Dumb Jon on the BBCs forthcoming series about the indigenous working class Brits, “White”, of whom BBC commissioning editor Richard Klein says “They are reacting as human beings would do, to situations they don’t quite understand.”
These guys can patronise in their sleep.
The BBC obviously runs courses for their myrmidons in the art of being patronising.I have only ever met one BBC producer who wasn’t patronising.
All Beeboids inevitably mention they work for the BBC in the first couple of minutes of conversation.
‘They don’t understand’ eh? Well no doubt this BBC series will teach them the error of their ignorant ways. I can just imagine its sneering contemptuous and contemptible tone already.
“All Beeboids inevitably mention they work for the BBC”… indeed.
Q. How can you tell there’s a BBC employee in the room?
A. Oh don’t worry, they’ll let you know.
While the BBC is inclined to portray and treat the UK’s minority ethnics in a sympathetic way, compared with white indigenous Brits, e.g. the BBC’s generally negative historical view of British rule in Indian subcontinent compared with the BBC view of Indian and Pakistani performance, as BBC ‘multiculturalism’ requires, (and was underlined in 60 years of India independence BBC series recently); and this:
“BBC spends £750,000 coaching ethnic staff despite axing up to 1,800 jobs to save money”
Even the BBC’s Richard Klein, who partly gets the objections to the BBC’s ‘multiculturalism’, looks like he’s fallen into the trap of portraying white Brits as politically somewhere near the BNP: one of his forthcoming programmes is involved in
…”explaining the tendency of a small minority” (of UK white working class)
“to more extreme political views,” whereas the general ‘multiculturalist’ aim of the BBC to date, has been to play down the political extremism of UK Muslims, in an attempt to make THEM seem politically fluffy.
See also:
“‘The white working class feel alienated, threatened and voiceless’, says BBC boss”
I’m disapointed now, I really thought this was going to be a good programme. Saw it advertised on BBC 4 last evening, where a white bloke was coloured in black. Did anyone else see it, and was really looking forward to a good honest programme.
Well, the thought was nice while it lasted. So much for giving the BBC the benefit of the doubt.
“The BBC obviously runs courses for their myrmidons”
The very fact that they simply call us “whites” means that they regard us as the threatening and weird myrmidons, – or gorillas in the mist as Vance has put it in an unlikely artful flash.
I saw that last night, where they used multi language slogans to turn the white blokes face black.
It was a glimpse of what to expect from this series.
Beeboid Joel said this about these very programs just last night in the latest open thread”
Another season of programmes that have slipped throught the liberal left mindset.
How does this keep happening?
My comment here.
Seems the licence fee is now paying to fund drug taking BBC “journalists”
I thought we’d been paying BBC employees to take drugs for years?
I thought we’d been paying BBC employees to take drugs for years?
Martin | 27.02.08 – 5:12 pm |
And paying for their rehab.
TV licence tax went to fund treatment for Magenta De Vine who used to appear on some downmarket travel show on the BBC in the 90s.
On the topic of BBC journalists being paid to smoke joints, here is is a direct quote from the Beeb.
BBC Spokesman defending the indefensible:
“Nicky Taylor is a critically acclaimed journalist whose approach involves becoming fully immersed in her subject…. [She] takes a small amount of the drug over a very short period of time … in order to fully understand the effects of drugs on her body and reflect on this for the benefits of the audience.”
Or..the BBC could have borrowed some of the governments CCTV footage of city centres and saved the costs of making this programme, or failing that they could have taken the ferry to Holland and just filmed people entering and leaving coffee shops.
Can I just chime in and say that here in the north the effects of the biggest earthquake in 24 years were quite impressive.
I was awoken from my slumber at 1am, and the first thing that when through my mind was:
“What have those bastards at the BBC done now!”
There’s devotion to the cause for you.
I was awoken from my slumber at 1am
Me too. Scared the poo out of me. I have to admit, the first thing that went through my mind was: What have the People of No Discernible Religious or Ethnic Extraction done now?
I’m in York, so I wasn’t too far from the epicenter (Lincolnshire somewhere).
The Peoples Front of Judea
You joke, but maybe you should trust your gut reaction?
Do you know for certain that it was not caused by a man made event, some kind of MOD type stuff for example?
Lets face it. We used to trust the BBC to tell us about these types of things. If the BBC said it was just a natural event we all used to go back to sleep feeling reassured. Safe in the knowledge that the BBC would not hide anything from us. DID WE NOT?
