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General BBC-related comment thread!
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You are lying. Giant lizards can’t talk.
Wanna bet?
Boy can he talk!
I cant help mentionng that ever so late as it is BBC 1 is showing Starship Troopers. I guess there may be an expectation that the Verhoeven/Heinlein irony mesh is basically educational about lines such as “they sucked his brains out!”
But with the latest crap suicide bomber attempt it seems ever more true;)
‘Sources close to the investigation said ….. was a “new horrific low” for Muslim extremism in Britain.’
No this didn’t come from the BBC which appears to have been ‘radicalised’.
TPO | 23.05.08 – 9:47 pm |
Yes there is.
It’s in Mozambique along with Reigate.
I thought Reigate was in Cuba.
For those at the BBC and on this site that still have not bothered to find out what exactly a FASCIST country is. Perhaps my own definition will help.
One where elected or otherwise government conspire with national or establishment owned national or international industrial, and banking corporations to the deliberate detriment of the ordinary people. Thus destroying what little point there ever was in having a democracy in the first place, for the common man.
Which is why often, but not always, fascism results in the end of effective democracy. One could and I certainly would speculate, that this is exactly what has happened to British, American and European democracy, especially in the last 15 years or so.
How Fascist a western industrialized country is depends on perception more then much else. In other words, quite how much establishment corporate power has control over the media, and thus political debate. [ In the case of this world, it is close to 100% of the MSM, and about 95% of the rest, IMO ]
For example; if the people do not know they are being mind controlled and farmed like sacrificial lambs to the slaughter. Or that death camps exist or that methods of mass extermination are already being used and more planned.
Then the people will believe they are not living in an obviously dangerous to themselves, fascist country.
Why do people of the right believe FASCISM is left wing, and people of the left believe FASCISM is right wing, they cant both be wrong?
Oh yes, they can.
Because we live in a FASCIST country and very largely a FASCIST world.
Therefore it suits the powers that be to create and perpetuate the illusion that FASCISM is something to do with mad dictators and their beloved jack-boots and Panza’s. So leaving people in a constant state of divide and rule party political confusion.
Fascism has far more to do with largely anonymous, massively powerful establishment figures, in very expensive suits with almost infinitely enormous pockets.
Fascism is when corporate Power unites with State power in a collective strategy of world domination and control. With a very nasty plan for the future of mankind or not, as the case maybe.
Instead of debating whether the obvious fact that this is a FASCIST country is true or not. Readers of this site including employees of the BBC, should be asking themselves questions like the following.
Do I have the balls to realize and fully deal with the full implications of the fact, that I have been lied to since the day I was born, and been stupid enough to have fallen for most, if not all of it?
How can I make this highly effective, vastly clever, long term brainwashing, stop weaving its ignorance breeding spell, ASAP. So that it does not completely mess up my children’s perception of reality if not their lives as well as my own?
Quite how bad is this BBC and MSM propagated Fascist agenda for the future of myself and my family?
Will God, or the Gods, or who, or whatever, forgive me for my utter stupidity, and will it help/matter, if he/they/she/it does or not?
How can I find Mr Atlas Shrugged, so I can give him a big hug, for helping me to finally see the light?
Don’t bother with the last one. All I wish for, is that you read and think. Above all watch these people like you have never payed proper attention to anything, ever before, their slips are now beginning to show.
Compare and contrast:
The Guardian “PM isolated as ministers decide ‘Brown can’t win'”
Times: “Brown faces calls to quit as Labour MPs panic”
Mail: “Is this the end of New Labour? brown fights for life after by-election wipe out”
And the beloved State Broadcaster?
“Brown ‘can win general election'”
William hill is giving 6/5 Brown to go before the next election
sorry forgot the link
This BBC report is ostensibly about the unprecedentally high diesel and petrol prices in the UK, and the growing resistance to Labour’s extra fuel tax increase in October:
” Treasury ‘must end fuel tax plan'”
However, who does the BBC give the last uncritical word to on this subject? Of course, the EU-subsidised lobbyists, Friends of the Earth:
“Friends of the Earth has said the Treasury must push ahead with the tax rise, saying road transport was responsible for nearly a quarter of UK carbon dioxide emissions.”
O/T, but I thought light-hearted fun on a Bank Holiday.
You gotta love those sassy New Yorkers.
