Dumb Jon on the BBCs forthcoming series about the indigenous working class Brits, “White”, of whom BBC commissioning editor Richard Klein says “They are reacting as human beings would do, to situations they don’t quite understand.”
These guys can patronise in their sleep.
“‘It does however seem rather strange that people are looking to ban Hillhunt for what I can only see as being at worst anti-B-BBC.’
Ben | 28.02.08 – 5:46 pm”
Hillhunt is largely a waste of space, literally.
He makes many many long posts, most of which have no evidence at all, but merely contain his ‘attempts’ at humour.
He never acknowledges he is wrong.
He does not and has not worked for the BBC and many of his defences that make out he does are in fact little more than blag.
He often displays unbelievably poor taste.
All this does not get him banned, though he should be heavily moderated on some occasions and is not.
What should get him warned and banned if need be are his appallingly allegations whether in joke or not, hard to tell in his case since he is so unfunny, his allegations repeated again and again that we are all members of the Ku Klux Klan. Personally, I and my family are mixed race (white and black), this is unbelievably poor.
His other allegations are bad enough, I find this one despicable.
As you seem to be suggesting that I should be banned for asking how scumbags such as Joel and yourself sleep at night, perhaps you should answer the question yourself.
So Ben, just how do scumbags such as yourself sleep at night when you are an accessory to murder?
John Reith:
“For years people have been coming on here saying the BBC doesn’t air the views of the ‘white working class’. Now it does a series doing just that – and you’re complaining.”
No it doesn’t Reith.
The BBC simply airs the views it thinks the white working classes SHOULD have.
David Preiser has hit the nail on the head by suggesting the white working classes are effectively being used to ‘overcome’ their ‘views’ with a typical journey of discovery, where they quickly learn that the only right view is the BBC view.
However, I would find it hard to imagine John Reith or any producers associated with this show have ever experienced white working class people except when having their bins emptied or their plumbing fixed.
The People’s Front of Judea | 28.02.08 – 7:24 pm |
These are only my (admittedly biased) suspicions, based on the BBC’s own blurbs. But I’m sure at least the first program is in the can, or in the final stages of post-production, and JR or a colleague can get hold of a copy and have a look.
Either way, we’ll all know starting next Friday (Borat visits the Wibsey Working Men’s Club) just what they’re up to with all of this. I’ll be happy to be wrong.
I knew a liberal woman who campaigned for Oxfam, was vehemently against immigration restriction, held all the right on anti-war views, and thought that people who live on Council Estates are scum. (The “White Working Class”)
You find it difficult. I find it completely impossible to imagine. ALL working at the BBC think that white working class man, is a piece of should be dead shit, in Union Jack boxers. They are far to brainwashed to understand that they are in reality the foundations of this once free liberal democracy.
However the very few that really control the BBC, are not so stupid, they know this. They just dont like it, to say the least.
Our ruling class see WWCM as their worse possible enemy. As they cant control them as absolutely as they control the minds of the rest of the population.
Especially women.
A womens programming for example is to look after herself so she can look after her offspring. To women in general a man is only important to them, if he is helping them do both of these things.
If not love flies out of the window, quicker then condoms at one of Gordon Browns secret parties. Especially when said chap will help them pay the bills. When WWCM gets so marginalized and therefore depressed, he finally never does come back from the pub.
In the past a man was head of the house and so the family, whether he really was or not. This if nothing else gave him independent power and sometimes a little self respect. Man is designed to protect the lives and prosperity of his own wife and children, at all costs to himself.
This makes white working class man, BBC public enemy NO1. Sort him out for good or evil and the rest of the brainwashed selfish idiots, male and female, all have to fall into line, whether they wish to or not.
Simply put
Classic, divide and rule, ruling class inspired, evil socialist BBC bullshit.
Well I for one wouldn’t hold out any hope of this series “representing the white working classes” with facts such as this:-
“One of the programmes, All White In Barking, will focus on a BNP activist.”
Notice the incredibly amusing pun in the title? Think the Beeb would have considered naming a program “Going Black Home to Tottenham?”
They are nothing more than white hating racists, all of them.
