I’m not a fan of the Conservative Party here in the UK because I don’t think they act as conservatives under the leadership of Mr Cameron. However, I can understand the huge problem Cameron has to overcome when faced with the relentless pro-leftist agenda spewed out by the State Broadcaster and so I suppose it inevitable that he triangulates ever leftwards if only to escape the savage mercies of the BBC guardianistas. You see I don’t think the BBC will EVER bring itself to actually like the Conservatives and instead when push comes to shove, it will always cheer-lead for the Left. This is evident in a trio of stories leading BBC news this morning.
First up comes the news that despite the (now admitted) influx of 800,000 migrants from eastern Europe, (I thought Labour told us it was going to 14,000?) there is NO evidence that this has led to an increase in crime. Phew – what a relief for nice Mr Brown and his ten year long support for the multiculti nation without borders project. Yes, there has been the odd bit of bother here and there but let us be clear; overall crime has NOT risen despite this massive increase of eastern Europeans – those Romanians and Bulgarians are a law-abiding lot apparently – from the moment they hit these shores. The BBC runs this as if it were definitive. It’s not. The “investigation” is purely based on anecdotal reports from “detectives and community officers” and since the nationality of offenders is not even recorded, on what factual basis can any serious judgement be made?
Next up, good old Labour are showing how tough they are on cracking down on terrorism by announcing that 300 police officers “will be moved”into “helping dissuade” a small minority of people from being “radicalised.” How they will actually do this is left unclear and the BBC point blank refuses to tell us precisely which group this “small minority” might belong to. Ssssh – don’t mention ISLAM. Jacqui Smith’s so-called announcement is risible but the BBC are, in anything, worrying that it might be too tough and could alienate that “small minority.”! Last time I checked out a poll it indicated up to 10% of UK muslims supported Jihad attacks – with a UK population of at least 1.1.6 million British Muslims this means that up to 144,000 support terrorism. And 300 plods are going to sort this one out?? Really?
Finally the dear Leader himself is in the States today and preparing to tell Wall Street to “come clean” apparently about the financial losses they have made. Why doesn’t he do the same and why doesn’t the BBC ask this question? Also, in another PR makeover for Gordon the BBC is telling us that he is going to force a UN security council meeting chaired by Thabo “Crisis, what crises?” Mbeki to deal with Zimbabwe even though it is not an agenda item! The idea that Brown is going to get the corrupt African Union, and the even more corrupt UN, to do ANYTHING of substance here is laughable, and yet this is put out as if it were credible.
Labour is spinning like crazy these days and the State Broadcaster is doing as much as possible to help Brown and his dismal crew. There is little, if any, attempt made to query the substance of what the NuLabour masters put out. The more desperate Labour gets, the easier the ride given by the BBC. Preserving leftism in power is the number one objective at play here and you and I are being made to fund it through the taxation policy of the State Broadcaster.
The Toady programme sounds more and more like the Labour party’s house radio station. For the most part overly positive about the party and its leader, with a negative article allowed every so often so as to show that they are not totally under the spell of “the man”. of course these pieces of “independent thought” are of course always “balanced” by a more serious and harder hitting attack on the hated Conservatives. David Cameron and other leading Conservatives have a problem; if they want not to be totally savaged by the BBC then they have to try and tickle the BBC’s collective tummy by sounding as cuddly and “liberal” as possible. Of course the BBC hate the Conservatives and will look for any excuse to attack them and their policies so the Conservative leadership have to as anodyne as possible. This lack of teeth then allows the Labour/BBC axis to attack the Conservatives for having no distinctive policies. As the BBC will not change its spots and as the bias of the BBC is becoming more obvious to the general public; the question is should the Conservative leadership make clear their distaste for the pro-Labour bias of the BBC.
There was an irritating article on breakfast TV – apparently British people AND EU citizens are now refusing to do fruit picking jobs resulting in panic amongst farmers. The solution it appears isn’t to withhold benefits from those refusing to work when offered but to give more permits to non EU migrants to do the work. Ho hum.
You beat me to it !
