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Week-day BBC-related comment thread!
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DB: Yes it’s the confused BBC. The BBC hate the British forces, but they also like to tow the McLabour party line here. Especially since McBean took over, the BBC have gone quite soft on McLabour. Anyone would think it was David Cameron that lied over WMD not Bliar and Broon.
The BBC program on the Birmingham primary school was a prime example of ignoring the obvious if the answers might prove uncomfortable.The white British children numbered 2.1/2 of one per cent.The obvious question is where have the white children gone?The white population numbers 92% nationwide so something is going on here.What we were shown was a film of a ghetto school that was doing it’s best.But it is still a ghetto school and the implications are grim.Rather than sleepwalking into segregation we appear to be rushing there at full speed.At no time did the makers seem aware of the implications of the demographics.I assume the subject is taboo at the BBC.
Allan@Oslo | 12.03.08 – 6:22 pm | #
Yes I saw this. Cameron said Britain had higher taxes than ever before and Ed Balls yelled out “so what”. Cameron picked this up and revealed to the nation what Balls had said. Balls now claims he shouted out “so weak” not “so what”. This at least is the line he’s given to the BBC and C4. Whatever he said (and Conservative front benchers say they all heard it as “so what”) – it is clear that Balls isn’t bovvered about high taxation. He also continued to heckle Cameron throughout his speech. Cameron then came up with the scathing putdown “I know he’s Minister for Children but that doesn’t mean he has to behave like one”. Balls blushed beetroot red.
More pro-Islamic propaganda from the BBC.
“There’s nothing inherently violent about the Koran.” One of the many uncontested statements made by Islam-loving historian David Levering Lewis on Laurie Taylor’s Thinking Allowed today. Lewis, a revisionist historian who regrets Islam’s failure to conquer Europe, got a very warm reception from Taylor. For a more critical take on Lewis’s view of history try here:
When the opening salvo to the prelude of this alleged “white week”, was seen to be a white man being progressively covered in foreign language until he was white no more, didn’t that send the alarm bells ringing in your living room?.
Next came the BBCs “marketing question”, “are the white working classes being ignored”. That was to drag the errrmm – white working classes into the trap.
And for what?.
So that they could be both scolded and derided by an organization that has nothing but contempt for them all. The BBCs initial question must surely have been an ironic one, for that is exactly what they have preceded to do – ignore the white working classes, and then openly treat them with the outright contempt, that only the highly self-righteous could ever dream to do.
I understand that the final programme in the series “All white in Barking” is an outright tirade, where the BBC are of course taking the moral high ground, and lecturing white Britain as to why we are truly the scum of the earth.
Perhaps they thought that at this point in time, and after seeing the rest of their “right on” series, we might indeed agree with their leftist outlook of Britain and be ready, neigh pleading, to all change our ways.
In Nineteen twenties Russia, the unspeakable enemies of the state were the bourgeois. In naughties Britain, for nu Labour and their faithful minions at the BBC, it is undoubtedly the white working classes that have to be slain.
I can honestly conclude, that the BBCs motives for this series have been utterly shameful to say the very least.
Hansard today reports the exchange thus:
“The Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families (Ed Balls): So weak!
Mr. Cameron: “So what?” says the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families. I know he wants to be Chancellor so badly it hurts. I have to tell him that another Budget like the one we have just heard and he will not have to wait very long.”
Of course this does not prove that Ed Balls said “So weak” or “So what” as I believe Honourable Members can change the Hansard record to correct “mistakes” or to ensure it reflects what they wanted to say.
George R:
The London ‘Evening Standard’ has this, but the BBC doesn’t:
“Second arrest in Jasper City Hall grants probe”…robe/
George R | 12.03.08 – 6:04 pm | #
To be fair I heard it on BBC1 News (I can’t remember if it was national or local news) on 11 March – and saw it still on BBC Teletext news yesterday (12th).
To be fair to me, it wasn’t on any BBC news website when I wrote the above.
Reverse Psychology | 13.03.08 – 4:36 am |
Well said. And this can’t even be put down to “interpretation” or some kind of visceral anti-BBC bias on anyone’s part, can it?
There’s just no other way to look at this series, and it has been painfully obvious since they first put up the notice for it on the website.
Everyone will also have noticed that the resident deniers haven’t touched this at all, but prefer instead to harp on the smallest of issues.
Reverse Psychology | 13.03.08 – 4:36 am | #
“In Nineteen twenties Russia, the unspeakable enemies of the state were the bourgeois. In naughties Britain, for nu Labour and their faithful minions at the BBC, it is undoubtedly the white working classes that have to be slain.”
The reason is, they refused to perform effectively in their assigned role as ‘lumpen proletariat’ in the revolutionary process.
Hell hath no fury like a “pseudo-Marxist intellectual” scorned.