. Well well, poor Mr Broon, it looks like the end of the line has been reached in Crewe. I noticed that the BBC headline running earlier this morning was that the Conservatives had “snatched” the seat from Labour but it has now been changed to repeat David Cameron’s accurate claim that this was “a remarkable victory.” I thought the use of the word “snatched ” to describe this stunning victory was stunning. Wonder did anyone watch the BBC coverage and if so, what your opinion was? It strikes me that so immense has the swing been away from Labour, and so devastating the defeat, that it must be causing great concern for the BBC.
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Anyone else noticed that the Radio 5 keep playing the clip of Maggie Thatcher saying “U turn if you want to, the ladies not for turnning”
It’s a great phrase, but I wonder WHY the BBC keep using it?
They hate Thatcher. They’ve been playing it all the way through the election we’ve just had.
Are they trying to remind people of “old Tories?”
ive noticed and wondered the same Martin.
hopefully once the Conservatives are in power they will scrap the licence fee and sell Al Beeb off
Usual beeboid tactic, avoid overt partisanship, but allow labour appologists such as haridan harperson , as much air time as required to make completely unchallenged explanations of the ‘facts’.
I have commented on the above and more, on the general thread (ca. 3 places below this thread). Others have also.
It’s a staple of commentators on by-elections to give a figure for the sort of majority a party could get were the by-election result replicated nationally, but somehow I haven’t heard one on the Beeb this morning.
Wonder if that might have something to do with the fact that the Electoral Calculus predictor gives the Tories a majority of 228?
I though BBC coverage on the result programme last night was pretty fair, what did others think?
Didn’t watch it. I’d had enough watching the giggling, stupid Blears on QT. The Beeb would have to go some to spin that result successfully – Broon’s beyond redemption by spin now.
The Beeb is giving up on Gordon and Derbyshire on Five Live is launching the new line of attack: Do we REALLY want the Tories back?? I presume the Thatcher clip they’re running is part of this campaign.
Do you want the Tories back? Clearly not according to the BBC.
So those opinion polls that show the Tories up around 45% in the polls are lies?
That whole phone-in was a concerted attack on Cameron.
Did Blair have policies in 1995?
Does Bacack Obama have any policies? Don’t hear the BBC attacking HIM for not having anything else to offer other than “change”
As we know VD is a big McLiebour lover and almost spits her hatred of the “evil Tories” out.
I’ve lost track of the number of times the BBC drag up the 15% interest rates nonsense.
Many people who own homes now, didn’t back in the early 90’s. That’s just history.
They forget that by the time of the election in 1997 the Tories had the economy back on the straight and level.
They forget that when Thatcher came to power in 79, this Country was bankrupt and on the slide.
She turned this nation around.
Some arsehole got away with equating the Falklands war to the war in Iraq and Derbyshire left him get away with it.
Typical Labour, they haven’t got the balls to simply admit that they hated going to war in Iraq and only went along with it because they were more interested in keeping their jobs. So they attack the Tories instead.
The Tories MUST be made to promise a review on funding the BBC. To scrap the tele tax and go for a subscription based service.
Then lets see those Guardian reading beeboids EARN their living for once.
Martin | 23.05.08 – 10:35 am |
Yes and how long was it at 15% for; a year? A month? A week? A day? Or about 45 minutes before it returned to 14.5%?
I notice they never balance the Black Wednesday forced error with Pa Broon’s unforced gold sell-off which lost us far more dosh.
What a suprise.
And now pop-pickers, the The #1 Smash Hit from…
Gor Brown and the Bruvvers
Not ‘arf!
The Tories MUST be made to promise a review on funding the BBC. To scrap the tele tax and go for a subscription based service.
Then lets see those Guardian reading beeboids EARN their living for once.
Martin | 23.05.08 – 10:35 am
Quite right. Then it’d be squeaky bum time for the Beeboids. Close down the BBC.
I have read posts on here and elsewhere that ask the question what will the Conservatives do to the BBC should they gain power.
And my opinion, quite rightly, they are saying nothing other than they think a percentage of the licence fees should go towards the other channels.