Absolute classic beeboid disinformation at its best. Trumpet headline on Toady & R2 news , ‘No evidence that immigrants increase crime, blah blah . Deep into the piece it reveals this was an informal piece of work, by the Acpo plod responsible for diversity & integration (or similar bollux). Then it admitted that in areas where there were high numbers of economic migrants, there were infact problems, its just that taken overall, including Devon & Dorset, and the Outer Hebredies, statistically there wasn’t a problem.
Rather like the classic a couple of weeks ago by the self appointed ‘commission’ on handling of failed asylum seekers !
Yes, another disingenuous piece of reporting from the Guardian/BBC. The headlines claims there’s been no significant criminal increase amongst ‘migrants.’ It then goes on to state that these figures only represent the recent Polish, Slovakian and Lithuania arrivals. As we know, the majority of immigrants to the UK are from outside the EU. So, what exactly are the criminal stats for Somalians, Afro-Caribbeans and Middle Easterners?
This Labour government and the BBC now routinely speak in a coded language when it comes to what they call ‘terror’ or ‘radicalism’.
Important phrases to understanding the nature of terrorism, such as ISLAMIC JIHAD are avoided by both those organisations whenever possible.
So, we, the British people, as the recipients of such censored language, censored for political reasons, found in an article like this:
“Smith pledges more terror police”
-BUT neither Smith nor the BBC give a clue as to the source of the ‘terror’!
In the later section of that report, the BBC solicits the Islamic opinions of the Muslim Council of Britain, so that the MCB can further criticise any security measures. This interjection appears, in the BBC report as both 1.) meaningless 2.) appeasing.
1.) it is meaningless, in the context of the BBC report, because there has been a studious avoidance of any hint as to the source of the ‘terrorism’ in that BBC report;
2.) it is appeasing of Islam, because although the BBC studiously does not even mention the word ‘ISLAM’ in the first part of its report, the only mention of the word
‘MUSLIM’ is to introduce a Muslim MCB lobbyist to criticise any move to increase UK security.
Labour’s, and the BBC’s non-words of ‘ISLAM’, ‘ISLAMIC JIHAD’, ‘MUSLIM’, are never to
be used by them in a context of terrorism, so we get ludicrously Orwellian reports like the above.
BUT, although Labour and the BBC try to avoid using the words which may connect Islam with terrorism, in another context of Islam exceptionalism, Ms. Smith is trying to find ‘moderate’ Imams in Pakistan to add to Labour’s mass immigration to the UK:
“Britain to import ‘moderate’ imams from Pakistan to counter misunderstanding of Islam”
Implicit here is the suggestion that there may be something about the message of Islam which can inspire jihad against us infidels. And naively Smith thinks that she (or trusted Imams)can change
the message of the Quran! So we infidels are not told the truth, and we appease and subsidise those who threaten us.
And Labour and the EU campaign tirelessly to get millions more Muslims into the UK from places like Turkey. We can be sure that Gordon Brown will have plenty of jobs and houses for them here too.
In the “What would you like to talk about?” section of HYS, I’ve just mailed this:
“Why does the BBC continually compromise its supposed ‘lack of bias’ by acting as the propaganda arm of the Labour govt and why does it publish, mostly unchallenged, every piece of verbiage that falls from Gordon Brown’s lips?”
I’m pretty sure they’ll start a new HYS thread for that, won’t they? Whaddya think?
So Gordon McBean goes to America and what does he do? He accuses the US banking system of dishonesty and bad practice? Oh dear, thats going to go down like the proverbial lead balloon isnt it? How to make an enemy of our biggest ally and trading partner by smearing their financiers as crooks?
Quite apart from the fact that Gordon Brown is unknown in the USA, a socialist going to the world centre of capitalism to scold its most influencial grouping is going to blow up in his face!
For years our McBean has been hitching a lift on the coat tails of the US boom and taking all the credit for it and now he goes and spits in the face of the very people he has exploited for years?
Mr McBean strikes again!
On Radio 5 this morning the vile Shelagh Fogherty (she who spouts crap with the even more vile Nicola Campbell) actually said “the 300 Police are to help young people turning to crime…”
You gotta love that one.
Regarding immigrant crime.
Why didn’t the BBC challenge this “report” by the fact that we have something like 11,000 foreign prisoners in our jails (out of a population of 88,000) which seems a very high proportion to me and that MCLiebour are offering then English tax payers money to return home.