Why do they even bother throwing in this patronizing bone? One series concerning white issues over the THOUSANDS of programmes that have dealt with black issues???
Why not just run another repeat of “Oliver” instead?
The following links were my own comments on how the labour party no longer represents the white working class
The link with the BBC ? the result was I got invited to comment on Michael Howard’s visit to Burnley by BBC north west
I made several comments
1.I was critical of a local lib-dem peer , Lord greves , who comment on a BNP defeat by a lib-dem candidate marked the return of “political sanity”
2.I pointed out the insanity of signing work permits for overseas computer graduates at the same time as experienced IT people were unable to find work simply because they were over 40
3.That the conservative party was the first party to have an ethnic minority leader who also became prime minister (I’ll let you guess who)
Now here’s one for reith and co
Which comment made it to the broadcast ?
the links again ..
Hillhunt is largely a waste of space, literally.
He makes many many long posts, most of which have no evidence at all, but merely contain his ‘attempts’ at humour.
Fare Thee Well Ye Olde Shoppe | 28.02.08 – 6:53 pm | #
That may well be true, but what makes his posts any more of a waste of space than tin-foil hat conspiracist Atlas Shrugged, who has some of the longest posts? Or George R, who must surely be paid per referral to Hugh Fitzgerald articles (what 90% of them have to do with BBC bias god knows)?
I noticed some people seemed to think the absence of regular posters was because B-BBC had them ‘on the run’. I think the more likely explanation is they’ve got better ways to spend their time than being abused, and can leave this place to fade to irrelevence. Reith is a team of people solely employed to counter this blog? Don’t flatter yourselves.
“I think the more likely explanation is they’ve got better ways to spend their time than being abused, and can leave this place to fade to irrelevence(sic). Reith is a team of people solely employed to counter this blog? Don’t flatter yourselves.
Ben | 28.02.08 – 9:41 pm | #
Why are you here Ben?
I noticed some people seemed to think the absence of regular posters was because B-BBC had them ‘on the run’. I think the more likely explanation is they’ve got better ways to spend their time than being abused, and can leave this place to fade to irrelevence. Reith is a team of people solely employed to counter this blog? Don’t flatter yourselves.
Ben | 28.02.08 – 9:41 pm |
Then why do they keep coming back time after time?
Jr once said that the BBC were ‘contemptuously dismissive of this site’.
That’s probably true, but,
(1) They are aware of it and
(2) Not long after he made his pronouncement this site got inundated with BBC employees (or those that claimed to be BBC employees) and their coterie of supporters all vying to slag us off.
Star Wars springs to mind here.
Despite the empire’s power they are obsessed with the tiny dissenting voice at the far flung edge of the galaxy.
A staple of the ‘liberal-left’ is that they can brook no dissent. At all costs the freaks and Wookies at BBBC must be crushed.
No aspersion can ever be cast against the BBC without challenge. Now that smacks of insecurity and insecurity stems from self-doubt.
So come to think of it Ben, why do expend so much of your valuable time here when we’re going to fade into irrelevance? Is it some form of messianic zeal that brings you here to protect the omniscient BBC at all costs?
Come to think of it, why does silly bunt spend all day and every day whipping himself up into self inflicted hysteria over such an insignificant bunch of loons who choose to vent their frustrations at what they see as the iniquities of a tax-payer funded propaganda machine?
Why are you here Ben?
Peter | 28.02.08 – 10:23 pm |
Succinctness was never my strong point Peter.
Why are you here Ben?
Peter | 28.02.08 – 10:23 pm | #
I used to enjoy reading the site and the debate, but now it seems to be a mass of hysteria – in both the main blog and the comments
Strange how the BBC, which is both anti-Monarchy and pro-Taleban according to some here, agreed along with all other media outlets not to report that Harry was serving in Afghanistan.
Why didn’t ‘Al-Beeb’ alert their mates in the Taleban or splash the story all over the news.
Yet another conundrum, that you can’t explain?
“Despite the empire’s power they are obsessed with the tiny dissenting voice at the far flung edge of the galaxy.”
