I haven’t time now to listen to Che lives! but when even the (admittedly idiosyncratic) left-wingers at Harry’s Place say, “It’s as bad as it sounds” the portents do not look good.
Meanwhile here is one the links provided to that programme, namely BBC History’s presumably considered and careful view of the great icon of cool: Historic Figures: Che Guevara.
Che Guevara was an Argentinean-born, Cuban revolutionary leader who became a left-wing hero … The widespread poverty and oppression he witnessed, fused with his interest in Marxism, convinced him that the only solution to South and Central America’s problems was armed revolution … From 1959-1961, Guevara was president of the National Bank of Cuba, and then minister of industry. In this position, he travelled the world as an ambassador for Cuba. At home, he carried out plans for land redistribution and the nationalisation of industry.
Alas, the author seems to have neglected to mention another aspect of Comrade Guevara’s revolutionary service during this period, namely his stint in 1959 as “Supreme Prosecutor” and commander of La Cabana prison. During this time he enthusiastically fulfilled his proletarian responsibility by disposing of several hundred reactionary elements by means of the traditional bullet in the head. For the BBC to present a historical view of Guevara that blandly says, ‘From 1959-1961, Guevara was president of the National Bank of Cuba, and then minister of industry’ is actively dishonest.
A strong opponent of the United States, he guided the Castro regime towards alignment with the Soviet Union. The Cuban economy faltered as a result of American trade sanctions and unsuccessful reforms.
Sometimes all one can do is repeat a certain phrase incredulously. “Unsuccessful reforms.”
During this difficult time…
See my comment above. “Difficult time.”
…Guevara began to fall out with the other Cuban leaders …
Poor lamb, poor lamb.
“To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary…These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. We must create the pedagogy of the The Wall!” – Ernesto “Che” Guevara.
BBC History’s pedagogy is so much more sensitive.
Which all goes to show that editorial policy at the BBC is determined, not by any moral compass, but by its own anti-American, left wing discourse. Thus Augusto Pinochet = Unadulterated Evil
the deaths of 3,000 people at his hands is a constant mantra – and only grudging acceptance of the love of many Chileans for the man is ever given in BBC website articles.
However, Che Guevara = Goodness Cut Short
and the many murders for which he was responsible (150+ in his 5 month governorship of La Cabana jail alone), and his attempts to undermine democracy and ruin people’s lives at every opportunity are airbrushed out of the BBC’s hagiography.
This is BBC bias at its most blatant: Pinochet’s atrocities were committed in the cause of fighting communism, Therefore Pinochet was wicked even though the outcome is today’s vibrant and thriving Chilean democracy. Guevara’s crimes were committed in the name of Marxist autocracy – accurately reflected in Cuba’s miserable authoritarian and nepotistic dictatorship. But because he is statist, Marxist, he is a hero.
Loathsome BBC.
Saw a cracker T-Shirt for sale at http://www.thepeoplescube.com
Very apt for the beeboids.
“Che is dead, get over it”
The guy got what he deserved.
Gotta watch out for those “unsuccessful reforms”.
Natalie: “I haven’t time now to listen to Che lives!”
Don’t waste your time.
I seen a news report a few days ago and the most sickening thing is it sounded like the reporter was talking about a teddy bear. Always on first name terms, and so affectionate.
Have any of these Beeboid scumsuckers read Humberto Fontova’s book “The Real Che” for balance? Essential reading for everyone who wants to know just what kind of a monster the “legend” was.
I’m sick of the left’s love affair with Marxism, period. Every one of these starry eyed morons needs to take a look at RJ Rummel’s “Power Kills” website to see just who the biggest killers in history have been. (A clue – they’re virtually all of the left)
Yes, Pinochet killed 3000 (maybe*) people in 20 odd years of being in power.
So how many people did Allende kill in his short spell 1-2000? A much ‘better’ kill rate.
* many of the ‘disappeared’ re-appeared