AS usual the BBC and half a lie.
Excellent analysis NotaSheep. But even so the beeb aint winning the battle of the polls. Despite unprecedented adulation of Mr Bean for months on end, it just hasn’t worked. Rubbish headlines like today’s skewed report about crime and immigration only make most people (outside the brainwashed political class) more sceptical. They know when they’re being lied to, when personal experience tells a different story. Just like the bogus inflation figures issued by the government. I give David Cameron credit for being a fine strategist and tactician. He’s outmanoevred his opponents on numerous occasions. He’ll get the better of the Toadies – not least because all their manipulation of the news has made it one hell of a boring show that a lot of people simply don’t trust.
ditto David Vance’s analysis of what used to be the “conservative” party, and is now in the death grip of PC addled CINOs — Conservatives In Name Only.
If Cameron actually espoused what the vast majority of people wanted to hear, he would have an unassailable poll lead. No matter what agit-prop the Institutionally Leftist Welfare State broadcaster could spin and throw.
But he won’t, so I expect by corrupt hook and by crook with the BBC in the vanguard , he will lose
George R,
I think the BBC have to bear in mind the terrorist bomber threat from the methodists,quakers,budhists,sikhs,catholics,protestants,womens institute,girl guides,salvation army and all those evil fanatic suicide bombing nuns, all of whom would wreak terrible havoc if they could!
As our resident BEEBOIDS point out so often, the suicide bomber and would be mass murderers come from all sorts of different groups, its not only our peace loving wonderful and democracy loving muslim partners who engage in mass murder and suicide terrorism!
cassandra — you forgot to mention the ever present threat of anti-abortion bombers roaming the countryside looking to blow up clinics!
I saw it on Spooks once, which is like uh… a scary documentary of things that happen all the time in Britain.
“If Cameron actually espoused what the vast majority of people wanted to hear, he would have an unassailable poll lead.”
riiiiiiight… just like William Hague, IDS and Michael Howard did then… Cameron isn’t stupid. He’s bright enough not to compromise his electoral chances by being a Norman Tebbit for the 21st century. It’s all very well being ideologically pure, but unless you’re in power you’re p*ssing in the wind.
The vast majority if immigrants to this country, even at the height of the eastern European influx,were from outside of the EU (about two-thirds).No mention of them as Jeff says.
Fogarty on Five Live was disingenuous in the extreme this morning.The headline varied between “Eastern European migrant workers…” to “Migrant workers…” This headline alternated all morning .It is obviously planned to cover the BBC and mislead the public.
Btw, I believe 25% of prisoners in England and Wales are foreign nationals.Not that we lock up all dangerous crimnals in this land…
“So Gordon McBean goes to America and what does he do? He accuses the US banking system of dishonesty and bad practice? Oh dear, thats going to go down like the proverbial lead balloon isnt it? How to make an enemy of our biggest ally and trading partner by smearing their financiers as crooks?”
Firstly GB isn’t planning to smear or accuse anyone of dishonesty as far as I can see, merely request that Wall Street banks provide as much information as possible on their financial positions. Which is sensible in the current circumstances although possibly a case of closing the stable door, and is something that US politicians of all political hues are in favour of so it won’t make any ‘enemies’.
He might well be ignored but GB will have some stroke with Wall Street, holding as he does legislative power over the City of London, which (for now) is the commonly acknowledged as the most important global financial centre.
Our biggest trading partner btw is the EU.
“Quite apart from the fact that Gordon Brown is unknown in the USA, a socialist going to the world centre of capitalism to scold its most influencial grouping is going to blow up in his face!”
As above, GB may not be well known in the US but he should have some influence in Wall Street. He’s not likely to ‘scold’ anyone. He’s not really shown himself to be a ‘socialist’ in his policy making (PPP anyone??) although he may be a bit lefty for US financial tastes.
“For years our McBean has been hitching a lift on the coat tails of the US boom and taking all the credit for it”
Can’t argue with that!
Well clearly Hague, et al didn’t espouse what the vast majority wanted to hear or else they would have won.
And with the greatest respect, those three couldn’t sell water in the Sahara to a man dying of thirst.
So that’s a redundant argument.
How about just being ideologically “conservative?” I’d accept that.
