OK, it’s Friday evening here in the People’s Socialist Republic of Gordonstan and it’s time to unwind a little. So, which BBC personality winds YOU up most and why? I know it’s a target-rich environment but I have two nominations. 1. Nicky Campbell – the personification of smug and leftist. 2. Jeremy Bowen – I think I’ve covered this one on my posts! So, the space is yours – ready, take aim……

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157 Responses to LEAST LIKED AND WHY?

  1. Hettie says:

    Sarah Montague

    Jeremy Bowen


  2. nrg says:

    Oh my, there is so many to chose from and so little time. It could be:

    • Kirsty Wark for leftist manifestos masquerading as news that spews out of her face
    • or Fi Glover for the teeth scrapingly awful lefty liberal cosmopolitan drivel
    • or Orla Guerin for the offensive pro terrorist propaganda
    • Jeremy Hardy’s right on class war adolescent politicking could be ignored if it was not for the insulting bigotry he comes out with (try changing the words white, male, American or Protestant to black, woman, Palestinian and Roman Catholic in one of waspish little quips and you will see what I mean.)
    • Stephen Nolan is so full of himself and arrogance he is gong to burst one day
    • Jonathan Woss for hubris, greed and turning everything he touches into low quality crap.
    • However I think the award has to go to the Mark Thompson for not doing something about this.


  3. Anonymous says:

    Have we got this far without mentioning Mariella Frostrup?


  4. Anonymous says:

    room for a couple more…

    lifetime achievement award

    alan yentob – massive salary for doing zilch and “noddygate”

    best newcomer –

    the BBC3 producer who comissioned “little miss jocelyn”


  5. Martin says:

    Mariella Frostrup? She’s actually at Sky much of the time these days (or at least I’ve only seen her on Sky in the last few years)

    She does their book show and I think Sky Arts????

    She is a big McBEan fan though.


  6. Peregrine says:

    Can I also add Monty Don to the list? His piece on gardens in Cuba was a real lefty love-in.

    And he just annoys me generally for having more hair than me, being thinner and having various of my relatives cooing over him!!


  7. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    Well in that case, how about another porker at the trough – J Abramsky?


  8. GCooper says:

    And we must never for an instant forget the appalling Jana “Gordon” Bennet – the absurdly named ‘Director of BBC Vision’- who is responsible for the towering mediocrity that is BBC TV.


  9. Reversepsychology says:

    How about three of al-beebs all time idols…….

    Curly – Larry – And Mo?

    – (and why is it that “Larry” always reminds me of Frankie Howard?)



  10. Anonymous says:

    Kate Silverton is my nominee. Awful, amateur & tedious delivery of important news. She is currently doing the 1 o’clock spot whilst Sophie is off popping out some sprog.


  11. Anonymous says:

    Fish rots from the head down, so aim high:
    Helen Boarden (spelling?) and, worst of all the on-air mediocrities, the oily and none too sharp Simpson, who taught the rest to sneer.


  12. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    I claim priority on nominating Simpson (see above), who probably taught Abu Bowen all he knows.


  13. Tim Almond says:

    Too easy…

    John Bell of the Iona Community, who sometimes appears on “Thought For the Day” on Today on R4.


  14. Anonymous says:

    “Campbell may have Irish/dodgy parents but he was adopted by conservative Scots”

    huh?what the feck has that got to do with anything? im english sired by scots parents and raised in care by english people – your point?

    not all of us care kids are nutters you know (honest)


  15. Bryan says:

    Bryan | 10.05.08 – 1:49 pm
    Have you ever noticed the similarity in the “timbre” of the voices of Alan Johnston and Claire Short?
    Sue | 11.05.08 – 11:41 am

    I suffered Johnston a lot on the World Service, but I’m happy to report that I’ve been exposed to very little of Claire Short. How much can a person take?


  16. Bryan says:

    David Gregory, who used to pop in here a lot. However, if the worst Beeboids are at the top of the list, he should be near the bottom because he’s a decent sort.

    I nominate him because of his insistence that there is no bias in the BBC’s reporting on global warming.


  17. David Vance says:


    I notice that David Gregory and co have rather left the scene since I arrived here. I would have preferred they stayed and argued their case, if they are capable but one judges them by the alacrity of their retreat.


  18. GCooper says:

    Am I alone in wondering of that was a coordinated retreat?

    I wonder if a memo went round?