In a piece about a rather fun art work that is a ‘telescope’ linking London with the Big Apple, sparkly BBC reporterette ponders what to write on her message board to hold up to our chums across the board.
‘I know,’ she gushes, coming up with the inspired (and not at all navel-gazing) notion that: ‘all Americans love the BBC!’ Which is what got duly presented to our transatlantic cousins.
Quick as a flash, she gets back: ‘Only the comedies’.
To be fair, she ruefully acknowledged…’touche’. Actually, it was pretty funny.
I wonder what else from ‘our’ broadcaster’s fine output did not seem as loved as she (and, one suspects, others in their ivory towers) fondly imagined might have been?
Hi Bob,
You write:
Compare and contrast:
The Guardian “PM isolated as ministers decide ‘Brown can’t win'”
Times: “Brown faces calls to quit as Labour MPs panic”
Mail: “Is this the end of New Labour? brown fights for life after by-election wipe out”
And the beloved State Broadcaster?
“Brown ‘can win general election'”
Bob | 24.05.08 – 9:04 am |
I can’t find this on the BBC. Can you please add a link.
I can’t find this on the BBC. Can you please add a link.…b=ns& recipe=all
gunnar | 24.05.08 – 1:06 pm
Of course you won’t find it using the BBC’s own search engine.
It’s a stealth edit:
Is everyone getting ready to watch the latest edition of “Brit bashing?”
I of course mean the awful Eurovision song contest.
If this programme is not a warning to Countries like the UK, France and Germany (who of course bankroll Eurovision) what an ever expanding European Union would be like (eastern european countries voting as a block to over power the western countries) if these countries were ever allowed ino the EU (which of course they all want)
Not that our useless politicians would see it like that, nor the BBC.
Just how much money does the BBC cough up each year to fund this crap?
Enough to keep the appalling Wogan in whisky.
Late in the day, the City of London police has decided not to press charges against a British teenager for carrying a banner describing the Scientologists as ‘a cult’.
The BBC reports that here:
“No charges over Scientology demo”
But, the emphasis of the following ‘Telegraph’ report, indicating preferential legal treatment for Islamic demonstrators in the UK, raises more crucial issues, which the BBC and ‘Liberty’ miss:
“Scientology arrest makes a mockery of the law”
Thanks Bio. So now Gunnar can see the snivelling webiste moving into line! They don’t even have the balls to stick to their Brown-arse-licking-stance in the face of a unanimously contrary interpretation in the print media. But whatever the reasons for their change of spin, the important thing is that the BBC default position, revealed in the first version, is “shill for Brown at all costs”
George — thanks for that info.
One thing I did pick up from the BBC link, absolutely ZERO interest in defending the rights of Scientologists to go about their business.
Looks like it’s open season on them.
Imagine the difference in reporting if a MASKED MOB of not-Muslims gathered outside a mosk to protest.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think ANYONE should be arrested for holding a sign that merely expresses an opinion — as opposed to demanding cartoonists be MURDERED…
But I’d have had those anonymous cowardly punks, masking their faces in public, in the paddy wagon before you could say Mohammed.
The BBC’s reporter, Syed Shoaib Hasan, has this uncritical report on one of the world’s most committed, Islamic Jihad killers:-
Baitullah Mehsud
“Pakistan militant ‘holds to deal'”
NOTE: the BBC, being nice to Baitullah Mehsud, manages two deceiving impressions about him- in the headline alone: 1.) that he is a mere ‘militant’; 2.) that he ‘holds to deals’. Read on for non-BBC counter-evidence.
A rather more though critique can be found here:
“Who is Baitullah Mehsud? Part 1”
“Who is Baitullah Mehsud? Part 2”
In BBC Hasan’s uncritical report, and even his headline, there is NO mention of this basic fact:
“But Baitullah has signed peace accords with the Pakistani government before and reneged on his word.”
And BBC’s Hasan does not mention this:-
“Baitullah is said to have a signature method of dealing with people he deems disloyal. He first sends the offender 1,000 rupees, a spool of thread, a needle, and a note instructing the person to have a
kafan (burial shroud) made within 24 hours. When the time is up, the
person is murdered.”
(Both extracts from- Part 1, above.)
