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Check this classic KgBBC bullshit out.
It’s so simple. If a group, person, idea or institution, is not liberal, it is RIGHT WING, or CONSERVATIVE.
That is how liberals think. Anyone who would be against COMMUNISM is the enemy and is evil.
Anyone for Captitalism/Liberty/Personal Reponsibility or is for limited Government, and no more taxes is…Evil, Right Wing, Conservative and is treated as such by the BBC.
I’m a Yank, with a British Mom. I’ve witnessed the rancid smelly decay of the BBC. It’s obvious and it’s sickening.
Jason, what the fu@# does that mean?
Watching BRAVEHEART, gave me the same feelngs about my beloved SCOTLAND.
Does Matt Frei have a pair of BALLS in his pants?? What the hell do I care about feeling good? A couple of drams of 12 year old Whisky and a Paul McCartney CD will make me feel good.
This is about the leader of the fuc@#g free world. Obama is clueless.
He has no experience whatsoever, and he hangs with criminals and Marxists.
Are liberals so bereft of any standards that goose bumps down their peckers are enough to vote for a man?
The G.W.BUSH administration IHERITED a weak, impotent military command and a effeminate intel system, that continued to PRETEND that America was safe. We were attacked again and again, and LIBTARDS simply have not learned the lessons of history.
Disgusting ain’t it? Latest vomit-inducing snippet about Barak Hussein Obomba:
He has accepted a large contribution from Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans, who said that Obama, sorry Osama Bin Laden may have had a good point in attacking America on 9/11:
She also wins the prize for one of the dumbest things I have ever heard a leftist say in my life:
“Why is being a Communist anti-American?”
As you’d expect, the liberal media is giving Hussein Obomba a free pass in all of this…no questions asked. The general feeling is “don’t question the black man, it’s racist”.
Obambi is playing these white liberal idiots like fools knowing damn well they’ll fall into line as long as he keeps suggesting that anyone who disagrees with him is a racist:
“We know what kind of campaign they’re going to run,” said the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. “They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. ‘He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?’”
And the man just keeps coming out with the same cliche again and again and again….it’s like a bad dream:
“The choice is clear. Most of all we can choose between hope and fear.”
I hope that someone, somewhere is keeping count of all the times Obama uses the phrase “hope and fear”. The shocking thing is just how quickly liberals are to lap this repetitive sloganeering up, after seven years of accusing Bush of doing the same with his “War on Terror”, etc. At least “War on Terror” actually means something real.
I actually meant counting up the phrase “hope and change”, but there are of course a myriad of variants:
“change and hope”
“hope for change”
“choice between hope and fear”
“difference between fear and hope”
“fear of hope”
“fear vs. hope”
“choose hope over fear”
“hope instead of fear”
“change we can hope for”
“the language of hope”
“the language of fear”
“from fear to hope”
“change we can believe in”
“setting aside fear, embracing hope”
And so on.
George R:
Which is the more competitive: Sky News or BBC News?
Pity it wasn’t in a worthier cause.:
“Pictured: the incredible moment Sky TV presenter, Kay Burley, grabbed a rival by the throat and pinned her to the wall”…wall/
George R | 20.06.08 – 6:20 pm | #
Hope Kay Burley is ok. Nice bit of stuff.
Am I allowed to say that?
…after seven years of accusing Bush of doing the same with his “War on Terror”, etc. At least “War on Terror” actually means something real.
Jason | 21.06.08 – 6:04 am
Textbook indoctrination from the lefty BBC:
1. Are you satisfied with how your government is tackling the threat of ‘terrorism’?
[I’m sure nobody on this site will miss those quote marks.]
2. Is a Western lifestyle something to aspire to?
[No. Let’s brush up on our survival skills and go back to living in caves.]
3. Should leaders be left to lead? Or do you want more involvement in the decisions they make?
[Didn’t like that anti-EU democratic Irish vote, BBC?]
4. Should the developing world be left out of the fight against climate change? Why should it compromise the wealth and lifestyle that it’s only just getting?
Only fair to give them a shot at destroying the planet. It’s their turn. Can’t discriminate against them, because they aren’t white.
5. Are there some services, such as trasnport, healthcare and education, which should always be in the hands of the state?
If Kay Burley had had a Muslim reporter by the throat, the BBC would have gone ape.
Although the BBC website sticks with this version:
” Abu Hamza loses extradition fight ”
– the ‘Daily Express’ has this:-
” Hamza: Kick him out now”
Read this crap from the BBC. Poor Muslims. Having to sell their 6 year old daughters off to be married (and one assumes raped).