Under our current circumstances I think your reaction is very understandable.
Official records from 30 odd years ago are abound with examples of disinformation wittingly or otherwise propagated by the BBC.
How can we be sure that Earthquakes in the UK are not also?
We simply cant be sure of anything the BBC or the mass media tell us anymore. IMO a wise man would not trust more then the sporting results in the past either.
Whats worse. I propose that the BBC is acting in this now OBVIOUS way precisely to deliberately cause this understandable distrust in just about everything that we used to believe this country stood for.
IMO it is working. This site being a prime example of how our ruling elites gauge how well their plan is working.
( By the above comment I am not suggesting this site is working for the BBC, it does not have too, anyone can read the comments on here. Which I am sure they do. In fact we all know they do. JR for example, a self confessed Conservative voter of all things )
You may say it is just paranoia. But perhaps forcing us to become paranoid confused and depressed is the whole point. Its been done before and I see no reason why our own states establishment broadcaster is not doing it again.
Todays events outside and on top of the House of Commons being a highly prime and obvious example, of the games some people are playing.
I was only 20 miles from the epicentre of that earth quake. It was amazing and very exiciting. I think Earthquakes should become more regular.
Do you know for certain that it was not caused by a man made event
I know it was.
The absolute bastard who regularly drives his motorway maintenance lorry down our street in the wee small hours at near sonic speeds finally managed to break the sound barrier just as he reached the bloody great speed bump outside our house.
The resulting concussion and sonic boom was what really knocked down all those chimney stacks in Lincolnshire.
“‘The white working class feel alienated, threatened and voiceless’, says BBC boss”
Dunno what caused that.
The bbc attitude to our white working class has always been the equivalent of heavily sugared shit.
If there are any doubts as to what the bbc think of the working classes
watch east`dead`enders.Quite happy to portray us as feckless drunken shitheads,shagging our way from one self induced catastrophe to another,if any other cultural group had been treated with such distain over the years by our national broadcaster there would have been questions asked by government.
But thats okay,we can call them all thieves drunks and incompetents as long as we give it laughs or make it dramatic.
Compare this to the tippy toeing around muslim and afro-carribean sensibilities(dare i mention spooks)Suggest the removal of heavy objects from the vicinity of the telly,and dropping a happy pill previous.
The bbc has been a major influence in turning the working class from the salt of earth to the scum of the earth.
Possibly they`ve never forgiven us voting tory since 1997.
I think these programmes will just be a cynical pre-election stunt to make it look like the establishment actually cares before the London elections. All that talk of “easing anxieties”, the BBC doesn’t want the white working class getting all “anxious” and start voting BNP, that’s what the purpose will be. The message will probably be “hey – don’t be anxious about becoming an ethnic minority in your own country, it might be really fun and culturally enriching – embrace it!”
Mother Earth is close to the truth. The Beeb and its Leftoid cronies don’t want the natives (ie English) getting too restless before The Project is complete.
Hence the soothing noises,the false sympathy, the crocodile tears.
Remember the fake water faucets in the Nazi gas chambers? The principle is the same.
Statistics vs. BBC innuendo, espoused by JR here.
“Palestinian Infant mortality lower than in all Arab countries” – Reuters
“The message will probably be “hey – don’t be anxious about becoming an ethnic minority in your own country, it might be really fun and culturally enriching – embrace it!”
Well there is money in it.
The fair and balanced coverage will start off with Rivers of Blood speech followed by an indepth look at the BNP.
Either my viewpoint is severley wrong or the BBC think all white working class are racists.
Regarding patronising behaviour:
I find this tongue-in-cheek piece to be a good send up of the internal attitudes at the BBC. At least, I assume it’s tongue-in-cheek…
Patronise , ha , unless you’ve been listening to Farming Today this week, you aint seen nuthin’ yet !
The bbc really are beneath contempt. They are happily prepared to condemn tens of thousands of cattle to die from bovine tb, in aid of their own sacred cow, that there should be no cull of infected badgers.
The Chairman of the Select Committe which produced a report this week was interviewed and said yes, within defined parameters it recomended a cull in tb hot spots. So the beeboids finish with a bunny hugger saying that the report completely ruled out a cull and let him waffle on completely unchallenged with spurious rubbish.
