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The BBC , makeover programs, the next South African president and literally half the story.
ANC and the arms deal
But ever since that arms deal was signed in November 1999 it has been the subject of controversy, with allegations of bribery and corruption. At the centre of those accusations is the man most likely to be South Africa’s next president – Jacob Zuma, who is accused of taking bribes from a French arms company, Thales. Mr Zuma, the president of South Africa’s governing party, the ANC, has repeatedly denied the allegations and says he will fight the corruption charges “with every sinew in his body”. He is asking the Constitutional Court to question the legality of raids on his home and that of his lawyer.
Just after Mr Zuma’s election as ANC president in December last year, the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) charged him with corruption, fraud, racketeering and money laundering. But it is thought that even if Mr Zuma did take the money, he was one of the smaller beneficiaries. When the arms deal was signed, Jacob Zuma was a provincial leader and not in government.Martin Weltz, editor of the investigative magazine Noseweek, does not believe Jacob Zuma was a key player in the scandal. He says Mr Zuma was only included in the illegal payments after the deal was signed, in order to protect the French company from scrutiny by the South African authorities.
The BBC does an extreme makeover on Jacob Zuma the South Africa. Saying this man is a crook would be the biggest understatement in the ANCs history.. Yet the BBC in sucking up to him tries to paint him as some sort of victim
So who is Jacob Zuma? He is currently the head of the ANC who is waiting in the wings for South African president Mbeki to step down next year so he can assume the helm of Pretoria.
So other than those so called planted corruption charges what else has Jacob Zuma done in which to get the BBC to suck up to him. Well lets see;
1) Rape.. Last year Jacob Zuma was found not guilty of raping a family friend. Yes the BBC covered it. But here is what they don’t tell you.
2) The government agency which looked into fraud (The scorpions) were disbanded after Zuma was brought to court.
3) Zuma was sacked because his position as the deputy to Mbeki became untenable , however like Mugabe he has the ground support of the rank and file in the ANC who voted him in as the new head of the ANC last year. Unfortunately also like Mugabe he believes in handing over productive farmlands to the so called soldiers of the ANC.
The fear is this man will do to South Africa what Mugabe has done to Zimbabwe. Funny enough the Media in South Africa isn’t sucking up to this man here are a few cartoons which the BBC wouldn’t dare show;
Zuma explaining to Mbeki his penchant for computer games..
Zuma explaining his anti gay stance
How Zuma stalled the rape trail by admitting that he was the secret father of the judges nephew.
How Zuma explained how he ended up in bed with an HIV positive family friend.
All taken from Madam and Eve;
The BBC , makeover programs, the next South African president and literally half the story.
The BBC , makeover programs, the next South African president and literally half the story.
ANC and the arms deal
But ever since that arms deal was signed in November 1999 it has been the subject of controversy, with allegations of bribery and corruption. At the centre of those accusations is the man most likely to be South Africa’s next president – Jacob Zuma, who is accused of taking bribes from a French arms company, Thales. Mr Zuma, the president of South Africa’s governing party, the ANC, has repeatedly denied the allegations and says he will fight the corruption charges “with every sinew in his body”. He is asking the Constitutional Court to question the legality of raids on his home and that of his lawyer.
Just after Mr Zuma’s election as ANC president in December last year, the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) charged him with corruption, fraud, racketeering and money laundering. But it is thought that even if Mr Zuma did take the money, he was one of the smaller beneficiaries. When the arms deal was signed, Jacob Zuma was a provincial leader and not in government.Martin Weltz, editor of the investigative magazine Noseweek, does not believe Jacob Zuma was a key player in the scandal. He says Mr Zuma was only included in the illegal payments after the deal was signed, in order to protect the French company from scrutiny by the South African authorities.
The BBC does an extreme makeover on Jacob Zuma the president of the ANC and the next South African President.. Saying this man is a crook would be the biggest understatement in the ANCs history.. Yet the BBC in sucking up to him tries to paint him as some sort of victim
So who is Jacob Zuma? He is currently the head of the ANC who is waiting in the wings for South African president Mbeki to step down next year so he can assume the helm of Pretoria.
So other than those so called planted corruption charges what else has Jacob Zuma done in which to get the BBC to suck up to him. Well lets see;
1) Rape.. Last year Jacob Zuma was found not guilty of raping a family friend. Yes the BBC covered it. But here is what they don’t tell you.
