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“Y-e-e-e-s. McCain a player in the Democrat race, is he?”
No he is in the presidential race,you know the one,the one that the BBC and you think has only two candidates.
The BBC’s ‘Don’t Panic I’m Islamic’ programme is reaching new levels of infamy. I see they’re promoting the programme again after another of their Islamic stars has today been convicted as a terror mastermind.
This ought to reopen a discussion we had a couple of months ago, before the outcome of the case was known, when the BBC were discovered to have been potentially obstructing the course of justice. Now that the suspects have been convicted, I think it is time to see whether charges will be pressed against the BBC for funding terror activity and concealing information about the Islamofascists from the police.
N-o-o-o. Obama and Clinton in the Republican race are they?
“Y-e-e-e-s. McCain a player in the Democrat race, is he?”
No he is in the presidential race,you know the one,the one that the BBC and you think has only two candidates.
Silly me! There was I thinking that there are two separate races to choose the candidates for each party.
We can move forward from your excellent analysis…
Should Brown fall under a bus, we will require the BBC to mention, in every piece about the Labour leadership campaign, that Cameron is the Tory leader, and to offer his views , regardless of their relevance to the process of choosing the Labour candidate. Ditto the Lib Dems.
(Not sure about the Conservatives. Would we want Brown messing Our Boys’ campaign? Probably not!)
Biased BBC: Hail To The Chief
re Laurie Mylroie
Top data source Hillhunt – it doesn’t get much more highbrow and reliable than Wikipedia.
Top marks for characterising a Harvard and Cornell educated, fluent Arabic speaking former presdidential adviser as a “crack-pot”. Presumably your cv is much more impressive – maybe you even studied for an “ology” at Uni…do you have an “ology” Hillhunt? You must be a clever, clever man to work at the BBC.
Hillhunt: going straight to the source to keep it real. Wikid.
Our Tel:
Top marks for characterising a Harvard and Cornell educated, fluent Arabic speaking former presdidential adviser as a “crack-pot”.
Many people take her seriously on the Iraq-9/11 conspiracy, do they? The FBI? CIA? The 9/11 Commission?
Martin | 26.02.08 – 12:26 pm
“I see 4 Christians have been found guilty”
The opening sentence of the story you link is:
A man said to be one of the most important recruiters for Islamist extremism in the UK has been convicted at the end of a major trial.
It says ‘Islamist’ and you still can’t work out their religion?
How stupid are you?
The BBC’s ‘multiculturalism’ is so ingrained. The BBC’s inability to see the dangers of Islam is personified in its grievous, tragic error of judgement over e.g.’Don’t Panic I’m Islamic’. The BBC is ideologically driven, in its dangerous cultural relativism and downright ignorance of the history of Islam, to play down the very real threat of Jihad and Sharia.
This has been very noticeable to me today, monitoring BBC output from the ‘Today’ programme and Naughtie’s gullibility on Turkey (see my comment at: 7:56 am), to Radio 4’s ‘World at One’ where, apart from its treatment as a news item, there was no follow-up analysis of the Jihad terror convictions, between 1:10 and 1:30 pm.
And not surprisingly,
“the white working class feels alienated, threatened asnd voiceless, says BBC boss”
her views on 9/11 and Iraq are disputed by most…y-e-e-e-s…
ergo, it follows that she is a crackpot… hmmmm…were you awake in elementary logic Hillhunt? Can you spot the leap here? Go on, wrinkle your forehead, squint, concentrate…you can do it.
Hillhunt: just because many things are over his head, it doesn’t mean he shouldn’t get an A for effort.
From the Times piece about, ‘Don’t Panic, I’m Islamic!’ program, linked above
“Phil Rees, who produced the show, told the court that he was impressed by Mr Hamid’s sense of humour while looking for someone to appear in the documentary. He said: “I think he had a comic touch and he represented a strand within British Muslims. I took it as more like a rather Steptoe and Son figure rather than seriously persuasive. I saw him as a kind of Cockney comic.”
