this religion is going to try and kill us. Political correctness is islams most powerful tool.
    I have debated with muslims at work and simply ask them:-

    “do you love jews”

    They always get angry with that one,and cant take it when you mention that Jaweh,christ,tutenkhamun and Odin and thor came long before them.

    We are making excuses for a political ideology that wants to simply wipe us out.

    comforting. and al-beeb is doing it for us.


  29. The People's Front of Judea says:


    Look on the bright side. When muslims do succeed in turning Britain into an Islamic state – which if the BBc has it’s way will happen in the next ten years – then it will be the DEATH of all lefties as we know it.

    How satisfying is that?


  30. The People's Front of Judea says:

    p and a tale of one chip:

    A typical BBC apologist. “Everybody else is doing it, so why can’t we.”

    We don’t PAY for any of those news orginaztions you listed p and a. How many more times does that need to be rammed into your dunderhead skull. The BBC should set itself apart from all other news organizations simply because of this fact.


  31. Cockney says:

    TPFOJ, can we have a bet that Britain won’t be an Islamic state in the next ten years please? please??

    “I have debated with muslims at work and simply ask them:-
    “do you love jews”
    They always get angry with that one”

    That sounds like a terrific ‘debate’. Personally I still have a soft spot for Ronny Rosenthal but can’t stand Amy Winehouse.


  32. Bryan says:

    In short – another example of B-BBC leaping to conclusions – that even the Danish police aren’t prepared to substantiate. And this apparently means that the B-BBC – rather than B-BBC’s resident headbangers – has the agenda here.
    p and a tale of one chip | 19.02.08 – 7:19 pm

    Could be, of course that the Danish police have to be a bit cautious so as not to prejudice any upcoming trials.

    From your first link, here’s the headline:


    Then this:

    In a statement, the Mecca-based Muslim World League urged Muslims, Islamic organisations and centres in Denmark to maintain calm following the reprinting. “Muslims should not get caught in a whirlwind of emotional reactions,” it said.

    Hmmm, so the MWL seems to know what sparked the riots.

    Point is, the BBC will always take the default position of letting Muslims off the hook, and covering up and minimising their faults no matter what they do. See Ritter | 19.02.08 – 5:42 pm. Are you seriously saying you haven’t noticed that?


  33. Michael Taylor says:

    It just is extraordinary: there are now subjects on which the BBC finds itself incapable of reporting. Increasingly, one does find oneself listening more carefully in order to decipher what might be happening to form the basis of a “BBC report”.


  34. p and a tale of one chip says:


    The various reports place the riots as having started between 6 and 9 days ago. I.e. before the reprinting.

    Nobody – not least the BBC – is disguising that the cartoon reprinting may have had an impact:

    “Some observers say last week’s reprinting by Danish newspapers of a cartoon satirising the Prophet Muhammad might have fuelled the riots”

    But – having an impact isn’t the same as triggering the riots. It’s amusing that Laban et al feel sure they know what caused the riots when observers on the ground like the police don’t know and the chronology doesn’t exactly tally with the reprinting.

    As David P notes, the riots have been going on for years.


    Read the CBS article and the pattern of a few disgruntled muslims becomes less clear as these riots seem to have every man and his dog with a grudge joining in: immigrants, squatters, nutters, anarchists and assorted left wing headbangers from neighbouring countries.


  35. The People's Front of Judea says:

    p and a tale of one chip:

    Why do we have to read a CBS article to get the “true” facts of a BBC story?

    That pretty much negates the whole purpose of BBC news and destroys your entire argument.


  36. p and a tale of one chip says:

    “Why do we have to read a CBS article to get the “true” facts of a BBC story?”

    The CBS story covers the riots from last year, not this year.


  37. George R says:

    “Do BBC Reporters Get 70 Virgins When They Die?”



  38. Bryan says:

    You’re in danger of shifting the goalposts here, p. We’re talking about the current riots. Yes, I also saw this:

    Some observers say last week’s reprinting by Danish newspapers of a cartoon satirising the Prophet Muhammad might have fuelled the riots”.

    It’s difficult to imagine a BBC finger being pointed more timidly. When those singled out are Muslims, BBC spines turn to jelly.

    If the World Muslim League makes the link between the reprinting and the riots, surely that holds a fair amount of weight?

    You have not commented on my observation about the Danish police.

    Of course it’s always possible that the Muslim rioters also objected to the arrests of their fellow Muslims for plotting the murder of the cartoonist. After all, infidels should be good dhimmis and submit to the sword, not fight back.


  39. George R says:

    “Iranian lawmakers want Thug-in-Chief to cut ties with Dutch, Danes over cartoons”


    And for attention of Frances Harrison, BBC:

    “MPs criticise the Islamic Society in Denmark”



  40. Typhoo says:

    They were never that slow at reporting riots in NI. It took the BBC long enough to even tell us.


  41. George R says:

    B-BBC and BBC can line up together to support Denmark and free speech:

    “Muhammad Cartoons May Spur Denmark Protests, Boycotts Overseas”



  42. George R says:

    And solidarity is needed with Norway too:

    “Norway terror threat rising:intelligence agency”



  43. anton says:

    Newt Gingrich gets it:


  44. The People's Front of Judea says:

    Doesn’t the last paragraph of the BBC article totally sum up their attitude to muslims:

    “So far Muslims in Denmark have been talking about discrimination and the need for more respect. But the more they feel nobody is listening to their anger the more susceptible they will be to the message of radical political Islam.”

    See! The reason muslims act so beastly is because of horrid whitey not showing them ’nuff respek’ and discriminating against them for…uh…well for blowing shit up and cutting people’s heads off I suppose. Whatever. The point the BBC are making is that if we just listen to their anger (and by listen they do mean of course give into it) then they will stop doing all the nasty things and start doing all the nice things instead.

