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Strange how real threats by Saudis don’t get onto BBC Mid-East front page
“BAE: secret papers reveal threats from Saudi prince – Spectre of ‘another 7/7’ led Tony Blair to block bribes inquiry, high court told”
While BBC rushes to report “Police feared ‘airport stand-off’ over Israeli General”, even though no threats were ever made, only a very cautious assumption by Det Supt John MacBrayne (who obviously thought the whole arrest warrant thing was nuts and was looking for excuses)
BBC charges twice Price on downloads.
A quick footnote to the latest completely biased US election “coverage” from the BBC. Just now Phillipa Thomas (hosting BBC World Propaganda America as Matty and Katty are on the road) was discussing the latest primaries in Wisconsin. I’m talking about the Democrat primary only, of course, because I have BBC News on and thus have no idea if there were Republican primaries going on anywhere in the country or not.
Ms. Thomas has been discussing the Dem race with a new (to the BBC) American pundit, Ira Berman. Ira is very young and writes for a Leftoid publication called The Nation. A quick glance at his contributions to this rag reveals his political leanings. In fact, if one cares to read one of his breathless briefs, one can learn that he was at one time an even younger dope who swooned over the Dem candidate that got the emotions-trump-reason adolescent crowd all foaming at the mouth during the last election: Howard Dean. We all know how that worked out, and we all know the general intellectual quality of the fan club.
So it’s only natural that the BBC chose a serial swooner to analyze the Dem race for them. There’s no need to talk about what actually went on in the broadcast because you can all consider the variables and do the math for yourselves.
Cue the waterworks for Obama, and a barf bag for me.
just been listening to Phillipa reading out a message from someone from Nigeria describing Castro as a “Legend”
Wonder why Al Beeb picked that one out 😆
another BBC druggie. This one goes to jail for 4 years.
think its about time Al Beeb introduced random drug tests for all its employees. No wonder they’re so out of touch with reality and the public, they’re all drugged up
Oh my goodness, you are all doomed.
I just walked balk into the room with the tv still showing BBC World, Etc., and caught most of the final segment featuring China’s ramp-up to their Olympics. The story was about the government training program educating Chinese citizens how to behave during the Olympics.
Without a trace of irony, the BBC reporter (didn’t catch the name) described what to the unbrainwashed viewer looked very much like an automaton training program. Apparently the Chinese are concerned that one or two troublemakers might act up and ruin the show with “bad behavior or poor sportsmanship”.
So we get shots of some workers’ union sitting in a room, all in uniform and banging inflatable boom sticks, as expressionless as stones, going through choreographed motions that would make Japanese baseball fans look like anarchists. Included are quick statements from supposedly voluntary Chinese citizens (we’re supposed to pretend they aren’t forced by their union to ‘represent’) lauding the program and saying how it’s a doddle. The BBC reporter, although as deadpan as could be, explained how brilliant it all was, and how 100,000 or so fans were being “produced” to fill the seats at the much anticipated event. So everybody remember this blatant manufacturing process when you see smiling, seemingly enthusiastic crowds during BBC broadcasts of the next Olympics.
There are no words to describe how horrified I am to see the BBC do what amounts to a Stepford Wives piece in such cold-blooded fashion. I’m not exaggerating when I say a chill went down my spine seeing how such a totalitarian exercise was presented as a happy, innocuous bit of fluff. It’s no wonder certain fatheads at White City are so in love with Communist China – the complete control they believe that government has over the minds of its citizens must seem like paradise.
Did the BBC reporter really say how ‘brilliant’ it was David? ‘Cause if nothing else us Brits lead the world at creating an atmosphere at sporting events (along with the Turks and Irish perhaps and obviously excluding any Arsenal home games).
Not that I can really imagine why anyone would give a toss about the Olympics. The poor Chinese will probably need injections to keep them awake for all that thrilling running, cycling and basketball.
BBC headline, “MP pelted after confronting gang” As this story puts the MP in a good light note how the BBC failes to mention that he is a Conservative!
