The Fi Glover hosted “Saturday Live” programme on BBC Radio 4 is a hoot. It’s insidious left-wing propagandising, wrapped up in the thin veneer of magazine style culture, cuts no ice here. Take the item ran this morning on the Turk Murat Kurnaz, held for 5 years in Guantanamo Bay. He alleges that he was tortured & maltreated during that time by those bad Americans, naturally. Fi seemed a tad coy enquiring into the background on this allegedly “Innocent man in Guantanamo” – with a book deal to plug around the world. For example, she repeated the nonsense that he is a German man of Turkish origin. Wrong. He is a Turk with an expired German residence. Kurnaz felt moved to travel to Pakistan in the autumn of 2001, (Mm, wonder what the motivating event was that inspired this pilgrimage?) in order to devote time to his religious faith and expand his knowledge about Islam by visiting religious schools. Yes, I bet! Just like so many others who ended up in Gitmo he was afflicted by the bad luck of being in the wrong place at the wrong time – and he repeated his assertion that about 95% of the inmates at Gitmo are as equally innocent as him. I agree, I am sure they are, if you know what I mean. This goon is parroting the BBC narrative that Guantanamo is a great evil and that all in-mates are god-fearing innocent men – just like Kurnaz. I’m looking forward to Fi invited me on to help me plug my new book! That should happen just after hell freezes over.
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Fe Fi Fo Fum, I smell the crud of an BBC wumun. If only this Islamo-nut had been maltreated and tortured. Please, do it Americans.
But he was at Club Gitmo… where the inmates actually put on weight as they tuck into a better menu than I had at the last Travel Lodge at which I stayed. (Boy, that’s sure some weird concentration camp.)
Where the guards have to wear gloves when they hand the Islamo-terrorists their Korans. While said nuts constantly attempt to attack the guards, and shove their own shit in their faces.
I would like to see Fi Glover banged up for five years with these lying scumbags like “Murat” …. hell, I’ll take five minutes.
She’d be soon singing a different tune methinks.
The BBC’s lurid fantasies about how evil the US military is rich pickings for the Jihadists. You’re quite right in what you say.
More Al beeb sympathy for a rootless follower of Mo’s magic book…poor chap…whipped off to gitmo, and all he was guilty of was being a member of an Islamic book club.After several years now of mounting terrorism,do the beeb expect to be able to keep pushing this increasingly fraudulent propaganda…we are talikng about murderers here..trained to deny and dissemble their true beliefs and motives…innocent my behind.
Good advice for future US Commanders in Chief:
Take No Prisoners.
After praising Carter for his work in meeting with Hamas’ Mashaal in Syria,
complete silence from BBC on the latest attach by Hamas at the border crossing:
“Two cars exploded at a crossing on the Israel-Gaza Strip border on Saturday morning, leaving 13 Israel Defense Forces soldiers hurt – one moderately to seriously, two moderately and the rest lightly”
CNN reporter faces drug charge after arrest in Central Park
…….bang goes another brilliant media career,
BBC uses selective reporting and doesn’t want to report on the latest Hamas attack on the border with Israel several hours ago.
They will only report when Israel responds.
Here are some details from a few hours ago:
Three cars approached the Kerem Shalom crossing at roughly 6 A.M., under cover of dozens of mortar shells fired on the crossing and heavy fog. One car exploded near the crossing’s fence, ripping a hole through it, and allowing two additional vehicles to enter the crossing.
A second car then blew up next to several IDF Jeeps, and militants exited from the third car, an armored vehicle, and were then engaged by soldiers in a gunfight. Four militants were killed – one in each of the explosions and two militants in the armored vehicle.
At roughly the same time, an IDF missile struck an armored vehicle approaching the Gaza border south of Kissufim. The vehicle was hit, resulting in a large explosion, suggesting a substantial quantity of explosives in the vehicle. It was not immediately clear how many Palestinian casualties were caused.
Ah! Poor Fi Glover. Anyone hear Piers morgan being interviewed by Vicki Derbyshire last week? Piers had a right good dig at our Viki when he talked about people getting their name in the papers. She didn’t like that.
If you don’t know what I mean, just google Fi Glover and Victoria Derbyshire to find yet another sordid little BBC story.
Piers Morgan. Another self-promoting, loathsome lefty hack who would benefit us all if he disappeared into Club Gitmo for the next ten years.
Stop the press… ex-Mirror creep disparages current BBC creep. Who gives a frack?
Fi Glover, clever, witty, fun – but unfortunately lets herself down whenever she discusses anything with the merest hint of politics. She is totally blinded by her smug left-wing attitude. Thus any Gitmo inmate is obviously 100% innocent in her eyes, and she won’t even consider questioning some of the ridiculous and highly dubious claims they often make.
The BBC would dearly love to call the Hamas terrorists ‘freedom fighters’ I think?
Heres a BBC type report as they would love to tell it?