That must be one of the famous ‘lost’ Steptoe episodes: the one where Harry H. Corbett joins Al Qaeda, whips up a suicide belt from scrap in the yard and blows up the infidels.
And now the best bit. Wait for it…
“Mr Rees, who now works for the Arabic TV station al-Jazeera, gave Mr Hamid a signed copy of his book Dining With Terrorists.”
You couldn’t make this up.
it follows that she is a crackpot… hmmmm…were you awake in elementary logic Hillhunt? Can you spot the leap here? Go on, wrinkle your forehead, squint, concentrate…you can do it.
My sentence should have read:
And now Marc shows us how to whinge when the BBC prefers the findings of the US courts to the heavily-contested ravings of a highly-educated and well-connected neo-con conspiracy theorist.
Re: Sarah Jane:
UK ‘terrorism camps’ revealed
shome mishtake surely – this headline should read:
BBC ‘Comedy Paintballing Camps’ revealed
And Javier Bardem, the Spaniard who won the best supporting gong. The point being that for the first time in ages an American hadn’t won one of the four big acting awards, which is noteworthy.
p and a tale of one chip | 26.02.08 – 8:56 am |
What is noteworthy, but you fail to understand is that America is the land of opportunities, that still attracts talent from all over the world.
These three are future Americans or already have a Green Card.
The place of their birth does not matter, what matters is they achieved the peak of their success in America.
hillhunt, you post more often here in one thread than all the contributions to your own blog put together, are you sure you have your priorities right?
“Silly me! There was I thinking that there are two separate races to choose the candidates for each party.”
You seem to have missed the Republican candidate,odd you being a Republican supporter.
Hugh | 26.02.08 – 8:06 am |
Yes, great comment to the most recent post of Webb’s:
“Thanks Mr. Webb for your courageous and sincere reports. Allow me to also thank all Americans involved in the “Obama surge”. He is raising hopes all over the Earth, silently connecting people who believe in the possibility of peace, in spite of so much hating and pain … His presidency may have a very strong and lasting impact.”
I’m not sure the writer’s being ironic, which actually makes it all the more telling of that extent to which Webb’s abandoned his duty to report impartially.
In my opinion, Webb hasn’t been especially pro-Obama versus Hillary. He just wants a Democrat. He kept reminding everyone early on in the campaign that America was probably too racist to elect a Black man, and like the rest of the BBC hacks covering the US scene, he just parroted the Washington Post and The Nation. They assumed Hillary was it, so Justin followed along.
Now that Obama appears to be the Dem nominee, cognitive dissonance is setting in with old Justin, and he just doesn’t know whether to be amused or concerned that he keeps getting it wrong. He mostly sticks with being amused, since that’s his default setting when looking down on United Statesians anyway.
But I think he’s just riding the Obama bandwagon like the rest of the intellectually-challenged media.
The comment you pointed out is more indicative to me of the kind of hysterical, delusional fanaticism we hear from way too many Obamamaniacs. They all pretty much sound like Tom Cruise praising L. Ron Hubbard.
Justin takes these comments seriously, though, so watch for him to make yet another post going through contortions trying to prove his impartiality.
He really has no idea what he’s actually doing with that blog. He does reveal his prejudices against fool United Statesians from time to time, but nearly all the commenters on his blog just scream that he’s in favor of one candidate or the other. I think people like that probably don’t even notice the underlying issue of how Justin looks down on all of us. He’s clueless about that too, and is continuously having to dance around every issue.
But I find comments like the one above a little scary, actually, if one stops to think about what will happen if Obama loses the general election. In these deluded brains, the same neurons are firing, and the same endorphins are released as in a religious experience. Spurned angry young people who have been riding an extremely high wave of pure emotion and adrenalin for so long will do very ugly things.
What is noteworthy, but you fail to understand is that America is the land of opportunities, that still attracts talent from all over the world.
These three are future Americans or already have a Green Card.
The place of their birth does not matter, what matters is they achieved the peak of their success in America.
It was the acme of foolishness for me to assume that the Oscars were for the absolute quality of their acting.
