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General BBC-related comment thread!
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Alan Towers has just died.
A man ahead of his time.
Alan Towers was BBC Midlands Today for 25 years. He was the main presenter of the programme through the 1970’s and 1980’s, presenting with Kay Alexander. Following a heart attack in the late 80’s, Alan left the main programme. but continued to present the sport. Alan resigned on air on Saturday 26th July 1997 with these words: – “This is my last programme for the BBC after 25 years. When I first joined the corporation it was led by giants. Now it’s being led by pygmies wearing blindfolds. How sad”
RIP Alan
Tory regime, eh? Those plebs sure made the wrong choice, didn’t they, Massah Sahib?
Spiro, I am not defending Al Beeb one little iota. The whole disgusting Eurovision circus was the first big step in the BBC’s terminal decline.
Paedophile song????????
Nearly Oxfordian | 25.05.08 – 8:58 pm |
Spiro, I am not defending Al Beeb one little iota
God forfend …
Paedophile song????????
Yes, the one with the wassock who sang in front of a load of scantily clad nubile dancers – dressed in school girl outfits. I think that counts as paedophillic.
Daz Samson – ‘Teenage Life’ it was called – Gawd Bless Google.
Spiro, you must understand that it’s been 15 years since I last watched that load of old bollocks.
Yes, it does sound paedophilic.
‘BBC placed on dirty list for ‘propping up’ Burma junta’
Peter | Homepage | 25.05.08 – 9:29 am
I’m sure Korova will be delighted to add the BBC to Chevron/others on the “great historian’s” website as organisations that should be boycotted.
Yes boycott all the BBC’s products/services/output, esp. Lonely Planet.
Typical BBC attitude to science. Discussing the Mars Phoenix lander, the thicko Beeboid news presenter reads out ONE email only (we’ve had loads he says, but only reads this one) totally slagging off the cost of the mission.
The money could be better spent on the homeless blah blah blah.
You just know this has come from a wet arts Liberal. Hmm. What about the billions Gordon Brown has pissed away on useless IT projects?
How about the billions wasted on the BBC?
Given the choice between funding a space programme that creates thousands of high skill jobs, advances huamn knowledge etc or jobs of failed left wing arts losers at the BBC, I know what I’d choose.
Oh and what about the £50 billion Gordon gave to Northern Rock? That could feed a lot of homeless people
At about 7:50 am UK time, BBC’s ‘Today’ programme gave a few minutes of implicit multiculturalism/ appeasement of Islam to an ‘anthroplogist’/apologist speaker on the needs of UK Muslim prisoners.
The context of the uncriticised propaganda is this:
“Muslim gangs ‘are taking control of prison”
The BBC interviewer was Ms. Montague, who never once asked whether it would be a good idea to have convicted Muslim prisoners conform to normal discipline inside UK prisons.
Reading the piece on LGF about muslim prisoners, I loved this comment:
“I didn’t realize that prison was for teaching the prison staff to understand the prisoners. Silly me- I thought it was so the prisoners understood they’d violated the law.”
The BBC interviewer was Ms. Montague, who never once asked whether it would be a good idea to have convicted Muslim prisoners conform to normal discipline inside UK prisons.
George R | 26.05.08 – 8:47 am | #
Maybe they could be sent to a Muslim country to complete their sentences.
After all, they “understand” Muslims, and they have such enlightened and progressive policies.
I am sure there would be a clamor by the Islamo-banged ups themselves to spend their time in a 5 Star Egyptian or Syrian Bellmarsh.
Apparently the screams of the fellow inmates provide a soothing backdrop whilst sleeping at night.
And the menu is to DIE for..
Watery Halal Gruel
Rat on Toast
6 hours Koran chanting, washed down with Rat’s Milk
I see the BBC are in full defence mode over Eurovision. Every BBC presenter on Radio 5 has been saying what a wonderful thing it is and that the ratings are brilliant.
When asked by a caller since when did the BBC need to chase ratings as it’s funded by the licence fee he was cut very short indeed by Matthew Bannister.
I wonder how many BBC types went on that junket?
The BBC just don’t get it do they? You’d think they’d be very concerned about how much they pay for this crap (after all it’s not their money)
But no, the BBC like to spread money around like it’s going out of fashion.
