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Jason: Why should Moozlums not get offended with everything? Their biggotted religion encourages that (there is no such thing as a moderate Moozlum) and they have the gay left wing mafia backing them up.
How can the beeboids present what is meant to be a farming programme , ie Farming Today , and allow some numpty to come on the programme and suggest that , if you kept male and female lambs seperate (‘practised better animal husbandry’), you wouldnt need to castrate the ramb lambs !
You have to weep, look at the **@** fells and hills up there, how are you meant to seperate them ?
Why allow the clown on the programme, why not simply say, an impractical suggestion was firmly rejected, rather than give him a platform .
The bbc absolutely loathes rural people, because they don’t conform to their urban oriented view of life, and rather than think they might learn from the natives, they do their best to marginalise them.
This report should be read by all biased-bbcites. Pages 64-70 confirm the need for this site.
Click to access report.pdf
I had asked this on another thread but I really cannot understand why the BBC is so biased against David Cameron’s Conservatives because, in terms of policies and the interesting cosmopopolitan people they have, there is no clear, discernable difference between NuCon and NuLab. The Tories will essentially pursue the same policies as the BBC’s NuLab on all things which matter – EU, political correctness, ‘green’ stuff etc – so what’s it all about?
The BBC, Puppies and the active indulgence of grievance groups
Would it be too much to ask the BBC to start a real debate on air about some of the blindingly obvious questions that arise from the Tayside police puppy story –
– Who are these self appointed religious leaders?
– Why have the police crumpled whimpering into a corner flaying themselves with copies of the McP report and not simply told the complainants to fu*k off, grow up and realise that Dundee is not in the North West Frontier province?
– Why does the offense assumed by a small number people espousing an alien lifestyle in Dundee trump the massive offense that their posturing creates in the broader population?
This story, although superficially trivial, is illustrative of the internal contradictions and hypocrisy of the entire edifice of multi-cultural Britain, and the impotence of public authorities in the face of a dominant Multi-C official culture.
The demands and “offense” arising out of an ad with a puppy advertising a phone number are clearly utterly unreasonable by any standards. We are talking about a photograph (yes, just an image, nobody has to see the animal in the flesh here) of a puppy – seen in our majority culture as something uniquely lovable and delightful, and usually capable of causing maudlin tears and sighs of “awh” from elderly ladies. here is the crux of my argument; in out balkanised society we have opinions diametrically opposed, with 99.75% of the population of Britain liking puppies and 0.25% seeing then as satanic. Does the BBC see this cultural dichotomy as worthy of serious comment?
There may be a very small minority making this noise but the BBC has to ask, as the national broadcaster, why are our public institutions paying attention to tiny partisan single issue groups? I don’t recall much official civic reaction to the Countryside protests. I suppose I know the answer – the BBC likes and actively works towards its’ utopia where specially approved aggrieved groups have their prejudices indulged (rather than ‘tolerated’)
Something worthy of idle speculation – where will this precedent – the police collapse – lead to? Having established the principal, can we expect attacks on “Andrex” advertisements? Will we see blind chased down the street by baying packs of ‘offended’ people just for walking past a place of worship with their guide dog? Will the relatives of Barbara Woodehouse have to look over their shoulder from now on?
Is any offense to any religious belief now worthy of instant capitulation by the authorities? If so look out for the Druids it is probable that they want group sex at midday on the lawn outside parliament.
Allan@oslo: Many Beeboids are Nu Labour supporters (or even members)
Many Beeboids see the Tories as “Thatcher” the Hitler of Britain and despise the Tories because of that.
Many Beeboids feel that the Tories might decide to slit the throat of the BBC.
Many Beeboids see the Tories as the “nasty party” full of right wing racists, regardless of how cuddly call me Dave comes across as.
Though it is more about the Guardian, Guido has an interesting piece which also relates to that other half of the Leftist pantomime horse – the BBC.
It is well worth reading.
GCooper: It’s a good article. I’ve never understood why the Guardian gets the advertising for Government jobs.
It should be done either by rotating it around all the main national newspapers or by private enterprise.