What they will do when they regain power is, I hope, a different thing altogether.
The cleaning out of the Augean stables is long overdue and it would be foolish to give the BBC any indication of what is going to befall them.
The other line that Labour is peddling is that Brown somehow fixed the economy in 1997. Consequently, they claim – he is the man voters should trust to fix the economy again.
I heard this line three or four time now, but not once have I heard the BBC interviewer challenge the falsehood that underscores this premise. For instance, this morning Harriet Harman claimed that Brown had controlled the “rip-roaring inflation and rampant unemployment” that he had inherited from the Tories.
Anybody who follows politics must know that this is a blatant misrepresentation of the truth • so why wasn’t this assertion challenged?
Then lets see those Guardian reading beeboids EARN their living for once.
Funny you should mention the Grauniad and funding.
Despite its large cover price, and the millions it gets in free government cheese via its so-called “Jobs” advertising… the Grauniad makes a MASSIVE loss.
It’s kept afloat by the profits from group publications, like the Manchester Evening News, with it C, D and E readership demographics.
Once again the working-classes get screwed to subsidize the toffs. Ain’t that always the way bruvvers.
Pravda must be wetting themselves, see them become much nicer to Cameron in the near future.
Pigs, trough and snouts.
With any luck Cameron will relocate government job advertising to the Telegraph and thereby finish off the Grauniad.
Once al-BBC is off the air we will then have a reasonably balanced news media structure.
The poor BBC are doing their very best to be King Cnuts – and will end up drowning. They keep making mean little anti Tory editorial decisions. On R4 News they led with a quote that made Cameron sound too cocky – ‘it’s the end of New Labour’ – but as usual it was taken completely out of context. Cameron was saying the pathetic campaign Labour ran was a sign of the end of New Labour. He wasn’t being triumphalist about the election result – quite the opposite in fact. Politically this is turning into a battle royale – the electorate against the rat pack. And the rats don’t get bigger than the rat infested BBC.
Yesterday the BBC concentrated on the rising oil price and how OPEC was largely to blame along with oil futures traders.No mention that nearly 70 pence in the pound at the pump price is tax.
All this blame placed by the BBC anywere but at Gordon’s feet for the cost of fuel ,just before a crucial by-election were the cost of living is an issue.
Following on from my last post I notice the BBC website now has as their headline “Cameron hails the end of new labour” with a triumphalist picture of him with Timson. This is probably worse than their “snatch” headline – which everyone could see was ridiculous. This one is aimed at making Cameron appear too cocky – and it’s a lie. Cameron did not hail the end of new labour in response to the Tory victory. In fact he said it’s a by election and there’s a long way to go. What he said was that Labour fought a negative campaign that showed they were no longer the party of aspiration – their campaign marked the end of new labour ideology. But of course the BBC will twist anything to suit their agenda.
Interesting comment in one of the Nationals,
“this morning I watched the lackluster coverage of this by-election by the BBC TV.
I think nothing else could have shown their bias quite so sharply.”
A friend of mine said,completely out of the blue,”I’m sick of the BBC,it is so biased”.
We are not alone.
LMO – as I posted on the general thread, last night, the idiotic Gavin Esler managed to interview energy stooge (I think I mean ‘Minister’) Malcolm Wicks on Newsnight yesterday and not only tried to get him to agree that high petrol prices were good for the environment, but failed to raise the question of lowering tax to take account of the gigantic windfall Brown is receiving as a result of higher prices.
Once al-BBC is off the air we will then have a reasonably balanced news media structure.
Please explain this inbalance. By what methods to you determine that there is such a thing?
GCooper — so pigs are flying?
Is that the first time a BBC commentator has pointed out the dirty little secret about the enviromental cases, whose agenda they pump relentlessly…
They WANT to raise the price of petrol massively. They lobby constantly to a sympathetic government and media for policies which will achieve that clearly anti-democratic aim.
As far as the BBC presenters and commentators are concerned, they all appear to be well-shaken, stirred, and visibly un-nerved. Their world has truly been rocked.
Not knowing quite what face to adopt, – having little choice between
sadness, dismay or outright fright, but trying all the while to display an air of nonchalance.
