Had to laugh at the BBC’s propaganda, sorry I mean news reports today flagging up the looming apocalypse that global warming will bring. Using the latest UN report that glaciers are melting at a greater rate in recent history (ie since 1980!) the BBC then hypes this up with the usual images of glaciers crashing into the sea whilst a deadly serious v/o intones just how awful it all is. Just one thing; the latest satellite data shows record ice. Not only record ice but a third more ice than average for this time of the year. The Arctic is also doing well!In fact the Arctic has greater ice concentration in January 2008 than it did in January 1980. Not that you’d guess any of this from the shills for chills at the BBC.
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Yes, as it did last summer with the wet weather experienced in the UK. Then, one year on, when it is made clear that this had NOTHING to do with climate change, the BBC innocently reports the news having had a full 12 months of propaganda pumped out. Bias is subtle.
Matthew (UK) | 16.03.08 – 10:48 pm | #
“”Glaciers suffer record shrinkage””
Surely a truely unbiased headline to that piece would start with the word “Some”?
“I love fresh shelled peas in the winter from Kenya”
It’s those Jews in Israel again. Now they’re shelling the peas!! In Kenya!! Of course the peas had no recourse other than to fire clumsily-made rockets at Israeli bus queues…
If your boss was obsessed with global warming as a means of raising cash you’d be silly not to push it yourself. That’s all the BBC is doing. It knows which side its brread is buttered when it comes to this issue.
AS has been pointed out, once 1998 gets dropped from their records they won’t be abl eto w**k on about climate change.
Although I suspect the BBC and greens will have a set of figures where 1998 is always included.
“The satellite evidence shows the earth has been cooling. I was wondering how this is linked to global warming?”
It is one piece of evidence to the contrary. You should be finding more. As I said, I have no problem with people questioning global warming and I sympathise that those that do might feel underrepresented by the BBC. But please try to back your case up with some science other than one interestingly incongruous fact.
Lots of other Biased-Beeboids manage to do it!
As someone who has an interest in Polar Exploration, then …. total cr@p is the phrase that springs to mind.
Polar Exploration restarted with Ross’s attempt to find the NW passage in 1818 via Baffin Bay (he didn’t).
There’s a reason it started in 1818.
In the preceding couple of years, whalers, foremost amongst them Scoresby, had reported that great chunks of polar ice were missing from between about 75 and 80 degrees North ; they had disappeared over a year or two. Iceland was nearly inaccessible because the ports were clogged with broken ice ; and there were obvious affects on the weather here. This ‘loss of ice’ meant that ships could travel much further North than previously. This wasn’t of course down to global warming, no-one knows why it happened. It just did.
As for claims about the Ice in the NW passage (the obvious one, through Lancaster Strait to Melville Strait), this began to be explored from that time, and in the main period of its exploration (from 1818 to about 1858) weather conditions changed regularly. Parry reached Melville Bay without too much difficulty in 1823 ; but in other years it was virtually impassable. It is true that no-one managed to sail all the way through ; it is also true that in 1854 McClure sighted open water from Mercy Bay eastward – the only ‘uncrossed part’ ; he did not however attempt to cross that part of the passage and put his ship into port (permanently !)
This variation was part of the reason Franklin wasn’t found for a long while ; explorers searching for him looked down Peel Sound and saw solid ice and assumed he couldn’t have gone there, not grasping that when he went down there, it was clear – about half way, anyway.
As for scare stories ; my memory as a child was that we were being told the Ice Age was coming back (till early 70s), then we were all going to die in Nuclear War, and now we’re all going to fry.
Plus ca change.
I’m a physicist by training and I’m a MMGW agnostic, though probably on the sceptical side. But on the biased beeb side:
Don’t you think Paxman’s comment on this blog’s side bar is pretty good evidence that the Beeb is not impartial on this matter?
Which is the crux n’est-ce pas?
I never said the BBC was impartial on this. I said David Vance was posting unscientific bollocks and should leave the “is global warming real” debate up to people who have more than one fact at a time at their disposal.
Fair ’nuff.
Sorry Alex, but I really don’t see why David has to put together an entire theory in order to poke holes in what the Beeb says. The Beeb says something, but fails to report on the “big picture”. David is simply pointing out that there IS a bigger picture. The Beeb simply refuses to aknowledge it. The Beeb keeps promoting one side of the story as if there was only one side when we now know that isn’t true. If the Beeb isn’t putting out a big picture view why should David? If the Beeb isn’t true to science was should David? If the Beeb is simply cherry picking data to suit its own ideology, why shouldn’t David cherry pick data to counter that ideology?
It isn’t about science, Alex, its about politics. Everything is about politics.
Can you tell me why the satellite record – a series of data sources – is to be so glibly dismissed as some sort of “one-off”? I suggest thar objective readers will contrast your hysteria with my constant references to scientific data and make their own conclusions.
Why are you guys still arguing with Angry Young Alex? He is already on record as saying that he admits the BBC is biased sometimes. He is only here because he disagrees with the way some people complain about it.
So why bother?
Oh dear!