Has not the BBC’s reporter in Pakistan, Syed Shoaib Hamad, who may have met ‘militant’/jihadist killer Baitullah Mehsud today, not left out some crucial information from his ‘report’?:
“Pakistan militant ‘holds to deal'”
Even ‘Reuters’ mentions that Mehsud will continue his Jihad against ‘infidels’:
“Islam does not recognise frontiers and boundaries. Jihad in Afghanistan will continue”
Extract from ‘Reuters’ report, presumably BBC’s Hamad was there:-
May 24, 2008
KOTKAI, Pakistan – ” The leader of the Pakistani Taliban, Baitullah Mehsud, vowed on Saturday to carry on fighting NATO and U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan regardless of negotiations for a peace deal with the government of Pakistan.
“The Taliban leader told a group of journalists, invited to his stronghold in the tribal lands of South Waziristan, that he wanted to stop fighting the Pakistan army.
“‘Fighting between the Taliban and Pakistan is harming Islam and Pakistan. This fighting should come to an end immediately,’ the black-bearded, short, muscular Mehsud said.
“But he made no commitment about halting attacks in Afghanistan, and said the jihad, or holy war, would carry on.”
How can we trust BBC reports from Pakistan/Afghanistan?
Now that our annual humiliation is over again, perhaps the time has come to force the BBC to withdraw from this sham?
I was gobsmacked (according to the article linked here) that the BBC pays for 40% of the cost of Eurovision. 40%. I’m paying for this shite.
Enough is enough. I will be writing to my MP over this. If the BBC want to pay for this crap the costs should be funed by subscription or through the costs of voting. Not from the TV tax.
How can we trust BBC reports from Pakistan/Afghanistan?
George R | 24.05.08 – 9:46 pm
Or any other region for that matter. The BBC has failed in its duty to inform the public, especially when it comes to revealing the true face of these terrorists.
1.) BBC Report: “Lebanon MPs to vote in President”
2.) GLORIA Center: “The Fall of Lebanon”
(The BBC report does not even mention the political interlocking of Hezbollah, Emir of Qatar, Al Jazeera TV, and come to think of it, the BBC.)
‘BBC placed on dirty list for ‘propping up’ Burma junta’
The BBC, in its report here on the record high, and rapidly rising UK diesel and petrol prices, emphasises the impact on ‘holiday drivers’:
“Holiday drivers face prices hike”
In contrast, the ‘Telegraph’, emphasises the seriousness of the situation for UK freight business, and makes reference to an imminent demonstration:
“Hauliers to drive message home with fuel protest over rising cost”
Well, “Red” Andy’s was in full damage control mode this morning.
After having to admit that the big story in the weekend papers is “The End of New Labour” – we get two Nulab party political broadcasts from Prescott & Alan Johnson – interspersed with yet another full length “America is crap and Bush is a moron” interview with Gore bloody Vidal (following his previous two full length interviews this week on “Hard Talk” & “Today”).
Why is this geriatric marxist, with no political experience or academic qualifications whatsoever and whose rarified sexual tastes have kept him exiled in Italy for most of his life, trotted out by the beeb as the ultimate authority on US politics?
Because he’s a rabid, lefty parasite with unpleasant sexual leanings – in other words a beeboid in all but name!
Nick Cohen’s ‘Observer’ article today, headed:-
‘People loathe Labour’s elitists, not toffs’
“Labour has been marching through the institutions for 11 years. With the exception of the armed forces, it has not allowed one state body to stay in the hands of natural conservatives. The Church of England, the BBC, the judiciary, the senior Civil Service, the trusts, agencies and quangos all have a pinkish hue. Even chief constables sound like Harriet Harman.”
Many chief constables LOOK like Harriet Harman (and that’s the men)
I see that Friday’s news of 5 terrorists slotted in Gaza by the IDF is back on the (International Version) front page as top story under MIDDLE EAST.
Five killed in Gaza incursions
(Page last updated at 11:09 GMT, Friday, 23 May 2008 12:09 UK)
It’s Sunday, a slow news weekend, so let’s remind the world how brutal the Jews are.
BTW, anybody using the RSS feed from the Middle East section will see how, throwing chronological order to the winds, negative stories about Israel are always near the top of the listing.