  19. korova says:

    Mmmm, how about:

    Jeff Randall

    Nick Robinson

    Joshua Rozenberg

    Guto Harri

    Oh, and can I have Melanie Phillips as she seems to get a bit of cash from the BBC from time to time.


  20. korova says:

    Oh, and Mark Urban.


  21. korova says:

    …and Gavin Esler for his anti-Palestinian nonsense.


  22. korova says:

    Cripes…..when you look at it, there are an awful lot of right-wing sympathisers at the BBC aren’t there??


  23. GCooper says:

    You’re out of luck with Jeff Randall, korova. he got so sick of your Leftie pals at the BBC that he got out in disgust.


  24. Bryan says:

    Here’s another one high on the list of least liked BBC staff:

    Senior BBC TV “editor” Jawad Iqbal for blustering his way through a justification of the ten second clip the BBC grudgingly showed of British troops returning from Afghanistan, while Sky had decent coverage. (It was on Newswatch but I can’t find it now.)

    Iqbal would be close to the very top of the list if he had a more prominent profile.


  25. Cassandrina says:

    I agree with Chuffer that a proper poll should be made.

    Am I the only person who finds Caroline Quinn an odious in your face Bolshevik presenter?
    I dislike most, if not all, of the Today Programme “team” for their obvious Gordan bias (except for the BBC who keep sending me the usual German cockroach joke letter of denial) but CQ beats them all for holier than thou bias.


  26. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    I see that Polly Toynbee has joined us, under the pen name of Korova.

    We are not nominating people for taking money from the BBC, you twit: we are nominating them because they are stupid, or greedy, or useless, or pushing their Stalinist agendas on OUR statutory broadcaster against OUR wishes – or all of the above. Got it now?


  27. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    What German cockroach joke is that, Cassandrina?


  28. Bryan says:

    David Vance | 11.05.08 – 11:07 pm

    GCooper | 11.05.08 – 11:23 pm

    I have an idea that David Gregory was partly driven out by acerbic attacks on his person. (Pounce noted this and offered a strenuous defence of Gregory, pointing out that Gregory had always maintained a polite style of debate.) But I suppose part of the reason could be that he could no longer defend the BBC, faced with the overwhelming evidence of its pro-MMGW stance.

    Reith’s posts dwindled to nothingness shortly after a violent clash of swords here on the subject, naturally, of Israel-Palestine:


    Here is a most revealing comment by Reith, which at least partly explains the depth of his anti-Israel feeling:


    Apparently he had family members involved in a terrorist attack in then Palestine in the 1940s and apparently the attack was by Jews.

    The next comment, by Galil, who is actually the esteemed Biodegradable, is a fine rebuttal of Reith’s stance:


    John Reith has disqualified himself from objective reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and I sincerely hope he is not one of the BBC’s Middle East crew. The depth of his anti-Israel feeling has been obvious for a very long time on this blog. Now we have at least a partial explanation for his powerful bias. If he would reveal his identity, we could put him right up near the top of the list on this thread.

    Why is Reith currently absent from this blog? I guess it is possible that a memo went out. Or he might simply feel that he has revealed a bit too much about himself and is lying low for a while. I’m not convinced that he feels he has lost the debate. I don’t think that would ever happen.


  29. korova says:

    Nearly Oxfordian:

    ‘we are nominating them because they are stupid, or greedy, or useless, or pushing their Stalinist agendas on OUR statutory broadcaster against OUR wishes’

    And I am nominating them for their overt imperialism.


  30. rightofcentre says:

    korova | Homepage | 12.05.08 – 9:47 am |

    Just visited your site.
    I really liked the Soundgarden Clip, (an American band).

    Errr, that`s it.


  31. korova says:

    Thanks. Bloody good band.


  32. Pot-Kettle-Black says:


    Your champagne socialist principles don’t extend to my nominees?

    The enormous fat cat grossly overpaid Ross, Wogan, Norton, Clarkson, Whiley, Moyles, Robinson, Lucas, Walliams, Fry, Evans…

    So for you its up the revolution and pass the £15 million!


  33. rightofcentre says:

    Thanks. Bloody good band.
    korova | Homepage | 12.05.08 – 10:17 am |

    Perhaps I was being too gentle with my sarcasm.

    “I really liked the Soundgarden clip” – True

    “Err,that`s it.” – The rest is adolescent nonsense.


