. Well well, poor Mr Broon, it looks like the end of the line has been reached in Crewe. I noticed that the BBC headline running earlier this morning was that the Conservatives had “snatched” the seat from Labour but it has now been changed to repeat David Cameron’s accurate claim that this was “a remarkable victory.” I thought the use of the word “snatched ” to describe this stunning victory was stunning. Wonder did anyone watch the BBC coverage and if so, what your opinion was? It strikes me that so immense has the swing been away from Labour, and so devastating the defeat, that it must be causing great concern for the BBC.
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Cutting public services? They ARE cutting public services. Local post offices are closing and bins are being emptied evry second week. This are the LibLabCon’s policies yet little of this is reported by the BBC.
Classic Beeboid bias. BBC 6PM news. Their reporter (James Lansdale?) was talking about Crewe being a “safe Labour seat” and he says “it didn’t even go tory in those dark days of the 80’s”
Dark days were they? For who? For Labour loving BBC tosspots perhaps.
One thing about a Socialist that NEVER changes. Just what bad losers they are.
Yes, it’s the Six O’ Clock News on the Brown Broadcasting Corporation:
“Crewe, rock-solid Labour since 1945, even during the dark days of the 1980s…”
Dark days for whom?
Allan@Oslo: Yes, they might only empty the bins once a fortnight. But they are NOT cutting Council Tax.
Council Tax is one of the biggest stealth taxes racked up by McLiebour. You pay a fortune to a load of useless Guardian readers to keep the streets clean, empty the bins and educate kids. And they can’t manage that simple task.
Very well spotted, Anonymous!
Classic Beeboid bias. “it didn’t even go tory in those dark days of the 80’s”
Wrong decade.
The dark days were the Labour/Commie Union/Red Robbo 1970s, with the rolling electricity cuts, and the unburied dead.
I believe that was the catalyst for Mrs T’s triumphs.
I guess the voters (except in Crewe) didn’t buy the sub-Marxist crap about voting against their own economic interests.
THe BBC gave us a little clip of Ms Dunwoody Snr after she was first elected claiming to be an ordinary working houswife. Translation daddy is labour party general secretary mummy is a life peer so find me a safe seat or else. like mother like daughter. Remember Harold Wilson pipe and a pint in public cigar and brandy in private. They do not change.
Hazel Blears while I do not support her politics and that dress she had on was a bad choice I must admit to fancing her. Does that get me barred from this site for life?
Any Questions on R4 seemed to take place in a parallel universe. Three leftists – Johann Hari (who took every opportunity he could to lie and smear the Tories), Sarah Teather – who might as well be in the Labour party as her views are pretty well indistinguishable from New Labour – and Tony Wright Labour MP. That left Chris Grayling for the Conservatives – who Jonathan Dimbleby did his best to leave to last on all the questions and cut in just in time to prevent him getting applause. There is now a really serious disconnect between the BBC world and the real world. Bias is tipping over into wholesale denial of reality.
Ron Todd
Should have gone to specsavers
“Hazel Blears while I do not support her politics and that dress she had on was a bad choice I must admit to fancing her. Does that get me barred from this site for life?”
We understand,it’s a hard life being a monk,do you want a voucher for SpecSavers?
Hazel Blears?!
It ought to have you barred from the human race.
(Totally off topic and going nowhere, but I thought I’d share)
I work with a Zimbabwean and was discussing politics with him. It is amazing the number of Libertarians in Britain that are totally disenfranchised by the system.
Is PR the answer?
So here I am watching the news. (10 pm) and the report on Crewe ends with ‘Robinson’ ending with “The country will have to live with the consequences of the result of the by-election”. It appears the BBC didn’t like how the plebs vote.
Please, Ron, we don’t really want to know about your sexual deviancy.
Oscar, Johann Hari is a well-known antisemitic liar. There are discussions about him on the Spectator site.
Hazel Blears???!!!
Ron Todd – you fancy Hazel Blears??!!!
I’d sooner shag a dead hamster. What fascinates me however, is the way in which she and her colleagues maintain their armour-plated smugness as they tell such lies, ie the ‘poor’ state of the economy in 1997. Just by telling such huge whoppers they create a kind of alternate reality.
ron todd
you are hereby banned
you msut spen the rest of you life on
Sometimes I’m a bit behind on the UK news out here, so looking at the BBC to catch up:
News front page. Last updated Sat. 24th May 03:31 UK time.