MP’s Alan and Ann Keen have a constituancy home is within comfortable commuting distance of Westminster, and yet the taxpayer has funded the purchase of a £500k luxury flat for them on the South Bank. Full story is here on the Sunday Times website
Can’t wait to see what the BBC have to say on the matter. I suppose it will be along the lines that they are reducing their carbon footprint by not travelling in every day like the nasty commuters who work in the City.
I don’t know if the reporter for the BBC could believe the ‘politically incorrect’ protests of Australian people:
“Many participants expressed themselves with little regard for political correctness.”
‘Town moves against Islamic school’
As I previously noted here:
The BBC has buried the story of the suicide truck bomb attack at the Eretz crossing in favour of pushing instead the story of a “Palestinian” shot at a demonstration. So I don’t expect them to report on this story.
Thousands in north Gaza without power after Erez truck bombing
Palestinian officials say around 200,000 people in northern Gaza don’t have running water or power.
Electric company spokesman Jamal Darasawi says there hasn’t been any power since Palestinian operatives from Islamic Jihad detonated a truck bomb at a nearby border crossing last Thursday.
The explosion cut two of the seven major power lines that come in from Israel. The IDF says it’s trying to fix the lines, but it will take time because of security considerations.
On Tuesday, an Islamic Jihad spokesman said the group didn’t mean to cut off power but warned of more attacks.
George R: I love this comment by the suicide bombing BBC scum.
“…Bravely, given that local council elections are due later in the year, Mayor Chris Patterson has adopted a neutral stance.
Presumably, it would have been more politically expedient to veer towards populism…”
Hmm. So the BBC don’t see politicians reflecting the views of the people that elect them as democratic then? Just populist.
Interesting to look up Nick Bryant (the twat reporter)
Read his blog here. Me gets the feeling he hates America. Or is that just me thinking that?
Read his blog. Why is Australia doing so well? Could it be because unlike the Socialist scum over here in the UK, the Aussie’s don’t let their Country be used as a sewer for Islamic extremists? Perhaps they see Islam as a poison for western society?
Perhaps because more and more British people are sick of corrupt Socialist politicians in the UK and are sodding off to Australia?
They don’t even have a TV tax anymore do they?
Martins going to right to his MP about Eurovision and forbid all immigration because they dont vote for us.
You go girl!
The BBC, in the way it uncritically reports here, apparently accepts that ‘INSTITUTIONAL RACISM’ of British National Health Service is responsible for the state of ‘mental health care’ for Asians:
“Mental health care ‘fails Asians”
(by Emily Buchanan and Bhasker Solanki)
Are the authors talking about white racism/ Arab racism/ or black racism? Or is it simply a vague umbrella term which ‘multiculturalists'(of all colours) use only against white
Only the BBC, or the Green Party, could carry such an environmentally-weighted report, under this headline:
“Poorer drivers ‘hit hard’ by tax”
After referring to the economic hardship which the record high, and rising fuel prices are having, especially on poorer people and on hauliers, this BBC report then spends many paragraphs on the importance of Labour’s commitment to higher motoring taxes because of the environment.
It is evident to me, but apparently not to the BBC report, that Ms. Ruddock, the former Chair of the Unilateralist CND, is now committed to unilaterally making the Britsh people pay the highest fuel duty in Europe, so that the British people can set a futile, economically masochistic gesture.
George R: Well Labour are going to get a shock when the next election comes. It won’t matter if the fat one eyed jock is in charge or not. McLiebour are toast.
Bye bye Gordon.
In this BBC report, there is a brief reference to that last -refuge -of -a -scoundrel phrase ‘islamophobia’, but no reference to the more relevant phrase ‘Caucasophobia’:
“MP to discuss Muslim inmate fear”
“Caucasophobia – the Accepted
Comment from thicko female Beeboid on Radio 5 just now. Talking to a woman about why Caravans are more popular. Woman replies that party it’s down to people wanting to take the green option.
Female Beeboid explodes in delight “..I really love the idea of the green option…” she spouts.
Does she. Will she on her 6 figure BBC salary be emptying turds into a bucket this year on some wet field in Devon?
Oh no, she’s a Beeboid. So blow the Carbon footprint, she’ll be off to Goa for a good old fashioned Beeboid holiday no doubt.
Mental health care ‘fails Asians”
Maybe they should stop marrying their cousins and improve the gene pool. The Muslim variety.
I’m sorry, was that not sufficiently PC?
Here’s a question. Last time I was in a hospital, that would a week ago, I couldn’t help notice that is was STUFFED full of Asians working in said hospital. (Barnet). And very nice they were to.