  34. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    “And I am nominating them for their overt imperialism” – anybody know what she is ranting about?


  35. korova says:

    Still, good band eh?


  36. korova says:

    Oh come come Nearly Oxfordian. Imperialism. Someone as delightfully bright as you should be able to work it out.


  37. rightofcentre says:

    Still, good band eh?
    korova | Homepage | 12.05.08 – 10:52 am |

    Yup, An American band from the Major Years!

    Brings back many happy memories. 😉


  38. korova says:

    Yep, things were better back then.


  39. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    Korova, a string of random words does not make a sentence that carries a meaning. Your statement is still gibberish.


  40. Phil says:

    I agree John Bell the Scottish lefty on Thought for the Day is hugely irritating, but for sheer smugness you’d have to go a long way to match Indarjit Singh, the Sikh messenger. Apparently the gurus who founded Sikhism were all paid-up Beeboid lefties, centuries before the Beeb even existed. Amazing.


  41. Pot-Kettle-Black says:


    state broadcaster good hic

    paid for by tax that hits the poor the hardest good hic

    providing such public services that its stars get hundreds more times salary than an ordinary working person good hic

    soak the poor hic

    now I will mouth off about socialism

    pass me more champagne hic, hic..


  42. korova says:

    Pot-Kettle-Black – hilarious stuff. Really, you should go into comedy or something. Socialism is a broad church my friend and, given your concerns about unfair taxation on the poor, I am happy to break bread with you brother. 🙂


  43. Pot-Kettle-Black says:

    Poll Tax – a tax where the same is paid by all adults regardless of wealth, due to the differences in income this is clearly a regressive tax, it is also enforced by law with particularly bad effects on the very poorest.

    When attempted to be brought in the 14th and 20th centuries this caused rots and violence and even many normally on the side of the better off/establishment could see it was unfair and sympathised wih the protestors.

    BBC’s licence fee – a tax where the same is paid by all adults (unless you are over 75 or in the tiny tiny minority with no tv set) regardless of wealth, due to the differences in income this is clearly a regressive tax, it is enforced by law with particularly bad effects on the poorest.

    By any reasonable definition the licence fee is a regressive poll tax.

    Any genuine socialist or believer in social justice should be appalled such a poll tax could be in place.
    Otherwise they are just the animal farm pigs dressed in their human suits.

    Stop defending it! Abolish the licence fee!


  44. Pot-Kettle-Black says:



    Job cuts for ordinary BBC employees on average to low wages = good.

    Massive salaries for ‘talent’ = better.

    Jonathan Ross alone is ‘worth’ around 200 employees.

    And he’s not the only one.

    The socialist utopia that is the BBC…


  45. korova says:

    PKB – I really don’t think you get it do you?? I’ll come back when the penny drops.


  46. Cassandrina says:

    Nearly Oxfordian and others.

    Surprised you do not know the old German cockroach story.
    In a nutshell a UK passenger on a Lufthansa flight complained of seeing cockroaches on their plane in flight.
    After many attempts to get redress the CEO of Lufthansa eventually told his staff to send the English bastard the “usual cockroach letter”.
    This stated that the plane had been grounded, stripped, disassembled into subcomponents and then some 200,000 components and not a cockroach in sight.
    He hoped that this had solved the problem.


  47. Pot-Kettle-Black says:


    Shall I will take that as a no answer from you then.

    Obviously only an intellectual giant like yourself is able to understand it along with the few cadres in the struggle.

    Beyond the ordinary proletariat.

    There are no good reasons to support the right thing in terms of social justice save when workers can be radicalised through class struggle, otherwise its best for them to suffer now for future socialism.

    Still at least now all that fake communism and socialism like deformed state capitalism, liberal socialism, the third way and the like have fallen by the wayside and been discredited.

    Now you the chosen tiny tiny tiny few in the vanguard can begin Marx’s historical materialist inevitable journey towards true socialism throwing off the capitalist yoke by leading the people to violent worldwide revolution.


  48. korova says:

    You have come up with one good idea though. Perhaps the richer end of the spectrum should pay double their current licence fee and the poorer end pay nothing. Now, that’s something I can support.

    Abolish the fee for the poorest and double the levy on the rich!!

    I think that idea might flourish Comrade Pot-Kettle.


  49. ThinAndBritish says:

    Hugh Dennis.


  50. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    Cassandrina, I do have a life 😉 😉
    Thanks for sharing.