Blogger Dumb Jon :
Thinking further on the BBC’s already notorious ‘White Girl’ drama, it occurs to me that the very social pathologies which the BBC was bagging the natives for are all things which the left, and the BBC in particular, has assiduously promoted for forty years …
The bottom line is that the BBC not only endorses the underlying attitudes that lead to these social pathologies, but just about every other BBC drama before ‘White Girls’ depicted being hung up about rampant shagging and drug abuse as the mark of an uptight, loser square.
As you can see. They just can’t help feeling proud of themselves. Ladies and gentlemen, “1968”.
A season of programmes on Radio 4 to mark the 40th anniversary of a momentous year – 1968. It was the year of student protests across the globe, riots in the streets of Paris, assassinations rocked America and Soviet Tanks crushed the Prague Spring. Sexual liberation, civil rights, drugs and music were said to shape the thinking of a generation. The pulse for the season will be provided by 1968 – Day by Day.
Yes, it’ll be dope, rock’n’roll, and f***ing in the streets for the next few weeks on Radio Four. Not available on the Asian Network.
Dumb Jon:
‘The bottom line is that the BBC not only endorses the underlying attitudes that lead to these social pathologies, but just about every other BBC drama before ‘White Girls’ depicted being hung up about rampant shagging and drug abuse as the mark of an uptight, loser square.’
Totally agree – but isn’t this the whole thing about the BBC and all Lefties? The endless hand-ringing and finger-pointing about problems that they worked for years to create in the first bloody place, and are still creating!!!!
No inconsistency there – clearly it was Thatcher’s education cuts that created a generation of imbeciles to thick to cope with a bit of good honest hedonism 🙂
‘too thick’
clearly the wrong post to start making spelling mistakes
Wonder whether the series will feature Frank Borman reading from the Book of Genesis as he orbited the Moon in Apollo 8 that Christmas? I reckon it might be just a bit too a) American b)Christian and c) creationist for the Beeboids to stomach.
It’s still the most memorable single broadcast of that entire year, though.
The only thing that “amazes” me abou the BBC “White Season” is that people are amazed by the BBC bias in it!!!
As for rod Liddle I’m fed up of his bleating. He simply got all upset when he found that the large Moozlum connunity here in the UK didn’t believe in the open liberal democracy that the lefties continually go an about. (What a surprise hey Rod?)
A religion that is taught to hate from an early age, to despise the rights of women to be free to choose and even for buggery to be accepted (shock horror there hey Rod!)
Problem is, most at the BBC mingle in that Islington dinner party set, they STILL think they can pick and choose what parts of Islam (like Sharia law) we can adopt to make Moozlums feel more at home.
Dumb Jon has hit the nail on the head. MSM just hate anything that they regard as being traditionally British. It doesn’t matter what the British behave like, they will always hate us whether we act like “rampant shaggers” or like “uptight squares” they will always find something to hate about us. It is the “oikophobia” that another commenter mentioned a few weeks ago.
As a year, 1968 included an event which appeals to Beeboid vanity even now. The North Vietnamese invaders and the Vietcong sustained a catastrophic defeat in the Tet offensive (the South Vietnamese really didn’t want them) but the MSM put on a truly impressive spin operation which gave Eugene McCarthy just enough momentum to make LBJ give up his presidency.
That, since then, has been the template for all MSM coverage of wars involving America, particularly in Gulf 1 (the MSM was so disappointed when the Iraqis fled without having offered the mother of all battles) and Afghanistan, in which the US was reported as being bogged down in a quagmire and threatened by “the savage Afghan winter”.
This explains of course why MSM in general and the Beeb in particular can’t discuss the success of the troop surge in Iraq – in their world view it shouldn’t have, and therefore hasn’t, happened. Seen in this light, memories of 1968 represent a pleasant replacement activity.
