It’s the sheer arrogance of the BBC as much as its institutionalised bias that gets me. Take its’ reaction to the increasing rejection of the entirely politicised Eurovision Song contest by the British public. Now then, we all know that the Eurovision is a burlesque – always has been. But since the entry of the eastern European countries, “old Europe” has been essentially sidelined as the political bloc votes prevail and the UK has now no chance of winning, so why should we pay to go through this annual charade? Well the BBC has made is clear that it WILL continue to spend OUR money on this EU-driven enterprise and to hell with what the public thinks. The BBC is pandering to the EU and that is why it insists on funnelling money on this folly.
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Typicqal BBC attitude, can I have some money but for no service or risk.
Harsh but fair.
Wait – harsh AND unfair.
I’ve put my £50 down and was offering you half of the proceeds for coming up with a winning tip. But given your churlish attitude I shall be donating the money to a more worthwhile cause. Any suggestions from the great B-BBC brother (and sister) hood?
For a little more than 50 quid you can send pizza and soft drinks to a whole IDF platoon.
Or send burgers:
Go on, you know you want to!
Pizza is the healthier choice (just) 😉