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“This BBC production was anti-Semitism at its most insidious, sly and repellent.”
From a review of Spooks which was on Australian telly last night.
BBC embarrassed by an award-winning Norwegian documentary about its reporting of ‘famine’ in Niger.
The BBC’s predilection for getting the 75 million Muslim Turks into the European Union, come what may, reveals itrself in this BBC report by Ms. Rainsford:
Here is part of her misleading account about the AKP’s “Moderate path”:
[The AKP] “founders have.. steered a moderate path, pursuing democratic reforms and directing Turkey towards the EU, says the BBC’s Sarah Rainsford.”
“Turkish ruling party put on trial”
Where has the BBC’s reporter in Turkey been looking? She doesn’t mention these ominous recent developments reported by MEMRI. Why not? Would such information increase even futher the majority opposition of EU people to Turkey’s membership, despite the strong Brown-Miliband campaigning for Turkey?*:
“Shari’a approaches in Turkey”
(*The BBC always reports Turkey on its ‘Europe’ webpage,although, of course, Turkey is located predominantly in Asia. But for the BBC: every little bit of bias helps.)
Turkey should be brought in to the EU. Its the closest thing we have to a stable influence that can spread through other Islamic countries!
And best of all, its military is only too happy to intervene if it feels its political “elite” are becoming infected by religion!
BTW, the Muslim world needs another Ataturk…any man prepared to drag its country out of the stone age and base everything on the ideals of the West should be cannonised!
If only there were more like him out there!
Crickey, Im surprised this one hasnt been mentioned!
Three letters, one from an Israeli and then a response from a Palestinian (rather strange the Palestinian gets the last work in isnt it?).
Its interesting in the stance taken by the Palestinian, she starts off all brimestone and fire and pretty much ends up a wimper in her last letter.
Bloody good point about Sderot being inside the pre 1967 boudary too, yet it gets rocketed daily!
mailman | 01.07.08 – 4:44 pm
Bloody good point about Sderot being inside the pre 1967 boudary too, yet it gets rocketed daily!
Actually what the Israeli woman was trying to say was that it was within the 1947 Partition Plan lands allocated to the Jewish Homeland.
Her actual words were: considering that Sderot is within the pre-1967 borders as appears in the UN Partition plan of 1947
Which would be a good point, if it were true.
It isn’t true, of course.
The Partition Plan gave the area around present Sderot …. all the way to what’s now Ashdod (then Isdud) to the Arabs. See the 1947 map here:
Yet another falsehood from an Israeli propagandist thet the BBC hasn’t troubled to query or correct.
Not sure if this belongs if the BBC were commercial I wouldn’t mind.
“Twin Tower tightrope walker features in documentary” is being promoted by the BBC on TV and the front page of the news website.
The director is James Marsh, no other news outlets are covering it, reuters, ap, google news has under 10 results including the bbc.
Why does this not uncontroversial low budget movie, about a tightrope walker deserve primetime morning news couch space and front page web.
James Marsh used to be a director at the BBC, and is now getting all of the above for no other reason afaics.
In contradistinction to the BBC’s Ms. Rainsford’s report on Turkey’s AKP leader Erdogan, this is what he has said about Islam, secularism and the Constitution:
“Turkish PM Erdogan in speech during term as Istanbul Mayor attacks Turkey’s Constitution, describing it as ‘huge lie’: ‘sovereignty belongs unconditionally and always to Allah’; ‘one cannot be a Muslim, and secular'”
The Partition Plan gave the area around present Sderot …. all the way to what’s now Ashdod (then Isdud) to the Arabs. See the 1947 map here:
http://mideastweb.org/ un_palesti…on_map_1947.htm
Yet another falsehood from an Israeli propagandist thet the BBC hasn’t troubled to query or correct.
Aoun | 01.07.08 – 5:52 pm
I suggest that you, and the BBC look at these maps:
Read this: The “Mandate for Palestine” is valid to this day
and this: Myth: The 1949 “Green Line” is Israel’s Internationally Recognized Border
In fact, read all of this:
Given that the BBC operates in the field of journalism and politics, it does not show much apparent interest in, or commitment to freedom of speech.
For example, the BBC has yet to stand up on these two stories:
1.) “Hate speech or free speech? What much of the West bans is protected in U.S.”
2.) “Discussion of religious questions now banned at UN ‘Human Rights Council'”
Bio knocks hillhunt for six….outstanding :tup:
Biodegradable | 01.07.08 – 6:24 pm
read all of this:
Read it.
