. Do you think it possible that statistically speaking ALL of the in-mates at Guantanamo Bay are innocent little lambs? That is the line repeatedly peddled by the BBC and I listened and read the latest items concerning the squealing from “British” inmate Binyam Mohamed. Mohamed follows Al Queda training manual instructions and claims he was tortured. When he was captured by US forces, this cleaner from West London was travelling between Pakistan and Afghanistan, trying to resolve his .. ahem.. personal drug problems. As you do. His only crime was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and now those pesky Yanks have gone and charged him with conspiring to commit terrorist offences in the US, including plotting to plant a so-called dirty bomb to spread radiation. Naturally the BBC immediately undermines this by stating that a previous AQ terrorist suspect in the shape of Jose Padilla got off when the same charges were made against him. It deliberately OMITS telling us that Padilla was convicted by a US jury of conspiring to fund Jihad and the killing of people overseas. More BBC deceptions folk, giving you half the story in order to try and convince you that poor doe-eyed Mohamed is innocent. It strikes me that the BBC just loves providing airtime to the parasitic left-wing lawyers for these Gitmo captives who can then use this bully pulpit to further blacken the reputation of the US military and Presidency. In the case of this illegal Ethiopian asylum seeker – now labelled as “British” as they come – the BBC is merely continuing its own war on the United States. Don’t you agree?
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Yes, I do agree.
And isn’t hypocritical how the Beeb rush bestow spurious ‘British’ citizenship on an Ethipian asylum seeker, yet are oh-so eager to try and remove citizenship from a whole population of people who ARE actually British? That population being NI, of course.
“Tory MP brother of Bali bombing victim hits out at ‘tasteless’ bath bombs made in support of Guantanamo Bay prisoners”
illegal Ethiopian asylum seeker
This is the point all these Beebs fail to explain to the people of Britain; this bloke is NOT British. He only has the right to British residency because he is under appeal as an illegal! So not really the right of residency even..
Why do they want this scumbag back in the UK? They either love terrorists, or they hate the USA so much they will put real British, innocent lives at risk.
Brown and Miliband show their colours on this:
“The First Crack in the US-UK ‘Special Relationship’?
(by Adrian Morgan)
“Binyam Mohammed al Habashi is an Ethiopian who arrived in Britain in 1991, aged 15. His father had become an asylum seeker. He converted to Islam seven years after his arrival. He is suspected of undergoing explosives training in Afghanistan alongside shoe-bomber Richard Reid. He had been arrested in Karachi, Pakistan, in 2002. He is accused of trying to fly to the US where he was said to have intended to be part of a plot to blow up apartment blocks. He claims that he was sent from Pakistan to Morocco, where he was subjected to torture during an 18 month detention.
“The Times wrote recently: ‘A United States military indictment alleges that Binyam Mohammed received firearms and explosives training alongside the shoebomber Richard Reid, was lectured by Osama bin Laden and was given a terrorist mission by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the architect of the 9/11 atrocities.'”
Being loyal to the British State is the mark of Cain to Al Beeb so those of us who support the monarchy and the rule of law are scum. By contrast, Mohamed is a hero.
“Tory MP brother of Bali bombing victim hits out at ‘tasteless’ bath bombs made in support of Guantanamo Bay prisoners”
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/…- prisoners.html
It’s my daughter’s birthday in a few days time. I was going to buy her a few presents, some of which were going to be Lush products.
But not now. F***k ’em and their support for a bunch of jihadists…
To the BBC mind, whatever George Bush does is wrong. Therefore anyone who opposes him is right. This must goes double if there is a US Presidential election in the offing.
For most of the Liberal-Left there are no guilty men held at Gauntanamo, just as to Penal Reform groups there are no guilty people – which is to say people resposible for their own actions -in our prisons.
For most of the Left, support for “human rights” isn’t about human rights, but about the need of the average Leftist to assert their own imagined moral superiority to the World, and, more fundamentally, to themselves.
I could not care less about any of them…I only hope the Americans make there lives as difficult as possible…we are at war…they are the enemy…that is all I need to know and the beeb etc can whine all they like.
Well he answer to Gitmo is simple. Tell your soldiers NOT to take prisoners, if you get my drift.
“In the case of this illegal Ethiopian asylum seeker – now labelled as “British” as they come – the BBC is merely continuing its own war on the United States. Don’t you agree?”
Not just the UK – it’s a war against the UK and western civilization (what’s left of it). Binyam Mohamed had no business being in the UK and his legal problems vis a vis the US are no particular interest of the UK. It’s an Ethiopian issue. The BBC should make this clear.