The TOADY SHOW had a section on the ‘lost data’ of Dutch criminals and they mentioned these people were accused of crimes like “murder,rape and OTHER CRIMES” Hmmm, I wonder what the ‘other crimes’ mean?
What the TOADIES are not saying is that the people on the disk are Islamist/muslims! Also the person at the CPS who hid the data for a year is also a muslim, how strange? We know that the CPS has been infiltrated by Islamist supporters BUT shouldnt we be told just who sat on this data for a year and why?
Look at it this way, a muslim CPS employee is put in charge of the office that receives data from abroad concerning muslims(we know that muslims have pushed hard for this). Now this person knows that the data incriminates fellow muslims who would be chased down and arrested by the Police IF this data was passed on, so what to do, what to do! difficult one that eh? Does this person ‘betray’ fellow muslims OR does this person hide the data away? Hmmmm!
So rapists and terror suspects and killers go free all because the CPS gave in to the ‘race hucksters’ and put iffy muslims in charge of sensitive data.
Now the question is, does the TOADY collective know about this? I cannot say for sure BUT if I know(I have contacts) surely the intrepid BBC journos can find out?
The double whammy! “So-called” and quotes: ‘a US initiative which twins aid to fight poverty with so-called “good governance”‘
Of course, it’s a story about Bush; other initiatives to promote good governance in Africa require no sneer – as here, where we’re told ‘Botswana top in good governance’:
It’s notable the writer, while deploying quotes and “so-called”, is confident that there is no need to actually explain what good governance means, because it’s widely understood.
The article also includes this bit of pointless editorialising:
“Mr Bush’s support for multi-billion-dollar aid programmes in Africa helps explain why he is better liked there than in other regions of the world, correspondents say – where US ventures in Iraq and Afghanistan have proved unpopular.”
As someone said on an earlier thread:
“The amount of ‘analysis’ we get on a story increases in porportion to the BBC’s need to explain why what is happening is a bad thing in their opinion.”
The future is choice and plurality of opinion, but you won’t get that from old-fashioned, mind-controlling, news-distorting statists and dinosaurs like the BBC.
Close BBC News down and give us CHOICE.
“Gaza boy ‘killed in Israeli raid'”
Sure, this is tragic. Things like this should not be happening.. but where was the “Israeli boy has legs amputated after Palestinian attack” headline? It’s completely one sided in that they sympathize with only one side. Every time something happens in Gaza there are front-page headlines, yet when something happens on the other side of the border, The headlines are mostly misleading and hardly stay on the front page for a very long time.
Classic example of Thought For the Day on R4 this morning. The Bishop of Liverpool recounted his recent trip to Nigeria where he was horrified to discover that the vast majority of people aren’t too keen on being lectured about climate change. In fact, he was even heckled during a sermon, and the poor old bish was dumbfounded. Stupid Nigerians, clearly more worried about trivial things like sharia law which, as any cosseted left-wing Anglican leader will tell you, is a welcome inevitability.
Arghhh!!… the Vaz man is everywhere…
Was listening to news last night on radio4 and he was on, turned on the Today show this morning and there he was again …
Is there perhaps an opening for a
‘Keith & Shami Show’ on BBC…
Sorry links didn’t work:
BBC Newsnight on Tuesday ran a piece about whether there’s anti Scottish feeling in England and vice versa. At the top of the piece the presenter introduced it and said. “In a TV poll most people in Berwick expressed a desire to return the town to Scottish control.” This is classic misrepresentation of the facts. It wasn’t most people, it was a majority of people who voted in the unregulated, un scientific poll; 60.3% to be precise. Given that the population of Berwick-upon-Tweed is roughly 26,000 it also was a minority of people who voted in this TV poll – less than 2,000.
We live in a parallel universe, one in which the media set the agenda and the one in which the rest of us try to live.
The TOADY SHOW had a section on the ‘lost data’ of Dutch criminals and they mentioned these people were accused of crimes like “murder,rape and OTHER CRIMES” Hmmm, I wonder what the ‘other crimes’ mean?
Well you won’t find that on most (any?) non-BBC reports either froma Google search I’ve just done of reports on this story – it’s all “including rape and murder” or something similar. BBC bias?