Another pack of lies.
Even more extravagantly untruthful than the woman’s claim that Sderot was allocated to Israel by the UN in 1947.
The Partition Plan gave the area around present Sderot …. all the way to what’s now Ashdod (then Isdud) to the Arabs. See the 1947 map here:
http://mideastweb.org/ un_palesti…on_map_1947.htm
Yet another falsehood from an Israeli propagandist thet the BBC hasn’t troubled to query or correct.
Aoun | 01.07.08 – 5:52 pm
From your link:
The borders of this plan are shown in the map below. This jigsaw puzzle would have been difficult to implement for friendly populations, and was impossible to implement given the hostility between Arabs and Jews.
In other words: It was a “plan” that was never implemented.
I refer you again to the maps I linked to above.
Lies dear Aoun?
The same source has the map you linked to and speaks of the same Resolution 181:
In the late 1990s, more than 50 years after Resolution 181 was rejected by the Arab world, Arab leaders suddenly recommended to the General Assembly that UN Resolution 181 be resurrected as the basis of a peace agreement. There is no foundation for such a notion.
Resolution 181 (the 1947 Partition Plan) was the last of a series of recommendations that had been drawn up over the years by the Mandator and by international commissions, plans designed to reach an historic compromise between Arabs and Jews in western Palestine. The first was in 1922 when Great Britain unilaterally partitioned Palestine. This did not satisfy the Arabs who wanted the entire country to be Arab. Resolution 181 followed such proposals as the Peel Commission (1937); the Woodhead Commission (1938 ); two 1946 proposals that championed a bi-national state; one proposed by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry in April 1946 based on a single state with equal powers for Jews and Arabs; the Morrison-Grady Plan raised in July 1946 which recommended a federal state with two provinces • one Jewish, one Arab. Every scheme since 1922 was rejected by the Arab side, including decidedly pro-Arab ones because these plans recognized Jews as a nation and gave Jewish citizens of Mandate Palestine political representation.
And that’s truth!
Palestinians have, and have always had a state.
It’s called Jordan.
“The plans are intended to increase public confidence in the banking system in the wake of the near collapse of Northern Rock in September last year.”
In what way did NR nearly collapse? It collapsed entirely, and is now being held up with our money. The article rather spins the notion that the government’s quick action nipped the problem in the bud. Quick action that took 4 months to end up back where it started, that is.
DB: The BBC barebacking the UN? Surely not!
I see Cherie Booth is whining about knife crime.
Well sweetheart, which useless twat passed the Human rights act (here’s a clue Cherie he’s the one snoring next to you)
Which Government has been soft on crime, soft on the causes of crime?
Noew you don’t have your personal bodyguards you have to live in the same human toilet society we all do.
Cheers Nu Labour.
Biodegradable | 01.07.08 – 6:50 pm
My family settled in the area now known as the West Bank – between the Jordan river and the sea – in around the second century AD.
More recently they also owned land in what used to be Acre District of the British Mandate in Palestine, aka Western Galilee. Before 1948 there were no Jews in their area.
Under the 1947 plan – this territory was supposed to form part of an Arab Palestine.
It is now in Israel.
Unlike some of my fellow Palestinians, I have no quarrel with what’s sometimes termed “Israel’s right to exist’. I just think it should be smaller….. i.e. it should comprise the land allocated by the UN in the 1947 partition plan and not a dunum more.
Israel’s seizure of our family land in Acre district was outright theft. We never raised a hand against any Jew.
Israel’s occupation of our land in Ramallah is a pain in the neck.
I don’t want to kill anybody about this. I just want my country and land back please.
I don’t see why our family should suffer because of an argument between unreasonable Jews and unreasonable Muslims.
“My family settled in the area now known as the West Bank – between the Jordan river and the sea – in around the second century AD.”
All of your arguments must be judged in the glow of the complete nonsense you have put above: title deeds in your possession no doubt, signed by whom, Pontius Pilate’s grandson?
Under the 1947 plan – this territory was supposed to form part of an Arab Palestine.
As history states, and it is documented, the Arabs rejected the plan. It was never implemented, just like many other plans that would have given Arab Palestinians more than they have now and would have saved countless lives on both sides.
It is now in Israel.
So you are an Israeli Arab?