The real bottom line about the 1968 and White seasons on the BBC is that they will be watched and listened to by hardly anybody because the BBC is mainly used by the population as a supplier of pop music radio and low brow TV such as Eastenders and Casualty. That the BBC persists in employing a self-indulgent, self-important group of outdated pseudo-intellectuals to produce politically immature and biased programmes that hardly anyone uses just shows that the corporation still has enormous scope to do as it pleases because it doesn’t rely on money from voluntary customers.
So what are we saying here?
The JOB of the BBC is what it does, is it not?
This JOB it has been doing for a long time. Has it not?
This JOB involves encouraging radical non-conservative movements around the globe. Does it not?
This JOB therefore spreads dis harmony, revolution, chaos, strikes, and general dissatisfaction, in places such as Britain as a whole, Northern Ireland, The Middle East, Africa, America, Asia, in fact anywhere The BBC does its JOB. Has it not?
The BBC is part of The BRITISH ESTABLISHMENT run and very much controlled by said BRITISH ESTABLISHMENT. Is that not as clear as the nose on our faces?
Therefore the BRITISH ESTABLISHMENT must have long since wanted these things to happen and have a direct interest in the BBC doing its JOB as best as it can.
The BRITISH ESTABLISHMENT is a commercial operation based in the City of London. Wars chaos and disharmony and the control of these things, especially the timing, is a great way of MAKING BIG MONEY and keeping control over this and other countries wealth production and the corrupt governments that also control it.
Extreme left and extreme right are one. They always have been.
Working for the conspiratorial common aim. Which is a corporate capitalist, one world government, New World Order, acutely FASCIST, authoritarian, Communist, Marxist, socialist, collectivist, as good as completely undemocratic, potential, Ayn Rand and Orwell warned you all about it, 1984, Atlas shrugged, type NIGHTMARE.
I would be interested to know why this is not the opinion of others. Because it seems so obvious to me as to be a TRUISM even my 10 year old could understand.
Does a university education completely fuck up the human mind or just as good as completely fuck it up?
Tet is an object lesson of how the media can turn a resounding military victory into a political defeat.
It’ll be interesting to see how the BBC treats it ( as if we don’t all know already )
“1968 – Myth or Reality”
Let’s see….mmm,yes, yes, it was real, I remember it, it came between 1967 and 1969.
At the time, I was only 11 though and more interested in making Airfix models than taking to the streets.
Obviously, I’ve grown up into a ‘square loser’, as a result of missing out on those momentous events…
Previous to 1968 there had been unofficial ceasefires during Tet, but I doubt if the BBC will mention that at all. Portray the heroic VC as ceasefire-breakers? Never! Yes, Tet was a crushing tactical defeat for the NLF/NVA but thanks to the media–remember Walter Cronkite?–it was turned into a strategic victory by undermining the belief that America could win the war among the public. The pattern of trying to eat away at public confidence when the west has been involved in conflicts has been repeated since in Iraq and now in Afghanistan.
You have to laugh…..
On the very week that the Beeb produce a shameful series of programmes such as “White week”, their gushing heros down at Milbank, start to preach Britishness, from their increasingly derisory pulpit.
I bet its enough to make “Aunti Pravda” big-wigs tear up their Guardians in sheer frustration…
Shafted by Nu Labour for their own despicable ends.
Now who could have ever forseen that scenario?.
Al-Beeb likes conservative social values fine — if they are mouthed by brown people and/or Muslims. If they are mouthed by white Christians, then it’s time to sneer, jeer and smear. There’s no real consistency or principle involved here – they just hate white people, Christianity, and Western Civilization in general.
“I would be interested to know why this is not the opinion of others.”
cos it’s bonkers??
FYI I’ve worked in the heart of the ‘British establishment’ aka the City of London for quite a while and have absolutely no sense that ‘wars, chaos and disharmony’ are particularly welcome – quite the opposite in a lot of cases.