Top stories:
MOD insists Nimrod ‘safe to fly’
Warning on new anti-knife powers
Vast cracks appear in Arctic Ice
Other top stories:
Two quizzed after restaurant blast
Blair was chased for unpaid bill
Clinton sorry for Kennedy remark
McCain bid to reassure on health
Thousands follow cup final dream
Rain and delays set for weekend
By-election? What by-election? Move along; there’s nothing to see here…
Update: just refreshed at 04:11 UK time. The BBC has found a follow-up political story we may be interested in. It’s the new second item:
Brown ‘can win general election’
Here’s the link:
“The prime minister’s leadership has come under pressure from within his party”
But don’t worry:
“Mr Brown has said he can steer the UK through “difficult” economic times.”
Albert, they learned the tactic of the big lie, repeated until all the idiots believe it, from the Arabs, who learned it from Goebbels.
As anticipated by earlier commenters here the “Cameron hails the end of new labour” headline led to the charge of Tory triumphalism by Esler on Newsnight. When the Conservative guest tried to put the “end of new Labour” comment in context Esler snarled him down telling him that the campaign played no part in the election result (a somewhat different point to the original charge by Esler).
On this morning’s Today we hear that the C1s are deserting Labour – the “I’m alright, Jack” crowd according to pollster Bob Worcester (the middle classes are purely altruistic as evidenced by MPs’ expense claims)
Michael White on BBC News Channel says that Brown might get these folk back by cutting tax on fuel & vehicles, but that would displease other elements (e.g.Greens) of the Labour coalition – sounds rather like the end of new Labour”
Al Beebs headline is now
Brown ‘must change course’ to win
u tell him aunty
I, too, though a staunch tory, fancy Hazel Blears.
And this…
is the site down? I can’t seem to get on there.
please help me.
Grimer | 23.05.08 – 10:00 pm |
Are you sure you don’t mean Liberians? 🙂
Hazel Blears? Black Leather?
Please. I am trying to eat my lunch during the cricket break.
As the BBC no longer has any interest in informing its feudally serfed audience when their Lords and Masters are taking them for a ride, it lies with our American cousins to stick the knife in:
Highlights from a superb demolition of our Supreme Leader For A Few More Months, from the American Spectator
Among the Intellectualoids
Brown the Bioethicist
By Joe Carter
Published 5/21/2008 12:08:03 AM
This week, Britain’s Labour Party made remarkable progress in securing the country’s reputation as the most scientifically illiterate and morally obtuse hamlet in the Western world. At the urging of Prime Minister Gordon Brown, both houses of Parliament defeated amendments to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill that would have outlawed the creation of “chimerical embryos….”
BROWN, WHO OBVIOUSLY hasn’t kept up with the latest findings, passes on a myth that has been debunked for almost half a decade. He claims that stem cell research will help to cure “diseases that have afflicted mankind over centuries — from Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s to conditions such as cancer…”
In clinging to their willful ignorance, Brown and his Labour Party are attempting to deny the reality of bioethics and bioscience. But as Aldous Huxley once observed, “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”
Tnank ee. thank ee. she really is a little sweetie. Ummmmm.
Jack B.
Why do some of the comments on this site give rise to the suspicion that progress with human-non-human interspecies embryos has already gone further than we think?
sue — ah, you mean the Troll-Human hybrid?
Or the “Fisk” to give it its species name.
I think it’s unfair that the males on this board have had to put up with possible images of Hazel Blears as a sex symbol.
For for the ‘ladies’ here
How about John Prescott in a thong?
Martin | 24.05.08 – 4:12 pm |
You git! I just lost my lunch and it was a very fine one! 🙂
Martin | 24.05.08 – 4:12 pm
I like Hazel Blears and John Prescott. Hazel showed remarkable fortitude last night in the face of great adversity, and she kept smiling and nodding through it all. She has a special stiffness of posture that gives her a mechanical aura. Only the head moves. We once had an action-man with gripping hands and swiveling eyes operated by a lever at the back. Like that.
.John Prescott, I like his turn of phrase, scrambled yet you can somehow guess what he means.
Have you a photo?
happy to oblige
God that’s vile!!!
Hazel was probably born with that smile.
A constant smug grin is a sign of hard brainwashing, dont you know.