As people here are well aware, the BBC employs something like 28,000. I’d be surprised if ‘inundated’ makes up even a tiny fraction of this, so I don’t really see that it can be that obsessed.
“So come to think of it Ben, why do expend so much of your valuable time here when we’re going to fade into irrelevance? Is it some form of messianic zeal that brings you here to protect the omniscient BBC at all costs?”
While I don’t agree with the majority of the accusations made here, the BBC is obviously a massive organisation and far from perfect. It’s interesting to keep an eye on sites like these.
“I used to enjoy reading the site and the debate, but now it seems to be a mass of hysteria – in both the main blog and the comments
Ben | 28.02.08 – 10:36 pm | # ”
So you are a masochist Ben?
I can think I can explain it well for you, even if most on this site have no logical explanation whatsoever.
The BBC is not anti-Monarchy or pro-Taliban or pro Muslim. It just likes or should I say completely relies on, brainwashed lefties and some excitable righties to believe it is.
When it is in reality very pro-monarchy, extremely pro-British establishment, very anti ordinary British people in general, and very pro messing about with just about every bodies lives and minds.
I cant understand how anyone SANE can believe the BBC can possibly be, or be allowed to be, anything else.
Or is it me thats insane?
I honestly don’t think so.
It is completely part of the British establishment, and has been since the 30’s. It is a successful Broadcaster therefore must be using clever propaganda. It is most surly a massive Public Corporation, therefore very likely to be highly state corporate fascist in its thinking.
Propaganda works at its best when the people that it fucks up the most, also trust it the most. There is one thing the BBC is a world leader in, and thats highly clever propaganda.
The Muslim world have been led mainly by the BBC and American corporate broadcasters like CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC into thinking that they have a chance of winning ANYTHING.
When they are in fact LOSING everything and dieing in there thousands for no good reason at all. And had absolutely no chance whatsoever of doing any different right from the morning of the 11th of September 2001.
They are in reality being conned by the BBC, even more then even the British people have been all of their lives.
This war is an establishment war that the top brass controlling the BBC only pretends to be against. If this was not clear 6-7 years ago, it surly should be now to everyone.
The BBC is very much part of an agenda that the vast majority that work for the BBC have not the slightest idea about, it seems.
They must be all as think as two short planks, as far as I can tell.
Having said all of that. We in the west now have no choice but to carry on fighting. The results of giving up now would be to horrendous to even contemplate. I believe the only way to stop this insanity is to go in very hard indeed ASAP and get it all over with. Before this place turns into something more like The Old Soviet Union then any of us would like.
Ending it all ASAP is of cause, the last thing the establishment or the BBC wants. They want this to go on as long as possible and bleed everyone dry.
“As people here are well aware, the BBC employs something like 28,000.”
Think of the carbon savings if you got rid of the lot.Abolish the BBC,for Gaia.
The adverts suggest what this series will be all about – following some oiks around waiting for them to slip up and say something “unpleasant” thereby providing the Beeb with reasons why the white working class should rightly be sidelined.
If they were really concerned with truth , the Beeb would be focusing on native -born, working Brits who are dealing at a very basic level with the huge issues of affordable housing, out of control yobs plaguing society, the increasing impossibility of finding decent health and dental care, the neglect of the elderly, declining educational standards etc.
Of course that would mean a serious expose of the corrupted, power-hungry mob in control who call themselves the Labour Party and also the abandonment of the Beeb’s cliched idea of what a working clss man is. The very fact that they focus on the “white ” issue illustrates their arroganc and prejudice, since many Black and Asian working-class families face the same pressures. So do many hard-working so-called middle class families all over the country
Despite the empire’s power they are obsessed with the tiny dissenting voice at the far flung edge of the galaxy.”
As people here are well aware, the BBC employs something like 28,000. I’d be surprised if ‘inundated’ makes up even a tiny fraction of this, so I don’t really see that it can be that obsessed.
Ben | 28.02.08 – 10:50 pm |
Ben I was using Star Wars as an analogy.
The ‘inundated’ referred to this site and the number of posts that inundated it, not the serried ranks of the BBC lining up to pour their distain on it.
If that happened I think this site would sink. Is that what you want?