So just to get the thinking straight here… the people who seem to be running our hospitals are the ones who are failing their fellow Asians?
Also — didn’t two ASIAN DOCTORS ram an airport last year and set off a fire bomb? Were they “failed” by the NHS too, because those nutbags sure had mental health problems.
I think the term is SUDDEN JIHAD SYNDROME.
So many questions. So few BBC answers.
Asians or Muslims?:-
“Three quizzed over park killing”
I see the BBC are looking to piss millions of pounds down the drain on the Euro 2008 competiton and none of the home nations even qualified.
Martin writes: “Comment from thicko female Beeboid on Radio 5 just now.”
As I commented on another thread, one of the worst aspects of the BBC is the way every simpering bimbo (of either sex) with a microphone seems to feel at liberty to promote this ‘Green’ idiocy.
But the ‘Green’ agenda is nakedly political. It should be no more acceptable for a BBC employee to promote it than for them to advance a Labour agenda.
Oh, but wait…
George R.
Friends of mine live in Bingley, they were telling me that last year a gang of “Asians” chased a white youth, caught up with him on a roundabout, and kicked him death.
Don’t think that made the BBC national news.
It’s all about drugs, with rival Asian gangs running riot in places like Bradford. They own the Yorkshire towns now.
The police are so crippled with PC shite, it’s like Afghanistan/Pakistan border. Co-incidentally, where many of them hail.
That’s why the BNP is doing well in traditional labour areas oop north.
An old Colombian leader dies and gets replaced. The BBC reports:
However, Alfonso Cano could bring much-needed change to the Farc and seek to end the series of defeats that the rebels have suffered for the last five years, [BBC’s Jeremy McDermott] adds. (link)
Well, how? It’s not an ordinary docile party BBC are talking about here. More killings, more kidnappings, more terror would mean the Farc had ended their “series of defeats”. And this is the “much-needed change” BBC are hoping for? *puke!*
Shhhhhhh. Don’t tell anyone that they’re UN peacekeepers!
More BBC bias by omission
Peacekeepers ‘abusing children’
What kind of peacekeepers? Where are they from? What organisation or country is responsible for their conduct?
We have to wait until the eighth paragraph before being informed by the BBC that these are UN peacekeepers.
Pretty disgusting given the article topic that the BBC is covering up as best it can for it’s beloved UN.
One rule for the UN one for the US and Israel……
When was the last time the BBC left out the word ‘American’ or ‘Israeli’ as in ‘Israeli troops kills man’ or ‘US jet bombs civilians’ in a headline? The BBC are quick enough to identify the alleged ‘perps’ when it fits with their political view. Why does it not say ‘UN peacekeepers’ in the headline? That’s what they are. Doesn’t confer guilt, just confirms facts.
The BBC. Biased News.
The following countries contribute UN peacekeepers to the Ivory Coast. Which troops were responsible?
Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Chad, China, Croatia, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, India, Ireland, Jordan, Kenya, Moldova, Morocco, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Paraguay, Phillipines, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Senegal, Serbia, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Uruguay, Yemen, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Local planning decision in Australia merits not only its own story, but also a place in the news scroller. Does anyone actually care about this sort of story, except the regular nutbars who will want to use it as an example of anti-Islamic behaviour?
The report about the UN abuses includes:
“A 13-year-old girl, “Elizabeth” described to the BBC how 10 UN peacekeepers gang-raped her in a field near her Ivory Coast home’.
So the BBC sought out victims, interviewed them and then relayed their testimonies to the world on their website. As a propaganda unit for the UN, they must be as incompetent as the you think the rest of the organisation is.
The theres Newsnight’s report from 2006:
A special report from Mike Williams who uncovered fresh allegations of the sexual abuse of children by United Nations peacekeepers.
How to explain this? I’m sure you can find a way.
Just because they feel that as a so-called ‘news organisation’ they can’t avoid writing something about it, it doesn’t follow that the report is not biased.
Did anyone else hear the 5 live phone in this morning?
VD did her best to spin for McLiebour (including giving a climate change loon 20 minutes to berate anyone who opposed higher fuel taxes)
This is a really clever idea from the BBC. Get someone to call in who have pro BBC views on climate change and then let them run the show.
This loon suggested that some old lady who was disabled should get rid of her car and get food delivered to her house. The idea she might want to go out and visit her family was no longer acceptable and she’d have to live isolated in her home.
Classic BBC.