Turkey should be brought in to the EU. Its the closest thing we have to a stable influence that can spread through other Islamic countries!
Crazy talk without one shred of logic.
Though it is more about the Guardian, Guido has an interesting piece which also relates to that other half of the Leftist pantomime horse – the BBC.
Is that the one with no head, and two arses?
Two arses!!! God don’t tell Beeboids that, we’ll never get any work out of them!
That’s the one, Mr Bauer!
I just love the way the BBC has been bigging up Cherie Blair.
Knife crime is under reported she spouts. Oh really. Would this be coming from the wife of the former PM who continually distorted serious crime to show “improvements” where nonse existed? Where leftie media types like Toynbee and the BBC spouted these Government figures as facts when no one believed them.
What a shock for Cherie Blair!! For years she must have the believed the shit being pumped out by her hubby and his gay goons. Now she’s in the REAL WORLD, she finds out our Country is a nasty violent shithole all thanks to her and Tone and the other “Nu Labour project team”
“Welcome to the party Cherie” you must be so proud of what you’ve made England.
Though it is more about the Guardian, Guido has an interesting piece which also relates to that other half of the Leftist pantomime horse – the BBC.
It is well worth reading.
GCooper | 02.07.08 – 10:09 am | #
Interesting further follow up from an anon poster on Guido – apparently George Osborne is already on the case!
Taking public recruitment away from the Grauniad will kill two birds with one stone.
End of Grauniad and much more politically representative Beeb – what’s not to like?
Er, this is already Tory policy. George Osborne announced it in 2006.
Daily Mail 4/12/06
We’ll kill Jobzilla!
Tories pledge to save taxpayers £800m by moving public sector adverts online
ALMOST £800million of taxpayers’ money is spent advertising public sector jobs every year, according to recruitment experts.
The money is enough to build 53 fully equipped secondary schools or four district hospitals.
The findings have prompted Shadow Chancellor George Osborne to promise a radical overhaul of the system if the Conservatives win the next election.
He is today pledging a ban on Government recruitment through newspaper adverts.
Instead, all jobs available in Whitehall departments or quangos would be posted for free on a new official website.
Local authorities would be ‘strongly encouraged’ to follow suit…..
Jack Bauer,
Is your arguement simply one about Turkey being a Muslim dominated country?
Surely, even you must acknowledge that Turkey has the institutions to limit the influence of Islam over its Government?
How many Muslim countries do you know of where the Army is prepared to mobilise and take over at the merest threat of Islam infecting its Government?
For this very reason, Turkey should become a member of the EU, so that its democracy and moderate influence on the rest of the Islamic world can be nurtered and fostered.
B’woodsman – I, too, caught Farming Today, and had to ‘listen again’ to see if my ears had been playing tricks.
I thought the ‘Don’t you think all lamb meat should be labelled to say that these lambs were castrated without painkillers?’ question was a bit of a giveaway about the Beeboid’s view. I wonder if he’d support a similar scheme for wheat, where loaves would have a sticker saying ‘The many and varied animals killed and injured during the production of wheat for this loaf weren’t given pain relief’?
Of course he wouldn’t! Veggies don’t care about those animals.
And the story about pesticides was curious. First we had farmer saying ‘we will not be able to control fungus disease with out certain pesticides’ and then we had Pesticide Action Network man saying ‘If there is no alternative to a certain pesticide, it will not be banned.’ Who was right?
Since the BBC has upped the ante in its assault on the minds of US residents, I can watch this morning’s coverage of the BBC World coverage of the bulldozer attack against Israelis in Jerusalem.
The correspondent in Jerusalem (Paul something) was trying to talk about how there aren’t nearly as many attacks on Israeli citizens as there used to be. As they play back footage of the scene, the camera pans past an overturned bus, and the Jerusalem Beeboid mentions that there used to be regular “suicide” attacks – then he caught himself and amended that to “bomb attacks, primarily bomb attacks” on buses, etc. As if the majority of attacks on buses and cafes were made using some sort of range weapon. The word “suicide” was not mentioned again.
