OK, it’s Friday evening here in the People’s Socialist Republic of Gordonstan and it’s time to unwind a little. So, which BBC personality winds YOU up most and why? I know it’s a target-rich environment but I have two nominations. 1. Nicky Campbell – the personification of smug and leftist. 2. Jeremy Bowen – I think I’ve covered this one on my posts! So, the space is yours – ready, take aim……
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John Simpson is full of shit and himself 🙂
haddock | Homepage | 10.05.08 – 11:07 am |
Nice one 😆
So many to choose from….
Robert Peston – for his appalling forced-wacky presentation style.
Then there are ‘The Impenetrables’ – the mewling Scots – Wark, and the blonde weather girl who breathes in louder than the talks.
Favourite? Susan Powell. Mmmmm, yummy.
I think Lyse Ducet deserves strong consideration in the most annoying voice category. Not sure what kind of accent she has, but I suspect it is unique to her.
Mugwump | 10.05.08 – 1:37 am
I second that motion. I believe she is French Canadian. Her jaw must ache from all those rounded vowels she spouts.
Though I don’t know about the voice of the following BBC-ite, since I’ve never listened to her, her face could make a garbage collection truck turn tail:
….reminds me of Orla Guerin, who was described by Gillian Reynolds, the doyenne of radio critics, as having a voice that would freeze marble.
Miv Tucker | 10.05.08 – 1:49 am
And this one, since I can only understand four words in five that she utters in her superior drawl:
I nominate Kirsty Wark, She is without doubt the most annoyingly voiced broadcaster that my ears have ever been afflicted with…
Patrick (Bonn) | 09.05.08 – 10:34 pm
Now that we have a Most annoying voice category, we should start to consider others. I propose a Most insulting ignoramous category and I nominate Justin Webb for his lack of knowledge of America and his contempt for decent, god-fearing Christian Americans.
Having said all that, I found two fair-minded journaists worthy of the title: Robin Lustig and Raffi Berg.
(I’m saying this here at the end and very softly because I don’t want to jeopardise their career prospects at the BBC.)
Um…..there ain’t no ‘o’ in ignoramus.
Er…ulp… well, you know what I meant. I’m going to try to get out a bit more.
Neil Nunes, the Jamaican Seventh Day Adventist, with his awful Caribbean accent resonating on Radio 4. It symbolizes the hideous lengths to which the Beeboids are prepared to go with their left-wing liberal social engineering project a multiculturalist jihad on England’s green and pleasant culture.
johnj | 10.05.08 – 10:52 am
Many a true word is said in jest. And yes, Nunes definitely belongs in the Most annoying voice category. His sepulchral tones are not for listening to on a quiet Sunday afternoon. He could make you fall on your sword.
Who was Orla Guerin’s back-to-back? She was a fey young thing with a slightly posh accent dripping with compassion for…….palestinian terrorists. She was the one that I would string up for Jew-hatred.
Kirsty Wark is a pathetic little liar (ref. Bosnia).
Simpson is the most self-important antisemitic jerk.
Bowen is the most lying antisemitic jerk.
The useless nepotistic Dimbleby clan.
The useless nepotistic Snow clan.
Could anyone tell me what sort of money people get paid for these appearances on the BBC? e.g. Tom Paulin on Newsnight Review or the interviews with Billy Bragg, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown etc.
I’d be interested to know how much they are pocketing
More than their miserable, disgusting lives are worth in a sane society.
Middle East correspondents as already mentioned, and:
Paddy Ashdown and Jimmy Carter; for having concealed eyes.
Rod Liddle, his documentary about checkpoints. and; the frizzy fringe and clothes that remain in the shape of the previous owner.
Jeremy Bowen, continued
1. The lisp. 2, The tight jeans. 3, The posture. 4, The Unmistakable Look of Hastily Hidden Hangover. 5. Wish-I-was-younger outfit. 6. The aura of aftershave and stale booze. 7. Those meaningful bug-eyed pleading looks.
People on Telly who can’t pronounce essential words.
Gordon Ramsey “Restrnt” and “Olivle”
Jamie Oliver. There’s one important cookery related word that he always gets wrong. But I’ve forgotten what it is….
Alan Sugar will say ‘was’ instead of ‘were’. As in “What was you doing?”
People inexplicably in jobs for which they lack all the essential qualities.
Dominic Littlewood. Puzzling. Unsightly, bald, gurning, oddly dressed expert on the bleeding obvious. More Suitable for Radio? Not if he speaks.-exaggerated Cockney with some sort of speech impediment. Animated to level of spontaneous combustion. Will it happen on camera?
sub category: The overrated
Mick Jagger of tiny weeny reedy voice and ludicrous accent.
Victoria Beckham.
Alan Johnston. Androgynous bleating voice. Should have stayed at home with mum and dad.
People who don’t realise they arent funny any more.
Vic Reeves.
