Here’s a good one for you. If you read this story carried prominently by the BBC (and the rest of the gormless msm) you will be under the impression that pro EU Constitution Irish Labour MEP Proinsias de Rossa was knocked to the ground after a public meeting in Dublin on Monday night. The BBC solemnly reports Labour leader Eamon Gilmore claiming that the MEP was confronted by a group of anti-EU Constitution supporters who screamed abuse at him before knocking him over and pinning him down. Poor thing! Just one problem – it didn’t happen. Turns out that Proinsias tripped over and fell on his face and the entire incident was caught on camera here! But since the source of the story was the pro-EU Irish Labour Party and since the BBC is pro-EU why let the facts get in the way?
The BBC – all the EU propaganda that masquerades as news.
bizarre, hw the hell did they think they’d get away with it – must’ve seen the camcorder
This is yet another example of the BBC’s willingness to accept press releases from special interest groups without doing the necessary checking & verification first. That the BBC would be automatically disposed to believe such a story because they are instinctively pro-EU just makes matters worse. How long before they put up a correction?
It looks compelling – bang to rights?
the bbc weren’t the only ones to cover this,they took it from the irish press no mote than that. we are change are a bunch of conspiracy theorists. these guys are loonies – they excell at dreaming up conspiracy theories, and the video is inconclusive.
You are right what he (Gilmore) said and what actually happened are indeed two different things. Lets see how he squirms out of this one…
“we are change are a bunch of conspiracy theorists. these guys are loonies – they excell at dreaming up conspiracy theories, and the video is inconclusive.”
check out the responses to the video on other websites read this is who they are on cedar lounge
This story is almost a week old, and no one has taken it too seriously.
“This story is almost a week old, and no one has taken it too seriously” – and this is relevant because …?
The fact that other lazy and/or corrupt hacks said wot the BBC said is irrelevant also.
could it be because it is the subject of a gardai investigation now? this was posted on indi
by lab85seo Tue Apr 15, 2008 20:00
I attended the meeting.
I am against the proposed constitution and intended to speak out for a no vote. Unfortunately the chairperson lost control of the meeting from the outset. A noisy and menacing clique took over proceedings and genuine opponents and proponents were prevented from presenting the reasoned arguments which each side wished to make.
What happened at this meeting and afterwards has done the “no” campaign no favours with the electorate. The last thing we need is to be associated with thuggery. My fear is that people who were capable of persuasion by the many good arguments for voting “no” will now see the “antis” as the “political wing” of a violent fringe.
It is vital that the people who disrupted the meeting and attacked De Rossa are isolated, removed, and prosecuted like any other criminals.
Luckily I had my mobile with me and I was able to photograph one particularly vociferous disrupter at the meeting. Lo and behold, I was able to take another photo of the very same young man assaulting a semi-prostrate De Rossa. My mobile has been put at the service of the Gardai. Assault is a criminal attack upon the community, it is not a private matter between De Rossa and his assailant. Irrespective of whether De Rossa wishes to prosecute or not, it is hoped that on behalf of the community the Gardai will prosecute the people who broke the law and violently tried to prevent their fellow citizens exercising their constitutional right to freedom of expression.
is mise
anyhow believe what you like people- but this aint big in ireland north or south.
‘The fact that other lazy and/or corrupt hacks said wot the BBC said is irrelevant also.’
this conspiracy is taking the debate away from the memo and the vote and on to a side road.
Sorry and all that, typhoo old bean – we will continue to discuss whatever takes our fancy without checking with you first.
Nearly Oxfordian:
Sorry and all that, typhoo old bean – we will continue to discuss whatever takes our fancy without checking with you first.
Nearly Oxfordian
Please don’t check with me first old bean, I wouldn’t want to get into cross fire between two bunches of conspiracy theorists, so I’m ducking out.
the bbc weren’t the only ones to cover this,they took it from the irish press no mote than that”
But we expect more than that from the State broadcaster.We expect fearless investigative journalism,not simply taking stories at face value.