What the TOADIES are not saying is that the people on the disk are Islamist/muslims! Also the person at the CPS who hid the data for a year is also a muslim, how strange? We know that the CPS has been infiltrated by Islamist supporters BUT shouldnt we be told just who sat on this data for a year and why?
But who is saying this? None of the other reports I turned up in my Google search on “CSA” and “DNA” made any mention of this either and adding “Islam OR muslim” to the search just excluded all the reports of this story – where did you get it from? Reference please.
presumably yesterday was a slow news day. On the flagship 10:00 pm News on BBC1, out of 25 minutes broadcast no less than 9 were on the decision of the hereditary dictator of Cuba to step down and hand over the reins of power to his brother. We got the usual “he’s outlasted no less than 10 US presidents” from the BBC reporter in Havana and Justin Webb telling us, in effect, that Cuban exiles in Miami can’t wait for Bushitler to go so that the next pres can negotiate with Raul. There were also less than convincing pictures of shocked Cubans in Havana waiting in line to buy (Cuba’s sole and state published) newspaper in order to read the ghastly news.
Frankly, who cares? A 30-second slot was quite enough to convey what is happening. Does it require a BBC reporter in Havana (at our expense) to tell us this “news”? Does it require a BBC reporter to go to Miami (at our expense) to tell us that, by and large, Cuban exiles there are happy to see the back of Fidel? This is not earth-shattering news except to the Castroistas at London’s City Hall, but they’ve got their own problems closer to home (of which I heard very little on the BBC yesterday).
“”In a TV poll most people in Berwick expressed a desire to return the town to Scottish control.”
The BBC. Making ‘facts’ fit their agenda.
It’s amazing the lengths the ministry of Information will go to isn’t it.
Regarding my earlier comment on the BBC not mentioning the party of the MP who was attacked in Bournemouth, lo they have added the relavent information……
Cassandra | 20.02.08 – 8:42 am
What the TOADIES are not saying is that the people on the disk are Islamist/muslims! Also the person at the CPS who hid the data for a year is also a muslim, how strange?
Do you have any evidence for this claim?
I know (I have contacts)
Ah. Could you please ask your contacts to explain how they know that the criminals whose DNA profiles on these discs were Muslims • given this statement by the Crown Prosecution Service?
The CPS said: “We can confirm that DNA profiles of around 2,000 unknown individuals were sent by a foreign jurisdiction to the CPS to facilitate a check against the national DNA database…”
i.e. the Dutch authorities do not even know the names of the people whose DNA details are on this disc and the whole point of sending them to the UK was to see if we could help them out on that score.
It would seem unlikely that they could know their religion but not their names.
@ John Reith
You seem to represent or defend the BBC point of view. What are you and your fellow trolls doing continually infecting this site? Not content with distorting the news and silencing any opposition to NuLab, you seek out any dissenting voice to shut them up too. Are the BBC paying you to do this? If not, who is?
We do not get a proper story any more from the BBC, all is twisted and distorted. These days the BBC just represents a narrow point of view. We want more choice.
Why do you not open up your broadcasting network infrastructure to competing news programmes, rather like BT were required to open up their network? These programmes should be broadcast simultaneously with your own.
a muslim CPS employee is put in charge of the office that receives data from abroad concerning muslims(we know that muslims have pushed hard for this). Now this person knows that the data incriminates fellow muslims who would be chased down and arrested by the Police IF this data was passed on, so what to do, what to do! difficult one that eh? Does this person ‘betray’ fellow muslims OR does this person hide the data away? Hmmmm!
So rapists and terror suspects and killers go free all because the CPS gave in to the ‘race hucksters’ and put iffy muslims in charge of sensitive data.
Thank God for you and your contacts.
This is the final proof.
Let’s do it now! Clear every last one of them out of public office and anywhere else they can make life easy for fellow Muslims bent on murdering, raping (and other offences)!
Saddle up! Get the sheets and the nooses!
The crosses are burning brightly!
Tonight is the beginning of the end for this Governmental miscegenation!
One Nation! One Volk! One Colour! One religion! One-Nil!