2) The government agency which looked into fraud (The scorpions) were disbanded after Zuma was brought to court.
3) Zuma was sacked because his position as the deputy to Mbeki became untenable , however like Mugabe he has the ground support of the rank and file in the ANC who voted him in as the new head of the ANC last year. Unfortunately also like Mugabe he believes in handing over productive farmlands to the so called soldiers of the ANC.
The fear is this man will do to South Africa what Mugabe has done to Zimbabwe. Funny enough the Media in South Africa isn’t sucking up to this man here are a few cartoons which the BBC wouldn’t dare show;
Zuma explaining to Mbeki his penchant for computer games..
Zuma explaining his anti gay stance
How Zuma stalled the rape trail by admitting that he was the secret father of the judges nephew.
How Zuma explained how he ended up in bed with an HIV positive family friend.
All taken from Madam and Eve;
The BBC , makeover programs, the next South African president and literally half the story.
Problems to British society caused, (but unacknowledged) by Labour Government’s mass immigration and ‘multiculturalist’ policies, with BBC acqiescence: Section 17, ‘forced marriages’.
Darius | 10.03.08 – 3:40 pm
The popularity of the pro-Israel view is shown by the “Most Recommended” page. The BBC hates this but it has no control over who recommends what so it tries to “balance” it by publishing mostly anti-Israel comments, many of them quite vile:
So where have al the pro-Israel comments ended up? Most likely they make up the majority of the thousands of comments in the “Moderation Queue”.
Further to the sparse coverage of New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer’s party, you may be interested in this –
ABC news have a slideshow of 13 sex scandal US politicians. It comprises 13 politicians – 12 elected and 1 appointed. Of the elected politicians, seven are Republicans, five are Democrats. Oddly, of the Democrats listed, only one of five is identified as a Democrat – that’s 20%, whilst of the Republicans, six of seven are identified as Republicans – that’s 86%. Furthermore, the one unelected official is explicitly identified as a political appointee of President Bush, so whilst his party allegiances are not mentioned it’s pretty clear who’s at fault. Coincidence? I think not.
Will the BBC be giving a detailed account of what happened to Bradford headmaster, RAY HONEYFORD, in its ‘White’ series?:
“Teacher who challenged multiculturalism had to sacrifice his job”
“Headteacher who never taught again after daring to criticise multiculturalism”
Just been reading the BBC Online story headlined “2007 floods ‘no link to climate'”(note the strange ommision of the word Change). The item bgins – “The UK’s summer floods of 2007 were a freak event unrelated to global climate change, according to a report from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH).” Fairly reasonable you might think, but the further down the story you read the more confused the it gets.
It all culminates in the section headed “Less is More” an excersize in doublethink if ever I saw one.
Heads I win, tails you lose.
I didn’t catch John Simpson’s report on this from Iran:
“‘Iran is our mother’: Hamas says 150 jihadists currently training in Iran”
Oh, I forgot. If BBC criticises Iran, then Simpson will be kicked out; and the BBC doesn’t want that to happen because it wants to carry on bringing reports from Iran by appeasing Ahmadinejad. Principled BBC.
Just finished screening on BBC 2 TV by the ‘multiculturalist’ BBC:
a repeat of ‘primary Arabic’ for British 7-11 year olds, filmed in wonderful quaint Cairo, with its ‘beautiful’ mosques and hijabed, mainly hidden women. No mention of Egyptian persecution of Coptic Christians in Cairo, of course:
Hidden away under ‘England’ category, this BBC low-level report does not rate with BBC ‘News Front Page’ and item on BAA landing fees. Note the stuff about ‘man’ in headline; as if we are not to work out his Muslim or Islamic Jihad connections:
“Man jailed over al-Qaeda manual”
For a more detailed, not censored, and less coy report, see ‘Yorkshire Post’ which headlines ‘AL Qaeda Leeds man’:-
“Al-Qaeda Leeds man jailed”
Small but telling.? Could’ve been a genuine slip but trails for BBC R2’s upcoming season on Belfast-born-&-bred Prod muso Van Morrison have him as an “Irish singer-songwriter”
Next week R4 starts an extended season of programmes looking back on a year that probably means a lot to many at the Beeb, 1968
All together now, raise those clenched fists (and hopefully that licence fee)
There I was reading about Democrat mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, an Obama-supporting superdelegate who just happens to be mired in sleaze, when I wondered if the BBC has ever reported on him. Well, it turns out they have, back in January. Now, guess which word is missing from the article? (Clue – it begins with ‘D’ and is the name of a major political party in America)
In my experience the BBC and charities mainly seem to employ the same kind of person – home counties, white, middle class arts graduates who are convinced that are vibrant, interesting and caring individuals and who aren’t afraid to tell everyone they are. They form a kind of London based self-congratulation society.