Unlike some of my fellow Palestinians, I have no quarrel with what’s sometimes termed “Israel’s right to exist’. I just think it should be smaller….. i.e. it should comprise the land allocated by the UN in the 1947 partition plan and not a dunum more.
I’m glad you accept Israel’s right to exist. But how much smaller could it be and still exist?
What percentage of land does Israel occupy (include if you will the *disputed territories*) compared to the land mass occupied by Arab states?
The Jews are a tiny percentage of the world’s population compared to the Arab/Muslim population. The Jews have one tiny state that is the only Jewish state in the world compared to dozens, if not hundreds of Islamic states. Is that really still to much to accept?
And again, the 1947 UN proposal was rejected by the Arabs, you can hardly blame Israel for that
Israel’s seizure of our family land in Acre district was outright theft. We never raised a hand against any Jew.
I really can’t comment on your personal case without knowing more, but I will say that I’m sorry for any suffering you and your family may have experienced.
I don’t want to kill anybody about this. I just want my country and land back please.
My grandparents were driven out of Latvia to England in fear of their lives. Thirty six of my family didn’t leave and were murdered in Riga, including a four year old child. My parents were both born in the UK, my father served in WW2 in the British Army.
We never wanted to return to Latvia to reclaim what was stolen from our family there. Just like those 800,000 Jews who were driven out of Arab lands do not want to return to Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iraq or Iran. But what we all do want is to see Israel thrive and continue to exist as the eternal homeland of Jews everywhere.
There are many Muslim countries where you could, in theory, live peacefully practicing your faith. There is only one where Jews can really feel at home.
I don’t see why our family should suffer because of an argument between unreasonable Jews and unreasonable Muslims.
Aoun | 01.07.08 – 7:16 pm
I don’t see why either, but as you know very well if Arabs lay down their weapons and cease aggression against Israel there will be no more war. If Israel lays down its weapons there will be no more Israel.
We all need more like you, but even you need to be more aware of the real history of the region and stop trying to rewrite it. While it’s a pleasure to debate with you perhaps you would achieve more talking to your fellow Palestinians and trying to convince them to be more reasonable.
Thanks Biodegradable for a good couple of posts in this highly charged and contentious area
Aoun has posted before, remember.
I am a Palestinian • the descendant of refugees • now living in the UK and working as a doctor. Please permit me to offer some remarks about recent commentary here….”
“The very last thing any Palestinian wanted in 1948-53 was the arrival of more homeless and dispossessed Jews in Palestine to take over our homes and land!”
Just in case you had forgotten.
Aoun | 01.07.08 – 5:52 pm
Undoubtedly there were many border proposals. However the map you show was not the map that was voted on for Resolution 181.
Aoun | 01.07.08 – 5:52 pm |
Check the map in the Truman Library It is a lot less detailed than the one you used but the basic borders are clear enough.
However you Arabs made that plan irrelevant.
Firstly because all the Arab states voted against 181 and refused to accept the UN majority vote.
Secondly because the same states invaded an Israel declared on the basis of res 181, in 1948, and lost the war.
Thirdly because Hamas, to this day refuses to accept an Israeli state on any part of Palestine.
Strategies of the Islamic Resistance Movement: Palestine Is Islamic aqf:
Article Eleven:
The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. Neither a single Arab country nor all Arab countries, neither any king or president, nor all the kings and presidents, neither any organization nor all of them, be they Palestinian or Arab, possess the right to do that. Palestine is an Islamic Waqf land consecrated for Moslem generations until Judgement Day. This being so, who could claim to have the right to represent Moslem generations till Judgement Day?
Fourthly because Fatah has never accepted res 181 as having any importance, which is why borders were left to final status talks in the 1993 Agreements. Resolutions 242 and 338 were specifically accepted res 181 was not even mentioned.
Even if the map you linked was the final res 181 map and not just a proposal it seems more than a little hypocritical to argue that Hamas has a right to attack Sderot with rockets because it is sited on the wrong side of a line on a 1948 map your representatives have publicly and consistently rejected.
Off the usual off-topic topic of Israel/Palestine…
There’s this story atm on the BBC website:
“Barrister’s £17.5m sham VAT claim
[John] Wilmot claimed he paid £100m plus VAT for the four aircraft engines in Croydon, south London.
He claimed he then sold them VAT-free to Basra Airport in Iraq, via a businessman he met at a garden party.