No condemnation from the female beeboid of course. There are many other people in the world who are as poor, they don’t sell their 6 year old daughters off.
Is Brown, and the Labour government, trying to move away from UK dependence on Saudi oil, to UK dependence on Saudi nuclear power?:-
[Extract from BBC report]:-
“Mr Brown is facing public anger over the cripplingly high price of fuel, largely due to the cost of Opec oil.
“He told the ‘Guardian’ he wants to press his Saudi hosts and the other big oil producers to consider putting some of the estimated $3 trillion they have made out of the recent ‘oil shock into new nuclear technology.”
‘Brown in Saudi to talk oil prices’
How large will be the Wahhabi Madrassas and Mosques which the Saudis may insist on being built on such sites, and to which Brown would dhimmi-like agree?
As a certain employee of the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant might say: ‘D’oh!’
I just came across this, only seen a bit but it seems a bit eco propaganda-ish to the kids doesn’t it?
Gordon Brown has bankrupted this Country. THhy know they will probably lose the next election, so who cares? Broon will sod off back to Scotland which will probably go independent if the Tories will the next general election, so it will be the English left bankrupted and having to go begging to the IMF or the Arabs again.
Martin | 21.06.08 – 6:18 pm |
Without Scotland perhaps England won’t have so many debts?
I wonder how many Scots will travel North and how many will run South when Plastic Alex and his gauliters get independance?
It’s so easy to spot the bias when you know where to look.
Dr Who tonight had Donna Noble making a decision, the upshot of which was the end of the universe.
She had to choose between left and right. Guess which direction brought on the catastrophe.
Even the Reith Lectures are infested with China Love this year. For the 60th Anniversary of the famous series, the BBC chose China as the subject. Part Four is on today. I haven’t decided if I’m going to listen to it after the Birtwistle opera is over.
Reith Lectures 2008: Chinese Vistas
There is just so much of this going on lately. They must want to make sure they get the best access and the most distribution cash possible for their Olympic coverage. Good thing China isn’t doing anything bad right now to warrant the BBC actually reporting on it. Otherwise we’d have to go through another round of that phoney-baloney hand-wringing about whether they should choose increasing their audience and earning revenue over telling the truth.
This typically bland BBC piece, apparently written by ‘BBC Middle East analyst, Roger Hardy,’ on a Muslim country’s lack of human rights, in this case Qatar, shows all that organisation’s implicit moral relativism and dhimmitude:
“Qatari law ‘will protect maids'”
The BBC omits mentioning:
1.) the fundamentally undemocratic nature of Qatar, ruled by the Emir,
Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani;
2.) his good relations with Hizbollah, which engages in Jihad against Israel and Lebanon;
3.)he owns AL JAZEERA, which has been accused of supporting Jihad in e.g.
4.)BBC has technical agreement with Al Jazeera on news coverage, on e.g. bin Laden;
5.)many ex-beeboids are now at home ideologically working for the pro-Islamic Al Jazeera, a propagandist station which had been a welcoming escape-hatch for ex-beeboids, and will continue to attract dhimmis in future.
The BBC its hatred of Israel, its pro-Islamic terrorist agenda and half the story.
Israelis hurt in W Bank shooting
Three Israelis have been wounded after coming under fire near a Jewish settlement in the West Bank, the Israeli military has said. Palestinian gunmen fired on them as they were hiking close to the Neveh Tzuf settlement, near Ramallah. The West Bank is not part of the truce agreement between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza, which has held since Thursday.
While the BBC points out 3 (leaves out they were all under 20 and shot in the back) they do point out that this will in no way effect the truce between Israel and Hamas. Which is strange as the BBC goes out off its way in which to promote the POV that the faithful in Gaza have every right to resume their so called fight for freedom. If the Jews happen to slot any terrorists in the west bank. I quote;
The BBC’s Aleem Maqbool in Gaza says the key questions when considering whether the truce will hold are: Will those groups be able to show restraint should there be any Palestinian deaths in the West Bank, where this ceasefire does not apply?
“A senior Islamic Jihad leader has told the BBC his group would not violate the ceasefire, but it “resolves the right to respond at any time” to any Israeli attack in Gaza or the West Bank. “
Yup the BBC sure loves to paint the jews as evil. Anything to please its Islamic masters.
The BBC its hatred of Israel, its pro-Islamic terrorist agenda and half the story.