Cut to today, our intrepid girl ( it has to be a girl, even if she doesn’t know cow shit from shinola), asks nasty farmer co-ordinating the licence aplications for hundreds of farmers in the worst affected North Devon area, how they can possibly have a cull because they don’t have the right equipment. Farmer patiently explains they do. She then produces her master stroke, they can’t possibly have a cull because it hasn’t been subject to a goverment run trial.
And they wonder why we gave up buying tv licences years ago !
The BBC has a duty to make progrmmes for all sections of the population. This patronising programme is obviously meant for the sneering, superior section of the population that enjoys telling the riff-raff how to behave and what to think.
When you consider the BBC’s apparant concern for poor old whitey, it makes the positive descrimination reported here:
all the more surprising.
Or not if you think the ‘white’ season is a mere fig leaf/total crock.
Nobody speaks for/represents the working class anymore. The labour party used to be The Party, Labour MPs used to have had proper jobs, electricians, miners etc. NuLab is populated by professional politicians who represent only themselves, their CV university (arts degree),NuLab researcher, party think tank, MP.
Somebody or new party may come to speak for the White Working Class, and the Metrosexuals may not like it.
That link sums up the BBC’s fear and loathing of real people.
The BBC also airbrush anything negative about the EU
That Eddie Mair really is a pompous asshole.
Could this be a racist attack? Not according to the BBC as the victim was white.
“Channel 4 tends to laugh at people, the BBC ignores them”
So that statement sums up what Klein thinks the BBC’s attitude should be.
I imagine some of the programmes will be in the style of a sneering Borat / Louis Theroux type programme where the educated Beeboids give uneducated whites “enough rope to hang themselves”.
So these people have to pay a license fee so some sneering Beeboid can come along and “laugh at them”.
The letters column of The Daily Telegraph has been running a batch of contributions in which readers offer their favourite oxymorons. Looking at a copy of a letter from the “BBC Trust”, it occurs that this too should be included in the list.
“I am prompted so to do by the news that the BBC has on offer ninety positions on what it calls a ‘mentoring programme’. Of these forty-five are reserved for persons from ethnic minorities. Al-Beeb has denied that this amounts to illegal positive discrimination”.
“Well, an institution which has denounced itself as ‘institutionally racist’ and has demonstrated time and time again its hostility to and hatred of Britain would say that, wouldn’t it?”
Actually Benny, Klein was saying this was the reason why there should be a series of programmes about the white working class.
Damned if you do, damned if you dont.
I’m still waiting for an answer to my question.
As you and your colleagues are partly responsible for the deaths of victims killed by Islamic terrorists in the UK, How does it feel to be instrumental in the deaths of innocent people and just HOW DO SCUMBAGS LIKE YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT??
Judea etc:
As you and your colleagues are partly responsible for the deaths of victims killed by Islamic terrorists in the UK, How does it feel to be instrumental in the deaths of innocent people and just HOW DO SCUMBAGS LIKE YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT??
Which deaths did you have in mind?
As you and your colleagues are partly responsible for the deaths of victims killed by Islamic terrorists in the UK, How does it feel to be instrumental in the deaths of innocent people and just HOW DO SCUMBAGS LIKE YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT??
R made a video, Al-Beeb = Accomplices to mass murder
Which deaths did you have in mind?
Hillhunt | 28.02.08 – 4:34 pm |
7/7 – BBC failed to warn the public about Sheikh Abdur-Rahman al-Sudais and the others even though BBC knew about their background.
Also, in “Osama Bin London” case where BBC assisted the terrorists in training.
As you and your colleagues are partly responsible for the deaths of victims killed by Islamic terrorists in the UK, How does it feel to be instrumental in the deaths of innocent people and just HOW DO SCUMBAGS LIKE YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT??
The People’s Front of Judea | 28.02.08 – 4:32 pm | #
And Vance is thinking about banning Hillhunt?
Ben | 28.02.08 – 5:25 pm |
Ben I think there have been serious concerns raised about the exuberance of some BBC reporters, both past and present, which has resulted in the lives of UK forces personnel being put into jeopardy through injudicious remarks being made to camera.
These have been documented and are not in dispute.
The BBC would do well to remember that ultimately they have a responsibility to ensure the safety of UK service personnel when they are deployed in theatre.
If the BBC cannot recognise that responsibility then they have no right to UK taxpayer’s largesse.
After all the ‘B’ in BBC stands for British and not Bombmaker.
7/7 – BBC failed to warn the public about Sheikh Abdur-Rahman al-Sudais and the others even though BBC knew about their background.