You mightbe thinking of hedge funds (based in Mayfair a few miles West) but given they work 23 hour days I doubt they’ve got time for much conspiratorial corporate capitalist, one world government, New World Order, acutely FASCIST, authoritarian, Communist, Marxist, socialist, collectivist action.
“Extreme left and extreme right are one. They always have been…Working for the conspiratorial common aim. ”
Haha! I’ve never seen ONE Communist agree on something, let alone two. Good luck with that theory.
Reverse Psychology | 13.03.08 – 4:36 am | #
If my memory serves correct, in 1968 it looked a dead cert that the Republicans would gain the Presidency due to the unpopularity of Democratic polices over Vietnam (also remember Vietnam was a war initiated and executed by succeeding Democratic administrations).
This being the case the MSM and Democrats immediately set about creating a poison chalice for the incoming Republican president; thus the Cronkite bullshit and all that followed in the Media.
The Democrats who still controlled Congress then set about undermining and defunding the US effort in Vietnam (sound familiar); eventually cutting off all funds leaving the Nixon administration with no choice other than to negotiate the best, face saving deal possible.
Thereafter Congress also cut off all aid and assistance (military and otherwise) to the South Vietnamese government and the rest is history, as they say.
In a nutshell, the Democrats prefer (and will work towards) a resounding US defeat that can be blamed on a Republican administration rather than victory or success for the US as a whole. They don’t care how many lives are sacrificed (US and other antagonists) in achieving their amoral goals.
By the way, during the American Civil war, they (the Dem’s and the newspapers) behaved in exactly the same manner towards Lincoln’s Republican administration.
Also remember that Lincoln and the Republicans were for the abolition of slavery, the Democrats wanted to maintain it.
And similarly, ‘liberals’ will celebrate the ‘new’ types of families we have and insist they are all of equal value, so single mums, teenage pregnancy and gay adoption are just fine. And yet in the next breath they’re praising Asians/immigrants for their traditional family values.
Re Onanthebarbarian;
Some time ago I came across this thesis, as to what the Nu Labour government of the U.K. were attempting to achieve…
At first, I took it for right wing propoganda of the most alarmist nature, but the more I think about it, the more I see the similarities in this article being attempted by our treacherous government, the more I start to wonder…
Fact or Fantasy?.
Reality or farce?.
Did you already see this breaking news story?
Could you please confirm and comment on this, please?
“Harvard University: Ségolène Royal supports independence for Puerto Rico”
“On February 7, 2008, Ségolène Royal visited Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. There she gave a conference on “Reforming the Left in France to Reform the French Economy”. After finishing her allocution, the forum was open to public questions. The first question asked Ségolène Royal to respond whether she supports independence for Puerto Rico as does the Socialist International, to which her political party is affiliated.”
Reverse Psychology:
Re: I see the similarities in this article being attempted by our treacherous government, the more I start to wonder…
The only thing wrong with this theory is that it credits them with too much intelligence and ability to control events. As briefly an “insider” all I saw was cock-up after cock-up, they could’t run a bath, just reeling from one crisis to the next, “events dear boy, events”. The idea of a cool intelligence with a masterplan is contradicted by one’s everyday experience.
They are not competent enough to do anything – remember these are mostly scottish barristers by training, who think the answer to everything is to pass lots of laws, but overlook the need for more prison places to accommodate those who don’t obey laws.
They also have given up on trying to really change things – too difficult – just manage the media so people believe things have changed.The battlefield is now the media to influence public opinion – as all charities now pressure groups understand. The media is the only contest to define the real world. Hence the wickedness of the betrayal of trust by the BBC.
Brilliant post Laban and absolutely spot on!! Very enjoyable links.
Re AndrewSouthLondon;
Been in a similar situation myself, and agree with your points unreservedly about the rank-and-file of these Nu Leftist cretins.
However, why, if they are so ignorant to the everyday normality of life, do we continue to allow them to introduce bigoted, anti white, anti Indigenous laws that will eventually see us perish in a stupidity of our own suicidal making?.