Instead of accepting that Labour and the BBC sets the agenda so far left that they get to decide what a “conservative” is.
For instance, a actual conservative isn’t that interested in reforming the BBC, rather than telling the electorate he is going to scrap the BBC tax.
Is that pure or populist? I’m guessing the latter.
Gordo is like a hamster on a wheel going nowhere as we watch and laugh.The beeb franticaly try to convince us that all is fine on the good ship nulabour…games up folks.
Good post my friend and I stand corrected BUT the EU is not a country YET is it? The EU is a collection of countries which still trade as individual nations, so using that logic the USA is Britains biggest trade partner?
You see my point Cockney? I do not recognise the EU as a sovriegn nation and the EU does not have a place within the UN yet does it? So why do people choose to portray the EU as one nation? It may be that the EU will become a single entity recognised as a single nation but it aint yet my learned friend!
Cockney and others: It’s accepted that Governments lose elections oppositions don’t win them.
Go back to 1997 and Bliar said almost nothing. He didn’t need to. The Tories were in melt down themselves.
No matter how brilliant William Hague was there was litlte he could have done to win the election.
I would point out that the Tory party under Howard did win the popular vote in England.
The Tories need to say nothing, but simply attack the Government. McBean and his cronies will destroy themselves.
Also, the BBC is a busted flush. It does peddle Government crap as “facts” but you only have to look at the situation in the USA to see just how much more powerful the internet is than any of the broadcasters.
It will be interesting to see which politicl party can harness the internet at the next elections. No restrictions on what you say or how often you say it.
McBean strikes me as rather old fashioned, but Cameron (and Clegg) look as if they’d be more savvy with th internet.
I just hope the Tories attack any left wing crap pumped out by the BBC using Youtube and the like.
Just a further point about the EU. NAFTA is a free trading block like the EU, yes? So using the logic of trading blocks and not individual trading nations then NAFTA is still britains biggest trade partner isnt it?
Perhaps I should have stated ‘individual nations’?
take your point Cassandra – i’d have thought we trade more with the EU than NAFTA though.
This “Have Your Say” was barely live for 24 hours – says it all really, considering they don’t moderate any comments after 6pm.
Can Gordon Brown revive the economy?
NuLabours Mouthpiece – dissent will not be tolerated
David you have been mislead. NuLab and the BBC are lying. It is not 300 new police officers. It is 300 ‘police jobs’. This includes I understand race relations officers, telephonists and cleaners as well as the odd PC. For all we know it’s one more police officer and 299 more health n safety staff. As usual course the ‘too thick to ask’ BBC ‘journalists’ don’t even bother to question the facts if it get in the way of the Labour narrative.
If it takes eight cops to ground one anti-Tibet demonstrator, then 300 police to reinforce efforts to maintain the security of a once great country, frankly ain’t much.
I assume also that ‘elf ‘n safety regs may actually prevent them from going anywhere near terrorists, although perhaps they can still rub out Brazilian Electricians.
Oh…. and on the subject of Zim, this about Broob Macloons pal Mbeki….from the Washington Post Editorial…..
Rogue Democrat
South Africa’s Thabo Mbeki sides with Robert Mugabe against the people of Zimbabwe.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008; A14
FOR THOSE who argue that democracies are natural allies in international affairs, South Africa poses a vexing challenge. Since that country began serving a term on the U.N. Security Council last year, the government of President Thabo Mbeki has consistently allied itself with the world’s rogue states and against the Western democracies. It has defended Iran’s nuclear program and resisted sanctions against it; shielded Sudan and Burma from the sort of pressure the United Nations once directed at the apartheid regime; and enthusiastically supported one-sided condemnations of Israel by the U.N. Human Rights Council.
Now Mr. Mbeki’s perverse and immoral policy is reaching its nadir — in South Africa’s neighbor Zimbabwe. The government of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe is inarguably one of the world’s worst: It has wrecked the economy, triggering food shortages that have driven millions of refugees into neighboring states, and used brute force to stem what would otherwise be overwhelming opposition. On March 29, the regime staged presidential and parliamentary elections and lost both by a wide margin. Rather than concede, Mr. Mugabe has refused to release the presidential vote count, called for a recount in parliamentary districts won by the opposition and launched another violent campaign to intimidate those who voted against him.
