What is it with the BBC and self-appointed “human rights” advocate Shami Chakrabarti? This little doe-eyed busybody appears to be a permanent inhabitant of BBC studios. She was on the most recent “Have I got news for you” programme, showing just how witless she is. This morning she was on the Today programme acting as the official spokesperson for those who oppose the 42 day detention bill. But she has no mandate whatsoever and it is merely the fact that BBC has decided to elevate her and the oxymoronic Liberty group which she represents that provides her with this bully pulpit. Whether it is panel games, current affairs or news items, Shami is assured her place by the BBC. Why?
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Wasn’t it Adolf Elizabeth Hitler in The Producers?
1. About 30 years ago when workers were sacked for refusing to join socialist or communist unions, the National Council for Civil Liberties, Liberty’s old name. refused to support them!
2. Somewhere in Orwells’ writings, well over 60 years ago, is a comment to the effect that the NCCL was a communist front organisation.
3. Can anyone from the BBC explain why certain organisations are given airtime, whilst others are ignored?
2. Somewhere in Orwells’ writings, well over 60 years ago, is a comment to the effect that the NCCL was a communist front organisation.
Wouldn’t be surprised. The ACLU in the US was founded by communists.
Wouldn’t be surprised. The ACLU in the US was founded by communists.
Jack Bauer | 04.06.08 – 1:14 am
Amnesty International most certainly was founded by communists.
(hint: google is your friend)
My heart sinks everytime she is wheeled out to comment on the latest percieved affront to civil liberties.I’m a hated left wing looney,feminist blah ,blah,blah but she offends even me.There must be dozens of people from worthy organizations that can be called to comment when the need arises.She reminds of the voluntary social workers I used to work with in London in the earlt Eighties-full of bullshit and constantly ‘policing ‘other people for racism so they can make them selves feel better about themselves. I hated the fact we were expected to worship black people (for they can do no wrong)just as much as I hate it now.It seems Chakrabati and her ilk make a living from making excuses for others bad behavior in stead of taking responsibilty for it.The whole thing makes me want to puke.
She is sweet though.
For the attention of Ms. S. Chakrabarti (and BBC):-
“The Death of Human Rights Discourse”
*shami chakrabarti*… thats gotta be ripe for an anagram or ten.
sharia bitch karma
(coz im thinking all those traitorous slags who shill for passive-aggressive islamic victimhood will eventually end up in burqa hell)
Yvonne Ridley proves my point
For attention of Ms. S. Chakrabarti (and BBC):
“Hate speech or truth denied?”
Chakrabati is well-intentioned but naive. She talks some sense, is right to champion freedom of speech and be weary of a slide into police state. However, what rankles me is her political correctness; if she believes in free speech then she should be absolutely against pandering to certain groups.
“I deplore what you say but I defend to the death your right to say it” is something she does not seem to fully embrace.
That’s not naivety, Zevilyn. That makes her either a fool or a knave.
Shami’s anagram – excellent! LOL.
Now Canada, next the UK.
Will Ms.S. Chakrabarti, ‘Liberty’, the BBC stand up for free speech?:
“Shut up, dhimmi: Macleans’s counsel not allowed to question conduct of Islamic congress.”