    See, it’s all our fault! Why can’t we see that as clearly as the hacks at the BBC can. What’s wrong with us?

    On the flip-side, do the BBC ever suggest that when the BNP march in the streets (peacfully I might add) it’s because we are not listening to their anger and are discriminating against them, and maybe if we listened, they’d stop being nationalists and start being socialists.

    The BBC have no place to add such a commentary at the end of their article, and to do so proves yet again that whoever filed that article is towing the BBC propagandist agenda just like they know they should.

    Scum. The lot of them.


  45. p and a tale of one chip says:


    “Could be, of course that the Danish police have to be a bit cautious so as not to prejudice any upcoming trials”

    Maybe – although I can’t see why it would a tentative comment like “we think they might be unhappy about x” would prejudice a trial. Or maybe they don’t know. Without additional evidence a reputable media organisation wouldn’t speculate on why the police would say they don’t know.

    “Some observers say last week’s reprinting by Danish newspapers of a cartoon satirising the Prophet Muhammad might have fuelled the riots”.

    Again, most reports – as I quoted – make the link between riots and cartoons, but don’t tie the cartoons directly to the trigger, not least because past riots and the mismatch in timing between republishing and riots would indicate a more complex situation.

    The Muslim League – like people who declare with certainty that the riots are definitely caused by the cartoons – have their own axe to grind, albeit from different angles.


  46. Angry Young Alex says:

    “It is not clear what triggered the riots. Reports say the youths – mainly with immigrant backgrounds – have been accusing police of harassment.

    The violence erupted soon after Danish police introduced their stop-and-search policy, allowing officers to search people at random for weapons.

    Some observers say last week’s reprinting by Danish newspapers of a cartoon satirising the Prophet Muhammad might have fuelled the riots.

    I count two possible causes, neither of them certain. Well done to the BBC for not giving credence to speculation.


  47. point of order says:

    To be fair to the BBC, which is not something one does lightly, there may be something else going on here.
    I first became aware of this story over the weekend after spotting a post over on Guido’s shy retiring site. I drew people here’s attention to it in the comments. When I Googled for a news story I didn’t get a single UK media outlet in the first two pages. Reuters had it. NYT had it. Papers all over the world were running it, some of them under a heading ‘6th day of rioting’. Just out of interest I did the same search (in French of course)on Google.fr.Same result. It seemed to be all over the Francosphere.
    But not the UK.


  48. Anonymous says:

    A Canadian blogger in Copenhagen writes:

    here has been a lot of talk about the violence around Nørrebro lately. It can be heard on the streets, behind closed doors and not least of all from the talking heads in the media. It is essentially nonsense.

    There has been something of an ‘uprising’ in Nørrebro over the past days, though the reality is it’s the same old crowd generally found hanging out somewhere around Stengade and Griffenfeldtsgade (and sometimes around Blågards Plads later in the night). The police have a pretty good beat on the area (it’s like 3 small streets) since there’s always always a few people lurking around looking ‘unsavory’ – though I would prefer to use the term ‘bored’. It’s a feature of every city of any size.

    Speaking of bored, that is a fair description for the media in Copenhagen as well. It’s forgivable – they’ve got a lot of print space and air time to fill, and some weeks there’s just not a lot going on. So when something happens, like a loud protest in Nørrebro, packs of hungry journalists and photographers are quickly dispatched (sometimes they arrive even before the events have begun, in anticipation) and producers and editors greedily lick their lips knowing there will be plenty of tasty morsels with which to fill airwaves and column inches.

    The latest round started a little over a week ago when a car was torched and a couple garbage containers were lit on fire. This may sound a bit disturbing, but seriously it was pretty tame – I happened to be cycling by the incident when the garbage container was on fire. I wasn’t alone – plenty of pedestrians and cyclists were in the area. And as (unintentional) proof of how innocuous it was (and overblown in the media) – even in one of the photo published by one of the major newspapers in Denmark, Politiken, intended to show how crazy the situation, a young couple could be seen sauntering by the burning overturned garbage bin holding hands (apparently passing by on a evening walk). Yet if you heard or read the media coverage you’d imagine the street was ablaze half the night, and the situation out of control.

    There is precisely one purpose that these fires are started (and cars are torched) – and that is to get the police to show up. It’s basically the equivalent of seeing a frog and poking it with a stick to make it jump. The fun is knowing there will be reaction, and having the power to provoke it. Nothing more, nothing less – it’s not about theft and violence, and it’s not about the Muhammad cartoons though it is always easy to mention those in the same breath as the fires.

    One also must understand that in the area of Nørrebro in which this typically happens (as is the situation in the rest of Copenhagen), the nature of the urban layout means it is a relatively simple exercise for the police to patrol and control – and maintain a heavy-handed handle on the situation (which also tends to provoke things further, it must be openly acknowledged).

    They just place their vehicles along all the side streets, follow the herd of demonstrators (‘rioters’), both in front and behind and that’s about it. Yes, windows can potentially get smashed and garbage containers can be set alight, but nonetheless there’s not really any place for the protester to run – anyone trying anything stupid tends to get picked up by police almost instantly. Being in the area when something is going down isn’t much of an issue either – a short detour of about one street will generally allow you to steer clear around the whole situation, even at its worst. It’s certainly not a war-zone.

    And one last point about those ‘torched’ cars: if you ever park your car on Stengade, you’re an idiot anyway – no sympathy from this quarter if it gets damaged or worse torched one day. Seriously, find a smarter place to park – choose another of the hundreds of other streets in the city, plenty of which are extremely close by…

    And of course, all of this subsequently makes a nice story for the lazy international media to grab ahold of, but that doesn’t make their portrayal any more accurate or realistic…



  49. Barry says:

    Surely this is just “tension”?