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General BBC-related comment thread!
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Richard Littlejohn – Dissent from global warming scam not allowed.
Last week, Dr Arthur Robinson, of the University of Oregon, announced to a packed Washington Press Conference that 31,000 scientists had signed an online petition challenging the conventional wisdom that man-made C02 emissions were causing ‘global warming’.
This went largely unreported on either side of the Atlantic. Any dissent from the great global warming scam, however valid, is dismissed as heresy.
In other words, the BBC!
The BBC is having its cake and eating it
Willingness to spray money around in unfair competition wrong, says Neil Midgley.
More on the massively expensive and apparently uncontrollable expansion of the BBC’s website ambitions:-
“BBC rivals amazed at internet ‘whitewash’ as government body insists £110m website doesn’t stifle competition”
BBC: special pleading for Muslims again?
What’s the purpose of this ‘article’?:-
“Researcher ‘fears terror arrest'”
This BBC ‘report’ propagandises Mr. Shaffi’s vague, unquantified, unverified statement:
“I believe the majority of the the community” (presumably he means Muslims in Bradford) “are law-abiding and peace-loving people”. Where’s the story?
Presumably, we will see the BBC equally keen to report the fears of NON-MUSLIM people in such a fashion in future?
Though I sadly missed the letter that inspired it, I was intrigued at the balance of replies less than supportive of a BBC ‘explanation’ of its licence fee collection procedures… in the Independent.
Re BBC website overspent of +48%.
Given the budget overspends at the BBC and lack of general wailing from beeboids and their supporters, I conclude that the licence fee settlement has actually turned out to be quite generous to the BBC.
Anyone got any info on recent BBC income figures? Perhaps due to rise in ‘households’ and receipts from BBC Worldwide, they are again starting to ‘wallow in a jaccuzi of cash’ (Copyright Mark Thompson, current DG of BBC)
If they ain’t complaining, it aint hurting (enough).
Another example of the ‘efficent’, propagandising BBC website in practice:
This entry had been on the BBC’s Middle East page since 7 APRIL!:
“Egypt Islamists’ wait for power”
Memo for BBC: forget the Muslim persecution of Chriatan Copts in Egypt, see: 29.05.08 11:00 pm above, and forget stories like this on Iran for your ‘Middle East’ page, concentrate on pro-Islamic stuff, by your pro-Islamic staff:
“Report: Iran Arrests Suspected Converts to Christianity”,2933,359944,00.html
Why does the BBC feel the need to manage its finances correctly?
1. It has a quaranteed income from millions of householders, who have no choice but to pay for fear of prison
2. It has a corrupt failed Government that will back it all the way so long as the BBC spins all its propaganda
If you go to the BBC news front page, look at the link at the bottom that says Blair insights.
How says the BBC don’t spout for Labour!!!!
How long before Cherie Blair ends up with a BBC chat show?
I also note the BBC are going big on those evil Tory bastards who didn’t tell people about the dangers of smoking.
Of course every Labour Government after that did, didn’t they?????
BBC manage to find a story blaming Harold Macmillan for lung cancer. They even manage to find a cap-wearing man to slag him off.
Ahh, Martin got there before me 🙂
BBC manage to find a story blaming Harold Macmillan for lung cancer.
“You’ve never had it so bad.”
Halfwit McBrown
Today’s contrasting TV news priorities:-
BBC News political lead: PM Macmillan, 1956;
SKY News political lead: PM Brown, 2008.
Is the BBC trying to conceal something about the record-high unpopularity of 2008 Labour Party and PM Brown?
George R wonders: “Is the BBC trying to conceal something about the record-high unpopularity of 2008 Labour Party and PM Brown?”
In a word, yes. The BBC’s over-budget, under-par website currently has no mention of this story on its front page.
Mind you, it does have a screaming headline about Mcbean’s latest attempt to wriggle out of the mess he has made of the economy: ‘Fuel poverty action plan unveiled’.
I don’t know why they don’t just have done with it and run ‘Vote Labour’ as a masthead.
from the Telegraph’s YouGov poll
Only 15 per cent of voters say they are “satisfied” with Mr Brown as Prime Minister. Five times that proportion • 75 per cent • say they are “dissatisfied”.