The Cattle Prod of Destiny: There were numerous references to the evil right in the Dr Who crap tonight.
Russell T Davis is a first class leftie prat.
Note the bit about the immigrants being carted off to “camps” (presumably a right wing Tory Government in charge). I was surprised they didn’t get a reference to 15% interest rates in there somewhere.
A thoughtful view of George Bush’s presidency by a serious historian – but you’ll never see it reported by your national broadcaster:-
The BBC (and MSM) prominently report Labour’s Gordon Brown, going ‘cap-in-hand’ to Saudi Arabia, to beg for lower oil prices and for Saudi investment in nuclear power in the UK.:-
“Plea by PM at talks on oil price”
As a result of increasing Saudi economic power in relation to the UK, perhaps we can expect more of a BBC dhimmi attitude towards Saudi Arabia in future.
For example, would the BBC be prepared to report critically, like ‘Dhimmiwatch’ does here, on a Saudi- sponsored conference on ‘inter-faith religion’ to be held, significantly in Spain?:
“Saudi-led ‘interfaith’ meeting to be held in … Spain”
It is ironic that the BBC, which is the willing recipient of ‘green’, EU- subsidised lobbyists such as Friends of the Earth, should suggest that Labour has been influenced by biotech industry lobbyists on GM food.:-
“GM briefing urged rule rethink”
So I’m sliding through my Sky TV Guide when I noted this gem
BBC4: Andrew Marr’s History…
Yep… from my OED: MAR.. to IMPAIR, to DISFIGURE…
How apt.
Stalinist Britain:
Primetime BBC shows such as EastEnders and the 10 O’Clock News may be ordered by the equality watchdog to introduce more black and Asian faces. Editorial content has traditionally been exempt from rules on race, gender and disability, but the Equality and Human Rights Commission is to invoke new powers and begin a formal assessment within days to decide which BBC activities should fall under its remit.
The BBC should tell EHRC to fuck off, but of course it won’t. Paging Ezra Levant…
At least in the London area, I’ve long thought there was a distinct bias towards ethnic minorities amomg reporters and presenters.
The BBC, fighting the good fight and the truce between Hamas (Allah be praised) and Isreal.
Israeli troops accused of abuse
An Israeli human rights group has accused Israeli soldiers of routinely abusing bound Palestinian prisoners.
Yup while its Islamic masters stick to their word of honour. The BBC carries on the good fight in which to convert the world to ‘Allah’s side. Something it seems it is succeeding on the Uk.
The otherday while walking down to the local cafe with a few girls at work. We were discussing that stupid Bitch who won £4000. (Maybe there lies the reason Shammy is willing to sue) One of the girls went into meltdown as how not all Plumbers are evil and that unlike the jews they don’t steal any land.
So I asked what she was on about and she claimed that the Jews stole lots of land that belonged to Jordan and that she had seen this with her very eyes. So as somebody who has visited Israel I asked where? ON asking this she became cagey and reticent after badgering her for around 5 minutes she replied she had seen a TV program on BBC. Oh what joy I was given the chance of removing the brainwashing the BBC puts out about how evil Israel is, and how terrorists can only be victims.
To that end I explained on the birth of Israel rather than be the bully Israel was actually the victim.
That rather than lose land Jordan actually stole it.
And that tiny Israel has handed back more land to Muslims (peacefully) than Islam as a whole has done since Mohammed came out of his cave 1500 years ago.
Israeli troops accused of abuse
You know things are really going wrong when even a Guardian writer has a dig at the BBC..
“There was also something unpleasant about the way many in the BBC turned the discussion away from the loss of civil liberties in Britain and instead began to present David Davis as an egotistical oddball, pulling a clever stunt simply to spite the leader of his party.”
The BBC are really foaming at the gash over Zimbabwe. If only there were oil there, they feel like the international community (that menas the evil Americans and their poodle friend in the UK)
Hmm. Like I give a shit about Zimbabwe. And of course there was barrels of oil in Kosovo and Bosnia wasn’t there BBC?
Let them kill each other. I’m sick and tired of third world Countries and their “problems”. We need to sort our own problems out.
pounce | 22.06.08 – 2:31 pm
“unlike the jews they don’t steal any land.”
That, I find, is the majority view thanks to 60 years of BBC mis-education.
I am invariably met with disbelief if ever I try to do what you did – remove the brainwashing. They’re not having any of it.
Because the BBC can’t be wrong.
Bush has been kissing the Saudi’s asses as well. Our leaders really are a spineless bunch.