The only answer I can cast forth, is our indifference to life itself.
And if that is truly the case, we are gonna get everything that we richly deserve.
In other words – Allah Akhbar, – AndrewSouthLondon…..
Who saw the poles are coming. That scene outside the jobcenter was disgraceful propaganda. Actually the wole episode was. The progrmme, apparently focusing on the WWC, had about nine tenths on the brave, heroic, smart Polish and the rest focusing on the decadent, work-shy, ignorant white British.
My friend who I was watching it with and who everytime i speak about the BBC says “Oh god not another BBC rant” and is basically a brainwashed socialist even saw the propaganda in it. He said it was fucking awful ( hes looking for work and is WWC)
I am SO glad i have not paid the license fee (even though I get a letter every 3 weeks saying I havent bought one yet)
I didnt see white girl but reading about it I dont think my blood pressure could take it ( and i have really low blood pressure)
Predictably the bbc,when covering issues that pertain to the white working class invariably seek out members of the white NON-working class.
Sitting smugly in their ivory towers they ignore the millions of industrious, hardworking britons producing everything from Nissan cars to rolls-royce jet engines and of course the thousands of smaller industries that support such companies,but of course we don`t exist,
The irredeemably snobbish middle class socialists at the bbc wouldn`t want to know about anything about white working class that wasn`t a problem.
Salt of the earth,to scum of the earth,to something to sneer at.
Hell i`m starting to HATE those f*&kers!
Also remember that Lincoln and the Republicans were for the abolition of slavery, the Democrats wanted to maintain it.
onanthebarbarian | 13.03.08 – 5:28 pm |
This is what I find the most intriguing about the perception of the US Democrats.
Democrats were the party supporting segregation until after ww2.
The only Congress member that was a member of KKK and is still “serving” is Robert Byrd a Democratic Senator from West Virginia:
Jimmy Carter also made some racist remarks in his youth. The segregated racist white South belonged to the Democratic party! I don’t think most people know this…
Re: The Poles are Coming
Quote from BBC article in 2003:
“Employers say local people do not want the jobs, because the pay is too low.
John Buckman, who recruits workers with his firm Jark Resourcing, said: “People who live locally with the UK overheads can’t perform to the income that agencies like us can give them.
“We pay an average of £5.80 an hour. Could you run a home on £5.80?
“We need the migrant workers, who can convert that money back into their own country at a higher rate.”
That is the real story.
“We need the migrant workers, who can convert that money back into their own country at a higher rate.”
Yes. It was. But now things have changed and Poles are finding the benefits of living in Britain are declining.
“”We pay an average of £5.80 an hour. Could you run a home on £5.80?”
Even with a 48 hour week that’s not very good at all. I guess people naturalized in Britain have living standard expectations that are just too high. huh.
Anonymous | 14.03.08 – 2:32 am |
The segregated racist white South belonged to the Democratic party! I don’t think most people know this…
That’s very true, but it’s kind of moot now. When the odious Strom Thurmond ran for President in 1948 as a segregationist third-party candidate, they chose the nickname “Dixiecrat” to show how they were different from the Democrats. Many Southern racists left the Democrat Party at that time, and it got worse later.
When Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, he said that he knew he has just lost the South to the Republicans forever. The only former KKK member to remain a Dem (as far as I remember) was Senator Harry Byrd.
So while it’s true that the Democrats used to be the party of the racist South, that’s no longer helpful.
I normally try to avoid profanity, feeling that there is too much of it about, but this phrase from an SAU review is worth quoting as it explains so perfectly the paradox Dumb Jon evokes:
“This is the classic leftist tactic. Fuck everything up, then fuck everything up all over again”.
I don’t know why the White Girl drama hasn’t caused rioting in the streets – to be exposed, at one’s own expense, to such utterly risible propaganda is a humiliation too far.