What happened at this meeting and afterwards has done the “no” campaign no favours with the electorate. The last thing we need is to be associated with thuggery. My fear is that people who were capable of persuasion by the many good arguments for voting “no” will now see the “antis” as the “political wing” of a violent fringe.”
So the manipulation worked then?
The BBC has done its job if the ‘story’ goes out at all, never mind if it proved wrong at a later date!
The BBC(along with others) are going to fight dirty and pull no punches on this one because their EU masters demand it.
Make no mistake about the CONstitution, The pro EU forces simply have to win this vote or all is lost for the EU? The EU and its supporters have managed to bully and bribe other nations to ignore their electorate for fear that they will say NO! Ireland is a different matter and the EU cannot avoid a democratic vote, so they will do what all anti democrats do in times like this, they cheat and lie and bully and smear OK? The EU is nothing short of an evil and corrupt version of the old USSR manned as it is by those who idolised the USSR in their youth!
There is hope though! The EU has proved to be as stupid as it is corrupt and stupidity will be its undoing I hope?
The Garda has just issued a description the assailant…
“Beegorah.. the Irish public is asked to be on the lookout for a transparent glass receptacle, about 13 inches tall, filled with an amber liquid,sporting a label with the words JAMESONS & WHISKEY printed on the front”
To be sure.
Ah, so the Beeboid Dymond geezer with his allegedly iffy substances wasn’t involved at all?
I hope also.
As you say the EU is corrupt and stupid. It is run by a group of politicians controlled by our banking corporations and their establishment. So how could it be anything but completely corrupted?
Which of course begs the question.
Even if the EU is very stupid indeed, woefully inefficient, and criminally corrupt, or worse, later becomes murderous evil. Who on Planet Earth is going to stop them, or even politely ask them to stop, never mind replace them?
There is clearly no force to stop them, domestic or foreign in existence. Apart from the UN. Say no more.
Also no non corrupted national political organization to take there place. As ALL of Europe’s national political parties must have been corrupted, to have allowed the EU to gain the power it has over them and their own respective nations already.
I think we can safely say that nothing short of a violent and bloody counter-revolution will even wake these people up. ( Which may I add I am in no way recommending? ) Even then little will change. Many of these latter day Brown Shirts have wives and children.
As 4 years of this site has shown moaning is useless, however well documented and passionate it may be. It will not change THE AGENDA. The BBC knows it has friends in very HIGH places. It does not care about the British people. Its just desperately desires their hard earned cash to help them build the BBCs very own world propaganda network, working for its beloved future one world government.
In my very honest, well thought out, and not at all paranoid opinion.
The BBC does not give a damn if every man women and child in the country died tomorrow. So long as when/if it happened there would only be the BBC left broadcasting, to their long awaited, much decimated, Neo Fascist New World Order public.
The BBC has a Common Purpose. This Common Purpose is everything BBC types love.
Which is the exact opposite to everything ordinary people do. Whether they know what the common purpose of Common Purpose is or not.
Atlas S,
This site is important, in that we get comfort from the fact that we are not alone!
We may be a mixed bag with very different political beliefs but the ties that bind us are a shared anger and frustration with a lying,cheating,manipulating and self serving state media.
I think you are closer to the truth of things than some give you credit for BUT that is the nature of the profit and truth teller throughout the ages isnt it?
If some sneer and laugh then I can assure you that some of us read your post with a sympathetic eye.
Keep up the good work.
Jeez! Even by the low-lying standards of the pro-EU MSM, this is a bad one. they have collectively been caught out in a lie and it’s indefensible hence the absence of any pro-BBC contributors. De Rossa was asked to justify his vote to overturn the result of Ireland’s referendum and then set about one of the guys who were filming him. Unfortunately for the MSM, there was somebody filming the filming – Wee Brother, perhaps.
glad to see you’ve recovered from that awful case of “internet stalking” that laid you so low a while back! You see – it wasn’t so bad after all – chin up!