Every Western democratic government has condemned Mr. Mugabe’s maneuvering, and even many Africans have appeared to lose patience with the 84-year-old strongman. That he remains in office is due mainly to Mr. Mbeki, who has used South Africa’s considerable influence and prestige to bolster Mr. Mugabe. Last weekend, when Zambia’s president called an emergency meeting of the Southern African Development Community, which he chairs, to consider the situation in Zimbabwe, Mr. Mbeki flew to Harare for a preemptive meeting with Mr. Mugabe, after which he declared, “There is no crisis.” Then he traveled to the regional conference, where he prevented the group from criticizing Mr. Mugabe or supporting the opposition’s demand that the election results be immediately released.
If there is good news in this sordid story — and consolation for the proponents of an alliance of democracies — it is that Mr. Mbeki’s policy is increasingly unpopular in his own country. South Africa’s free press has been scathing in its denunciations of the coddling of Mr. Mugabe, as have opposition party leaders. Even better, the new president of Mr. Mbeki’s own African National Congress, Jacob Zuma, has distanced himself from the Zimbabwe posture, as have the party’s secretary general and treasurer. Mr. Zuma defeated Mr. Mbeki in a party election in December and is the front-runner to succeed him when he leaves office in a year. So democracy may yet rectify a foreign policy that is shaming South Africa — and preventing an end to Zimbabwe’s misery.
…Progressive Governance anyone..?
“I just hope the Tories attack any left wing crap pumped out by the BBC using Youtube and the like.”
It’s probably unnecessary for the Tories to show the population that they are “hip” to the new “technology” man.
As you previously mentioned, McBore and his band of nodding donkeys will do a sterling job destroying themselves.
Best leave this u-tube caper to left-wing tossers.
Love that Broon is going to the States to lecture them on their monetary failings, though he ought to be careful as despite what Socialists think, these people on Wall Street might know something about mismanaged economies and take it on themselves to point out where The Socialist Paradise of NuLab has gone wrong…
But then, we’d never know as the Beeb wouldn’t report it.
The 300 extra police jobs is a straightforward pre-election bribe which the Tories have quite rightly hauled nulab up on. So what do the BBC do? Devote extra attention to Jacqui’s announcement on WATO and try to make out it’s the Conservatives who are ‘out to make trouble’. Given it’s now being looked at – surely the BBC should give this nonentity of a headline grabber no further oxygen of publicity? Otherwise they are complicit in breaking the election rules. Bias – what bias?
“take your point Cassandra – i’d have thought we trade more with the EU than NAFTA though.”
Mainly because the EU is a customs cartel designed to exclude imports.Try importing goods from America.
Try exporting to America. The world’s greatest free market capitalist economy isn’t too hot when it comes to a free market for imports either. If it’s not pork barrel protectionism it’s some hopelessly OTT ‘security’ bobbins.
Wonder will Gordon “come clean” about the £2 billion he cost us all when he flogged off half our gold deposits at a twenty year low? Dear Prudence was reckless but checking back the BBC seem a tad mute about that….I wonder why?
You’re well out of date, David. The cost of Gordon’s gold sales is now more like £3 billion – £3.5 billion.
I really wonder if the “still wet behind the ears” boy Cameron realises that in the coming general election, which could be sooner rather than later as Nu-Lab self destructs in the wake of a guaranteed poor showing in the May 1st local elections, he will be up against both the Nu Labour spin machine, in itself a formidable manipulator of the media, but also a compliant and hideously left-wing State broadcaster, riven through with Nu-Lab apparatchiks like the odious James Naughtie and his like.
I applauded his suggestion that part of the Television Poll Tax could be hived off to other PSBs, but he would do far better to come out openly and tell the BBC that their days of compulsory tax funded milk and honey would shortly come to an end due to their innate left wing bias, as soon as his party gained power.
This would achieve two outcomes:
1. The BBC would fly into a blind panic, but would also be unable to lean too far toward Nu Lab as this would give substance to the boy David’s argument, and
2. Any hint of a significant reduction in the licence fee would be a sure-fire electoral winner.
David Vance: McLiebour lover Adam Boulton asked McBean about the selling off of Gold yesterday. I can’t exactly remember McBeans answer, but it was something like “it was the fault of the Tories for not diversifying our assets”, then he made some feeble excuse about global markets or something, then moved on to a totally different thing. Adam Boulton never picked him up on it. At time Sky seem as much up McLiebour’s arse as the BBC. As was pointed out, the only time McBean got a rough ride was off ITV and Channel 4 news.
