Dunno if you noticed, but “E-Day” was the day when the great British public was asked to turn off the lights to tackle climate change. Perhaps this was a good proposal, perhaps not – the British public appeared to hold the latter view – but it was certainly a political proposal.
Bishop Hill asks why the man behind the campaign (who was also the guiding spirit for the cancelled Planet Relief) had quite so much support from the BBC.
Apparently E Day was a damp squib. The organisers would have liked warmer weather.Don’t forget your cossy and your flip-flops guys.
So why didn’t the BBC shut down for the day?
Didn`t notice,completely under the radar,where it should have been.
These marxist type ‘popular uprisings’ are doomed to fail!
The likes of FoE,GP and the miriad eco loonies are(or have been)very good at getting rent a mob scum to dress up in silly outfits and parade up and down(and gaining a high media profile) BUT their ‘direct action’ protests are getting much less support than in the past and their ‘national protests’ are bombing!
Attendance figures for the Heathrow climate camp were abysmal. Even their henchmen at the BBC couldnt drum up support by giving directions on how to get there.
What we see is a sharp decline in greenie support, why?
Firstly they over egged the pudding(so to speak),to play to their marxist revolutionary doctrines they disregarded the truth as irrelevent and they stamped on free debate(big mistake)hard. The eco loonies were also very patronizing and arrogant(very big mistake) but the biggest mistake was to disregard scientific evidence as it emerged and worse, engaged in that old marxist trick of character assasination and dirty tricks.
Put simply, the eco leftists saw a scientific theory which could act as the perfect cover for their political aims, not since Nazi Germany found eugenics fitted their perverted ideology has a scientific theory fitted so well into a political ideal!
You can tell a person its dark outside by locking them in a cellar and you can force them into believing it by force and threats and fear BUT sooner or later that person will always want to see for themselves and that is where the eco marxists will fall down!
The window of opportunity for the eco marxists was too short, if only the natural climate cycle had stayed with them for a few more years then they would have emerged victorious and their perverted ideology may well have triumphed! Oh well, tough break eh? But good news for the planet thats for sure.
i feel as if i’ve done my bit for E Day and im damn proud of it.
In my quest to increase my carbon footprint for E Day, renamed by me “sod off swampy-Day”, rather than turning the heating down, i opened a window. I didnt turn any electrically powered items off when not in use, they were left on or if not in use, turned on for the day.
Finally i took the rev counter right up to the red line at every gear change so my car was emitting 362 g/km of CO2
cant wait for next year :+:
Damn, I missed it. I was too busy burning tyres.
My last post didnt include the way the Tory party(to its eternal shame) jumped on the greenie CO2 witchhunt bandwaggon with alacrity when they thought it was a vote catcher! What we saw with the Tory party was a cynical attempt to cash in percieved populism and in fairness a fear of the rent a mob scum. Scientific wisdom and freemarket principles went straight out the window when focus groups reported that greenie lies were a sure fire vote winner. Now the Tories may feel able to ditch its greenie cloak very soon but the fact remains that when it mattered, when it really mattered, the Tories ditched common sense and Tory free market principles to buy a few votes!
I notice a distinct lack of enthusiasm for all things anti CO2 and stupid and useless diversions like personal windmills(it takes two times the life cycle of those things to make them profitable)from the Tories now that the polls are showing a marked decrease in popular support for green policies.
Therefore the only conclusion you can make from this is that the Tories care nothing for principles and will discard them as the polling of the moment dictates.
It pains me to say the above but sometimes the truth is not to our liking and to my(and others) credit I try and tell the truth as I see it.
Fear not Cassandra; for Hazel Blears has confirmed the Tories have never, and will never, change, and who could possibly challenge the word of a senior Labour politician?
However any party that throws this save the planet by taxation nonsense into touch will get my vote.
David Morris,
I think the phrase ‘punch N judy glove puppets’ springs to mind? or ‘two cheeks of the same grubby arse’?
Now either our regional commisars are so ignorant or so under the EU spell or so corrupt that they will sell our nation down the river OR they actually believe that what they are doing will make the UK a better place!
Parliament today has so little real power and so little real work, other than carrying out our EU masters directives that I fear they have gone insane and started filling their boots with as much cash as they can, while they can. When the union jack is lowered and the blue N stars is raised in its place and when our national anthem has been usurped by the EU anthem and when EU central commisars enter parliament to ‘oversee’ our institutions and when our political parties are headed by a frenchman of german and we are forced to vote for them, then we may wake up to whats going on!
But Im not going to hold my breath.
“EU anthem”
Ode to Joy.
You vil be joyful! zis is an order from your camp commandant! ven you sing ze anzem of ze new EU thousand year reich, you schweinehund English vil be standing on ze feet ya?
ve haf vays of making you zing und be happy!
Now Britisher schweinehunde you vil repeat after me, ARBEIT MACHT FREI von hundred times ya?
“their ‘national protests’ are bombing!”
Let’s hope that’s never literally true.
I spent E-Day converting my 4X4 to run on baby polar bears instead of diesel.
The exhaust now emits plastic bags instead of CO2.
I would place a comment but I have been banned from the Biased BBC blog.
To quote Eric Idle:-
“Oh dear, and have nuffing to do at the weekends?”
Cassandra – re your heartfelt post, there are no Tory principles any more. Dave is NuLite Labor. (sic)
Could anything get lighter? Dave wants to be in the gang of approved people.
He’s a fool and he’s vicious. Sacking Patrick Mercer, when Mercer’s own men (the black chaps who had been under his command) defended him in public was the low point.
And Prince Harry, a low-key hero who actually put his life very much on the line and wants to go again, out of the spotlight.
I have searched in vain to see where Dave put his life on the line to defend his country. I must not have Googled it right. Couldn’t find a single entry.
In fact, I can’t find any record at all of service to his country, never mind on the battlefield.
But his fat, unlined face simpers away.
We don’t seem to have heard much about that disabled kid who was so much in the news every single day a couple of years ago when Dave was campaigning to be the leader of the respected Conservative Party. Never a day went by without a planted story in the print or electronic media. It was relentless.
Dave is simply ghastly. No one except Blair groupies will vote for him. Blair groupies who find Gordon too personally distasteful. They can vote for Dave knowing they’ll get the same programme, but with better tailored suits and two eyes that work.
Dave’s a loser for the Conservatives.