Biased BBC: More nuts than a muesli bar…
By economist George Reisman
Here’s the essential common core of hatred and destruction in the doctrines of Communism, Nazism, and Environmentalism. Only the concretes differ, not the fundamental principle of hatred for human life and happiness.
Communism: The pursuit of individual self-interest causes monopolies, depressions, and exploitation of workers by capitalists. It must be replaced by self-sacrifice for the benefit of the working class and the Socialist State. Capitalists and landowners must be exterminated for the benefit of the proletariat.
Nazism: The pursuit of individual self-interest causes racial impurity, national decline, and exploitation of German workers by Jewish capitalists. It must be replaced by self-sacrifice for the good of the Aryan master race and the National Socialist State. Jews, Gypsies, and Slavs must be exterminated for the benefit of the German Nation.
Environmentalism: The pursuit of individual self-interest causes global warming, acid rain, and ozone depletion. It must be replaced by self-sacrifice for the good of other species-our “fellow biota”-and for the good of the planet, under the auspices of international treaties and a nascent Global Socialist State: the UN.
Most of the human race must be exterminated for the benefit of exploited species and the planet. (This is what the environmentalist “extremists” already openly say. The “moderates” merely want to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 90 percent and thereby reduce the American standard of living to that of a third world country, with a third world country’s infant mortality and life expectancy
Stiletto | 20.02.08 – 12:10 pm |
You seem a rather ill-mannered person and since I am not your manservant, I don’t see why I should answer any of your peremptory questions.
Stiletto seems a misnomer; blunt instrument would be more apt.
However, in the interests of civil debate:
Why do you not open up your broadcasting network infrastructure to competing news programmes, rather like BT were required to open up their network? These programmes should be broadcast simultaneously with your own.
The broadcasting infrastructure, both digital and analogue, is already open to a variety of suppliers of news programmes including ITN and Sky. These programmes are frequently broadcast simultaneously with the BBC’s, you complete and utter halfwit.🙂
“These programmes are frequently broadcast simultaneously with the BBC’s, you complete and utter halfwit.”
Is this what you mean by “civil debate”?
Every time something happens in Gaza there are front-page headlines, yet when something happens on the other side of the border, The headlines are mostly misleading and hardly stay on the front page for a very long time.
Superllama | 20.02.08 – 9:05 am
Most of the time those events don’t event warrant a report by the BBC. For example:
Egyptian guards kill Sudanese man trying to cross into Israel
Egyptian border guards shot and killed a Sudanese man Monday and arrested eight other foreigners trying to cross illegally into Israel, security and hospital officials said.
The detainees included four Chinese women, two Eritrean women and a man and woman from Nepal, an Egyptian security official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to media.
The group had paid hundreds of dollars to human traffickers to help them cross Egypt’s border into Israel, the official said. They were caught about 18 kilometers south of Rafah, the main crossing point on the Egypt-Gaza border, he said.
Egyptian guards, firing shots into the air, chased the migrants along the border before they surrendered, the official said.
The Sudanese man, Armenary Sinat, broke away from the pack and ran toward the border’s barbed wire fence, when the Egyptian guards opened fire and killed him, the security official said.
Curious how all those non-Jewish foregners want to go to “the apartheid state of Israel”.
Then there’s this:
Syrian guards shoot and kill Lebanese farmer on border
Syrian border guards shot and killed a Lebanese farmer on the Lebanese-Syrian frontier Tuesday, Lebanese police announced in a statement.
Abbas Abbas, 15, was returning home on a donkey after working in his land on the Lebanese-Syrian frontier when a Syrian border patrol opened fire on him, killing him instantly, according to an official police statement.
It was not immediately known why the Syrian patrol opened fire and there was no comment from Syria.
By the way, the reprting of the “Palestinian” child’s death is far more neutral and unbiased here:
Palestinians: Child killed in Gaza shootout between Israel and Hamas
A 10-year-old boy was killed and two other minors were wounded Tuesday in an exchange of fire between Hamas gunmen and IDF troops in the central Gaza town of Deir el-Balah, Palestinian medics said.