Pete | 09.03.08 – 4:21 pm |
Pete, yeah this is spot on. I fall into pretty much those categories myself, to be honest. As I also work in the media, I have had numerous dealings with people who work for the BBC, across numerous departments.
They’re mostly left-wing tossers who fully subscribe to the view that the BBC is where everybody would work if they could and whose life experiences are so limited and restricted that they assume everyone else also lives in London and reads The Guardian.
Email to Richard Black, BBC environment correspondent:
Dear Richard
More than 400 scientists, economists and policy makers attend a conference of climate change sceptics and the BBC ignores them.
44 Southern Baptist ministers speak out against climate change and you write about it.
What criteria are you using to decide the people worthy of coverage?
I was checking a program on CBBC when the graphic below came up.
You are trying to view content that is restricted to UK viewers. License fee payers? What’s the story here?
Judging by the snow in the background it clearly must have something to do with global warming. 8)
Here’s another heretical report the BBC will not let you learn about:
Researcher: Basic Greenhouse Equations “Totally Wrong”
But the debate’s over because Orlando Bloom and the guy from Coldplay told me so.
Greg Nowell, A key associate of former mayoral aide Lee Jasper was arrested today by police probing the City Hall grants scandal.
However, I can find no mention of this on the BBC website, on the main news page, the England page or the politics page.
Radio 5 right now. Richard Bacon talking crap about Climate change and flying again.
The BBC just don’t give up do they?
New leftie greenie word (you’ll love this)
We have to “De-carbonise” our lives.
What a classic.
Brilliant pull quote taken from the Have Your Say on peace talks for the Mid East news page of BBC online:
“Arafat was also branded an obstacle in his time”
Ali Zaid, Yemen.
Leaving aside that this (predictably) fails to reflect the balance of opinion, how did this prove wrong?
Yes, the BBC really likes quotes like that. As if Arafat wasn’t an obstacle to peace but some kind of statesman rather than a cunning terrorist with no intention of ever making peace with Israel.
And when you click on the link, it takes you to the topic, which has been closed. I wonder how long they’ll leave it up on the site.
Today Radio 4.
A few days ago I posted about an interview between Sarah Montague and Manuel Hassassian, a Palestinian delegate to London during which it became obvious that she thought the answer to the problem in Gaza was simply for Israel to talk to Hamas.
I know a great many people agree with this view, but most of them see that if it must be done it should be done behind the scenes. But many people think that would be, at best, a short term measure, and a long term mistake.
But whatever one’s opinion about that it was certainly not Sarah Montague’s job to steer her whole interview around a presumption that this was the only right answer. That Israel was at fault because its refusal to agree was the only problem.
Today she surpassed herself. The interview she held, with the mayor of Sderot and a Palestinian representative was conducted in the same manner. After allowing the Israeli a few brief words about trauma from the rockets, and the Palestinian to have a few less brief words about Israeli aggression, occupation, collective punishment etc. she steered the interview round to her favourite solution. The Israeli explained that he would even “talk to the devil” if it saved a child, but his government did not think the solution was talking to Hamas.
Ms Montague then turned on him and accused him of wanting to go in to Gaza flat out, and the rest of the interview was virtually handed to the Palestinian to perform check mate with his accusation that “Israel wants escalation but we want peace.”
This was a shocking way for the BBC to manipulate and wrong-foot an interviewee, and leave an impression that was the opposite of the truth.
Email to Richard Black, BBC environment correspondent:
Dear Richard
More than 400 scientists….
DB | 11.03.08 – 7:48 pm | #
Would be interested to hear whether you recieved a reply to that email.
Could’ve been a genuine slip but trails for BBC R2’s upcoming season on Belfast-born-&-bred Prod muso Van Morrison have him as an “Irish singer-songwriter”
The b*stards!
And how about this?
In 1988 (Van M) revisited his Irish roots with The Chieftains on Irish Heartbeat.
More BBC Fenian propaganda, no doubt.
No, wait. It’s Van’s own biography. On Van’s own webpages.