Wilmot sent a VAT return to Customs and Excise reclaiming the VAT on the imaginary sale, which would have totalled £17.5m.
When challenged to prove the transaction had taken place, Wilmot backed up his “elaborate” scheme with a series of fake documents.
Judge Taylor said: “You concocted a sham transaction, you used the details of an existing company in Croydon who you claimed were vendors of the engines to produce invoices.
“They had never heard of you nor dealt in second hand aircraft engines.”
Wilmot gave Customs and Excise the name of the ship he supposedly used to transport the engines to Iraq.
But a check revealed that it was actually a grain carrier which was not equipped to carry any other type of cargo.”
OK, so you may be thinking, who would be so stupid to think that this would work? £17.5m in a single VAT claim for such a transaction … from a barrister?
The clue is in the final paragraph:
“Sentencing, the judge said that in addition to prison she was going to recommend Wilmot be deported to his Nigerian homeland upon his release.”
Now, questions:
1. Why use the headline “Barrister’s £17.5m sham VAT claim” when the fact that the fraudster is a barrister is as irrelevant as, say, a jihadi terrorist being a plumber?
2. If the judge hadn’t mentioned the defendants connection with Nigeria, world capital of fraud, would the BBC had mentioned it?
More shite from the BBC. “A car is a luxury” spouts the BBC masturbating to some left wing think tank report.
A luxury!!!!!
I wonder if the BBC think rent boys or drugs are “essentials for Beeboids?”
You just know this was a report thought up by a bunch of unwashed “media Studies” left wing students.
I see the BBC is bigging up that fat twat Kenneth Clark again.
A good report out of iraq;
And all credit to Nicholas Witchell.
But let not forget;
John Simpson forcasted that a civil war was certain.
When the iraqi army moved on Basra they said that the iraqi army was no more than militia and no worse than the maghdi army. When they encoutered some early trouble they said the operation was a complete failure.
Only when they can no longer deny the improvements they turn around and forget al the comments they made.
For people who’s only source of information is the BBC this is complete shock.
Any comment on the BBC’s soft treatment of Berlusconi? A country that, according to one leading Jew, is recalling the days ‘when I could not go to school, and people would point at me saying: “Look, mummy, it’s a Jew”. This is a country that has lost its memory.’
Isn’t it time that the BBC revealed the growth of fascism once more in Europe instead of acting like it doesn’t exist?
Why have the BBC ben bigging up the RAF in American and the Typhoon?
This aircraft has been in service for some time now. The BBC seemed to emphasise Iraq and Afghanistan.
Is it BBC pro Broon spin that he’s spending money on the armed forces?
If so, what a waste. Perhaps he should look to provide the soldiers with bomb proof vehicles, bullets that actually go bang and guns that work rather than a £60 million useless piece of junk?
Martin | 01.07.08 – 10:14 pm |
More shite from the BBC. “A car is a luxury” spouts the BBC masturbating to some left wing think tank report.
The pinkos at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation again. They’re assured top billing from the BBC. I’ve never seen the BBC giving a report from the Taxpayers Alliance, Migration Watch or Open Europe the same exposure.
Sue writes;
Aoun has posted before, remember.
I wonder if he really works for the BBC?
Martin: writes
“Why have the BBC ben bigging up the RAF in American and the Typhoon”
I noticed that article this morning and I’m somewhat surprised at how the BBC’s so called defence correspondent has this to say;
“Since then the enemy has changed – and with Britain’s armed forces increasingly engaged in a ground-based counter-insurgency role, some critics have questioned the Typhoon’s relevance to modern warfare.”
What is it with the BBC’s so called f-ing defence experts and their lack of knowledge on any given subject.
The typhoon is a 4th generation aircraft designed by Europe to fight for Europe. You know that Europe which the liberals want to see break away from the aegis of the US, with its F15s,F16s,F18s,F22s and soon the F35. So if CND, the MCB and the BBC get their wish what planes would they like to see defend our skies against the likes of;
Algeria (Flies the Mig 29 and has just bought a load of Su30s)
Libya (looking at buying a load of Su30s)
Iran (Flies the Su30s)
Sudan (flies the Su 30)
Syria (Looking at buying 100 Su30s)
And I never even mentioned Russia which is showing a penchant for bullying the neighbours.
The Su30 is a 3rd generation air superiority fighter of which its latest variants will give even the typhoon a run for its money. (The RAF hoisted the Indian airforce last year at Waddington where the Su30 and the typhoon had a stand off)
So to all those bloody so called defence experts how about you actually read up on the subject instead of inventing a bloody story which you think looks good.