Palestinian security officials said army forces operating in the town came under heavy fire from Hamas. The troops shot back and the children were apparently caught in the crossfire, the officials said.
The army had no immediate comment.
See here:
The People’s Front of Judea:
“”In a TV poll most people in Berwick expressed a desire to return the town to Scottish control.”
The BBC. Making ‘facts’ fit their agenda.
Eh – not me mate – I didn’t post anything about the Berwick “vote”. Some mistake perhaps?
As to the BBC/facts/agenda point, I’m just a license payer and don’t like BBC bias any more than anyone else – but more and more this site is being taken over by wierdos who seem to regard any story that doesn’t fit their world view as BBC bias.
Dogpatch | 20.02.08 – 12:31 pm
Is this what you mean by “civil debate”?
Just my little joke.
And, on the offchance there were any literal-minded dimwits lurking, I added a bloody great smiley, just so there’d be no doubt about it.
John Reith
Oh crap! The beeboids are at lunch. Hope that’s not bottled water that you’re drinking at your desk old boy.
“Palestinians ‘may declare state’
A senior Palestinian official has said the Palestinians ought to unilaterally declare a state if peace talks with Israel do not succeed.”
Well that means the Palestinian leadership will be treated like outlaws at the BBC, and the new state a pariah state, doesn’t it? Just like this:
@ John Reith
“you complete and utter halfwit”
The charming face drops and we see the real and ugly face of the BBC appearing.
As you well know we are not talking about ITN or Sky.
I am talking about opening up YOUR OWN digital broadcasting infrastructure. You have misused the monopoly that was entrusted to you. You are unrepresentative of the nation and as reported every day on this site you are pursuing your own agenda and distorting the news and the information you give us. You and the BBC are a disgrace to the nation.
As you seem incapable of providing a full and fair report of the news, then others must supplement your efforts. So, whenever the BBC broadcast a news programme or a current affairs programme, they must by law also broadcast SIMULANEOUSLY other news and current affairs programmes made by other private programme makers (all of which must comply with new written standards).
We want more CHOICE of point of view.
You see John, your own hubris and arrogance have caused this – you have gone too far and we are very tired of you.
The beeboids are at lunch. Hope that’s not bottled water that you’re drinking at your desk old boy.
Cuban rum, since you ask.
“BBC headline, “MP pelted after confronting gang” As this story puts the MP in a good light note how the BBC failes to mention that he is a Conservative!
Roger C. | 20.02.08 – 8:19 am”
I agree that the BBC are more than capable of stealth editing and perhaps that is what they did but the article I can see makes it clear he is a conservative, so I am not convinced by this being bias.
Sadly Hillhunt’s infantile cross burning patheticness shows no sign of abatement.
Your last post, devoid of any evidence or facts whatsoever, but very high on massive insult, can only fuel the belief that if one could ever meet you in person a full and frank exchange of views doesn’t begin to cover it.
I may not agree with other posters but they manage to maintain their dignity and engage in the issue.
All hillhunt is proving is why he was banned and why he should be banned again.
Stiletto | 20.02.08 – 12:50 pm
You are entitled to your opinion, but you should be aware that it is an unusual one.
The BBC’s news programmes attract vast audiences and are by any measure the nation’s clear favourites.
They are also perceived as more accurate, trustworthy and impartial than other news sources, particularly newspapers and…(lowest on the list of public trust)…blogs like this one.
(cue irrelevant chorus of ‘but we aren’t compelled to pay for blogs like this one’….FX: (hold under)…sheep bleating.)
I was referring to hillhunts 12:20 and not his brief ramblings since that – though how he can comment accurately with refutation on the drinking habits of the BBC when he freely admits to not working for them, never having worked for them and not frequenting there except by reading reports we all can read which state to the contrary is unclear to say the least.
All hillhunt is proving is why he was banned and why he should be banned again.
BaggieJonathan | 20.02.08 – 12:56 pm
AFAIK hillhunt has never been banned, but I am.
Banned by webmaster. Your comments will not be added
I’m using an awkward proxy to post, perhaps Natalie would consider unbanning me?
Please unban BioD.
