. Social engineering is very much at the heart of Labour policy and the State Broadcaster always falls in line with this as can be seen from this outrageous report into controlling how private enterprise can operate under the guise of “Age Discrimination.” Note how a report which starts off talking about the need to outlaw all forms of age discrimination ends up advocating the requirement to hire women and ethnic minorities ahead of white men. Also note the witch-hunt proposed against the private sector via targeted “investigations” by the independent Equalities and Human Rights Commission. The idea that an employer might seek to reward an employee solely on the basis of merit is alien to the Government and the BBC seems to sell the same line. Indeed the idea is floated that private firms are threatened with loss of public sector contracts UNLESS they have the right ethnic minority mix (whatever that means?) it sails by without a murmur of comment by the State Broadcaster. What could be more natural than forcing diversity at all costs even at a time when every business in the land is trying to control costs? The danger for our society is that we have a left of centre Government hell-bent to socially engineer and a State Broadcaster which acts as its propaganda arm.
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gaping maw: you are correct and I think you are the first person I have seen today using the term “English”. Most conform to the terminology of skin colour. However, contrary to all the reports in the tabloid press, I do not expect the Bill to mention black people specificallly.
Racial discrimination in our law includes discrimination on grounds of race, ethnic or national origin. So in Scotland or Wales, the English could be the underrepresented minority and could therefore benefit from a discriminatory measure to increase their level of representation.
millie tant – > the law wont apply to Wales or Scotland, as far as i know.
pretty sure that employment laws are devolved… (???)
and why is Alice in Wonderland on Question Time right now – or have i had too much beer?
the lib dim on QT is in favour of discriminating against the native English.
no surprises there so.
amazing isnt it – you now have a political class that is passing laws that actively discriminate against the people that voted for them.
apologies – i’m wrong.. the equality bill will apply to england scotland and wales
Wow, I’ve just read the HYS comments on the BBC website about this story and I haven’t found one in favor of Harriet Harm-man’s absurd nonsense yet, except for one predictable university student who has said that his dissertation research found a 40% pay gap between genders.
In fact they seem to be allowing common sense to shine through in this case – are the moderators on holiday or something? I’ve never seen anything like it!
Yes, it applies in GB. Northern Ireland has its own suite of equality legislation – which incidentally allows for measures of discrimination to bring up levels of representation, e.g. of Catholics in the police force, although if I remember correctly, I think that may only be allowed for a temporary period.
nice to see that the Americans are doing a bit of social engineering too… but in the right way.
as in, life really does mean life for murder. and no parole whatsoever..
i cant help wondering how many folks in the uk are asking, “why cant we have a bit of that over here?”
“Jason | 26.06.08 – 11:32 pm”
its mind blowing alright – i too have never seen such a reaction. one only wonders how many comments never got published…
as for the gender pay gap – i dont know if the idiot Harman realises that women actually get pregnant and decide to leave the workforce and go raise a family.
but meanwhile, the male other half is still working… so after a while , male ends up with say 15 years experience in job X, while wifey only has about 5.
employers pay based on experience – but this obviously has escaped the one braincell that exists in the empty skull of wimmin like Harrier Harperson.
“Millie Tant | 27.06.08 – 1:15 am”
afaik, the N.I. catholic police discrimination stuff is outside of this – was part of the overall peace process in the 1990s. so thats a separate matter entirely.
what this new “equality” bill is part of , is that its part of an EU directive and very much driven from the EU. i came across the plans for this , in terms of directives and such like about a year or two ago.
if you dig around you’ll find it. watch the EU Referendum blog to see if the folks on there join the dots – they invariably always do.
It is part of the comprehensive NI equality laws and machinery that were implemented recently as part of the settlement there. That is why the Harman Equalities Bill will apply only to GB.
All of the UK must implement the EU directives.
I notice that the argument for this discrimination is that IF two people are suitable then the white male gets dropped BUT what if there are four suitable candidates?
1) ethnic black male
2) native white female
3) ethnic black female
4) european national
How do you decide whitch to discriminate against? Does the employer have to work out a descending priority list? and if they do then will the three losing candidates have a case for discrimination? The circumstances whitch comrade Harmon is using are rare and very limited and for some strange reason she is quiet about the rights of an EU national who is white! For example, does this Nu law mean an employer can discriminate against a white German male in favour of a black NON EU national? I think the ECHR would have quite a bit to say about that and what if the two candidates are a white female and a black male? Is the white female going to get pushed out? The combinations are so many as to be a veritable gordian knot!
Why doesn’t NuLab set up ’employment panels’ to decide who gets what job in any given company. That way, qualifications, aptitude and suitability can be shelved as they tend to complicate such matters, and the employment decision can be based on ethnicity and gender – just as they do in the Metropolitan Police! No need for interviews, personnel departments etc. It’s a one-stop shop and the employment commisar takes these decisions out of the hands of the private company and saves them all that time and worry.
This is the way it’s moving, and NuLab/BBC (bit like Sinn Fein/IRA, and just as closely linked) would see nothing wrong with such total f**king lunacy because they are Gramscian and such lunacy is needed to destroy the British people.
I don’t have an issue with this particular BBC story which seems purely factual, but this is all enormously scary – taxes up again so that the NHS can give coffin dodgers breast implants, insurance premiums for everyone who isn’t scuba diving at 103.
Surely the obvious answer to the ethnic minority issue is that no two candidates for a job are ever ‘equally qualified’ – if you look closely enough one of them invariably has slightly nicer t*ts 🙂
Employers prefer immigrant workers, indeed, being brown may now be an advantage getting a job, because brown skin = cheap crap wages.
Governments should cut spending and stop giving Welfare handouts to corporations…Northern Rock and JP Morgan should apy bakc every f****g penny of taxpayers money they have taken.
Cockney | 27.06.08 – 11:23 am |
You jest, but I used to use a printers (now sadly retired & defunct) that only hired women of DD and above. A startlingly sucessful move that guarenteed people would bring in business.
Employers should be free to discriminate against whomever they please. Businesses rise or fall by such decisions.
Here is an excellent critique of Harman’s logically flawed, anti-men discrimination, of a kind which does not appear on the BBC to date:
” This equality for women is an injustice for men” (Minette Marrin).