Worse than BBC’s oft quoted ratings for President Bush!
I don’t know if anyone is watching the re-run of the 1983 GE on BBC Parliament, but with a Con vote share of 42%, and a Labour one of 27%, the 1983 Beeboids are saying it’s not actually a ringing endorsement of Mrs. Thatcher. I don’t think they said the same in 2005, where Labour beat the Tories by a much slimmer margin – 35% to 32%.
Bias – it’s a constant thing.
BBC manage to find a story blaming Harold Macmillan for lung cancer. They even manage to find a cap-wearing man to slag him off.
David | 30.05.08 – 12:19 pm
They describe cap-wearing man as “in his 70s”, I’d reckon closer to 80. Not bad for somebody who smoked 100 a day!
I was born in 1949 and in the 1950s and ’60s the dangers of smoking were well known and we told about them at school, regardless of what Macmillan said in Cabinet meetings.
It’s a bit pathetic when the best the BBC can come up with is to dig up a story from 50 years ago about smoking!!!
Interesting article about the BBC Trust in the Mail
According to the BBC:
1. We must pay Green Taxes
2. Videogames are evil
3. Gordon is a good man doing his best for the nation
The BBC’s reporting SHOULD aim to avoid stereotypes or lazy assumptions, and present all sides of a debate, and not presume consensus.
The BBC should not favour any viewpoint, maintaining an objective, “scientific” stance in its reporting; “just give me the facts, m’am.”
“just give me the facts, m’am.”
But, like good little post-modernists, they don’t believe there is any such thing as a fact – merely an interpretation.
I read the article regarding the BBC Trust on the Daily Mail website, and can only assume that the Daily Mail writer made a mistake with his headline:
Putting the words BBC and Trust next to each other must be an oxymoron, I would have thought putting the words BBC and anti- Israel/USA/Catholics/Motorist/Conservative would have been more accurate.
Let’s hope that Ofcom replace the trust and remove the BBC’s independence, especially as so many members of the trust are either ex-Beeboids or married to Beeboids.
And leave Jeremy Clarkson alone, the man is a living legend who speaks his mind.
I’m sorry, but Clarkson looks and sounds a bit like Herman Munster. The BBC bosses let him run Top Gear because it makes them massive piles of cash and he plays the Conservative Buffoon part very well when called upon.
Radio 4 ‘Any Questions’ 8 pm tonight:
The panel will include the usual BBC politically- biased composition, apparently:
MALCOLM WICKS MP: Minister for Energy;
NICK HERBERT MP: Shadow Secretary of State for Justice;
NORMAN LAMB MP: Liberal Democrats’ health spokesman;
AND….wait for it…
Professor GERMAINE GREER: whom the BBC describes as “academic and critic”.
Ah Germaine Greer. A woman with more hair on her top lip than most men.
From ‘Cranmer’:-
“Melanie Phillips is invariably erudite, incisive and right. Her exposition of the blatant anti-Semitism of the Universities and Colleges Union is precisely the sort of phobia which should have the BBC filling the airwaves and the newspapers filling column inches, and doubtless they would if it were a UCU agenda against Islam or Muslims. But when the body discusses whether universities should single out Israeli and Jewish scholars for discrimination, there is not a murmur.”
The above is an extract from:
“Academia’s ‘witch-hunt against the Jews'”
Ah Germaine Greer. A woman with more hair on her top lip than most men.
To say nothing of her chest.
Isn’t she a born-again housewife these days? She was always a fishwife, of course.
She certainly puts the half into wit.
Perhaps Brown fans at the BBC will even read:
“Moving Britain Forward: selected speeches 1997-2006” by Gordon Brown.
See reviews here:
“The benefit of hindsight – Dominic Hilton explores his Max Mosleyesque tendencies and gets to grips with Gorrdon Brown’s Collected Speeches: ‘Moving Britain Forward'”
‘Extremist’ scarf advert: Your views
Wow, you have to scroll right down to the bottom to find just one comment from somebody who ‘gets it’:
Well done to the blogger. It’s time mainstream people fought back against the Islamics. They are trying to make us all think that terrorism is chic. This is exactly how they do it.
Mark Williams, Milton keynes, UK
Original story here:
US chain drops ‘terror scarf’ ad
I watched the BBC news and I watched ITV. Have a guess which one mentioned the Yougov poll?