Martin re D.Abbot
Truth is washed away on Abbott’s desert isle (From the Peter Hitchens’ blog)
“Labour MP and Olympic-scale hypocrite Diane Abbott was allowed to star on Desert Island Discs last week, but host Kirsty Young’s introduction failed to mention one of the most notable events in her life • when the MP, right, sent her son to a private school in direct opposition to her own noisy public statements.
Why? Was the reference cut? Did Ms Abbott threaten to walk out if it wasn’t? The BBC doesn’t deny it. Nor, despite some bluster, does Ms Abbott. If I were the BBC, I’d let her walk out and hold the door open.
She admits her hypocrisy over schools is ‘indefensible’. Well, in that case, she must either shove her son into one of the sink schools she urges on others or resign as an MP. There’s no honourable middle course.
Yet politicians of all parties now engage in this despicable form of doublethink, and nothing ever happens to them.“
Peter noted earlier ‘BBC placed on dirty list for ‘propping up’ Burma junta’
Amusing how this comes about “The broadcaster has become embroiled in the row following its acquisition of a majority stake in Lonely Planet, which publishes a travel guide to Burma. Critics claim that the guide helps the junta to achieve its goal of luring more western tourists to fill its coffers.”
It’s that murky world of commerce – better that lefties keep their purity by avoiding it.
“If I were the BBC, I’d let her walk out and hold the door open”
What about a swift kick?
Diane Abbott is vomit inducing. Remember she sent her son to a private school using the money she earns from the BBC.
Woldn’t it have been more “Socialist” of her to give the money to a local sink comp to improve the standards there and send her kid to the same school?
Of couse the BBC don’t pick up on this, unless it were a Tory of course.
Remember the comments about Cameron not using the school nearest to where he lives?
DA is a racist, and a thoroughly disgusting little shit.
Nearly Oxfordian 25/5 2:19
“DA is a racist, and a thoroughly disgusting little shit.”
Hey, not so much of the “little”.
“Labour has been marching through the institutions for 11 years. With the exception of the armed forces”.
These they have managed to break by cunningly over stretching and underfunding.
The New Labour Project was always about destroying institutions of Britain.The Fabians began this years ago.
Interesting times ahead in Lebanon. Amusing to see how the BBC are bigging up the new president:
Profile: General Michel Suleiman
General Michel Suleiman, the consensus choice for Lebanon’s vacant presidency, is widely seen as a unifying figure in the country.
The head of Lebanon’s army is regarded by the country’s rival political factions as a relatively neutral figure, and in times of political crisis he has been credited with keeping the army on the sidelines.
A married father-of-three, he holds a Bachelor of Arts in politics and administrative sciences from the Lebanese University. He speaks both French and English.
He had a rapid rise through the ranks at a time when Syria exerted a dominating influence over the army.
In the early-to-mid 1990s, he commanded an infantry brigade which engaged in violent confrontations with the Israeli army in southern Lebanon.
In 1998, he was appointed commander of the armed forces, with Syrian approval, when Emile Lahoud left that post to take over as president.
At that time, the army was co-operating with the armed wing of Hezbollah to counter the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon.
Israeli troops withdrew from the region in 2000.
Gen Suleiman also oversaw the army’s deployment near the border with Israel after Hezbollah fought a war with Israel in 2006. Since then, however, he has distanced himself from Islamist militants.
The army chief is believed to maintain contacts with Syria. However, analysts says his independence has grown as Syria’s hold on the country has weakened.
He refused to crush the massive anti-Syrian protests that gripped Beirut during the spring of 2005, helping to force the Syrian military out of Lebanon.
Two years later, Gen Suleiman rose to national prominence after the army battled and defeated al-Qaeda-inspired militants in the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp in the north of the country.
Four months of fighting left more than 420 people dead, including nearly 170 soldiers. Dozens of Islamist fighters were also captured.
He has also been accused by detractors for not getting the military to clamp down on weapons being smuggled to Hezbollah along the Syrian border.
In a recent tour of troop positions in the south of the country, Gen Suleiman stressed his belief that “involving the army in internal clashes only serves the interests of Israel”.
You have to love how the massacre at the Nahr al-Bared “Palestinian” refugee camp is played down.
Note how Four months of fighting left more than 420 people dead, including nearly 170 soldiers. whereas if it had been Israel doing the killing we would have read about “420 people dead, mostly civilians“.
I expect the BBC will cover this, it’s in The Guardian, but perhaps not.