Still, you have given us a way forward…
In future, we must campaign for the BBC coverage of international ceremonies to be as follows:
1. Where American awards (Oscars, Emmys etc) are involved, we must see the Day-Lewises and Bardems of this world as future Americans or (actors who) already have a Green Card and not as British, Spanish, European etc.
2. When important football, rugby, golf matches take place overseas, viewers must be reminded that these are all British-originated sports even if our competitors have no chance of winning (or even taking part).
3. If, however a Spanish golfer, or, say, David Beckham, wins honours Stateside, we must point out that they are future Americans or (sportsmen who) already have a Green Card.
4. The Beatles are no longer to be described as an English or Liverpudlian group, as Lennon, Harrison & Starr all spent a long time in the USA and Macca has a nice house there. They are, of course, future Americans or (entertainers who) already have a Green Card (except for the dead ones) should they be honoured in the Grammys etc.
5. This applies to Robbie Williams, Graham Nash, Ossie Osbourne, Johnny Marr (help me out here) should they be inducted into the Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame in New York. They are, of course, future Americans or (rock’n’rollers who) already have a Green Card
6. America is the land of opportunities, that still attracts talent from all over the world. Unlike the UK. Or France. Or Australia. Or anywhere else with a half-decent economy.
Biased BBC: The Star-Spangled Spammer
On Apostasy and Islam:
“These apostasy cases are small steps for ex-Muslims and a giant leap for mankind. They reflect a seismic movement in Islam’s 1,400 years of unchallenged history.
“Yet extraordinarily, the Western media (except for Channel 4) have neglected to report this phenomena. Even the BBC (with plenty of stringers in the Middle East and the Far East) have looked the other way! I wonder why!
‘The Silent Seismic Revolution: Muslims Leaving Islam’
BBC funded terror training camps
What a glorious headline that would be. And it is technically true, the best kind of truth.
Ms Suleaman said that Mr Hamid was agitated after the July attack. She said: “I think he was worried that perhaps the men might call him because they were on the run at the time. I think he was very, very shocked about the fact that the men he knew were accused of this.”
The straightforward implication here is clear. The conversation took place at a time when they actually were on the run. She says this. She uses the word “on the run”. This whole thing would hardly be an issue otherwise.
The other telling quote, regarding the timing of when this conversation took place is in the following paragraph:
Duncan Penny, for the prosecution, asked Ms Suleaman if she had told Mr Hamid to go to the police or contacted the police herself. Mr Penny asked: “Here was a man who told you that he knew those individuals who, as I understand it, were still at large for what on the face of it was the attempted bombings of the transport network a fortnight after it happened, and he was telling you he had some knowledge of them? There was a worldwide manhunt going on, wasn’t there?”
Why would there be an issue about Mr Hamid going to the police otherwise? If the suspects weren’t ACTUALLY terrorists and ACTUALLY on the run, it would be just a normal case of BBC giving licence payers money to people committed to the destruction of the United Kingdom: i.e. a normal working day (Omar Bakri Mohammed, Inyat Bungawala, MAB, MCB etc.
The corporation is pretty much dammed out of her mouth. All of the following statements imply that she was talking about an ongoing situation:
She replied: “I got the sense that he was already talking to the police. I referred it to my immediate boss at the BBC. I wasn’t told that there was an obligation. In fact it was referred above her as well. It was such a big story.” She added: “I don’t think it’s my obligation to tell another adult that he should go to the police.”
There is an implication that Mr Hamid didn’t just know Mr Mohammed and Mr Osman, but through his wide connections, the very connections that Miss Suleiman valued him for, knew Mr Ibrahim and Mr Omar as well.
The sad fact is that it is only a news story because of the fact that the BBC may have prevented the police from having information that would lead to the arrest of the terrorists responsible for one of the worst atrocities in Europe. What should be a news story, however, is the fact that the BBC gave money and succour to the complete scumbags responsible for making this piece of worthless propaganda in the first place.
They thought, after 9/11 and Bali and all the beheadings and suicide bombs, “hey, you know what? People are starting to think that Moslems are dangerous. We can’t have that. I want you go out there and find a bunch of wacky Muslims to put on the other side of the story.”