The invisible Mr McBean goes to Washington(in a charter jet)and nobody noticed? Because nobody in Washington knows who he is? When Mr McBean pisses off our American friends with his self absorbed lecturing style then what next for Mr McBean? I mean in the olden days a visit to the USA was a big event, I was there when Thatcher came over and it was red carpet and jostling media scrums and special relationship malarky up the yin yang! It was big news! Even Blair was able to make a big stir when visiting to the USA! But Brown? The Yanks dont know who he is and he slips in on a lowly charter jet like some cut price tourist and is Dubya or Condi there with the red carpet? Im surprised they didnt make him stand in the immigration line with his shoes in his hand and the immigration officer asking him the nature of his visit! and Gordon tells him heres here to patronize and lecture the worlds only super power and lecture their financial bigwigs! That will go down a storm with cousin Yank I can tell you.
I asked ten Americans who was Gordon Brown and two thought he was a news anchor and three thought he was a sports commentator and the others didnt know!
I fully expect that by the time he has finished droning on about his vision and the voices in his head the Yanks will tell him not to come back!
I agree. The absolute debacle that Brown made of OUR gold deposits has not got the publicity it deserved. Whilst this blog focuses on the BBC, I rather feel that the likes of Sky, ITN and much of the press media are also gutless lickspittles scared to tread on precious political toes. I would stamp on them.
“Im surprised they didnt make him stand in the immigration line with his shoes in his hand and the immigration officer asking him the nature of his visit!”
Oh please.let it be the full McCavity search.
As the BBC will not change its spots and as the bias of the BBC is becoming more obvious to the general public; the question is should the Conservative leadership make clear their distaste for the pro-Labour bias of the BBC.
NotaSheep | Homepage | 16.04.08 – 8:20 am
Absolutely. Then after doing so they should dare the BBC to report the general election campaign in an honest, unbiased manner. They’ll be completely be unable to do so and the public (not just those who frequent this blog) will be looking out for their lack of even-handedness.
Once McNosepicker has been kicked out of Number 10 the Conservatives should then put the licence fee payers out of their misery and scrap the BBC.
“Yes, there has been the odd bit of bother here and there but let us be clear; overall crime has NOT risen despite this massive increase of eastern Europeans – those Romanians and Bulgarians are a law-abiding lot apparently – from the moment they hit these shores. The BBC runs this as if it were definitive. It’s not. The “investigation” is purely based on anecdotal reports from “detectives and community officers””
Shame on the BBC, for trusting the amateurish opinions of the police on crime issues instead of listening to the voice of reason on internet blogs.
“Next up, good old Labour are showing how tough they are on cracking down on terrorism by announcing that 300 police officers “will be moved”into “helping dissuade” a small minority of people from being “radicalised.””
Maybe not a great policy, but you made the standard David Vance error and forgot to mention the BBC.
“The idea that Brown is going to get the corrupt African Union, and the even more corrupt UN, to do ANYTHING of substance here is laughable, and yet this is put out as if it were credible.”
So you’d prefer the BBC to add a paragraph saying “of course, Brown being a fuckwit and Africa being a basket case, this is all going to be a colossal waste of time”?
I had to laugh at the BBC 6pm news. They were bigging up McBean having a go at Muggabe not being forthcoming with the election result.
Er but hang on a minute BBC. Can you think of a person who bullied their way into the top job, never bothered to hold an election to give people the chance to have thier democratic say, is not elected by anyone in the Country he now rules and lies and bullies anyone who disagrees with him.
Anyone want to have aguess at who we might be on about here…..
“Try exporting to America. The world’s greatest free market capitalist economy isn’t too hot when it comes to a free market for imports either.”
We have a huge trade deficit with the EU and they intend to keep it that way.There is a very nasty trade war going on between the EU and the US which is only on view to those doing trade.
Shame on the BBC, for trusting the amateurish opinions of the police on crime issues instead of listening to the voice of reason on internet blogs.
