. Do you recall us discussing the BBC sneering at ITV’s X-Factor panelist Sharon Osbourne’s decision to leave that programme because her extortionate financial requests were not being granted a few days ago? So, can you guess where Sharon is going? That’s right – the BBC. It’s reported that Osbourne is being lined up to be a contestant on BBC’s “Strictly Come Dancing”.
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What’s your point? One story is by an alleged news journo, while Sharon is employed by the entertainment section.
Sorry, I usually agree with your comments, but this is just nit-picking.
Barry, the BBC doesn’t have to RAISE the money to pay Osbourne. Frankly Sharon Osbourne is smarter than the BBC hacks. She’s able to get from them, what the FREE MARKET isn’t willing to pay.
The BBC doesn’t have to sell the requisite adverts to pay her fee’s. The public pays.
It’s the government mentality.
This must be the single weirdest post I have ever seen on here. So she will be a contestant, what’s the problem?
You don’t do irony, right?
Korova: You tit. She’s going to be a judge.
I pointed this out days ago that the BBC will be signing her up soon enough. No doubt on double what she was getting from ITV (Market forces my arse)
You did indeed!
She is one of a not so small group of people with no obvious talent that once they reach a certain level of ‘fame’ are able to go from job to job on the telly. This is not unique to the beeb but I am sure that the beebs endless pot of television tax money helps push up the ‘market rate’ that they get paid.
An amout that is out of all proportion to their ‘talent’
I wonder if she’ll get “the going rate” of £18 million or not?
Pleasse note, I fully support the free market capitalist system which has created such unprecedented prosperity for so many people.
If Osbourne can earn that much, good on her.
But why the hell should I help pay her oodles via the TV Extortion Tax?
Martin: “Korova: You tit. She’s going to be a judge.”
It doesn’t help that David’s link is broken – the article he was linking to is at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/celebritynews/2098391/Sharon-Osbourne-%27to-appear-in-Strictly-Come-Dancing%27.html – but it clearly states she’s rumoured to be a contestant.
Every year the rumours about who is to be on the show start earlier and earlier — and the earlier the rumour, the less likely it is to be true.
Korova: You tit. She’s going to be a judge.
I pointed this out days ago that the BBC will be signing her up soon enough. No doubt on double what she was getting from ITV (Market forces my arse)
Martin | 10.06.08 – 10:35 pm | #
From David’s post:
STRICTLY BBC. Do you recall us discussing the BBC sneering at ITV’s X-Factor panelist Sharon Osbourne’s decision to leave that programme because her extortionate financial requests were not being granted a few days ago? So, can you guess where Sharon is going? That’s right – the BBC. It’s reported that Osbourne is being lined up to be a contestant on BBC’s “Strictly Come Dancing”.
So, who is the tit?
korova is frequently a troll, generally is wrong the vast majority of the time, and almost never have the good grace to admit it, but here she is actually right Martin.
Easy misread given she was a judge and will continue to be so on another programme, but it did say contestant in David’s intro post.
Best to just hold your hand up on that one.
Yep. However, the judges for SCD have not yet been finalised.
Korova is still a tit.
Thanks. But I am a tit that can read 🙂
Can’t recall stating anything that was wrong in the past, but I’m sure you have it logged away.
korova: I posted here on the blog that she’d be working for the BBC the same day that ITV said sh’ed left.
The media is making an “assumption” is she will be a “celeb” on SCD but I’m saying she’ll be a judge. Have you not seen this woman’s ego? None of the SCD judges have been re-signed yet (they were complaining about not being paid enough) and the BBC would have her as a judge tomorrow paying her a huge amount of money.
Nice to see you admit to being a tit though 🙂
Martin | 11.06.08 – 4:01 pm |
He’s also a tit who is prone to telling lies.
Just ask Biodegradable about publishing IP addresses.
Also his nonsense on the miner’s strike.
Judge or contestant she will be getting a lot of our money for being already famous.
TPO – Any lies you care to mention?
Ron: She won’t do the dancing, she’ll want to be a judge. She’ll demand a lot of money from the BBC that’s what as you point out is what will happen.
TPO – Any lies you care to mention?
korova | 11.06.08 – 6:59 pm |
Yes – the day you put Biodegradable’s IP address on your daft website and then continuously denied it.
Were you not banned from here for that little escapade?
More recently your total shite about the miner’s strike and your claim of ‘personal knowledge’.
If you had genuine personal knowledge you would not have posted the lies that you did.
Now fuck off back to the gulag where you belong, you liar.
