In my view, the BBC has played a central role in propagandising the fantasy that Northern Ireland has found true peace and lasting happiness ever since we all closed our eyes and embraced institutionalisng terrorists in government. (Apart from malcontents like me, naturally) So what to do when reality casts a dark shadow over the fiction that has been assiduously created? Well, you could try blaming it all on the pizza.
I was reading this BBC report concerning the shooting to death of a man in Londonderry last night. The BBC almost casually slips in the detail that the man had been pursued by a group some of whom wore masks. Oh – you mean a bit like masked IRA men? Now we all know that terrorism has ceased and the IRA murderers are now angels of peace so the BBC does not enquire as to the precise background of these masked killers. Where did they come from, exactly? How could it be that they were armed? Where they organised? Bizarrely, the story then spins around the revelation that the man is alleged to have been delivering a pizza and the local community is most concerned about the time it took the police to respond. Evidently no one is that bothered that masked terrorists can take a human life in the middle of this built up area.
miles better than it was though isn’t it? or is that just bull propagated by the london media (an honest question btw)?
Good question. Was France better off under Vichy? It’s all bull – NI is a laboratory for eviscerating democracy, in the name of peace!
This is another joke, surely?
‘a group of possibly masked men’…
‘the BBC does not enquire as to the precise background of these masked killers. Where did they come from, exactly? How could it be that they were armed? Where they organised?’
The shooting happened on Tuesday and the BBC has’nt identified the shooters yet, scandalous. Nor have the police but never mind.
‘Evidently no one is that bothered that masked terrorists can take a human life in the middle of this built up area.’
Except, they are: Chief Inspector Chris Yates said it was a “cold blooded shooting”. SDLP assembly member Pat Ramsey said it was “anyone’s worst nightmare for someone to come to your door and tell you your son’s been shot dead”.
Sinn Féin’s Martina Anderson said: “This was a criminal act and anyone who attempts to attach any kind of political justification to it is deluding themselves and our community.”
How would you have liked the BBC to have reported this?
A man in his early 20s has died following a shooting in Londonderry. We don’t know who they were but it was probably the IRA, even though we have no evidence of this. Further, this was really, really bad.
Can’t see any pizza in that story.
3 words David,
i agree the bbc has adopted the government position, that power sharing has solved the violence in N.Ireland, as its own official mantra.
They will try to downplay any violence.
The answer is yes, it’s miles better than it was.
Though not so good for those lying on mortuary slabs. Still, always look on the bright side of life….
David, if we pretend there is no problem, then there is no problem.
The problem with the BBC is that they have an agenda. They will never admit that their agends isn’t working.
It’s not in their make-up.
You know a well as I do, that if several “Middle-eastern” men were seen running from the bombed out ruins of a tube station. The “Muslim” issue would be white washed.
Same thing here. You can’t report objectively on a situation that you’ve invested yourself in.
David Vance you,re just a loyalist apologist pretending to be a tory, don,t believe him tories he,d sell you out just as easy as the DUP 9 did, I live here, I don,t like the DUP or SF but things are better and to say they are not is to lie but then David Vance knows all about that.
So true.
You’re a moonbat – begone.
The reisdents held a vigil, and anyone I seen on the news either condemned the killing or expressed concern about armed killers running about their area. I don’t see what the issue is here.