. Can I take a minute of your time to thank you all for your many and excellent contributions here. I hope you are enjoying my period in residence and I have gained much from your eagle-eyed dissection of the BBC. I think the site is frequently distinguished by good debate and most trolls have gone away – which is a good thing. One favour I would ask of everyone is that even when debate gets heated, please try and keep it civil! I appreciate that many of you loath the BBC and get a tad heated in the accompanying discussions but let’s show them that we have the sense to moderate the TENOR, though not the substance, of what we say. I hope that is OK with you all but it will help me so thanks in advance. I always think of blogs like a good pub – a place where you can argue and debate but not be offensive! Cheers!!
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Weekend 22nd February 2025
Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…