Also, in “Osama Bin London” case where BBC assisted the terrorists in training.
How could the BBC have prevented 7/7 by warning the public about Sheikh Abdur-Rahman al-Sudais?
Are you suggesting that paying for an afternoon’s paintballing for filming purposes was adequate training for terrorism?
And how many lives did the 21/7 bombers take?
Disinterested Bystander I’ve no problem with either what you or Judea are saying. It does however seem rather strange that people are looking to ban Hillhunt for what I can only see as being at worst anti-B-BBC. Unlike others he isn’t calling for a hate mail campaign (like in one of the comment boxes) or making serious accusations as sweeping as the above.
Or is dissent now automatically labelled as trolling? Oh well.
“Are you suggesting that paying for an afternoon’s paintballing for filming purposes was adequate training for terrorism?”
Mohammed Hamid trained the 21/7 bombers. That the training is of little practical value is beside the point, which is why police called it “grooming.”
“Or is dissent now automatically labelled as trolling?”
Dissent with no content is trolling. And yes I did call for the hate mail campaign. Tell your MPs how much you HATE what the BBC is doing. Such as ‘radical impartiality.’ Such as assisting terrorists on the run.
‘It does however seem rather strange that people are looking to ban Hillhunt for what I can only see as being at worst anti-B-BBC.’
Ben | 28.02.08 – 5:46 pm |
But I haven’t called for him to be banned. far from it.
As for being, at worst, anti-B-BBC. Well I would dispute that.
At worst he is a pseudo-intellectual given to ad hominen rants and completely devoid of any capability to acknowledge when he is wrong.
Presumably as the BBC’s very own ventriloquist’s dummy he is ‘Just following orders’.
Having said all that, he has just got one over on Pounce (now that is as rare as rocking horse shit) concerning Hary’s deployment to Afghanistan.
WoAD | Homepage | 28.02.08 – 6:11 pm
Tell your MPs how much you HATE what the BBC is doing. Such as ‘radical impartiality.’
I don’t get it.
For years this blog has been calling for radical impartiality (e.g. ‘why isn’t Nick Griffin on Question Time?’)…. now you hate it.
For years people have been coming on here saying the BBC doesn’t air the views of the ‘white working class’. Now it does a series doing just that – and you’re complaining.
Mohammed Hamid trained the 21/7 bombers. That the training is of little practical value is beside the point, which is why police called it “grooming.”
Indeed. But anon (is that you, too?) elegantly asks: How does it feel to be instrumental in the deaths of innocent people and just HOW DO SCUMBAGS LIKE YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT??
If the BBC had no material effect on the training of the 21/7 cell (who failed in their mission in any event), how exactly are BBC staff partly responsible for the deaths of victims killed by Islamic terrorists in the UK
For years people have been coming on here saying the BBC doesn’t air the views of the ‘white working class’. Now it does a series doing just that – and you’re complaining.
John Reith | 28.02.08 – 6:19 pm |
Oh dear me. And there was me thinking that the contributors to this blog were from a broad church.
It would suit your cause I think if this site was just a one-trick pony.
Nice to see you back though.
John Reith | 28.02.08 – 6:19 pm |
For years people have been coming on here saying the BBC doesn’t air the views of the ‘white working class’. Now it does a series doing just that – and you’re complaining.
Have you seen any of the series yet? Just from the descriptions, they look very much like shows intended to, at best, air the concerns of the white working class only to educate those concerns away. At least half of them look like plots designed to give the viewer a white protagonist with “concerns” they can identify with, only to show the sympathetic protagonist overcome those concerns. Never mind the two which appear to be obvious role-reversal plots in an attempt to get the viewer to sympathize with those on the other side of his prejudices.
If you have seen the shows, let us know if these suspicions are wrong.
The BBC consistently describe terrorists as ‘militants’ and mass murder as mere ‘bombings’ (you can have a bombing without loss of life). This helps to obscure the true motives and seriousness of the Jihadists. As though there was nothing deadly about their attacks and anything legitimate about their aims. This amounts to the lending of moral support to terrorism and mass murder. The BBC enjoins an audience who cannot withdraw financial support of the BBC to sympathise with and “understand” murderers, thus furthering the murderers aims and (crucially) encouraging more acts of terrorism.
There is nothing legitimate about plain killing. There is no cause for plain killing. Al-Beeb would like us to think there is. This is BBC policy. They admit to it. This validates the mass murder.