Don’t you think we should institute a Lame Whinge Of The Week award to honour the best effort to send this site up?
Of course, David Vance would win as regularly as Man U. But Reimer’s heading for top-4 status with this one.
I’ve got a mobile phone company on the other line offering sponsorship. Orange, since you ask.
Any takers?
Biased BBC: No Surrender
I’m currently listening to “In Living Memory” on Radio 4 – “recalling the Poll Tax demonstration (sic – in the programme they do actually call it a riot – but I haven’t caught them calling the tax the “Community Charge” yet) of March 1990.
It’s a studiously balanced account in the BBC manner taking no sides between the the law made by a constitutionally legitimate, democratically elected, parliament and the 1,000 or so rioters many of whom admitted they were looking for “trouble” who used the demonstration to attack the police and destroy property throughout much of the West End. It was presented as a confrontation between police and demonstrators.
Almost all the “explanation” seemed to come from the rioters’ side with constant references to “Thatcher” almost as an explanation of everything – and I can only recall one serious non-police commentator not on the side of the rioters – Lord Waddington, Home Secretary at the time – and little if any questioning to rioters or their apologists about about the legitimacy of political vioence in a free society.
Budget coverage from the BBC hits new levels of celebrity analysis – they ran this at 12:30pm on the live coverage, it’s available online here; complete with contributions from Jade Goody and others :
Some BBC apologists have argued about the offences done by BBC employees outside of their BBC duties which have nothing specifically to do with their job being unimportant to their and the BBC’s status.
However much you personally like or dislike Jeremy Clarkson and Top Gear this is much more clear cut.
“A spokeswoman for the BBC’s Top Gear programme said they would not comment because it was not a BBC matter.”
A BBC presenter on a BBC programme specifically about driving commits a serious driving offence and endangers road safety, how can you argue its not a BBC matter.
Don’t say its not important, evn the BBC says it is
Top Gear is the most popular driving programme on television by a very long way.
When a previous presenter Brendan Coogan had problems because of a driving matter but it was outside of BBC time it was a BBC matter.
Or is it just that because its Clarkson its not a BBC matter – pathetic.
Resident Beeboids please explain this:
BBC Fabricates Home Demolition Report
So who’s being watching the budget on BBC2?
Notice anything about the cross section of British society (In Gateshead)who were brought into the studio to comment.
A white single mother
A black single african nurce
A eastern European shop keeper.
Then the BBC airs photos of the different social brackets;
a white single mother
A white childless couple
A mixed race couple with coffee coloured children
A black single person
What is it with the BBC and this reinventing of the social map of the UK.
According to the BBC less than 8% of the UK is foreign. So why do they try and say otherwiise?
The BBC, what came first freedom or the rocket and half the story.
Hamas lays out truce conditions
Palestinian militant group Hamas has set out for the first time conditions for a truce with Israel to end violence that has cost 125 lives in a week. Former PM Ismail Haniya called for an end to Israeli military operations in Gaza and the re-opening of its borders in return for halting rocket attacks. He said the deal had to be “reciprocal, comprehensive and simultaneous” and that the “ball is in Israel’s court”.
Wow if you only got your news from the BBC, you’d think that Hamas were really the standard bearers when it comes to peace deals. (Actually somebody at the BBC should look up how the Koran dictates to the faithful how to use peace in which to gain the upper hand. They call it ‘Hudna )
Correct me if I am wrong here, but didn’t Israel pull out of Gaza in 2005. Since then Abu Bowens favourite victims have done nothing in which to achieve peace rather they have done the exact opposite in which to wage war.
The BBC, what came first Freedom or the rocket and half the story.
‘A spokeswoman for the BBC’s Top Gear programme said they would not comment because it was not a BBC matter.’
I think we should henceforth call this ‘The Ben Johnson’ defence. To whit:
“Yeah, I did take some drugs but it was in my own time, your honour, so it’s nothing really to do with my performances at work (ie the Olympic Games)”
Typical little edit in the BBCs report of Cameron’s response to Darling’s budget. The BBC reports that Cameron said:
“not every responsible drinker in this country who wants a glass of wine at the end of a hard day’s work”.
What Cameron actually said was “who wants a glass of wine or a glass of beer at the end of a hard day’s work”.
But the BBC aren’t going to put that bit about beer in – that would spoil their silly attempt at spin. Typical bit of sneaky biased reporting.