Mr Angry thinks normal people shouldnt be able to comment on the state of the world?
That seems to be a standard response of the AGW believers I think.
The natural cycle deniers dont want people questioning the new religion do they? They might just get ideas above their station or find out that the AGW theory has more holes in it than Gordons Browns economic model!
It seems that the AGW alarmists only require the masses to kneel before the alter of this new religion and free debate and scientific enlightenment is not part of the plan?
Mr Angry has not thought through the result of his attack on DV I think.
Science throughout history has been pushed forward by first one, then a few more, then many scientists questioning the concensus and that way they have broken down the old certainties and pushed forward scientific knowledge! Theories like plate tectonics, the age of the earth, cholera,the speed of sound, relativity and thousands of other examples. In fact the consensus of the time has without exception been proved wrong, so what makes Mr Angry think that this time the consensus for the first time in scientific history will somehow defy this law?
I am not a scientist BUT I do know when I am being misled and lied to.
Mr Angry, perhaps a little more independent thought and a little more respect for the views of others might just serve you well.
“I suggest thar objective readers will contrast your hysteria with my constant references to scientific data”
To one set of scientific data. Which takes on one aspect of global warming. And would also disprove the ‘natural cycle’ types.
I’m sorry to say this, but you’re really not very good at Biased BBC. I actually agree with you on BBC+MMGW and you’re still in a rage about your crappy data.
Angry Young Alex:
I never said the BBC was impartial on this. I said David Vance was posting unscientific bollocks and should leave the “is global warming real” debate up to people who have more than one fact at a time at their disposal.
Since the BBC doesn’t have more than one fact on the GW debate, why should it report at all?
To one set of scientific data. Which takes on one aspect of global warming. And would also disprove the ‘natural cycle’ types.
There is are many set’s of data. As I recall, the ‘unprecedented global warming’ was an issue about the statistical methodology used to treat the data set. Ever heard of the Wegman report? We never heard about it from the BBC as if it doesn’t exist.
Report states glaciers melting, BBC into full “ram it down your throat” mode.
Several recent studies show ice thickening (and @sob@ cute polar bears moving into populated areas to find food) and not a peep from our state broadcaster.
Balanced reporting indeed.
“As I recall, the ‘unprecedented global warming’ was an issue about the statistical methodology used to treat the data set.”
And The Fury never mentioned anything on statistical methodology.
I don’t know how you blow-hards can get so worked up when I haven’t even disagreed with your theories.
Courtesy of Jon at (whisper) the other place:-
“The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consul Ifft, at Bergen, Norway.
Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers, he declared, all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met with as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm.
Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared. Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts, which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds.”
Is this another UN report peddled by the BBC. No its from the Washington Post in 1922
I’m Dreaming of a White Easter Don’t worry about the ice receding,it is coming to see us.
I’m also dreaming of a white Easter and it looks like it could be cheaper than booze 😉
Well it will solve the problem of the “empties”.Part of the genius of the governments environment policies.The socialist have discovered the real “opium of the masses”, opium.
I note this morning that now the BBC are not able to report that “the arctic is melting, think of the Polar Bears” it’s switched to claiming that the arctic is “losing its long-term ice cover” because “new ice” is at a greater level than before.
I don’t suppose it’s occurred to them that as 12 months ago the area of ice was considerably reduced, the fact that it is now restored to average levels would tend to suggest that it’s made up of “new ice”… A report from “the department of the bleedin’ obvious” IMHO.
pogo | 19.03.08 – 1:28 pm |
I don’t suppose it’s occurred to them that as 12 months ago the area of ice was considerably reduced, the fact that it is now restored to average levels would tend to suggest that it’s made up of “new ice”… A report from “the department of the bleedin’ obvious” IMHO.
No, they must continue to deny and obfuscate. I don’t suppose the BBC bothered to report on the icebergs in Michigan either.
pogo | 19.03.08 – 1:28 pm | #
The can no longer use overall ice cover to promote their scare story, so they have moved on to “long-term” ice cover. When they can no longer use this new method to prop up their theory they will move on to something else.
This is quite interesting……
The Mystery of Global Warming’s Missing Heat
Oceans hold much more heat than the atmosphere can.
Some 3,000 scientific robots that are plying the ocean have sent home a puzzling message. These diving instruments suggest that the oceans have not warmed up at all over the past four or five years. That could mean global warming has taken a breather…….
Time for a few intrepid beeboids to don their wetsuits and get down there with some thermometers I reckon.
“These diving instruments suggest that the oceans have not warmed up at all over the past four or five years.”
Well clearly this is because the ice melting into the sea has cooled it.
[I’m kidding by the way, but I reckon my scientific qualifications are at least as good as Melanie Phillips’]
…..I’m kidding by the way, but I reckon my scientific qualifications are at least as good as Melanie Phillips’]
p and a tale of one chip | 19.03.08 – 7:32 pm |
I’m puzzled patoc, what’s Melanie Phillips got to do with it?
I rather doubt she’s an NPR fan.
Do you have some sort of unhealthy obsession about her?