“The BBC’s news programmes attract vast audiences and are by any measure the nation’s clear favourites.
They are also perceived as more accurate, trustworthy and impartial than other news sources, particularly newspapers and…(lowest on the list of public trust)…blogs like this one.” john reith
Blogs like this are lowest on the list of public trust? Really. Care to quote one shred of evidence to back this up orare you just going to continue to spout bollox.
Thank you John Reith, however I wonder if your approval of me is a point in my favour or against 😉
You see John Reith doesn’t like to answer to other people, despite the fact that we pay his wages. He is a public employee, but the BBC like the public to answer to public bodies, not the other way round. They think that we work for government and public corporations, not the other way round.
John Reith
Assuming Stiletto pays his television tax then you do work for him. He has every right to question you. Your arrogance and the small world you dwell in at the Beeb
Notice again that you jump in on the few cases where you can query the bias, but ignore the majority of stories on the site where the bias is incontrovertible.
Searching For Evidence | 20.02.08 – 1:03 pm
Telecom Express published a survey some time back that rated blogs below MSM of all kinds for being trustworthy.
You can start your search here:
random | 20.02.08 – 1:10 pm |
Assuming Stiletto pays his television tax then you do work for him.
You’re wrong about that, as it happens.
And wrong about much else besides.
AFAIK hillhunt has never been banned, but I am.
Who told you my first name was Afaik?
Your last post, devoid of any evidence or facts whatsoever, but very high on massive insult, can only fuel the belief that if one could ever meet you in person a full and frank exchange of views doesn’t begin to cover it.
Apologies for the cross-burning. Getting bored with it myself. Perhaps witch-hunting is the correct metaphor for Cassandra’s fantasies about Mulsim plots in the CPS?
whenever the BBC broadcast a news programme or a current affairs programme, they must by law also broadcast SIMULANEOUSLY other news and current affairs programmes made by other private programme makers
You’re so right!
Oh, hang on… Question Time is made by an independent production company….so are chunks of the One Show… and episodes of Panorama, This World, the Money Programme… and inserts into shows like Newsnight.
“Under section 186(1) of the 1990 Broadcasting Act (the Act), the BBC has a duty to secure that, in each relevant reporting period, not less than 25 per cent of the total amount of time allocated to the broadcasting of qualifying programmes is allocated to the broadcasting of a range and diversity of independent productions. According to section 186(2) a range of independent productions refers to a range of such productions in terms of cost of acquisition as well as in terms of the types of programmes involved.” (Source: OFT)
Blimey! A quarter of all BBC programmes have to come from indies! And another 25% is up for grabs, too!
Word of advice, Stiletto: A stab in the dark isn’t much use…
Biased BBC: Hang on, lads: I’ve got a great idea.
John Reith
More BBC lies and distortion, this time directly from you! Very typical of the BBC in that it involves being completely unable to understand subtle but vitally important distinctions, that go to the core of the whole meaning.
The report says that blogs are below MSM in being trusted, not in being trustworthy. It was a survey of how people viewed these sources of information, not a study of how accurate that information actually was.
Of course it is also meaningless, in that blogs have huge variety, and that I would trust some far more than others (the traditional media have variety of trustworthiness too of course, but sit in the a tighter band in the middle).
For a nice neutral example I read blogs written by open, admitted Marxists which I trust for their information (even if I often disagree with some or all of the analysis) and other blogs by Marxists which I know are likely to have distorted or selectively reported the facts, so I will have to read elsewhere to confirm anything written.
I think you have your definitions of independent crossed. Just because they are independent businesses does nothing to suggest that they have editorial independence. How long do you think they would last if they treated the BNP on the same basis as communist organisations and environmental or animal-rights extremists? Or for that matter the moderate right on the same basis as the moderate left?
random | 20.02.08 – 1:19 pm
The report says that blogs are below MSM in being trusted, not in being trustworthy. It was a survey of how people viewed these sources of information, not a study of how accurate that information actually was.
Quite so.
And it was in the context of public perceptions that I raised the matter originally.
P.S. It even says “trusted” John, if you’d bothered to read it!