Alex | Homepage | 16.04.08 – 6:49 pm |
I once said you were fatuous. Add naive to that.
A simple lesson in police crime statistics.
A cheque book is stolen containing 30 cheques each of which is used to obtain goods or services from separate stores/locations.
The Home Office decreed that only the theft of the cheque book could be crimed.
Ergo one crime number statistic.
Later the criminal is caught and admits to using the cheque book to obtain goods from thirty different locations.
Not only is the theft detected but thirty offences of obtaining property by deception are now added to the crime detection rate as TICs.
In fact TICs (Taken into consideration) were widely used to bump up the detection rates to make the individual officer and his department look good. Everyone played the game.
I know because I was there. Got the T shirt etc. It was common practice in the 70s and 80s to fiddle the detection rates. If anything it’s got worse.
Oh, and for the record I once met Fahy, one of the authors of this dubious report. Like all senior ranking police officers he has an agenda.
But hey, don’t take my word for it, just visit The Copper’s Blog. You’ll find current serving officers describing how they are told to fiddle the figures.
BBC – Up to their necks in it.
Here’s the video of Brown spreading muck about his idiotic gold sales:
Also, on the Smith/300 police story… I don’t know if anyone noticed, but it isn’t just the article itself that’s slanted. When it was the 2nd top news story of the day, the snippet under the headline was pretty much ‘Smith pledges 300 extra terrorism police – Tories say she has broken procedures’. Just how Labour = Awesome Conservative = Petty Bastards can you get?
I thought you had stopped visiting this blog or were kicked off or some such thing?
We didnt miss you when you were gone! Can you go away again please and take your ego elsewhere?
Cheers mate.
Martin @ 6.52
I was laughing at that too. Brown has a go at Mugabe (from the safety of the UN) on the day Jacqui Smith flagrantly breaches electoral rules with a (re) announcement about 300 police jobs – shamelessly seeking votes while the BBC make out it’s all about the terror threat. And isn’t it amazing how the BBC suddenly seems to agree there is a security threat after all when it comes to protecting the interests of McLabour. I wonder if Brown’s words that “a stolen election is no election at all” will come back to haunt him. He hasn’t got a democratic bone in his body.
“american thinker” has just ripped the one eyed snot gobbler to shreds…
Hi David,
Are you really saying that Romanians and Bulgarians are by definition criminals? Or how else can I understand your sentence:
“Yes, there has been the odd bit of bother here and there but let us be clear; overall crime has NOT risen despite this massive increase of eastern Europeans – those Romanians and Bulgarians are a law-abiding lot apparently – from the moment they hit these shores.”
Surely, I must be misunderstanding you.
“I once said you were fatuous. Add naive to that.”
You know it worries me that you keep a log of how you insult people on the internet.
“A simple lesson in police crime statistics.”
Read with genuine interest. Though from your account flawed, as methodologies go, it is still a lot more reliable than the Vance method of “Yeah but there IS more crime though. FACT.”
“I once met Fahy, one of the authors of this dubious report. Like all senior ranking police officers he has an agenda.”
A lot of people do. Trying my best not to sound sarcastic, can you elaborate on what exactly this agenda is?
“I thought you had stopped visiting this blog or were kicked off or some such thing?”
Got bored.
Glad to hear you got bored, the irony being you never saw just how tedious your posts are.
“UK police investigates more than 40 criminal gangs led by immigrants from Bulgaria and Romania.
Activities of the gangs came into focus in 2007, when Bulgaria and Romania joined the EU and UK had to open its borders to the newcomers, the Sunday Express reported.
Human trafficking, prostitution, money-laundering and drugs smuggling feature among the crimes these gangs most often commit.
Bank accounts of two of the gangs were frozen after investigation showed that they accumulated more than 15 million pounds in four months. Scotland Yard still has not arrested any gang members and refrains from revealing investigation information.
The UK government had repeatedly warned of the danger of Eastern European criminals coming to the country, “particularly from Bulgaria, renowned as the most lawless nation on the continent,” the newspaper said.
A Home Office source said that the “criminal elements are now teaming up with their fellow countrymen who have been here for a couple of years.”
Which part of that do you misunderstand?