Classic BBC. Female beeboid was interviewing Michael Brown on News 24 just now about McBean’s silly stunt ringing people up.
At the end of the piece (where Brown had been taking the piss) he finished off doing a bit where he said in an attempt of a Brown accent “I’ve listened and I’ve learnt…”
To which the female beeboid replied “lets hope so…”
Lets hope so? Why? So Brown gets re-elected?
Almost as bad as the tosspot off the Toady show saying “when we win…”
The poor old BBC. They must be in utter despair at their great clunking fist leader being so frigging useless.
“Oi, you buggers leave Mr Clarkson alone…he is about the only person worth watching on El Beeb!”
El Beeb or Al Beeb?
As to Mr Clarkson, much as I find him entertaining, he shares that disgusting BBC habit of sneering at the Yanks, as though we had anything to sneer about.
Talking of which, the BBC are airing a programme called “Painted Babies: Growing Up”, whose subtext is the same thing: sneering at the Yanks.
In an odd variation on telescopic philanthropy, the Liberal chooses to focus on the quirks of foreign nations whilst blithely ignoring those of his own.
(Note to Beeboids: Britain is completely screwed, largely as a function of your liberal agendas. Look closer to home for your mockery of the messed up)
Another priceless Newsnight, with Emily Maitlis singing the praises of McBean, telling us that no other politician has any better solution to the fuel crisis, while an economic hippy promoting his book tells us we need personal carbon limits.
This, following some bimbo calling herself a business editor (come back Jeff Randall – all is forgiven) telling us protest is futile, get used to it.
Newsnight – proudly brought to you by Greenpeace.
What is the BBC trying to say by inserting “wealthy” in this story?
Seven buildings in the area have been evacuated as a precaution, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said.
It is the second such incident in the city this year – seven people died in a crane collapse in the same wealthy Manhattan area in March.
If I overspent at work by 48% I would be sacked.
If my company overspent by 48% it would go bust.
If the BBC overspends by 48% it gets rewarded with more money.
Quite ridiculous.
“For the next 50 years he smoked as many as 100-a-day”
And he still managed to get laid????
BaggieJonathan: BBC overspends it goes to McLiebour and demands more money by extortion from the public or it won’t promote McLiebour policies on the BBC.
GCooper: I turned off as soon as Newsnight’s main story was about yet another “British” (Suspect) Mulsim terrorist being unfairly treated.
Unlike those scummy Brits who offended Isalm in Iraq and have been held captive for a year.
“an economic hippy promoting his book tells us we need personal carbon limits.”
Rationing! This idea,beloved of the Manchurian Candidate, Milipede,will simply create a vast black market.A quick look at WWII in Britain will give some indication of the kind of problems that will arise.Similarly Prohibition in America,or even the Booze Cruises and cigarette smuggling.
I have just turned off a Newsnight segment (one of the “best of the week” bits they broadcast at us fool United Statesians. I’m not going to bother with the names involved (I didn’t catch them, and it doesn’t matter), but it was two Leftoid females in the studio, plus one male think-tank policy wonk. The topic was overpopulation of the world, hunger, resource management, etc. The BBC point of view up for discussion was: “The world is overpopulated now, or, if not, it will be disastrously so in 50 years. Discuss how bad it is, how bad it will be, and what policies we should put into place to fix it.” To start off, they throw a chart in our faces showing that women living at poverty levels tend to have 8 or 9 children, whereas wealthier women have barely one. Nothing unusual or unknown to anyone, just a launching pad for wealth redistribution. It goes without saying that Emily Maitlis began with the presumed Gospel that the world is, in fact, over-poplulated now, or at least very nearly, and it was imperative that we figure out if China’s “One Child” policy was right for the West or not.
One female American Leftoid, dressed like an extra on “East Enders”, basically said it will be really bad in 50 years, and we need to give women better options for not being poor. In other words, throw money at various women having large litters, problem solved. The male policy wonk gave us some seemingly sensible words about policy, but if one thought about it, it didn’t amount to much more than throwing money at policies that redistributed wealth to prevent poverty, which would in turn lead to lower childbirth rates.