(True story. 1982 falklands and I in my CSB was tasked to take a reporter back to a ship so he could use the mari-sat in which to report on a downed Harrier. His question to me as I piloted him across the water. “How many engines has a harrier got?” I knew then that reporters knew f-ck all.)
pounce: I couldn’t agree more. However, I do think the story was more political.
Fatso has been under a lot of pressure for not providing the right equipment for the army (in particular) the RAF are flying around in clapped out Nimrods, the Harrier fleet is 20 years old and the Tornado’s are older than god.
By recycling this old story (just like Nu Labour recycles Government announcements) it tries to make it look like the forces are getting something really useful.
Fact is, the RAF will struggle to deploy more than half dozen of these things to Afghanistan or Iraq. The RAF (if it’s still like it was when I served) doesn’t have the pilots, the groundcrews or the spare parts and equipment to run at full strength.
If people had been able to see how every time we got a new aircraft delivered to the squadron it would be stripped of most useful parts in the first day to patch up several other aircraft and get them back flying.
We were that desperate at times we even took parts from the crash compound (normally a big no no) to fit to aircraft.
The whole thing is a joke especially when you look at the billions pissed away on the NHS and Social Security.
Oh look, Korova is back to embarrass himself again.
But you’re right, lately the BBC has been consistently covering for “fascism”:
1. Paintballing with terrorists.
2. Calling for info on coalition troop movements in Iraq in the “interactive” section of the website, excusing it as a “bad phrase.”
3. Mark Byford being “immensely proud” the BBC had interviewed the Taleban.
4. Jeremy Bowen accusing Israel of “war crimes” over Lebanese civilian deaths resulting from Israel’s attacks on Hezbollah terrorists.
5. Alan Johnston off “to have breakfast with the Prime Minister” (chief Gaza terrorist Ismael Haniyeh) on his release from his kidnappers.
6. Beslan terrorists described as “gunmen” after shooting fleeing children in the back.
7. Covering up the racial motivation of the genocide of black Muslims by the Islamic Arab terrorist regime in Khartoum.
8. Portraying some of the Muslim Sudanese mob baying for the death of Gillian Gibbons as “friendly” with “smiling faces.”
9. Describing the attacks by Egyptian Muslims on Copts and the destruction of churches with the words, “Violence flared.” (You know, random flaring, ‘cos people are like bonfires)
10. Covering up the role of radical Islam in the decimation of Christian communities in Lebanon, Gaza and Bethlehem.
11. Unable to mention the war on terror without using quotes or prefacing it with “so-called.”
12. Banning the word terrorist.
I look with grave concern at the events taking place in Italy. Because the mind controlling, Cultural Marxists of “the same kidney” as Korova have CRIMINALISED discussing immigration on a rational basis, which means Italians have to make political decisions on an irrational basis, such as after a particularly appalling random murder robbery or attempted child snatching.
But for Korova, none of this matters. You can shower him/her with facts but cognitively impaired (?) Korova cannot come to a negative appraisal of a (probably) non-western group (such as Gypsies). Because Korova bases his/her ethics on how it would like the world to be, in the vain hope that the world will come to be like that, and not the world as it is.
The Cultural Marxists declared reason and reality to be “authoritarian weapons.” And so the cultural marxists and their neo-Stasi ethnic pressure groups abandoned reason and reality, and declined into a demonic and twisted moral insanity.
El Cid | 01.07.08 – 7:36 pm
Biodegradable | 01.07.08 – 7:49 pm
El Cid •
title deeds in your possession no doubt, signed by whom, Pontius Pilate’s grandson?
Close, but not quite. No grounds for scorn, anyhow. The migration of the Azdi tribes (from whom I descend) from Yemen to Palestine is well documented. An Azdi tribal leader does indeed figure in documents of the Roman period and my own family name (which is rare and clan specific) crops up frequently in the records of the subsequent Byzantine administration as local office-holders in the service of the Emperor.
Biodegradable •
The Jews have one tiny state that is the only Jewish state in the world compared to dozens, if not hundreds of Islamic states. Is that really still to much to accept?
Well there aren’t many Jews, so I wouldn’t expect there to be many Jewish states. Besides, I don’t want to live in an Islamic state, thanks. Nor a Jewish one either.