Yes – the day you put Biodegradable’s IP address on your daft website and then continuously denied it.
No, I posted it here. Oh and I didn’t identify the owner of the IP address, they did. And no, I wasn’t banned. I admitted my mistake and asked the moderators to remove the offending item. And, despite my personal dislike for Biodegradable, I was genuinely sorry for posting an IP address.
Much as you and your ideological companions would like those who hold a different view to you to ‘fuck off back to the gulag’, as it indicates your utter disdain for anyone who dares contradict your weakly constructed arguments, no I will not. Sorry xxx 🙂
You denied it continuously. When the proof was irrefutable only then did you apologise.
Now what was you ‘personal knowledge’ of the miner’s strike?
I do not have an ‘utter disdain’ for individuals who hold views such as yourself.
I despise them. Now fuck off.
Im intrigued by the miners strike stuff, do tell.
Personally I was highly involved with people on both sides of the dispute and visited a number of pits at that time, mostly in south wales.
Unlike some here perhaps I can see good and bad in various ways on both sides.
At the time if anything the BBC was mostly biased against the miners strike from my actual experience of them reporting something I attended. Something I find hard to imagine today.
At the time if anything the BBC was mostly biased against the miners strike from my actual experience of them reporting something I attended.
The exact point that I was making before TPO claimed I was a ‘lier’.
Ooops, ‘liar’.
BaggieJonathan | 11.06.08 – 10:58 pm |
I an not sure if you have seen my previous posts on the matter. If you have you will know of my involvement and the examples of bias against the police displayed by the BBC that I mentioned.
What was your involvement?
Now this korova individual the other day claimed to have intimate knowledge of the miner’s strike. Something he has not seen fit to share with us.
The lying over the IP issue is a matter of record here.
I may be wrong, but I believe that it is the policy of the moderator on these pages to remove posting facilities from those who accuse others of lying.
I’m sure we’ll hear from you before very long. Missing you already.
ColinChase | 12.06.08 – 12:49 am |
What a silly bunt.
ColinChase | 12.06.08 – 12:49 am |
Oh you haven’t been back. What a surpise.
For someone who has already been banned to sneak back in under a palpably stupid pseudonym and agitate for me to be banned is risible.
Even the simplist textual analysis would have exposed you, but then again you never were the brightest oik in the pikey caravan circle were you.
I seem to recall the last time the kordova individual was hung out to dry by Biodegradable for his lies in Spring 2007 you suddenly leapt into action.
What a coincidence.
For the record Filthy*unt/colinchase , unlike you my life does not revolve about this or any other blog.
You squire will wither on the vine if you are denied access. That’s why you are gagging to get back.
For your own’s sake just get out and have a walk in the park or something.
Bring it on DV – ban me – korova still lied – just go back throught the posts in 2207 – BioD knows the date.
korova lied and the filth backed him up.
Now baggie – exactly what is your knowledge about the miners strike.
I’ll refer you to mine:
I notice Korova no longer shows his/her website.
To see what silly ideas this person believes see here –
*warning,this site contains page after page of BS*
I particulary like this little nugget by Korova
“Perception is more important than fact”
korova | 06.06.08 – 9:29 pm |
hillhunt aka colinchase
you are lying over your name even as you type.
you were banned for unsubstatiated calling the moderator of the blog as always lying – i agree with your ban and i assume that shortly your attempts to circumvent it here will be stopped.
your ban will be enforced.
tpo refers to a proven case of lying, though korova disputes the precise details of the lie she at least knows she was caught out, and at least at the time had the good grace to submit to a voluntary ban for some time and has admitted regretting the incident. also the moderator ofthe blog was not called a liar and rightly so.
so no ban.
bye bye hillhunt.
Martin: “The media is making an “assumption” is she will be a “celeb” on SCD but I’m saying she’ll be a judge. Have you not seen this woman’s ego?”
So you’re making an “assumption” based on your own personal opinion, rather than anything concrete.
“None of the SCD judges have been re-signed yet (they were complaining about not being paid enough) and the BBC would have her as a judge tomorrow paying her a huge amount of money.”
Given that the next series of SCD is some months off, I wouldn’t necessarily expect any contracts to have been signed at all. Again, you seem to be assuming that the BBC would want Sharon Osbourne as a judge based on no evidence at all — and seem to be missing that the current judging line-up consists of three experienced choreographers and one ballroom dancing instructor. While Osbourne may have a claim to music management to justify her role in the X Factor, she has no choreographical experience at all.