Adloyada reports on the destruction of Jewish civilian graves in East London, French Muslim war graves in France, and British (Christian) war graves in Gaza.
Only one of these stories gets BBC coverage. You would simply never guess which.
And two “spots” at Harry’s Place – the ten-minute commercial for the Socialist Worker’s Party towards the close of Sunday’s Westminster Hour – and the still unanswered questions about BBC researcher Nasreen Suleaman and her testimony at a recent terrorism trial.
On the subject of Nasreen Sulieman. Last week I had a reply from my local MP who had kindly passed on my concerns with regards to this woman to the Home Office. They in turn responded by saying that they had passed the matter on to the Metropolitan Police.
“I do not think that it is inevitable that Miss Suleman lied to the court. She might have passed the information on to a person she regarded as her superior: Phil Rees, who now works for Al Jazeera. He might have been responsible for failing to pass the information on. Or, possibly, he did pass the information on. We simply do not know.”
Taqiya (lying to the infidel) is also plausible.
Here’s a little video I made on the matter. The music is a bit rubbish but oh well.
The BBC is allowed, if not positively encouraged to do this, because it knows no body really give a monkeys about a few Jewish graves except a few hundred thousand British Jewish people, which includes myself. Many of which don’t even have a television in the house to watch.
A small price to pay for the world and more importantly the British and American public still mistakingly believing that the BBC is some how not a mouth piece for the British establishment.
( I am as bored explaining what the establishment actually is as much as I am sure you are bored reading the explanation. So you will have to work it out for yourselves now, if you still don’t know. )
Which the BBC clearly and most obviously must be a very important part of. Whatever it says or claims.
Because the BBC could not possibly be anything else, under any circumstances imaginable. Not even if Monday suddenly started following Friday, or The sun for no good reason, started rising in the West.
The BBC is not just a collection of silly leftist school children on a mission for teacher, however much if often seems like it is. The employees of the BBC are not libertarians or indeed classical liberals in any way shape of form. Which is why hardly any of them are Conservatives.
They are almost to a person helplessly and hopelessly brainwashed State worshipping FASCISTS.
Who have been so completely brainwashed during there university education. They are simply incapable of seeing a REAL fascist even when its staring back at them in their own mirror.
Not even if Monday suddenly started following Friday,
Atlas shrugged | 08.04.08 – 1:21 am | #
It does. Just after the weekend.
When anything appears to put Islam in a bad light, like Fitna, then there is always something that makes Muslims out to be victims. Muslims who fought for France are not respected by the new French, I think that this incident smells big time…
“Only one of these stories gets BBC coverage. You would simply never guess which. ”
Yes, the one that only got reported in the Jewish chronicle didn’t get covered, the one covered by 130 or so other media organisations did.
If this is proof of a conspiracy, it’s an awfully wide net you’re casting.
p and a tale of one chip:
Bias isn’t only brought about by conspiracy. It could also be a result of a frame of mind.
“It’s not a conspiracy. It’s visceral…” – Jeff Randall
p and a tale of one chip | 08.04.08 – 11:56 am
“Yes, the one that only got reported in the Jewish chronicle didn’t get covered, the one covered by 130 or so other media organisations did.”
The BBC often prides itself on doing things commercial entities mostly won’t, don’t or can’t. I guess not so in this instance.
The story was reported by The Press Association and while not widely reported, it did make it to the Mirror website. For a more thorough report try some of those available on Google News
“When anything appears to put Islam in a bad light…”
I can’t see anything here that puts muslims in a bad light – every indication here is that it was the BNP mob.
Well, Cockney, the belief that every report has to be both pro-Islam and anti-semitic is.. visceral. It could also be a result of a frame of mind.
p and a tale of one chip:
you failed to understand Laban’s post. Both incidents (in France and in London) are completely unrelated so the complaint isn’t about a single report being pro-islam and anti-semitic.
Both incidents are similar. But why did they report one and not the other (which happened closer to home)?
“P and a tale of one chip” doesn’t have an answer rtypeleo. We should give “p and a tale of one chip” the Hillhunt treatment and ban him.
We should give “p and a tale of one chip” the Hillhunt treatment and ban him.
WoAD | Homepage | 08.04.08 – 5:32 pm |
He is hillhunt.
It was in France and as I live there I have a slight advantage, it could be the FN, but these things seem to happen every now and again so that we have a great photo shot of peace loving Muslims doing a open the Koran next to desecrated graves and looking like victims. The last incident was around the time of Charlie Hebdos court case I seem to recall, but anyway, it might have been the FN, they’re stupid enough…
I totally disagree with much of p and a tale of one chip and I think many of his posts more selective than John Reith and make even less of an argument but he seems to remain civil and refrains from constant insults and lies.
This should save him from hillhunt’s fate.
That is unless it turns out to truly be hillhunt under another guise, though I doubt it, he hasnt plagued this thread with 50 posts all making unfunny ‘jokes’, constantly repeating himself, continually going off topic and calling people stupid offensive names, its not so hard to spot hillhunt.
“you failed to understand Laban’s post.”
I can assure you I haven’t. The insinuation is pretty clear. The muslim “victims” get reported, the jewish and christian “victims” don’t.
“Both incidents are similar. But why did they report one and not the other (which happened closer to home)?”
I don’t know, for sure, but with reports of the muslim incident vastly outnumbering the jewish one, which would indicate either all the media are dhimmi jew hating bigots or something about the stories was fundamentally different, I could hazard an uninformed guess.
1) Unfortunately, Jewish grave vandalism isn’t uncommon, so perhaps less of a “story”. Ditto commonwealth war graves.
2) The muslim gravestones were of servicemen. Not only is it a fairly new development for muslim graves to be desecrated, but WWI servicemen, too. That’s pretty unusual. It’s a man bites dog story, perhaps.
Finally, as Reith has pointed out on several occasions, the website isn’t the be-all-and-end-all of the BBC’s output. I’ve lost count of the number of times someone here has declared the BBC hasn’t covered something when it has headlined the Today programme, or Newsnight have just aired a long piece on it. It’s entirely possible that the BBC did cover the Plashet desecration in London radio or TV news.
If you want a view of this go to this site:
It looks like it was thick young white males, so I was wrong.
I guess this site is as frustrated as me that certain people benefit from their actions…, the Muslims being able to play the victim for all its worth and the use racist against anyone and everyone brigade.
But nothing is said about the destruction of Christian graves, which would not surprise me if they were carried out by teh same lowlives.
While the BBC (and MSM) mention ‘human rights’, relating to China-Tibet issues, the same mentions are not made in reporting the ‘human rights’ of the indigenous people of Europe, in relation to European Union leaders:-
“Bat Ye’or in her book about Eurabia has documented how the European Union is actively allowing Muslims to colonize European countries. The next time EU leaders complain about China’s treatment of minorities, I suggest the Chinese answer the following: ‘Yes, we represent an anti-democratic organization dedicated to subduing the indigenous people of Tibet, but you represent an anti-democratic organization dedicated to displacing the indigenous peoples of an entire continent.’ There is no love lost between me and the Chinese Communist Party, an organization responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of its citizens, but even Chinese authorities do not actively seek to displace their own people with violent Muslims. European authorities do.” (by Fjiordman) –