I meant ‘not just the US’. The Gramscians of the BBC know what they are about. If the Conservatives have any cojones (doubtful), the breakup of the BBC should be on their long to-do list.
libertus: I made a point on this the other day. I’d like to see a thread where we can post articles and ideas on how to ensure as much pressure on the Tories as we can.
I’d suggest that we create a standard letter that clearly lays out the reasons that the TV tax cannot continue and that the technology to allow the BBC to fund itself is now available.
bbc anti us bias doesnt affect me over guantanamo because the whole establishment is a disgrace anyway and just gives the right wing a bad name
its simply a public face of a far worse programme where people are flown to the worst tinpot countries in the world to be tortured.
One such place is the peoples republic of the european union.
yet more evidence the EU human rights documents count for nothing.
not that any of that is newsnights motivation. just presents an easy target.
guantanamo because the whole establishment is a disgrace anyway
Name one thing.
For most of the Left, support for “human rights” isn’t about human rights, but about the need of the average Leftist to assert their own imagined moral superiority to the World, and, more fundamentally, to themselves.
Rob Santiago | 31.05.08 – 10:29 am | #
Exactly. The absolute proof of this is that the left does not and has never cared about the “human rights” of law abiding citizens who have the inalienable human right to go about their lives without physical coercion or risk of being blown to smithereens by terrorists. They claim to champion “liberty” but fail to understand that real freedom also means freedom from crime or threat of violence.
By asserting their sympathy for terrorists, criminals and other scum, they imagine that they are traveling upon some higher moral plain that the rest of society has simply not yet reached. They like to imagine that morality is not so “clean cut” and that only they can decipher the “complexities” of right and wrong.
One of the most odious manifestations of this charade is that in their minds, whether secretly or explicitly, they seek the approval of criminals and terrorists. In fact they pine for their approval.
Unless of course that criminal did something to their own families, in which case they fantasize about smashing their skulls with iron crowbars like the rest of us.
Name one thing
Jack Bauer
they are too right wing for me.
the fact they have lost track of trillions of dollars
the fact they defend the use of torture
the fact Bush gives the impression he doesnt really know whats going on.
for example.
“the fact Bush gives the impression he doesnt really know whats going on”
Impression is nonsense. Does he or doesn’t he? Or are you too confused to decide one way or t’other?
adam…trillions of dollars?…defend the use of torture…how terrible…give me a plane ticket and a pair of pliers and I’ll show them what torture realy is….who cares what happens to terrorist scum,I’m at a loss as to why they are still stealing oxygen…we are way too kind!
Unless of course that criminal did something to their own families, in which case they fantasize about smashing their skulls with iron crowbars like the rest of us.
jason | 31.05.08 – 2:08 pm
That is not necessarily true. In fact many on the left are so devoted to their mindless ideology that they put it above the well-being of friends and family. Here’s an extreme example that really shook me at the time and still does whenever I think of it:
Amy Biehl was a 26-year-old American anti-apartheid idealist who was in South Africa working towards the end of apartheid when she was brutally murdered driving through a black township in Cape Town in 1993. The My Hero article I link to omits an important detail. She was in the car with black friends and so it was obvious that she was not pro-apartheid and was killed simply because she was white.
But the worst of it was that her equally ideological parents appeared to have immediately accepted her murder, without any natural intervening grieving process of denial and disbelief at her death and anger at her killers. Interviewed on the World Service recently, her mother said she felt “sadness” on being informed of Amy’s death. Absolutely unbelievable. Searching for that interview, I came across this 1998 article:
The Biehls met and forgave their daughter’s killers, who were jailed but later freed, having applied for amnesty to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The Biehls established the Amy Biehl Foundation to work for – well whatever it works for:
The Biehls said they believe their daughter would have supported the Commission’s decision to grant amnesty.
Damn pity that we will never know what Amy Biehl would have thought about that.
Bryan: I have to say in the case you quote. I don’t give a shit. If lefties die I think little of it.
I asked you to name one thing about Gitmo that was a “disgrace.” Your words.
Still waiting.
Of course I should qualify that open ended request, to mention I assume you meant in relation to the incarceration of the Islamo-terrorists.
misread my own post there.
fan of gitmo are you jack bauer?
i gave my reason in my second post.
you know in this country prisoners are given keys to their own cells, sky tv, presumeably with porn and football, game consoles for ‘good behaviour’
so they can practice on GTA
6 of our prisons have heated indoor swimming pools
They get a third off for pleading guilty, half off automatically through parole, as prisons are ‘full’ and sentance lengths have been slashed.