What did they find? A bunch of suicide bombers.
You couldn’t make it up.
But this wouldn’t be the first time the BBC have assisted mass murderers and terrorists. Their consistent policy of calling 7/7 a “bombing” and terrorists “militants” helps to obsfuscate the motives of these terrorists and the seriousness of their actions, which prevents a robust response to a mortal threat. Ergo, THE BBC ARE ACCOMPLICES TO TERRORISM AND MASS MURDER.
Hillhunt | 26.02.08 – 12:17 pm
3. I get the criticism that the BBC biases its UK coverage in favour of its alleged causes (though I think that’s b*ll*cks), but what possible point would there be in the BBC, which has a minimal impact on the vast American public, trying to swing things for Clinton (or Obama – yesterday’s B-BBC line [see pt. 4])?
4. Aren’t we taking a lead from Mr Orange, who argues that the BBC is backing Obama because he’s the more left-wing? Some consistency here, please!
Part of the BBC’s mission is to “educate” and “inform” the British public. They demonstrated long ago that they carry that mission with them into their news broadcasts aimed at international audiences. In fact, the BBC employees responsible for BBC World News America have stated very clearly that they mean to give United Statesians the benefit of a “foreign” viewpoint on, well, whatever they want to tell us.
The BBC most certainly does try to influence the public. They wouldn’t bother with all that “social cohesion” stuff if they didn’t think they were supposed to make broadcasts that affected the way people think. The whole mindset of most journos is wrapped up in this kind of teacher-student relationship with their audience.
Why else would Matt Frei and Co. go on and on about how awful the last eight years have been and how much “the world” wants a Democrat? They did want Hillary at first – a couple of them said so on air – because that would bring back the Clinton love fest. They truly believed that America is too racist for Obama to be a serious contender, but now that they are about to be proved wrong, they’re just following the stronger horse. They don’t particularly care, so long as a Dem wins.
Although, it is much more fun for them to run up the Obama flag. They are so sure we’re too racist to elect him as President, that they can taunt us and try to guilt trip us for months. Then at the end they can have a field day telling you all how awful we are when he loses. So it’s in their best interests to have Obama as the Dem candidate.
I don’t know how much impact the BBC thinks they are having on American voters. They obviously think they have some, or they wouldn’t bother. But my problem with all this goes further. I do know that the BBC has had a negative influence on people I know personally. They get the wrong idea, or aren’t told the truth, and thus form the wrong opinions on issues that concern me. The BBC doesn’t have to influence American opinion to do damage. As long as they influence the citizens of our greatest ally to look askance at us, they are going to have a negative effect on us all.
A shocking waste of telly poll tax money.,17033,8652_3198026,00.html
Unless the BBC ends the telly poll tax and goes commercial by 2009 in which case its up to them if its commercially viable, I suppose we can all dream…
Dave (USA)
The sound of a hammer hitting a nail on its head.
Well said.
If only they’d get the cricket I might think there was something worth having (apart from the rugby and the morning service) from the BBC. But they won’t. And I’ll now have to pay for bloody champions’ oikball.
David Preiser:
Sorry to have contributed to the stream of septic bilge the BBC’s spewing out about the USA. As a licence payer all I can say is “Not In My Name” so to speak.
David P:
The BBC doesn’t have to influence American opinion to do damage. As long as they influence the citizens of our greatest ally to look askance at us, they are going to have a negative effect on us all.
It’s a long time – oooh, easily a month – since I was last in your country, but I failed to detect even the slightest glimmer of interest in what any Brits – BBC, ITV, The News of the World or even West Bromwich Albion – thought of the USA and its forthcoming election.
Great courtesy, as ever, and a proper interest in their guests’ lives. But any guidance on future voting? Er, no.
Must have been the jet-lag.
Still, as we do have this concealed power to effect dramatic change, we could go a long way….
1. Replace Basketball with real football.
2. American Football with anything.
3. Gangsta rap with indie pop.
4. The Disney Corporation with BBC Worldwide.
5. Godawful country music with proper bluegrass, or anything influenced by Gram Parsons.
6. Religion with common sense.
7. SUVs with anything driveable. (Clarkson can advise)
I’m sure my friends in the great B-BBC community will have other suggestions.
