Even the left-wing Independent reports that 25 years after after the outbreak of Aids, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has accepted that the threat of a global heterosexual pandemic does not exist. In the first official admission that the universal prevention strategy promoted by the major Aids organisations was profoundly flawed Kevin de Cock (His real name, honest!), the head of the WHO’s department of HIV/Aids said there will be no generalised epidemic of Aids in the heterosexual population outside Africa.
Dr De Cock, an epidemiologist who has spent much of his career leading the battle against the disease, said understanding of the threat posed by the virus had changed. Whereas once it was seen as a risk to populations everywhere, it was now recognised that, outside sub-Saharan Africa, it was confined to high-risk groups including gay men, drug users, and prostitutes and their clients. The contrast with the propaganda pumped out by the likes of the BBC over the years could not be greater. Remember this? Oddly enough, the BBC does not seem to have picked up on this sensational news. I wonder why? No more red ribbons?
at the first sign of dissent nox goes into default abuse mode…a charming chap.
Last ever comment on this site. Came back today to see if I hadn’t perhaps been hasty. I hadn’t. I know that’s no tragedy for anyone else, but it makes me sad.
Chuffer, Thud, Nearly Oxfordian – you all sound like little brats. You have no respect for the purpose of this site, you think the important thing is to win the pettiest possible squabbles. You are wrecking this site.
N Oxf – I agree with your views on almost everything, which is why it’s sad that there’s hardly an active thread at the moment on which you haven’t had prolonged, childish, abuse-laden and pointless battles with one or more other commenters. Why do you bother? It saddens me that someone with whom I agree is doing more than anyone else to make the threads unreadable. It’s not a crime for someone to suggest that you might be wrong on an issue, you know? And if they resort to personal abuse, you don’t need to respond in kind. Not if you’re as clever as you clearly want people to think you are. The fact is, though, you’re often the first to bring out the personal abuse.
Even when someone pointed out that the tone on the comments was plunging into the gutter, your first reponse was to resent being singled out, and point out petty discrepancies in his comments. Thus kind of proving his point about your hyper-sensitivity to criticism and disagreement.
And Gus saying that he “doesn’t need a lecture” about his abusiveness.
Well, frankly, yes he does.
Because the abuse, the ranting, and the stupidity, all have drained this site of credibility. There are some damn smart people here, and they have many valid things to say. It’s a real shame that others say things that demolish the credibility of the site as a serious forum for exploring BBC bias.
I mean seriously N Oxf, Thud, Chuffer: pretend to be thoughtful and serious visitors to the site for one moment, read through the comments you’ve made on this thread, and decide whether you take this site seriously or not.
Baggie J and G tree – I accept your points. I would, however, strongly echo Gh. Tree’s comment: “It’s not a crime for someone to suggest that you might be wrong on an issue, you know?”
I’m happy to cease fire and, as you say, return to the ‘job in hand’.
“It’s not a crime for someone to suggest that you might be wrong on an issue, you know?”
When they do it by way of personal abuse, and the issue is one of a simple typo, and they keep trolling me about it, I will respond. Sorry, GT, but you sound like a pompous prat when you lecture me like that, especially since you have said you no longer wish to post here. Coming back to post this silly tirade makes you Joel’s equal.
“you have to curb your language” –
I don’t HAVE to do anything on your instructions.
Thud, look up the difference between dissent and personal abuse. Assuming you can read.
G tree…I see nox is a big fan of yours….as I have said..his default mode is insult..read top thread at the moment, he is off again…the little scamp.
Having seen what you get from NOx when trying to remind people of the need for good manners, I may as well join you in heading for the sunset.
As I said on another thread, this used to be a site where you could have a reasonable exchange of views – nowadays reading it is the intellectual equivalent of the dive down the toilet in “Trainspotting”.
Take away the overseas lobbyists and the weird obsessionist foulmouths and there’s hardly anyone left.
I’ve spent too much time in this filth, I’m off.
Steady now chaps!…if anybody else leaves, nox will only have chuffer and little old me to rant at…that could get tedious as amusing though the little man is, he does tend to repeat himself.
Having read this thread several time,it looks suspiciously like a deliberate attempt to disrupt the discussion.
Interesting that it has brought threats to leaves B-BBC by individuals,some are of dubious sincerity.
When AIDS was known as the Gay plague there were some who believed it to be the fulfilment of the prophesy in Romans Chapter 1: “In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.” In actual fact this is an incorrect exposition, nevertheless, it certainly encouraged gay-bashing. Even the Thatcher government connived at the lie that AIDS was a risk for heterosexuals so as to avoid widespread violence. It has been known for some time in medical circles that heterosexual AIDS virtually only occurs by having unprotected sex with a man from sub-Saharan Africa.
It is extremely difficult to spread the virus via vaginal intercouse, but we must remember that anal sex takes place between man and women as well as between men and men. If promiscuity alone were the cause we would expect much more heterosexual transmission from European to European. Some years ago a paper in teh British Medical Journal reported that the only spread to the spouses of Haemophiliacs occurred among couple who indulged in anal intercourse.
gharqad tree | 10.06.08 – 2:18 pm,
Never say “never.” Hopefully you’ll return to contribute to threads that have not been jijacked by slanging matches. Unfortunately this is all too prevalent on the internet and only of interest to the slangors and slangees. It’s a tedious exercise trying to wade through this stuff to get to sensible comments. And it’s also a damn pity since the combatants are basically on the same side against BBC bias and make useful contributions when they are not slinging abuse at one another.
Roland Thompson-Gunner | 10.06.08 – 5:51 pm,
How convenient of you to make your haughty exit without responding to this challenge:
I was genuinely interested to see your evidence for the BBC’s undying loyalty to British troops.
That should read I was genuinely interested in seeing your evidence for the BBC’s undying loyalty to British troops.
The thing is not that even the Independent reported it but that NOBODY else did.
Peter Duesberg, who was excoriated by the establishment for saying that AIDS wasn’t an infectious disease at all but a breaking down of the immune system by injecting, has been almost entirely vindicated. Real infections spread geometricaly & AIDS therefore isn’t one. He proposed a simple blind trial to test the theory but so many were busy making 10s of billions out of the scam that they couldn’t be bothered to have a scientific test.
Indeed the parallels to the Global Warming, peak oil, global ice age, Srebrenica Massacre & other lies is clear.
Nearly Oxfordian,
That is you have to curb your language or you will be banned.
Not ‘my instruction’.
It is the blog rule.
You’ll probably just respond with expletives but that remains the case.
I have to share a great clip.
Arch-Leftie-Lovie Emmmah Thompson was being interviewed (worshiped) by a BBC Leftie.
She went into great detail about working in an AIDS clinic in Africa.
St. Thompson waxed lyrical about her Motehr Terresa – like service to the poor.
The interviewer asked her about the recent gift by the Evil-One Pres Bush. Emmah dismissed it with a wave of her hand.. it was irrelevant, and had too many strings attached.
And how much did the Mr Evil Bush drop on Africa for AIDS? A cool $150 Billion.
The Left cares nothing for the poor or needy, they’re just cash machines and endless guilt.