Many prisoners got to ‘open prison’ others simply tagged and released early
fan of gitmo are you jack bauer?
Yes.. big fan of Club Gitmo.
Still waiting for your reason why it’s a “disgrace” in relation to the scum rightfully banged up there…
Though I personally would prefer they were taking a forever dirt nap.
this is left wing justice.
Jack Straw the ‘ex’ communist is now working to get all prisons shut down.
They “dont work”
thank god that isnt the case in america.
Guantanamo bay seems to be the opposite of how we treat terrorists.
why cant we get a sensible policy for dealing with them.
Bryan | 31.05.08 – 4:15 pm |
The Amy Bieh case is a bit like Rachel Corrie’s. If anyone doesn’t know about her just see how many pages are devoted to this symbol of Israeli brutality/heroic martyr on Google. Not to mention tributes, dramas, song lyrics etc etc. The most interesting one, however is
And her parents behaved the same way as Amy’s.
Sue | 31.05.08 – 7:24 pm,
Yes there are quite a few similarities there but while Corrie was a real hard case working for an organisation with links to terror, Amy Biehl was more of an idealist, working within the framework of the law to help prepare South African blacks for the transition to democracy.
I have not found much on the internet about Amy Biehl’s character and interests but something tells me she was no Rachel Corrie.
I’m trying to play the video on the blog, but it’s sticking.
adam | 31.05.08 – 2:33 pm |
the fact they defend the use of torture
the fact Bush gives the impression he doesnt really know whats going on.
for example.
Once again the Lefties get to dictate the narrative and the terms involved (not saying that’s you, but you seem to have at least bought into their narrative). The Bush Administration does not defend the use of torture. The only thing under question right now is “water-boarding”, which may or may not be torture, depending on one’s point of view. It’s hardly bamboo under the nails or beatings or rape, and causes no physical harm, and so can’t really be considered “torture” in my view, unpleasant as it may seem.
The Bush Administration supports the use of water-boarding as a possible last-resort method for vital situations. Apparently Khaled Sheik Muhammed was done like that, and he coughed up a ton of info. The US does not torture anyone, unless you count blasting heavy metal rock music at people.
So to say that they “defend the use of torture” is a lie.
Bush only gives the impression that he doesn’t know what’s going on if you watch edited footage or go strictly by verbal gaffes which are in hindsight no worse than most politicians. Certainly if you ever watch an interview with him you couldn’t say that. You may not agree with him, and think he’s got his head up his ass sometimes, but that’s not the same thing at all. Once again, the narrative wins.
This is the reason why I am so concerned about BBC bias. I have been challenged on occasion to justify my existence here as a non-UK resident or slave to the license fee. One of my key points is that the BBC’s biased broadcasting has had an adverse affect on my friends. In fact, I have had almost this exact same discussion about Bush, etc., on two different occasions with British friends who are UK residents and learn about the world around them from the BBC, just like the way they grew up.
The amount of misinformation that we had to sort through was nothing short of astounding. The misrepresentations, selective omissions, and sometimes even outright lies from the BBC have taken their toll, and continue to do so. I don’t like it when my friends’ minds are messed with – on purpose – by the official state broadcaster, with a duty to be impartial, of the most important ally of my country.
David: exactly. I know Americans who live in the UK, and they are constantly having to scream abuse at the telly when BBC lies are on (how do you know they lie? their lips move).
And since I know a fair bit about Israel, I have to scream abuse at the telly when BBC lies about the ME are on.
Bryan,| 31.05.08 – 8:13 pm
Sorry the video sticks. You Tube has quite a few clips from this show – Club Cruz – the most peculiar TV network or whatever it is. The host Becky Johnson interviewer par excellence, and the interviewee Lee Kaplan are a very odd pair. And they kind of battle with each other for the stage. The set is the wierdest thing, and what is Ms Johnson wearing? Has she been to a charity shop blindfolded to pick out her outfit? Never mind. The message is in there all the same.
clip 1 don’t laugh
clip 3 don’t laugh again.
Sue, thanks for that. I was able to see all 3 clips OK on You Tube.
The host Becky Johnson interviewer par excellence, and the interviewee Lee Kaplan are a very odd pair. And they kind of battle with each other for the stage.
Agreed. But they did a good job bringing the truth to the public, even though it was an example of how not to conduct a TV interview. At one point I thought Kaplan was going to roll his eyes at the interruptions and stating of the obvious.
Faked photos from that Smith creep were interesting – e.g. the bulldozer throwing no shadow. These people can’t even lie convincingly.