Muslim Gangs Taking Control of UK Max Security Prison
The BBC should stop wasting UK licence-payers’ money on the bent, block-voting, political scam which is the Eurovision song contest.
For more on the block-voting scam, see comments by BBC presenter, Terry Wogan:
“Wogan backed over Eurovision attack”
“Eurovision: a battle of East v. West”,25197,23755640-2703,00.html
Or this?
Iraqi mothers deny children Israeli heart ops
Hostility towards the Jewish state is so strong that many parents are denying their children life-saving hole-in-the-heart surgery
Video clip:-
“Wogan on Eurovision debate”
(i.e. ‘Eurovision debacle’)
Biodegradable | 25.05.08 – 5:43 pm
Yes they did –
Caught the tail end of it on BBC News 24 with Peter Sissons
Sue | 25.05.08 – 6:17 pm
Remember; “Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”
Another of my favourite Golda Meir quotes is, “How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to.”
Plenty more here:
Sue | 25.05.08 – 6:24 pm
I doubt it’ll come to BBC World, the only beeb I can see here, I doubt even more it’ll make it to the web site.
If the eastern europeans don’t like us so much, that’s fine by me. But a few points.
1. Stop all immigration from these Countries (if they hate us, then they don’t want to come here)
2. Let them fund their little political singing concert and not the British (we seem to fund everything in Europe)
3. The next time the eastern europeans decide to start marching off the entire male populations of villages to machine gun them, we’ll stand back, have a good laugh and let the Russians deal with it.
Problem solved.
The BBC is finding it difficult to adapt to live with Boris as London Mayor.
For example, in this BBC report on Boris’s decision to end, on sound economic principles, the Livingstone-Chavez oil deal, The BBC continues to gives the lion’s share of the comments to an EX-Mayor Livingstone, as well as the BBC still getting in some anti-US political jibe:
“Mayor to end Venezuela oil deal”
I commented on this Eurovision nonsense earlier on. What annoys me is that the BBC (for some odd reason) pays for 40% of the cost of Eurovision. Why?
Fact is no decent singer will bother to enter and it’s just a way for all these eastern european countries ot stick to fingers up to us.
Well fine. But we can do two things. Not pay for it and withdraw from it.
I feel the same about the EU and the UN. We pay huge amounts of money to these corrupt organisations and for what? Sod all, except our fat corrupt politicians see it as a potential meal ticket (like the Kinnocks and Mandybum) for when the voters finally kick them out of power here.
Knock the whole lot on the head.
The only Countries that have ever stood up for us are Australia and New Zealand.
Where was the help during the Falklands war?
Even the yanks didn’t really want ot help.
Stuff the lot I say. Start looking after our own for a change.
Oh and stop being the Islamic toilet of the free world.
The appalling oily Wogan is the last person who should open his fat, drunk mouth. He has become very rich at the licence-payers’ expense by peddling his own sickening brand of pseudo-Irish whimsey on the BRITISH Broadcasting corporation.
Nearly Oxfordian | 25.05.08 – 6:48 pm |
Can’t say I’ve ever liked Wogan but his performance on the EU Ditty Comp is a tour de force. He treats the procedings with the contempt they deserve. Astonishing really that his bosses let him get away with it.
And he’s right, we’ll never win it again under the current system, so why do we bother?
Answer is we don’t the BBC does. And doesn’t it just love to enter no hoper acts – Scootch (sp?), that dreadful paedophile song, the couple who couldn’t sing in tune and a black chap (who was actually quite good) – as if the Eastern Block countries are going to vote for someone black. The BBC want us to lose – they love to humiliate the British …
George R | 25.05.08 – 6:40 pm
Livingstone really does have a lot of bottle doesn’t he?
“The fact that the first significant action by Johnson’s Tory regime is against the poorest people in the capital is highly significant as is the cowardly way he has made the announcement on bank holiday Sunday without any consultation with the organisations representing the thousands of carers, single parents and others affected.“
When did he ever “consult” with anybody other than his own cronies and yes-men?
Here he is “consulting” with the deomocratically elected Greater London Assembly:
Why is the BBC consulting with Commie Ken? He’s gone BBC wankers, GONE GONE GONE.
Get it through your thick drug infested skulls, Livingstone is no more, he’s a dead Mayor.