John Cleese
Lenny Henry
Johns. Bird and Fortune.
Hardeep Sinking feeling. Saw him sulking on the charity ‘The Apprentice’ where he revealed he was really a miserable wimpy git.
Jane Horrocks. Became annoying after playing Bubbles.
The elephant in the room when it really is an elephant in the room
as in when no-one alludes to the fact that someone is very fat. With or without love interest.
Dawn French as in V of D.
Robbie Coltraine in Cracker.
A detective in a long ago American cop show who could hardly get through a door.
Richard Griffiths in Pie in the Oven.
I like Kelly Osbourne. She said of her stylists “Haven’t they noticed I’m fat?” I like her, fat and slim.
Sue, thanks for the laugh. You reminded me of Alan Johnston’s dreary monotone, that becomes husky and sugary sweet whenever he talks about Islamic terrorists.
Just for Johnston, we’ll have to add a category to the Most annoying voice. The Most disturbing voice should do it.
and not one mention of Graham Norton yet, very queer…
haddock | Homepage | 10.05.08 – 11:07 am |
And very fishy.
OK: I’m not sure I’m guessing perhaps £500-£1000 depending on time etc?
On 5 live up all night, they do a Saturday night bit with a guy called the Gabby Cabbie from New york. He said one week that after the show each week he and his wife go out to dinner as they like to enjoy the money they get from doing the show (about and hour or so). I’m sure I heard him say one week they got about $1500 per show or something.
Oh, what fun is this thread! We are spoilt for choice.
My first nominee has to be Fifteen-Year-Old Boy, the presiding idiot of Beeby television.
Whoever is in charge – Mark Thompson -might be 47 or 53 in years on the clock but seems to have stuck at 15 in mental development. Hence the loony tunes that is “the news” and the shallow juveniles that pass for reporters and editors (see America for example of an “Editor”) on the BBC TV news programmes.
The crass stunt and disgusting spectacle of Jeremy Vine pointing a gun at the viewer is pure Spirit of Boy that reigns over BBC TV. (Stupid, Thug Boy, at that.)
Lord knows what is Helen Boaden’s excuse – not even a Boy! – and she presides over the shambles that is BBC news.
Hm…who shall be next? I’m still thinking…
Surely you mean ‘disturbed voice’, Bryan?
beeboid tottie of the highest order = Mishal Husain
beeboid sneery-lefty scumbags = jeremy hardy & mark steel
OT – in short frank field has threatened to bring down gordon brown on “any questions”.
and what does “any answers” do? completely miss and avoid what frank field said.
excuse me whilst i cut and paste what somebody said on politicalbetting.com – its sums it up very well:
BBC radio 4 – question time 1.45 today- in a nutshell he said unless he gets what he wants and he has not got it yet when the 10 p issue comes back to parliament then the mood of the back benchers which is getting increasingly angry they will vote against – this was clarified by dimbleby as a vote of confidence in the government
Frank Field is effectively setting government policy on this -Brown must dance to his tune and not get one step wrong or resign – it seems to be be clear cut
GB will have to do as he is told
political dynamite, which Dimbledore brushes under the carpet
Why do the BBC bother with “Newswatch?”
No Beeboid is ever wrong, they waffle around then disappear back to their little Beeboid world of public toilet loitering and drugs.
When I saw this headline I thought finally the BBC had written an article about it’s own management and global warming. Oh well, perhaps next time
Well, well, slightly OT Hassan Butt – beloved by the BBC – has been arrested again.
We live in a digital age so why don’t we have the option of watching BBC programmes by subscription instead of being forcibly taxed via the License fee?
Nearly Oxfordian | 10.05.08 – 2:31 pm,
Yes, that too.
Until recently the World Service had an awful programme called Over to you, which purported to be interested in listener response to programmes but was really just a feel good exercise for the BBC – like the audio equivalent of Newswatch but without the occasional punch that Newswatch delivers.
I see that the last programme was on April 19th, so I assume they’ve canned it:
The BBC continually misnames its programmes. A more appropriate name for this stuff, though a bit long, would be Over to us to put one over on you. Rajan Datar was the host of the programme, so in case they revive it I nominate a new BBC category, inspired by him: Sleight of hand.
Nicky Campbell? I’ve been out of England for nearly 5 years but I always remembered that while he was generally a bit of a leftie he regarded impartiality.
Jeremy Bowen a propagandist for tyrants and terrorists .. but Michael Marshall would be my choice.
Come on B-BBC webmaster: time for an on-line poll! Make a list of ’em ,and we’ll vote.
I’ll stick up for Nicky Campbell too.
I can’t say I’ve ever heard him toadying up to Leftie politicians. He has a quick wit and is not afraid to ask difficult questions of anybody – in a way I’ve hardly ever heard on the Today programme – unless it’s a Tory of course.
(OK, like many others, can’t/won’t listen to most of it – bad for the BP).