“Mideast Catch-and-Release: What happens when US returns terrorists to Muslim countries”:-
Sorry, testing, it’s not working properly today.
so is there some suggestion that americans shouldn’t comment here inasmuch as they are non-brits, about the British (so-called) Broadcasting Corporation?
i’d consider that…but for the little matter of the bbc’s anti-AMERICAN bias…
but as i’ve said before, if the bbc wants to be considered a world-player, and take the world’s praises, it must also take its criticisms
“”Mideast Catch-and-Release: What happens when US returns terrorists to Muslim countries”.
You throw a press conference,have some top brass presenting the terrorist a cheque and thanking him for all his help.
The problem with the BBC is not only bias but the very patchy, inadequate and dumbed down nature of its coverage. Gone are the days when there was as string of current affairs programmes on TV able to bring the four corners of the world to these shores. Now even Panorama is only half an hour and is often devoted to purely domestic issues.The public is starved of real information (apart from those issues like Guantanamo which have become left wing shibboleths) Of course we can always rely on programmes like Palin’s rambles through Eastern Europe to keep us informed… Brazil has by some measures the eighth largest economy of the world. Recently huge Middle Eastern type oil fields have been discoverd. Where is the Beeb’s coverage? (apart from rainforests and football) Across the Atlantic in the Congo the coflict has cost 5 million lives in the last decade and people are dying at a rate of 45000 a month.
In the meantime all the BBC can do is chant ‘Guantanamo, Guantanamo, Guantanamo’ like a mantra. You don’t have to be left wing to believe that there are important issues with Guantanamo that need discussing. But it is the slewed, unbalanced and inadequte coverage of world affairs that is the real problem. The public is being left in ignorance.
David Preiser wonders whether it is ok for Americans to comment on a blog like this. My reply is – absolutely! The modern BBC is about as British as ‘British’ Petroleum -it sees itself very much as a world corporation.As America is often the victim of BBC bias it is of course right that Americans should respond.
Not even sure why you ask, David. Of course it’s OK, for all the reasons cited above and for the reason that comments from outside the envelope are useful and for the reason that yours are especially pertinent and interesting.
Play Fair and Nearly Oxfordian,
I appreciate that, although I was more saying that I (and others) have occasionally been challenged and our opinions dismissed for not being a UK resident or paying the license fee, and then stating my reasons why I believe I have every right to comment here.
Correcting the BBC’s propaganda, misinformation, and sometimes just plain old lying about the US is a primary concern, as I have learned from experience with friends and business acquaintances. I brought this up because adam seemed to exhibit a specific kind of BBC/Guardian-influenced ignorance that I’ve seen – and argued against – before in friends of mine.
Oh, sure, I was aware of your reasons.
As I have said, I know a fair bit about Israel, TSTL, and the non-stop BBC lies about it are as bad as those about the USA, which I know a little.
Two contrasting reports:-
1.) BBC:
“UK man charged at Guantanamo Bay”
Comment on BBC’s persistent, and misleading use of phrase ‘British man’ in this context:
“In the past, Britain has called for release of UK nationals, but the request by Miliband is the first time that Britain has asked for the release of individuals who are not citizens but refugees or ‘residents’ in Britain. The five subjects of Miliband’s request are Jamil al-Banna, Omar Deghayes, Shaker Abdur-Raheem Aamer, Binyam Mohammed al Habashi and Abdulnour Sameur. The Sunday Times quoted Sandra Hodgkinson, deputy assistant secretary of defence for detainee affair at the Pentagon. She warned that the suspects could try to rejoin terror operations. Unless Britain takes precautions, they could pose a threat to UK security, Hodgkinson warned.” (‘Western Resistance’ below).
2.)’Western Resistance’
To REPEAT, for BBC. He is an ETHIOPIAN Muslim.
Learn more about him:
” Binyam Mohammed al Habashi is an Ethiopian who arrived in Britain in 1991, aged 15. His father had become an asylum seeker. He converted to Islam seven years after his arrival. He is suspected of undergoing explosives training in Afghanistan alongside shoe-bomber Richard Reid. He had been arrested in Karachi, Pakistan, in 2002. He is accused of trying to fly to the US where he was said to have intended to be part of a plot to blow up apartment blocks. He claims that he was sent from Pakistan to Morocco, where he was subjected to torture during an 18 month detention.
“The Times wrote recently: ‘A United States military indictment alleges that Binyam Mohammed received firearms and explosives training alongside the shoebomber Richard Reid, was lectured by Osama bin Laden and was given a terrorist mission by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the architect of the 9/11 atrocities.'”
(Adrian Morgan)