John Reith: “For years people have been coming on here saying the BBC doesn’t air the views of the ‘white working class’. Now it does a series doing just that – and you’re complaining.”
Doesn’t it strike you as at all odd that a separate series is required? Shouldn’t the views of the white working class simply be reflected in your general programming, making this entirely redundant? I think I can see why people would be annoyed at being reclassified as a minority group.
Joel: Strange how the BBC, which is both anti-Monarchy and pro-Taleban according to some here, agreed along with all other media outlets not to report that Harry was serving in Afghanistan.
…Yet another conundrum, that you can’t explain?”
Perhaps even the BBC reckoned that putting Harry’s life and those he served with in danger after being asked not to was a bit of a stretch. Or perhaps they felt that following their accusations that the Queen threw a fit it would be pushing their luck. Either way, it’s a little hard to get excited about the fact that on this occasion they decided not to do something entirely irresponsible. That you reckon it’s worth commending is not encouraging.
“I used to enjoy reading the site and the debate, but now it seems to be a mass of hysteria – in both the main blog and the comments
Ben | 28.02.08 – 10:36 pm”
But you keep reading it and keep commenting NOW.
Either you are being disingenuous (in this case I’m being polite for lying) or you just don’t know what you’re posting, which is it?
“I used to enjoy reading the site and the debate, but now it seems to be a mass of hysteria – in both the main blog and the comments”
Rubbish, the last three posts by Laban and Natalie are very very good – indisputable examples of serious attitude problems – plus you get some more tabloidy knockabout stuff from David. It’s great!
Atlas shrugged | 28.02.08 – 11:53 pm
“Propaganda works at its best when the people that it fucks up the most, also trust it the most. There is one thing the BBC is a world leader in, and thats highly clever propaganda.”
It’s a shame to see that nearly all of the 61 commenters on the Daily Mail report on this White season have fallen for the BBC’s propaganda and think that this series is somehow part of the BBC “waking up” and suddenly taking notice of them, when the reality is that it will be about shafting them even more.
“The Muslim world have been led mainly by the BBC and American corporate broadcasters like CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC into thinking that they have a chance of winning ANYTHING. When they are in fact LOSING everything and dieing in there thousands for no good reason at all.”
I disagree with that, the Muslim world have demographics on their side. They have above replacement level birth rates whilst the British natives have below replacement level birth rates. They are winning the demographic war. It’s like that saying that they have in the Muslim world: “The Israelis might have the nuclear bomb, but we have the child bomb.”
The corporate broadcasters lead us to believe that the child bomb means a child with explosives strapped to it, but it’s really referring to a demographic time bomb where Mohammed is now the 2nd most popular name for baby boys in Britain.
Most native Britains still haven’t woken up to the demographic war that is being waged against them and I doubt that this White season will do anything to highlight that. It will probably aim to do the exact opposite.
The BBC in its ‘multiculturalist’ way has for a long time presumed that mass immigration into the UK was ‘a good thing’. BBC presenters have been inclined to presume, not argue, that the mass immigration into Britain over the past 10 years and more, has been a benefit and not a cost to society.But the huge issues associated with this mass immigration have not figured prominently in the BBC’s ‘multicultural’ scheme of
thing. Unlike its chummy treatment of S.Chakrabarti and ‘Liberty’ over the years, the BBC’s treatment of Sir Andrew Green of
was one of hostility or neglect, until recently, when the BBC partly recognised its own stupidity.
Today, the BBC, does, reluctantly, report on immigration because the Labour government feels it has to act, too little and too late:
“Immigration points system begins”
Of course, this ‘points system’ does NOT apply to EU immigrants to Britain, so virtually half of the immigration total is uncontrollable by the Labour government still.
British indigenous people, including the white working-class, have found themselves having to compete with this mass immigration flow and its impact on jobs and resources. Such people seem to get far less understanding from the BBC than do immigrants.
Disinterested Bystander | 29.02.08 – 2:47 am | #
“Ben I was using Star Wars as an analogy.”
Obviously I was under the misguided impression the BBC was now colonising space 🙂
“If that happened I think this site would sink. Is that what you want?”