My grandparents were driven out of Latvia to England in fear of their lives. Thirty six of my family didn’t leave and were murdered in Riga, including a four year old child.
I am very sorry to read that. I will not try to compete with you in terms of loss, suffice to say that a smaller number of my immediate family have been murdered too.
There are many Muslim countries where you could, in theory, live peacefully practicing your faith.
I cannot think of one. We have tried several. When you say ‘there is no such country as Palestine’ you are right in the sense that even within one nuclear family we have no common nationality. My father holds a Lebanese passport, my sister a Canadian one, my kid brother is a US citizen and my cousins (who live under Israeli occupation) have Jordanian documents. As a student I had at various times Lebanese, Egyptian and Kuwaiti papers. I have lived in France, now am British, but sometimes call myself a ‘rootless cosmopolitan’. When I do, I find people assume I’m a Jew. There’s an irony.
Regarding the lily-livered Pinkos at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and their new “report”, which the BBC saw fit to label as “news” and reported upon without any kind of balance or challenge whatsoever (as usual):
“Film tickets, a bottle of wine and a bird feeder were on the list of goods people need to participate in society. ”
Can someone please pinch me and wake me up from this nightmare? A plague of industrial-strength stupidity is sweeping Britain but when I scream nothing comes out.
Sue | 01.07.08 – 9:11 pm
deegee | 01.07.08 – 9:25 pm
Sue •
Sure I did post here before to contest the absurd notion that Palestinians were in any way culpable for the expulsion or expropriation of Moroccan, Egyptian or Iraqi Jews. No sensible Palestinian would have wanted that for reasons that should be obvious.
Deegee •
Go here and click on the link that says final map:
or just go straight to:
It is better than your Truman Library map • in any case they both prove my original point right: Sderot would fall in the Arab designated area.
you Arabs made that plan irrelevant
“You Arabs” indeed! Once again you blame ordinary Palestinians for the actions of the governments of Egypt, Iraq ,Syria etc.
it seems more than a little hypocritical to argue that Hamas has a right to attack Sderot with rockets
I did not argue that Hamas has any such right.
And do spare me the :
.. Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day…. crap.
I am a Christian (Catholic) and my family have been Christians since • as El Cid would put it • around the time of Pontius Pilate’s great, great grandson.
Now why would the BBC ignore this story?
Muslims outraged at police advert featuring cute puppy sitting in policeman’s hat
Apology over ‘offensive’ puppy police advert after Muslim complaints
Seems a perfectly valid story to cover about Muslim intolerance and stupidity.
“The Jews have one tiny state that is the only Jewish state in the world compared to dozens, if not hundreds of Islamic states. Is that really still too much to accept?”
Well there aren’t many Jews, so I wouldn’t expect there to be many Jewish states. Besides, I don’t want to live in an Islamic state, thanks. Nor a Jewish one either.
I assumed you were Muslim, I apologise for making that assumption.
As a Christian of course you wouldn’t want to live in an Islamic state, neither would you be allowed to. However as an Israeli Arab Christian (or Druze, or Muslim, or Jedhi) you would be free to. That you don’t want to is your free choice. Jews cannot choose to live in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, or most Arab states. As a Jew, not an Israeli, I am not allowed even a visa or work permit to those places.
My point was that while there is “The Islamic Republic of Pakistan” and the similarly named state of Iran, for example, which nobody complains about, people do take great exception that there exists a single, tiny, Jewish state. Even you say it should be even smaller!
Of course I’m not suggesting that the 1.5 billion Muslims swap land with the 7 million Jews. Muslims have as much right to declare those vast expanses of land as Islamic as Jews have to declare tiny Israel as being Jewish, particularly as what is internationally recognised as Israel is far smaller than historic Israel or any of the proposed partitions since the 1920s.
Remember that Gaza was always supposed to be part of Israel, and Egypt, whilst it occupied Gaza, at no point suggested it be given to the Palestinians, and in fact when peace was made between Egypt and Israel Egypt refused to take Gaza back.
Equally when Jordan occupied The West Bank, an occupation by the way that was never recogised as legitimate, of land that was supposed to be part of Israel, at no time did it attempt to establish a Palestinian state there.
“My grandparents were driven out of Latvia to England in fear of their lives. Thirty six of my family didn’t leave and were murdered in Riga, including a four year old child.”
I am very sorry to read that. I will not try to compete with you in terms of loss, suffice to say that a smaller number of my immediate family have been murdered too.