Biased BBC: Towards a Better America
“It’s a long time – oooh, easily a month – since I was last in your country, but I failed to detect even the slightest glimmer of interest in what any Brits – BBC, ITV, The News of the World or even West Bromwich Albion – thought of the USA and its forthcoming election.”
What’s this then, Scotch mist?
Justin Webb and endless Obama this and Obama that. Pass the sick bag…
BBC: Towards a Better Britain:
Will BBC report this?:
“Muslim medics refuse to roll up their sleeves in hygiene crackdown”
“4. The Beatles are no longer to be described as an English or Liverpudlian group, as Lennon, Harrison & Starr all spent a long time in the USA”
Well yes,Lennon and Harrison died there.
Graham Nash is an American citizen,the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is in Cleveland.
What’s this then, Scotch mist?
It’s a BBC blog, but that needn’t detain us.
Apologies. I meant to communicate my experience of Americans’ overwhelming lack of interest in what we thought of their election.
Not in person. Nor in their media.
Well yes,Lennon and Harrison died there.
No kidding
Graham Nash is an American citizen,
Right. Salford has no claim on him.
the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is in Cleveland.
But the induction ceremony takes place in New York (as stated).
Why is it so difficult to post a comment on the BBC blogs? It seems you can browse the BBC site itself very easily and quickly, but the moment you write a comment and click “POST” (on Justin Webb’s blog for example) the whole thing goes into bloody meltdown!
see here:
Comment Problems
“Apologies for the ongoing problems with leaving comments on BBC blogs, including The Editors.”
and here:
Leaving Comments On BBC Blogs
“We are fully aware that the user experience for leaving a simple text comment is still less than satisfactory. Timeouts are a regular occurrence, as are unfriendly error messages leading many users to give up.”
You don’t say…..
“God-awful country music” is of course of British origin, from the Anglo-Scottish border country (see David Hackett Fischer’s book “Albion’s Seed”). As are, mutatis mutandis, trailer parks, a relaxed attitude to the carrying of personal weapons, a pretty eclectic approach to religious matters and moonshine. So it’s a bit rich for us Brits to criticise them for it.
Don’t know about the incest though.
“Apologies. I meant to communicate my experience of Americans’ overwhelming lack of interest in what we thought of their election.”
Very true, from personal experience, what we think of their elections is of monumental unimportance to them.
I also know that they definitely don’t appreciate the likes of Webb, Frei or any wishy-washy media type telling them how they should go and vote.
What the likes of Frei and Webb do at the BBC cannot be described as journalism, but pathetic and condescending sneering.
It says a lot about the American capacity to endure that they have not kicked them both out as unwelcome guests long ago.
“God-awful country music” is of course of British origin, from the Anglo-Scottish border country
Indeed. Hence the interest in bluegrass. Truer to the roots and less sickly.
“Right. Salford has no claim on him.”
As I said he’s an American citizen.Also inducted into the R&R Hall of Fame,which you, in your vast ignorance, thought was in NY.
Hillhunt: “It’s a long time – oooh, easily a month – since I was last in your country, but I failed to detect even the slightest glimmer of interest in what any Brits – BBC, ITV, The News of the World or even West Bromwich Albion – thought of the USA and its forthcoming election.”
It’s funny that you get a fair few of them commenting on the BBC’s website then isn’t it?
he’s an American citizen.Also inducted into the R&R Hall of Fame,which you, in your vast ignorance, thought was in NY.
As you know, I’ll apologise at the drop of a hat.
But it seems odd to have to apologise for saying the Hall of Fame inductions take place in New York, when they do.
When I wrote Robbie Williams, Graham Nash, Ossie Osbourne, Johnny Marr (help me out here) should they be inducted into the Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame in New York, I should of course have written: Robbie Williams, Graham Nash, Ossie Osbourne, Johnny Marr (help me out here) should they be inducted into the Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame in New York because that’s where the induction ceremony takes place.