I’m not overly concerned either way, there’s enough other blogs out there to read. And to those who ask why I’m still here, it’s only a very recent change.
If the others left because they have something “better to do with their time”, then clearly by that logic, YOU haven’t.
Sounds like a full time BBC employee to me!
Surely there’s a mosque or something nearby you can go do some praying in?
If you have so much free time why don’t you study the Koran, or help a few more terrorists on their next plot to blow innocent people to bits?
Surely there’s ALWAYS time for this at the BBC?
Atlas shrugged | 28.02.08 – 11:53 pm |
The BBC is not anti-Monarchy or pro-Taliban or pro Muslim. It just likes or should I say completely relies on, brainwashed lefties and some excitable righties to believe it is.
They employ brainwashed lefties as well.
Sorry to disabuse you but the “ordinary people of Britain saw the demographic bomb decades ago,it was just the liberal elite denial which stopped ant discussion.
What has created a huge amount of anger, is that Britons see the liberal elite as being on the other side.
Sadly,when the ordinary people have gone the liberal elite will be surplus to requirements.
Ben | 28.02.08 – 10:50 pm |
Ben | 29.02.08 – 1:53 pm |
Ben, some of the things you’re saying are awfully reminiscent of someone called Bullshit Detective who used to post here.
Please tell me that you aren’t one and the same.
Cover of the latest issue of ‘BBC History’ magazine (I suppose that’s a discipline in itself like ‘Black History’) features Enoch Powell prominently and announces
“Racist Britain
How Enoch Powell’s Rivers of Blood speech exposed the nation’s prejudice in 1968”
Note the use of the word ‘prejudice’, not, say, ‘fear’ or ‘perfectly reasonable concern’.
Disinterested Bystander | 29.02.08 – 8:11 pm | #
Nope, this is the only name I’ve ever posted under
Reimer | 01.03.08 – 11:29 am |
“Racist Britain
How Enoch Powell’s Rivers of Blood speech exposed the nation’s prejudice in 1968”
Note the use of the word ‘prejudice’, not, say, ‘fear’ or ‘perfectly reasonable concern’.
Yep, and I’m sure it’s no coincidence that this is the topic of the second installment of the new “White” series. Even though I know the rarity of coherent, useful communication between departments at the BBC, this one can’t be an accident. There must have been a meeting on the fourth floor last year about tackling Britain’s “White” problem, and you’re starting to see the results now.
The BBC’s Richard Klein (‘White’) will, I hope listen to this on Monday,
3 March, Radio 4 8 pm GMT:
“Rivers of Blood, the Real Source’
presented by Rob Shepherd
Also for Mr. Klein:
“The Real Tributaries of Enoch’s ‘Rivers of Blood'”:
(by Rob Shepherd)
Klein says in today’s ‘Daily Mail’
of Powell’s 1968 speech “..but the incendiary nature of his language dominated the headlines.”
So what has the BBC done over the past 40 years, until now, to get beyond the headlines and to encourage rational analysis of the
And we are supposed to be thankful to Klein for putting on a social anthropology series about the White Working Class in Britain through Klein’s distorted multicultural prism?
Is this series supposed to count as an antidote to the lavish ‘Uncovering Pakistan’ series? (At one point, listening to the nth episode, I wondered where Britons had disappeared to, in the BBC world.)
To get the full flavour of Klein’s condescension:
“White and working class…the one ethnic group the BBC has ignored”
“White and working class…the one ethnic group the BBC has ignored”
“How Britain turned its back on the white working class”
Note how they used the past tense in those headlines, like they’ve suddenly changed their attitude now. But judging from the preview descriptions of the White season, it looks like it’s the same old BBC as usual: with the dysfunctional working class whites getting salvation in Islam.
Then there’s the preview of All White In Barking:
“The exception is an ageing character named Dave, gruff, opinionated and a supporter of the BNP. He’s as unrepentant as he is unenlightened…
Dave has a half-black grandson from one of his daughters and his other daughter is going out with a boy with African blood. He obviously adores his children and grandchild, but he moves to Canvey Island to get away from non-whites and immigrants. There, he stands on the grim Essex beach vainly trying to hold back the tide of history.