I don’t want to compete either. I want to point out that all the descendants of those Jews who were expelled or who left the countries in which they were living prior to and after WW2 have settled into other countries and made their lives there.
Only the Palestinians insist on the “Right of return”, and only the Palestinians can claim to be refugees after having lived in the British Mandate for two years. If that same rule were applied to me I would be classed as a Latvian refugee, which I clearly am not.
“There are many Muslim countries where you could, in theory, live peacefully practicing your faith.”
I cannot think of one. We have tried several. When you say ‘there is no such country as Palestine’ you are right in the sense that even within one nuclear family we have no common nationality. My father holds a Lebanese passport, my sister a Canadian one, my kid brother is a US citizen and my cousins (who live under Israeli occupation) have Jordanian documents. As a student I had at various times Lebanese, Egyptian and Kuwaiti papers. I have lived in France, now am British, but sometimes call myself a ‘rootless cosmopolitan’. When I do, I find people assume I’m a Jew. There’s an irony.
I have always called myself a “wandering Jew”, having lived more than half of my 59 years away from the England I was born in.
I currently live in Spain, my wife is Spanish, but others of my cousins live in Australia, the USA, and of course in Israel.
There are more Jews living outside of Israel than there are Jews in Israel, and possibly there are more Palestinians too who live in other countries. But there’s no irony in people believing that a ‘rootless cosmopolitan’ has to be a Jew. That’s how people have always seen us, forgetting that Jews have never ever completely left Eretz Yisroel, and never will.
Shalom, Saalam, and good night.
Muslims are offended by an ad featuring a puppy? I am offended by their constant, irrational whining. VERY offended. How can they not realize that THEY are the cause of bad feeling towards them, when they seem to be determined to remain in perpetual friction with the Western societies who host them?
I’m afraid that stories like this make me more and more inclined to think “send ’em all back” with every passing day. I’m so sick of these people.
Hands up all those who feel sorry for Mandy? Anyone? No?
You can almost feel the beeb giving him a virtual hug: “there there, pet, don’t let the nasty man upset you…”.
the State Broadcaster is indeed reluctant to cover the situation in Italy – since it shows that a founding member of the Euro-project has finally woken up to the nightmare of uncontrolled immigration, with all its attendant import of child-abuse (gypsy networks sending their children out to beg and steal etc etc). They are obviously worried about the captive prole audience in the UK waking up and demanding the inevitable.
And another thing…
When the BBC finally DOES bring itself to report on the crime clampdown in Italy, let’s take a few bets on how it will editorialise and spin it, shall we? As the case of a once-proud nation reasserting control over its freedoms and stepping in to counter child-abuse and crime? Or a neo-fascist government persecuting misunderstood petty criminals? What are the odds?
BBC report:
“Four still held over stab death”
‘Four’ blanks?
‘Daily Mail’ report:
includes- Det. Sup. Vic Rae said:
“We believe there were four black males involved in the stabbing. These, we believe, were about the same age as Ben, maybe a bit older • 17 to 18.
‘We know there are still witnesses to come forward.”
BBC report (c/o its D.Schweimler) uncritically indulges Chavez and Latino leaders on how Europeans should make immigration of Latinos into EU easier:
“Mercosur condemns EU migrant law”
Two sketches of Mrs.C. Blair:
1.) BBC (B. Wheeler):
2.) ‘Daily Mail’ (Q. Letts):
Yet agian the BBC radio 5 live phone in is about Andy Murray. Three days on the trot now.
Anyone would think that the economy was in good shape and that Nu Labour was riding high in the polls.
If the Tories were in power would the BBC be diverting attention away from the failing Government?
Here’s the BBC going to town on an HRW report on the French snti terrorism laws, whilst the Brits cannot even deal with Abu Qatada and have peppered the streets of major UK cities with CCTV cameras.
‘It urges the French government to take steps to address these problems, or risk alienating the communities from which future terrorist groups could emerge’
pure Dhimmituied -eh!
Nice bit of bias in this report:
“Our correspondent says the president would be happy to see the Nice Treaty, which currently governs the way the EU operates and gives Poland disproportionate strength, remain in force for a while longer.”
It is only “disproportionate” if you support the methodology of the Lisbon Treaty; otherwise their voting strength is perfectly equivalent with other large countries, who no doubt also have “disproportionate” strength according to Adam Easton.