Hillhunt: Humility personified.
Oh God, what stone did Hillhunt crawl out from under? Now all we need is that Neil Hamilton-loony fella…Boyd-Something or other and this blog will be as bad as it ever was.
The BBC has 78 web pages on ‘CLEANLINESS’, but it does not report opposition to cleanliness in hospital by Muslim medics.
If any one of us dies from an infection in a British hospital, it could be caused by this. CAUSE OF DEATH: MULTICULTURALISM.
“Muslim medics refuse to roll up their sleeves in hygiene crackdown”
The BBC, its love for Islam and Half a story.
Turkey in radical revision of Islamic texts
Turkey is preparing to publish a document that represents a revolutionary reinterpretation of Islam – and a controversial and radical modernisation of the religion. The country’s powerful Department of Religious Affairs has commissioned a team of theologians at Ankara University to carry out a fundamental revision of the Hadith, the second most sacred text in Islam after the Koran.
According to Fadi Hakura, an expert on Turkey from Chatham House in London, Turkey is doing nothing less than recreating Islam – changing it from a religion whose rules must be obeyed, to one designed to serve the needs of people in a modern secular democracy.
He says that to achieve it, the state is fashioning a new Islam.
The BBC uses so called experts “Fadi Hakura “ in which to give the impression that the pruning of the Hadiths is nothing more than revolutionary. Some expert. Islam has been pruning the hadiths for donkeys years. Any Idiot can invent a hadith. All he has to say is “Mohhamed said” and it become enshrined in law. Hence why Islam keeps on getting rid of the silly one. (Yes they all are silly) But here’s a question the BBC and the faithful don’t answer. Why are there such a thing as Hadiths?
Before Mohammed died he said that the Koran could not be re-written. So to get round that Muslims invented the Hadiths in which get round that lock-out. Strange as how the faithful don’t mention that when we ask them to change seeing as they have already done so.
BBC resentful phrase alert:
“Eight men have been convicted for taking part in what the prosecution say were terrorism training camps in the UK.”
They’ve been found guilty. That line should read:
“Eight men have been convicted for taking part in terrorism training camps in the UK.”
Can we expect a Panorama investigation into the BBC’s scandalous “Don’t Panic I’m Islamic” propaganda exercise?
BBC resentful phrase alert:
“Eight men have been convicted for taking part in what the prosecution say were terrorism training camps in the UK.”
How odd. My BBC page reads:
Eight men have been convicted for their involvement in terrorism training camps in the UK
(Timestamped 12:16 GMT)
Before Mohammed died he said that the Koran could not be re-written. So to get round that Muslims invented the Hadiths in which get round that lock-out. Strange as how the faithful don’t mention that when we ask them to change seeing as they have already done so.
pounce | 26.02.08 – 5:24 pm | #
Well put and exactly right.
I can never hear a Hadith being ‘quoted’ without getting a mental image of Del Boy saying “on her deathbed, Mum said…” to a gullible Rodney, spouting any old bollocks in the process and getting away with it many times.
Forgot to provide the link:
And for the doubters, in case it gets changed.
this thing is probably the worst yet in the BBC’s long history of terrorist support. It’s almost a case of “That’s it. The pro-muslim terror bias is so strong, and so obvious, that there’s nothing more to say.”
And for the doubters, in case it gets changed.
DB | 26.02.08 – 6:06 pm |
Also note the timestamp!!
Baron Munchausen (sillybunt) perfectly skewered.
Disinterred bystander:
Baron Munchausen (sillybunt) perfectly skewered.
I’ve just checked, but there are no skewers visible.
Perhaps you mean it metaphorically.
In which case a good skewering requires evidence and not just name-calling. But good try…
Biased BBC: Half-witty
So al-Beeb makes a programme called Don’t Panic I’m Islamic, and it turns out the subjects aren’t quite the fluffy, cuddly types. What are the odds on that? They sure can pick ’em! Or maybe it is only the terrorist types that the BBC has on their speed dial?
Baron Munchausen (sillybunt) wriggling for all he’s worth on his own petard.