“Resident Beeboids please explain this:
BBC Fabricates Home Demolition Report
Galil | 12.03.08 – 3:03 pm”
This fakery deserves a thread of its own.
BBC Fabricates Palestinian Home Demolition Report
What’s new?
With all this talk of binge drinking, I have never once heard anyone in the MSM ask how delinquent chavs are able to find so much money to spend on alco-pops.
Could this be yet another example of the government creating a social problem with handouts, and then attempting to ‘solve’ it with higher taxes?
No use looking to the BBC for an answer, obviously.
The London ‘Evening Standard’ has this, but the BBC doesn’t:
“Second arrest in Jasper City Hall grants probe”
Over at EUReferendum, I read:
“When Cameron was giving his take on the Budget, something he said about everyone being worse off, forget exactly what it was, Ed Balls, piped up without being heard by the public saying ‘so what’ and to give him his due Cameron looked at him and said ‘so what’ as though he couldn’t believe Balls had said it.
Still I suppose with the arrogance of politicians, especially the likes of Ed Balls, treating the electorate with contempt is second nature to them, and what he said fully confirmed it. I was really disgusted.”
Did anyone see this? I’m in Norway so I don’t have line of sight of our politicians but, if this is true, it’s a new low, doubtlessly unreported by the BBC.
I was listening to 5 lite and in a report on the alleged fee charging of some state schools the Beeboid highlighted that many of the schools involved were “Jewish”
Is that really relevant to the story? Not all schools caught doing this are “Jewish” are they?
Funny that when talking about forced marriage the BBC used the term “Asian” rather than Moozlum, yet the vast majority of girls that have gone missing appear to have probably gone to Pakistan (not exactly a Christian Country is it?)
So why not just refer to “state schools” or “faith schools” in this report?
More double standards by the BBC?
Nice Beeboid story about TV licences. Shame the BBC didn’t bother to mention that if a piece of BBC garbage turns up at your door to inspect your “black and white TV set” you can tell them to piss off and mind their own business.
Not like the BBC to not want to remind us of our “human rights” is it?
I’ve had a B&W licence for years. B&W looks good on a 32″ flat screen TV. Just turn the colour down. Easy!!!!
Martin – on PM on R4 they reported that a “Jewish faith school” – named as the Hasmonean – had charged families 50 quid (they didn’t say what for) – Hasmonean denied that this had anything to do with their selection process. This whole story has been spun by the government (see yesterday’s Coffee House on the subject). And now the BBC seem to be actively playing up a “Jewish moneygrubbing” narrative. The whole thing is crap – and now it’s turning into despicable crap.
BBC reports Israel, with missing words:
Its report “Israel kills four in West Bank”, should, of course, read:
‘Israel kills 4 Islamic Jihadists in West Bank’
“Israel to impose sanctions on Al- Jazeera”
(It must be tempting for Israel to do the same to Al Beeb.)
If the criteria for hosting the Olympics is an unblemished human rights record, many western powers wouldn’t qualify as host countries
Ray Wan, US
BBC World Website headline / highlighted quote accompanying a discussion on China Olympics. It is at odds with the general run of comments, but it seems to ring a bell for the Beeboids
MattLondon | 12.03.08 – 12:41 pm |
A friend of mine was at the ‘Poll tax’ riot in Trafalgar Square. He had not long transferred into the Met Police from a county force.
During the course of the riot he was hit on the side of the head with a scaffolding clip.
He has suffered severe epileptic fits since then and has been unable to hold down a job for long.
Resident Beeboids please explain this:
BBC Fabricates Home Demolition Report
Galil | 12.03.08 – 3:03 pm |
They can’t. That is why sillybunt and his stupid socialist friends won’t comment on it.
And now the BBC seem to be actively playing up a “Jewish moneygrubbing” narrative. The whole thing is crap – and now it’s turning into despicable crap.
Oscar | 12.03.08 – 7:06 pm
The piece says this:
The large majority of schools appeared to be complying.
“However, a significant minority of schools in our sample appear not to be compliant with the code, of which a disproportionate number are voluntary aided or foundation schools.”
Which other schools do not comply?
How many are jewish and how many (perish the thought!) are (gasp) Muslim?
They can’t. That is why sillybunt and his stupid socialist friends won’t comment on it.
Disinterested Bystander | 12.03.08 – 7:47 pm
Colour me surprised!
Maybe there’s hope yet:
Watching BBC just now covering the UK budget. Well no surprises there.