Campbell may have Irish/dodgy parents but he was adopted by conservative Scots, I believe. That has probably made him at least confused. Downright lefty – not sure?? Smug – well OK, maybe.
I guess I would be in his place.
btw – no mention of Gavin Esler? But, there are so many and so little time.
Guerin – nobody can touch her
Following in the distance:
Naughtie – insufferably smug
Humphreys – has convinced himself that he is a great tv personality and interviewer
Wark – cringeworthy Scottish whiner
That Jamaican bloke who announces stuff on Radio 4 – what a bizarre way to speak on our national radio
Victoria Derbyshire – she’s thick
All BBC journalists in the Middle East (Bowen, Adler, Sykes, Franks etc) for their relentless willingness to pour contempt on anything Israeli
Archbishop Harrabin for his willingness to lie to the British public to ensure we all toe the line about “global warming”
Basically the lot of them, apart from Terry Wogan.
Nobody’s mentioned this one?
Zeinab Badawi
What about “Haw Haw” Hawley?
Reading all the above brings me to an astonishing conclusion.
I agree. With everything. How can the BBC have found so many repellent broadcasters? It’s almost worthy of praise.
Nick Reynolds deserves a place high up on the list for his defence on this blog of the BBC’s allergic reaction to the ‘T’ word and its devious misquoting of others who are unafraid to use the word. Here are the first and last of his comments on the thread. There were plenty inbetween:
And here’s the thread:
Squeaking Jenny of Cabbage Rose Cardigan. Imagine thinking you should appear on TV presenting a politics programme dressed like that. You cannot be serious! Andrew Neil in gardening gear and stout boots will be the next thing they inflict on us, at this rate.
Giles SHOUTALOT. What is it with this shouting and mannered sing-song whine employed by the likes of Shoutalot? (see also Vine the Whine). Is there a place they send them to acquire this bizarre way of speaking?
Shoutalot could be attired in a tracksuit. Perhaps he is already. The shouting distracted me so much I failed to take in either what he was saying or what he was wearing.
Terry Wogan – smarmy, smug, oily, vastly overpaid racist drunk.
And yes, Nick Reynolds for sure.
And Alex.
I’m sure I remember Jeremy Hardy before he was a Leftie, when he was just a so-so jobbing comedian.
Perhaps he thought taking the Palestinian penny was a good career move.
The odious Marxist writer, and therefore obviously a BBC: “Must Use”, Abi Morgan gets my vote.
“White girl” in the alleged Al-Beeb series: “White”, was without doubt the most treacherous piece of Anti British propaganda, that I have ever had the misfortune to endure!!!
oh! oh!
um, theres so many.
3. David Dimbleby, struggles to contain his bullying nature and often times forgets all together.
2.Gavin Esler
he is a full on, first class, tosspot. Arrogant, condacending and stupid, so he fits in, but not when he attempts to do interviews.
1.Robert Peston, i cant believe anyone can speak so slowly when i see him on the news, a very condacending, self promoter. The BBC encapsulated in a man.
Somebody`s got to nominate her;
Sandi Tostvig.
You are quite wrong.
The BBC constantly has a go at fat people (“the elephant in the room”).
Its just they prefer to remain non specific about who it is, unless they are American in which case they get both barrels and the rest.
As for my nominations, all grossly grossly grossly grossly overpaid…
Jonathan Ross
Terry Wogan
Graham Norton
Jeremy Clarkson
Jo Whiley
Chris Moyles
Matt Lucas
David Walliams
Jeremy Paxman
Jeremy Bowen
Alan Johnston
and most of all the total moonbats Lawrensen, Lineker and Shearer.
Ooops, add
Anne Robinson
Chris Evans
Sara Cox
all the Toady ‘show’
Dear God! No one has mentioned that odious little ZaNuLabour creep, Simon Mayo!
The Three Witches: Lyse Ducette, Orla Guerrin, Maxine Mawhinney. The ugliest most ultra-vile voices and faces on television. I suppose they are evidence that you don’t have to look good or sound good to get a job on the BBC. (you just have to have the right politics instead).
The Three Twats: Dan Snow, James Reynolds, Mark Steel
victoria derbyshire – thick with left wing knee jerk views
fi glover – smugness personified
sarah montague – v.rich public school educated champagne sociliast toff
abu bowen – naturally
adam mynott – winner of the east african special award for his work in Khartoum during the “muhammed” teddy bear jihad episode.
Eddie Mair
Bryan | 10.05.08 – 1:49 pm
Have you ever noticed the similarity in the “timbre” of the voices of Alan Johnston and Claire Short?
Maybe AJ is CS’s love-child.
Nicky Campbell and Matt Frei.
Human slime, the two of them.
Caroline Hawley! She was Orla Guerin’s back-to-back. I nominate her as the worst Beeboid.
I am pleased to say that some of these names are unknown to me. It doesn’t look as though I’ve missed much.