All very ‘deer in the headlight’ behaviour.
Strangely the more honest among them seem to be the most uncomfortable. Something along the lines of; ‘I have seen the end, and it isn’t pretty!’.
As for the Labour politicians who have drawn the short straw and are having to show their sad faces on TV, without exception they have retreated into utter delusion and denial that such a catastrophe may be a reflection on their abilities, after all, – that couldn’t be so, as they well know, they had no abilities in the first place.
total and utter
As far as the BBC presenters and commentators are concerned, they all appear to be well-shaken, stirred, and visibly un-nerved. Their world has truly been rocked.
Quite the reverse as far as I have seen. The BBC’s love affair with David Cameron continues.
Possibly the weakest headline of the year: “Miliband jokes at Straw’s expense”
Anything to lighten the mood it seems. Is it, do we think, the third most important political story in the country today?
As for the Labour politicians who have drawn the short straw and are having to show their sad faces on TV,
What’s even worse is that so many of them have faces made for radio.
I partly blame National Health Service dentistry.
Welcome to the BBC — one of the few broadcasters in the world where you can still work to camera with a mouth like an old boneyard.
Ah! – so that is the line they are adopting.
Sucking up to the winners, a common practice among ‘liberals’. One gravy train gets derailed, so catch the next one to come along!
Just because they show bias, doesn’t necessarily they are stupid, just greedy and avaricious.
I think the easy way to neuter the BBC is to use their own argument.
Call me Dave just needs to tell people that as an emergency measure he intends scrapping the BBC to save the planet – the sooner the better.
£140 tax break for households, A major electricity user rubbed out, severl Billion of assets to plug Brown-Holes in the economy.
What can Brown and the Beeb do? Say that Global Warming is a load of crap, Brown has been telling porkies over Green taxes and the Beeb has been lying about the whole AGW debate?
In all fairness since Brown is short of a few bob, it really does make sense.
Soon see who is whose friend. That really would be throwing the cat amongst the pigeons!!
Korova – could you give some evidence for this ‘love affair’ with David Cameron? Or is this just your own prejudice showing?
Slightly off topic:
This reminds me of the story of the famously absent-minded G K Chesterton, forever getting lost, who sent a telegram home: “Am at Crewe. Where should I be?”
Could almost have been tailor made as a message to Labour HQ from its Crewe outpost.
Oscar – I’ll cut you a deal. Show me evidence that the BBC is somehow upset that Labour lost yesterday, and I’ll show you evidence of the Cameron love-in.
Two reports on Brown and Crewe:
1.) BBC:
“How does Brown react to Crewe?”
2.)’Brown-out blogspot’:
“And the result is …PANIC!!!”
Did you LISTEN to Today at 7am this morning – the tone was funereal, I was just surprised we didn’t have solemn music playing.
Putting Blears on Question Time was a spectacular own goal for Nulabor.despite Dimbelby’s best efforts we could all see what a inane intellectually challenged moron she is.Devoid of any ideas but cling to power at all costs.Blair was some sort of genius.He managed to make us all believe for a long time that the government was composed of able motivated politicians.With him gone we can all see the reality.I suspect it is so with the key staff at the BBeeb.Once they thought they could lead and control public opinion.Now they can’t.All they can do is react to events.I shall enjoy watching them flounder as the grand project speedily unravels.Just how many will desert I wonder?
Amazing what she says at 14 minutes about the Tory economy being in tatters in 1997 – she is the best thing for us ever – the poster boy for the doommed Nu Liblair disaster.
Oscar, don’t encourage the idiot troll. She is not even capable of reading the threads to see the evidence for herself.
She is so stupid and such a liar, she could almost be Hazel Blears. Or maybe Harrier Harridan.
“What is likely to be the fall-out from the Conservative Party’s first by-election gain from Labour in 30 years?”
I make it 26 years. Al Beeb, the final refuge of the illiterate, innumerate, woolly-brained loser.
Blears is a joke. Having said that she’s not as thick as Harman.