Yet in Dave’s story, we see, even if he can’t, the hidden success of multicultural Britain.”
Here we can yet again see the BBC’s carefully edited version of reality. The BBC didn’t just pick any random person for this documentary, no, they carefully selected someone that they could use to deliver their intended message. In All White In Barking, they found a man called Dave that they could use to for their message or “Dave’s Story” as they would put it. In this case, the message is the same as it always is from the BBC: that the white are ageing and of the past and that black are young and the future. If ‘gruff’, ‘opinionated’ Dave can’t hold back the tide of history, then neither can you: resistance is futile. Give up now and acquiesce to the BBC’s demands for multiculti utopia.
This is supposed to be the BBC’s idea of listening?
A drama about a white indigenous English child who finds “calm” in Islam is hardly challenging al-Beeb’s politically correct mindset — heck, it’s probably their favorite masturbation fantasty.
I was just reading this article in The Spectator, The Real Tributaries of Enoch’s ‘rivers Of Blood’, which is essentially an apologia for the infamous speech which is the subject of the second installment of this White series. I don’t want to get into whether Powell was a racist or not, or whether he was just looking after the interests of his constituents, or how many languages he could speak, but I was struck by this passage:
“Bill (later Lord) Morris worked in a Birmingham engineering factory. He recalls that after Powell’s speech, workmates wouldn’t look him in the eye and there was a loss of trust between blacks and whites.”
Implicit in this anecdote is the notion that there was, in fact, at least some semblance of a good relationship on some level between whites and blacks, and that the feelings inflamed by Powell’s speech disrupted that relationship.
So I’m thinking, is this BBC White Series going down that same road? The BBC seems to presume that whites are, in fact, dangerously angry about these immigrants taking over their towns without their consent, they can’t get along, and will only force the immigrants into “communalism”. The BBC may be coming from the opposite direction than Powell (the white citizens’ concerns are not legitimate, and are therefore dangerous), isn’t this really doing the same thing as Powell’s speech, that is to say, shout from the rooftops that whites are angry at, resentful, and suspicious of immigrants? Won’t this prolonged focus on the negative attitudes of these white people just erode whatever trust currently exists in these communities?
“Here we can yet again see the BBC’s carefully edited version of reality.”
Mother Earth… yup. The Beeb commonly uses anecdotes to push their agenda, but any anecdotes to the contrary are ignored or dismissed as isolated cases.
‘So what was your child taught today, sympathy for Mr. Hitler?'(Peter Hitchens):-
“Pupils are exposed to conflicting scraps of information, grandly called “sources”, and asked to make up their own minds • which means they are robbed of pride in their nation, and left confused and vulnerable to the BBC’s anti-British propaganda and the Leftist monopoly that runs the universities.
No wonder patriotism is disappearing. ”
And ‘Cranmer’ has:
” Prince Harry: I generally don’t like England that much”
The real issue about immigration is an economic one. The working class (and not just the “whites” in that group) are concerned about wages being driven down.
The rights which the working classes fought so hard to get are now being rolled back.
Of course, were the BBC to look at this aspect of immigration, it would mean exposing the greed and treachery of NuLabour. The days of serious documentaries about socio-economics are alas long gone at the Beeb. What we get instead is a narrow focus on a handful of individuals and their “bigotry”.
Its telling that not one of these documentaries looks at Govermment policy and the media’s portrayal of working class people.
[i]The real issue about immigration is an economic one. The working class (and not just the “whites” in that group) are concerned about wages being driven down.
The rights which the working classes fought so hard to get are now being rolled back.[/i]
Would that be the right to opt out of economic reality and price oneself out of a job? The right we saw exercised to such good effect in the 70s and 80s?
[i] …it would mean exposing the greed and treachery of NuLabour.[/i]
Are you lost, Zevilyn? There you go, mate: [url]http://www.swp.org.uk/[/url]
The CBI supports immigration, so I seriously doubt the Tories will do anything about it.
If you are white and pay your own way you are now a minority , England is now the arsehole end of europe .