Tame Muppet (didn’t catch his name) pulled out from Price Waterhouse to spin that really everything is quite rosy in the garden and, given all the circumstances, GB PLC is doing really well.
Not a word from any of the opposition parties.
Have to say that the Price Waterhouse Muppet was very slick in his uninterrupted presentation for the socialists.
Put me in mind of BBC reporting on economic matters in the 90s. It was always one face being interviewed, never interrupted, and always fed the socialist line. I speak of none other that the multi-millionaire, champagne socialist, Goldman Sachs representative, one Gavin Davis, husband of Sue Nye.
Funny how we never hear anything now from the BBC about another multi-millionaire champagne socialist. You know the one, he’s pays less income tax each year than a part-time school dinner lady, goes by the name of Lord Levy, who should really be on remand in custody awaiting trial.
Sad to say that while Levy’s tax contribution is always downwards, the BBC aren’t highlighting the fact that the part-time school dinner lady’s tax has just gone up because Brown/Balls/Darling have scrapped the 10p tax band. Scumbag Socialist Balls response in Parliament, “So what”.
BBC: Pack of socialist shite, and if you dissent from that view just look at this load of old bollocks:
Hugh Sykes reporting on Des Browne’s visit to British troops stationed outside Basra on the Simon Mayo show this afternoon:
“I suppose that what it boils down to is that Des Browne the defence minister has to make a decision. Does he decide what to do with the British troops in the interests of the British troops and readers of the Sun and families back home, or does he decide what to do with the British troops in the interests of Iraqis, and there are a lot of Iraqis who would like them to stay on until the job is done.”
Funny, I thought the Guardian and the Independent were the “troops out now” newspapers. I can’t believe this Hugh Sykes, who wants the troops to stay and finish the job, is the same Hugh Sykes who was telling us in October 2006 that the Iraqis wanted coalition forces to leave: “They’ve tried keeping a low profile – that didn’t work. They’ve tried the high profile on the streets – it hasn’t worked. No profile is what a lot of people want them to do and that means go.”
Sykes also recounted chatting to some people in a Basra cafe in “the early days” of the war:
“They brought out pictures of David Beckham from his (sic) wallet and said, ‘Well done, you’ve liberated our country from Saddam Hussein.’ But the cafe owner I noticed was glowering at me from the corner so I went over and said to him, ‘What’s the problem Fareed, what’s the matter?’ He said, ‘These people, they know nothing. You British, you’re not being tough enough. The place is being taken over by Ali Baba.'”
This isn’t the first time Sykes has recounted his visit to that cafe. In July 2004 he mentioned it on From Our Own Correspondent, except back then he left a bit out:
At a cafe in Basra, two sailors sat with me as I smoked a hubble bubble and explained how much better their lives had become thanks to the invasion – and one of them – Abu Dijassem – said: “We love the British.”
I nodded gratefully, thinking this was just a pleasantry for my benefit, and he said “No, no we really do… look!”, and he brought out his wallet – in the little plastic window where people usually keep pictures of their families there was… David Beckham.
“Ah, you like Manchester United, then,” I said.
And a little voice at my elbow corrected me with news that was only a couple of days old. “No no! Real Madrid.”
“Oh, hello – who are you?” I asked.
“I am Moataz. I am 10.”
“And you like your football…”
And I had a flash of inspiration – I told him: “I live in London, near Highbury – where Arsenal play.”
“Ah,” said Moataz. “Patrick Viera, Thierry Henri…David Seaman.” And he did a perfect goalie’s save from his chair.
It seems a long time ago, another world almost, that happy evening in the Basra coffee house.
And as the occupation deepened, Iraqis began to feel that their liberation was being damaged, diluted, diminished.
Nothing about the cafe owner who wanted the British troops to be tougher on the criminal terrorist scum. Evidently Sykes decided that views like that were not for the ears of the British public back then. In 2004 the narrative was that the hated coalition forces were too harsh, too brutal.
The British retreat to the outskirts of Basra was a victory for those who have spent years peddling anti-war propaganda. Reporters such as Sykes and his BBC colleagues helped undermine the public resolve to see our troops do the job properly. But for Sykes the motto is “Whatever they’re doing I’m against it” so now he reveals that the Iraqis want the troops back in Basra to kick some serious butt. And if our boys do go in you can be sure that the first person to file a report about “British brutality” will be Hugh Sykes.