The BBC has learned that a goup of innocent Hamas freedom fighters out for a completly innocent picnic on the border with Israel were visciously attacked by the cruel IDF for no reason and many innocent women and children were killed and wounded by the IDF as they fired on a wedding party at the scene of the picnic where the Hamas freedom fighters only wanted to fire a salute into the air with their rockets to celebrate the wedding and the Hamas freedom fighters only crossed into Irsrael because they had kicked their football over the border fence and wanted to get it back!. Many have condemned the IDF attack as disproportionate. The IDF tried to justify their unprovoked aggression by claiming to have siezed a large amount of explosives but Hamas said it was ony taken across the border with Israel to catch rabbits by blowing up their nests and Hamas are just innocent victims of Israeli aggression, reliable sources informed the BBC.
The BBC seem to be heading in the direction of just reading out pre prepared Hamas reports now?
Never mind Sat Live, what about FOOC today. Jeremy Bowen and the Tsunami of Sewage in Gaza. Let’s hope he gets swept away in it soon.
The Beeboid syndrome – the tendancy of Beeboids to believe the unproven and often ridiculous assertion of an interviewee provided said interviewee implicates one of the following as being the wrongdoer:
USA (esp. Republican)
Silvio Berlusconi
By the way (and I’m not referring to Dave’s article above) I think we should be a little careful on this blog, and particularly in the comments, that we don’t end up just rubbishing Islam and muslims in general. There are very serious things to criticise of course but perhaps we should stick to the BBC’s handling of Islam, particularly in relation to other religions, in this respect. Otherwise the blog may get a bad name.
The BBC’s Miss Glover decided to play the role of Amnesty International spokesperson; in her biased account, she completely omits any understanding of the counter-case, as, for example, indicated here recently by John Rosenthal. (I would say that his following line of critique, not only applies to ’60 Minutes’, but also applies to BBC’s Glover.):-
” What ’60 Minutes’ Didn’t Tell You About Murat Kurnaz”
“What’6o Minutes'”
Abandon Ship: I disagree. I think Islam should be rubished, as should all religions. A load of mumbo jumbo dressed up as “facts”
I’m actually re-reading the Bible at the moment (god it’s dull) jus tto remind myself of why religion is utter nonsense.
I don’t respect witchcraft or Voodoo so why Islam or any other daft religion?
The difference with Islam is that people in the UK are trying to kill you and me simply because they think some drugged up bloke who lived in a cave and married a 6 year old girl would appreciate it.
The joke here is that Islam is probably the MOST intolerant religion, especially when it comes to the rights of women and homosexuals, two of the biggest groups working in the BBC.
No one has ever explained to me why leftie losers like Al Beeb support a religion that if it got power here in the UK would repress those two groups straight away.
“He is a Turk with an expired German residence. Kurnaz felt moved to travel to Pakistan in the autumn of 2001, (Mm, wonder what the motivating event was that inspired this pilgrimage?)”
Oh come now Mr Vance,Kurnax simply overshot Mecca,easy enough to do.
Fi Glover is really is shocking. She’s the nearest the BBC has come to introducing the same abysmal standards it now considers the norm for it the vast bulk of its TV channel output to radio news and current affairs.
Maybe she sounds good to listeners stupified by the likes of Eastenders, Casualty and Jonathan ‘w*nker’ Ross.
“Fi Glover, clever, witty, fun – but unfortunately lets herself down whenever she discusses anything with the merest hint of politics”.
She’s dim then?
I listen to Radio 5 Drivetime sometimes when I’m captive in a colleagues car as a result of our car sharing scheme. The presenters seem to be under some contractual obligation to be flippant, jokkey and giggly about all but the gloomiest of news stories. It sounds ridiculous, though not as ridiculous as Glover’s downright amateurish offerings.
So what, you’re complaining that the BBC has a guest on that you disagree with on some things? Oh, and al-Beeb called him a “German” when he was in fact only born in Germany.
I particularly like this part: “this allegedly ‘Innocent man in Guantanamo’” Allegedly innocent! It looks like Magna Carta really did die in vain. You crack me up David.
‘Four militants were killed – one in each of the explosions and two militants in the armored vehicle.’
So that’s another four chanting bastards who didn’t make home for tea.
Suits me.
Alex: I assume then that you don’t think anyone should be locked up?
Presumably you think Ian Huntley should have been allowed out on bail until convicted?
The point about our justice system is that it has to make a presumption of guilt to charge someone and hold them on remand.
This why I love left wing liberals like you Alex. You are so full of it.
“The presenters seem to be under some contractual obligation to be flippant, jokkey and giggly about all but the gloomiest of news stories.”
Only goes to show what snorting a row can do for you.
martin — I agree with your sentiment. Of course, scum like the aforementioned illegal combatant have never been subject to Habeas Corpus like Huntley. The very idea is illogical and absurd on its face.
They are not “criminals.” They are illegal combatants captured on the battlefield, out of uniform, and have no more due process rights than legal combatants.
They are not even protected by the Laws of War (also known as the Geneva Conventions) which specifically protect only LEGAL combatants.
One thing is for sure… the next big death attack in the US (it’s inevitable) will garner a response of such devastating power from President McCain, there won’t be any worry or need for another Gitmo because there will be no prisoners taken.
Certainly those troops in the front line have no inducement to leave anyone alive after an engagement.
Well done liberals. You really have ensured there will never be another Gitmo.