Fact is McBean is useless and always was. He got away by the fact the economy was on the up in 1997 as was the world economy. He sneaked in loads of stealth taxes that he could get away with until things took a nose dive.
Fact is we’ve over taxed and the public services waste billions (as does the Government). There was no effort made to reform the public services and much of the vaunted rebuilding has been done using private/public finance (where the tax payer gets shafted) and schools where private interest groups can pump in thier own money and teach the Old Testement as “Scientific fact” (I kid you not).
Where has all the extra tax money gone? What happened to the extra national insurance we all paid?
I heard some half wit on the radio nthis morning going an about how wonderful the minimum wage it. Well it’s not exactly protected British workers has it? Many east europeans are working for far below the minimum wage.
Gordon’s redistribution is nothing more than taking money of those that work and giving it to those that don’t (so long as they keep voting for him)
Fact is “Mondeo man” has woken up to the con and nothing the BBC say will change that fact.
The BBC are clearly starting to panic. What with Boris running London and now the Tories looking like they can actually win (people are more likely to join a rolling bandwagon) the poor old BBC can save the Champagne in 2 years time.
I don’t want to be on any government ID card database and I’ll vote for any party that opposes it.
I don’t want to be on the BBC’s much advertised database of every address in the UK and any party that promises to end the TV licence will stand a good chance of getting my vote.
Let the manufacturers of Eastenders sell it to people who want to buy it, and not hose like me who are forced to buy it because I want to watch Sky football without getting a fine and a criminal record.
The BBC is the number one entry on my database of nasty, harrassing, out-dated, authoritarian corporations.
I dont think the BBC need worry.There doesnt seem much Conservative about Cameron and co. so far,just a continuation of wet, liberal mush.
i dont know what else to say but nulab are on the way out, super smashin great :+:
Pete, aren’t the BBC using PAF, the postal address file, which I understand can be sold to commercial outfits?
Martin | 23.05.08 – 1:49 pm |
Where has all the extra tax money gone? What happened to the extra national insurance we all paid?
Read David Craig’s ‘Squandered’ and you will soon see where the £1.22 trillion (£50k for every UK household)has ended up.
A quick example
Spending 2.34 billion on the new MoD headquarters whilst our squadrens of Nimrod aircraft are falling out of the sky for a lack of a few million in fire prevention foam.
745 million a year on NHS quangoes that only produce documentation whilst 34,000 people die unnecessarily in our hospitals.
425 million per year on new NHS regulatory bodies.
12 billion a year on law and order whilst crime figures soar.
I could go on but reading such about rank incompetance and dishonesty is, frankly, too depressing.
Agreed. McBean has taken on 1 million extra public sector workers (and their index linked pensions) and many of those are just useless pen pushers.
The Socialists have only one answer to everything. TAX TAX TAX.
What really gets me is the way the media talk about McBean being replaced as leader. Er I take it no one is going to point out that McBean was never elected by anyone in England and never even faced a proper election in his own party?
Now they think they can replace him again without a vote?
The Tories got rid of Maggie and replaced her with Major. But at least he WON and election.
Looks like McBean won’t even get to one.
Lets have a general election now!!! Then we can start to look forward to putting pressure on Tory MPs to finally do something about the BBC.
I notice that in this article by the BBC about McBean and the economy there is one thing they don’t mention.
How about cutting public services? If you are I can’t afford something, we give it up. This could be a night out, Sky TV (shame you can’t give up the BBC though) or even your summer holiday.
But the Government carry on as normal.
This is nonsense. They should be slashing public spending and cutting fuel duty.
The BBC is full of crap.
Korova = Alex?
The Korova Milk Bar in A Clockwork Orange serves spiked milk to the narrator/protagonist whose name is Alex. The result, you might say, is a form of unhealthy feedback, which sounds familiar.
No… I’m Spartakorova!
They don’t even need to cut public expenditure, Martin. According to figures published this week, but not exactly trumpeted from the rooftops by the BBC, the Exchequer has received a massive windfall from rising petrol prices and Brown could substantially reduce tax, without losing a penny.
Don’t expect to see any serious analysis from the BBC, who prefer to lie along with Labour.