The other female Leftoid started out by saying that policy decisions should depend on the situation in which the women lived. Hang on, I thought, this might lead to some common sense. Naturally, I was mistaken, and she instead said that being poor caused people to have children they couldn’t afford, and wealth must be redistributed to handle it.
Only in an agrarian or totally free-market society without child-labor laws does an increased brood help a family’s financial outlook (or a profligate welfare state, I suppose). Yet, the BBC and their friends are happy to ignore reality and instruct us all that anyone spawning offspring in poverty out to get bailed out, and it’s down to some sort of responsible civilization to do so. Just like anything else, it’s all a zero-sum game to dopey Leftoids. Any discussion of birth control was quickly dismissed with little more than rolled eyes.
Population = problem. Solution = re-distribution of wealth.
Presumably we’ll have this discussion again in earnest in another twenty-odd years when all the babies being born into poverty now will have begun spawning yet another multitude, which will in turn lead to more clucking of tongues at the BBC.
“Even the BBC Trust thinks its big name TV and radio news presenters are paid too much”
From ‘Euroreferendum blogspot’:
“And, rather than interact with the blogosphere, the predatory BBC – seeks to dominate the net, pushing its own ‘liberal’ agenda through its vast network of taxpayer-funded websites, which it then shamelessly promotes via its radio and television programmes.”
‘The parasites in our midst’
A bland BBC plug for Blair’s self-appointed role on religion:
“Blair’s faith in difficult task”
A critique:
“Putting Profit above Principle”
( by Mark Alexander).
As to Mr Clarkson, much as I find him entertaining, he shares that disgusting BBC habit of sneering at the Yanks, as though we had anything to sneer about
It’s everywhere now. It’s like a national twitch.
It reminds me of the Scots… their whole nation seems to be defined by how much they dislike the English.
The funny thing is, most Americans don’t give a flying eff about what Britain, or Europe thinks — except the “intellectuloids.”
Memo to the BBC: Normal everyday Americans DON’T CARE what you think.
But they do find our woeful teeth a constant source of amusement.
I’ve mentioned before, the BBC is the only broadcaster in the world where you can still get on camera sporting a mouth looking like a tumbled down graveyard.
David Preiser (USA): If you scroll back up you should see I commented on this QT article. One of the female leftoids was a woman called Lionel, yes Lionel who changed her name because she thought men had an easier life. That alone should tell you her political views.
But this crap the BBC come out with about population control runs through the left.
When Tony Jumiper (another veggie leftie) was on the Daily Politics which the ‘great James Whale’ Whale made the point that we needed to cut the population of the world.
Juniper totally disagreed and said (as the left believe) that the planet can support more and more people so long as their Carbon footprint is not excessive.
I’m amazed we let wankers like this vote.
What are all these people supposed to do for a living? Make T-shirts for 50p a day in a sweat shop?
Where will all the food come from to feed them?
Are they all meant to live in poverty for the rest of their lives without hope of ever being able to own a car or go on a nice holiday once in a while?
Note the left don’t intend to give up their life style (for example people like Travolta, Madonna and that halfwit Leonardo de Cappicuno or whatever his name is – you know the gay looking bloke all do plenty of first class flying around the world preaching to those who slog their guts out in a shit job that THEY should feel guilty about their once a year holiday to the sun) they like the fat corrupt politicians expect everyone else to make the ‘sacrifice’
You just can’t make this leftoid crap up can you?
I think there are two reasons why the left are so obsessed with huge populations on the planet.
1. Keep the people under control and just like Communism you can make a poorly educated workforce do and think whatever you want (note how hard the left struggle to brainwash people about climate change at the moment, they hate that)
2. Huge populations usually mean lots of young people who are often more radical and leftoid that their elders. Where will the left get the next generation of drug taking retards to campaign for them or throw waste bins through the windows of the local McDonalds?
You just can’t make this leftoid crap up can you?
Enough false modesty.
You do a brilliant job of making it up. Well done.
Here’s an example, just above, of exactly such a retard.
It reminds me of the Scots… their whole nation seems to be defined by how much they dislike the English.
Doesn’t stop them coming down and living here, like that vile racist Gill.
Here’s a feelgood story about a Muslim jumping in to help a Jew being beaten up on the subway.
Wonderful thing, the internet.