I saw a lot of bias in the Dimbleby election special a few weeks ago. About 10 labourites interviewed all promising to listen and learn. Not even a single Tory interviewed that i saw, Portillo doesnt count (he has been radicalised by D.Abbot)
I think the beeb felt one in the studio was enough.
They really are laughable.
Portillo doesnt count (he has been radicalised by D.Abbot)
More like replaced by a life-sized dummy with Dabbot’s hand up its arse…. a Portibot,
The Tories may think that it is in their interests that Gordon Brown remains as Labour ‘leader’ until the General Election, but there is a lot to suggest that the favourite to replace him – Turkey’s European Union Ambassador (and UK Foreign Secretary), David Miliband would soon become even less popular than Brown – to the British people.
While the BBC has this:
“Big names back beleaguered Brown”
-‘The Sunday Times’ has this:
“David Miliband is ready to save new Labour”
What David Miliband has going for him to ensure his unpopularity is his enthusiasm to:-
1.)support greater powers for supra-national E.U.;
2.)speed up the ending of UK national sovereignty; deny Referendum on Lisbon;
3.)campaign to get 75 million Muslim Turks into the E.U. as soon as possible;
4.)gather into the E.U., first as associates, then as full members, the Islamic countries which currently border the E.U.;
5.)parade his intellectual arrogance, and his undemocratic predilections.
Brown doesn’t get the message, and neither does Miliband.
See Morland cartoon: ‘I Get The Message!’
“5.)parade his intellectual arrogance…”
Did Millie Band not fail his a-level physics? Nonetheless, he lectures us about ‘man-made global warming’. He is a dangerous traitor in our midst who would end the UK and British people if given the means to do so.
Surely one of the many reasons for the masses rejecting Brown is that we are fed up with petty government interference into our everyday lives.
So what does Marx start with when interiewing Johnson on health priorities? Removing cigarette displays in shops & telling supermarkets how to price alcohol. NuLab all for these measures of course.
Turkey’s European Union Ambassador (and UK Foreign Secretary)
Ha ha… thanks George. I was unaware of his promotion to represent Islam’s Vichy government.
The BBC must stop letting McLiebour use the excuse that all Gordon’ Browns woe’s are down to the world economic events.
Was the 10p tax down to that? NO
Was the milking of the UK pensions by Brown down to the world economy? NO
Was the decision to flog off our Gold reserves for almost nothing down to the world economic situation? NO
Brown was a failure as Chancellor? YES. Is he a failure as PM? YES
Martin, further to that Marx allowed unchallenged pillock Prescott’s bluster that NuLab had inherited an economy in a mess.
Of course a few weeks ago Brown was prepared to lie at PMQs that inflation was higher in May 1997 than it is now. (see Brownies #1 at the Spectator’s Coffee House blog)
Miliband = Manchurian Candidate.
Reverse stealth edit?
After Thursday’s by-election somebody here pointed out the crass “Tories snatch Crewe…” headline – and later it was stealth edited out.
Now it seems to be back…
Have the beeboids perfected a new secret weapon – the covertly “reversable when nobody’s looking” stealth edit.
Now you see it – now you don’t
A bit like subliminal advertising in reverse.
I have sent them a strongly-worded message about the ‘snatch’ jibe. They won’t respond, but please do the same if only to annoy them.
Nearly Oxfordian | 25.05.08 – 6:00 pm |
Did you suggest the use the word ‘cookie’ instead? 🙂
Headline :-
Beeboids have problems confronting “snatch” issue.
Seems I shall have to add another interpretation of the word/phrase ‘eccentric’ to my evolving news media lexicon…
BBC2’S COVERAGE of the Crewe and Nantwich by-election was impressively eccentric. For what the broadcaster repeatedly assured us was the most important by-election in a decade, David Dimbleby and Paxo were given the night off, while a masterstroke was having psephologist John Curtice in the studio and never once asking his opinion on the implications for Labour of the catastrophe. At precisely 2.40am, bang in the middle of an interview with defeated Labour candidate Tamsin Dunwoody, and without a word of warning, the continuity announcer executed a bloodless coup to inform us it was time for Meerkat Manor. Curious stuff, but pleasing all the same. Employing a 12-year-old ADD sufferer who mislaid the Ritalin on the way to direct coverage of so seismic a political event did much credit to the commitment to positive discrimination.