Atlas, quite so. I have been saying for some time that the EU is likely, although not certain, to end in a bloody way. But it could also disintegrate under its own weight, as the Roman and Communist empires did.
In its test of the relative newsworthiness of political developments in the USA (in which the British people have no vote), compared with developments in the European Union ( in which the British are directly involved), the BBC gives priority to its US biased political coverage virtually all the time. The BBC does the US Primaries to death. For all their political disdain for the USA, Beeboids certainly prefer to go there than to Brussels.
Mark Mardell does his best to cover the complexities of the EU, but his reports are often marginalised. The BBC is normally, at the top, pro-EU (or EU complacent), as at the time of key Lisbon issues recently.
So it was somewhat out of character for the BBC to lead on a report critical of huge expenses of MEPs, on this evening’s tv news. (It makes an improvement on leading on Prescott’s bulimia!):-
“MEPs vote not to employ relatives”
Of course, the ‘Telegraph’ already had this two months ago:-
“‘Criminal abuse’ of expenses by Euro-MPs”
For criticism of the undemocratic, chronically wasteful and expansionist EU, these 3 sites ususally provide more regular insights than the BBC:
George R,
The BBC approves of the EU – but finds it boring.
Unlike the USA – which it thinks is bad but fascinating.
Am I the only person to notice the disappearance of the European Parliament vote story on the BBC? Last night they reported MEP’s had voted not to investigate the reports of corruption, expense milking and nepotism among their number. It really is time we stopped paying a licence fee, the EU can pay it as they seem to control the output.
Looks like the crux of this unexciting story is whether anyone gave him a kicking once he’d actually hit the ground, out of camera shot. Not exactly headline news though is it.
The BBC approves of the EU – but finds it boring.
Probably more the case that they (still) don’t understand it. The things it does well go under the radar as a consequence of their smooth running or are all a bit capitalist and free market for the Beeb.
The things the Beeb would like it to do well (environment, “social welfare”, “human rights”) it doesn’t because of pesky national interests getting in the way, or the inability of the UK to translate the EU law into vaguely sensible domestic law, or the fact that the EU law is a crock of sh*t in the first place.
All that’s left is the few and far between occasions where the EU manages to get it together to speak with a common voice against the US (normally over trade or environment) which are greeted with delight and a swift glossing over of the inevitable hypocrisy
The crux of the matter is,that EU law is handed down to Britain like God handed the Tablets of Stone to Moses.There is nothing British governments can do to alter them.MPs can debate as much as they like,but that is all.The only thing they can do is pretend it is their initiative.Whitehall can goldplate to some extent,but this like the MPs is simply a device to prevent them appearing redundant.
Of course the BBC love the EU,a vast unaccountable bureaucracy,it was love at first sight,Auntie had her legs in the air quicker than you can say “Hello Sailor”.
“because of pesky national interests” – otherwise known as countries behaving according to their own cultures and objecting to being conquered by a foreign fascist empire.
A report on the EU’s role in controlling Brown’s UK VAT rates, and making money out of flood victims, which the BBC could do with getting up to speed on:
“The elephant in the floods”
The BBC has these two reports on its website about local celebrations in England of St. George’s Day:
“Staff given St. George’s day off”
“England’s most patriotic town”
Unfortunately, as the ‘Telegraph’ reminds us, but the BBC doesn’t, the European Union has other plans for England. (And who is Scot Gordon Brown to say ‘no’?):
“On St. George’s day, EU wipes England off map”
“Unfortunately, as the ‘Telegraph’ reminds us, but the BBC doesn’t, the European Union has other plans for England. (And who is Scot Gordon Brown to say ‘no’?):”
Fortunately the BBC can morph into the Brussels Broadcasting Cooperative.