Pete wrote:
“The presenters seem to be under some contractual obligation to be flippant, jokkey and giggly…”
You’re absolutely right. I agree with you. I noticed that as well.
Light relief (more on Richard Quest)
“”The presenters seem to be under some contractual obligation to be flippant, jokkey and giggly…”
It’s called the Blue Peter Effect.
“The presenters seem to be under some contractual obligation to be flippant, jokkey and giggly…”
Err, look, I’m as critical of the Beeb bias as anyone, so I’m reluctant to start a row, but that IS exactly the brief for most R5 programs, ie flippant, jokey and giggly. All a matter of taste of course, but it can work quite well. If only they sorted their bias out it could be very good indeed. IMHO.
“I assume then that you don’t think anyone should be locked up?”
For five years without charge, trial or right of appeal, no, not really. I’m assuming you do.
“The point about our justice system is that it has to make a presumption of guilt to charge someone and hold them on remand.”
Nice. Guantanámo Bay = remand. And you accuse me of misplaced moral equivalence. Doesn’t “allegedly innocent” sound a teensy bit stupid to you? Just a little bit like someone pathetically attempting to smear a man who was released without charge?
I’m with you on Gitmo. I favour of executing all those held there, and am sure you will agree. It’s such a waste of US tax dollars keeping the Jihadi alive, knowing they love death sooo much. I say give ’em what they want.
PS Any thoughts on those “alleged innocents” released from Gitmo and then found fighting against..erm…US soldiers. More bad luck about being in the wrong place at the wrong time?
Not a fan of due process, are you David?
Hi David,
Interesting article:
Murat was born in Germany and according to Wiki he has still residence in Germany.
Obviously, if you have more up-to-date sources, it would be appreciate it, if you could share them.
You do not seem to know, why Kurnaz went to Afghanistan. Neither do I. According to Wiki Germany (source above) he wanted to join “Tablighi Jamaat”.
Perhaps you could put some evidence behind your assertion that Kurnaz is a goon. Which goon do you mean anyway?
This one:
goon (CRIMINAL) Show phonetics
a violent criminal who is paid to hurt or threaten people
or this one:
goon (SILLY PERSON) Show phonetics
a silly or stupid person
And thanks for plugging your new book to the readers of this blog. I guess it is this one:
“Unionism Decayed: 1997 – 2007 (Paperback)”
Your previous books had more favourable reviews. Perhaps you should have not changed topics:
Not a fan of thought process are you Alex?
“Tablighi Jamaat” Security services have it under scrutiny.
Alex: Did we give German PoW’s due process during WW2? Did we give due process to the Germans and Japanese we locked up for the duration of the war?
We are at war with Islam and we have 2 million potential Muslim soldiers living here in the UK.
Alex, find one Muslim that admits he would not like to see the UK become an Islamic republic. Just one.
As the Muslim population grows (and I think the real number of Muslims living here is about 4 million) their influence will increase. The security services won’t be able to cope.
Just think Alex, our security services now have to monitor 2 million or more of our own citizens as large numbers of them want to kill the rest of us.
Are YOU happy with that? The problem won’t go away.
Just think Alex, imagine if your favourite gay bar was shut down by Muslims who objected to it? Would you be happy then?
“Did we give German PoW’s due process during WW2?”
Of course not. And we didn’t execute them either.
Now David seems to have this idea that Murat is automatically guilty and that starting from the presumption of innocence is some new-fangled PC thing that doesn’t go back nearly 800 years which the BBC are therefore wrong to set any store in.
Yet another bogus point…
“Did we give German PoW’s due process during WW2?”
Of course not. And we didn’t execute them either.”
But we did execute Germans caught out of uniform operating outside the Laws of War indulging in what we would now call terrorist activities.
Just as a point though, which of the illegal combatants captured by the US have been executed at Club Gitmo?
Non-Rank and non-serial number please.
“But we did execute Germans caught out of uniform operating outside the Laws of War indulging in what we would now call terrorist activities.”
Did we try those ones?
“Just as a point though, which of the illegal combatants captured by the US have been executed at Club Gitmo?”
None, naturally. This was Vance’s suggestion, not the US government’s. The Bush administration has a far-left, pro-Islamist bias, you see.
I was listening to the Gabby Logan show on Five Live this morning. Stone me, she’s got Mark Steel on. A bit later, you could have blown me down with a feather when Billy Bragg turned up. I was only surprised that Tony Robinson didn’t get an invitation, they could have had the trifecta. Then I remembered he’s got a Time Team Special on Channel 4 tomorrow night. Isn’t life grandy and dandy as a left wing media whore?
Alex trying to have a go at irony … almost as dreadful as MacBean trying it.
Did we try those ones?
Not always, nor did the axis powers try all those allied spies they caught. Even those that were tried were tried by military tribunals as at Guantanamo Bay.
Fair enough Arthur. My mind just boggled a bit when I saw David Vance gushing over the idea of execution without trial.
Light relief (more on Richard Quest)
Lurker in a Burqua | 19.04.08 – 7:26 pm
Quest is an ex-BBC person – the strange kinky behaviour all starts to make sense.