It seems that “suicide bomb” is now too emotional a term to be used in reference to any act by Arabs on Jews. Or is it just another attempt to keep the public misinformed? I wonder if this new editorial policy will be maintained throughout the rest of the day’s coverage of the incident?
Almost immediately afterward, they brought out a “this just in” quote from Hamas on this morning’s attempt at mass murder. Predictably, Hamas said that this was “the result of Israeli aggression,” and that they didn’t know who was behind it.
The Beeboid presenter summed that up by saying now we know why it happened. The coverage is still going on, but I’m no longer interested in listening to them.
My background is similar to Bio’s though I was born and live in the U.K.
The state religion is Christian – antidisestablishmentarianism anyone?
My family are involved in British life, and despite the increasing undercurrent of antisemitism, I hope we will not have to run away. Or say ” we don’t want to live in a Christian state.” For us it’s a cultural, not a ‘land’ issue.
“I don’t want to live in an Islamic state, thanks. Nor a Jewish one either.”
I can understand not wishing to live in an Islamic state, but would life in Israel as a (Catholic) doctor be intolerable?
I apologise for assuming you were Muslim, but your obvious dislike of Jews did give that impression.
You want your land back, but do not want to live in an Islamic or a Jewish state. What state would your land be in, if, in your ideal scenario, it was given back? A little Christian one within an Islamic one or a tiny Christian one within a tiny weeny Jewish one?
Turkey should be brought in to the EU. Its the closest thing we have to a stable influence that can spread through other Islamic countries!
And best of all, its military is only too happy to intervene if it feels its political “elite” are becoming infected by religion!
You must mean stuff like this:
Turkey woke up today to shocking arrests of two dozen prominent personalities known for their fierce opposition to AKP government. Among the detained are retired full generals and force commanders, ret. brigadier and major generals, an admiral, a colonel, a university professor, prominent journalists from Cumhuriyet and Tercuman dailies, Chairman of Ankara Chamber of Commerce, chairman of Ataturkist Thought Association and members of other NGOs. This is the first time in Turkish Republic’s history that top commanders are taken into custody of the police.
Chuffer and backwoodsman,
Looks like you have them nailed on this particular bias.
Do the BBC also have on advocates against the spaying and neutering of household pets?
I guess not:
If you’ve got a cat, take it to the vet to have it neutered, which means it will have an operation so that it doesn’t have kittens.
(bottom of the page)
Do they have these people on worrying about geldings when it’s horse racing time?
unfortunately, it won’t be the secular colonels who’ll be turning up in force at the UK’s overcrowded borders – but god knows how many million “downtrodden, devout muslim” peasants
PS – just as the immigrant population from Pakistan in the UK is more likely to worship Bin Laden than Musharef
David Preiser (USA): Actually I think it’s Beeboids that should be neutered.
I have to say that there is strong disagreement from leading figures on the Right that the BBC hates Cameron: they argue the BBC loves him. Peter Hitchens, for example, has been banging on about it for months, saying “the left-wing BBC trying so hard to persude us that the Tories are on the way back” after the local elections. He was at it again this weekend.
Sorry, but I need a nice sit down. I’ve gone dizzy because the Beeb site has used, yes actaully USED, the “t” word. In the story of the bulldozer-driving maniac it was:
Oooh and three times too!
Blimey! have we moved into a parallel universe?
Mailman: Plenty of Turks in Germany and most of them aren’t “secular” Turks but devout Muslims. If you want them you can have them.
Im not quite sure where it says in that article that the military helped with the arrests?
And funnily enough, it was reported by the Turkish media…imagine that, the media in an islamic country reporting on the dodgy practices of its Government.
Again, not sure how many other Islamic states would allow this to happen?
Turkey aint perfect…BUT they are one of the few buffers, with institions only too willing to step in, we have against Islamic extremism in the Muslim world.
Again, if only a few more Islamic countries would copy the policies of Ataturk and drag their countries out of the stone age, what a wonderful world we would live in!
Notice anything missing in this tale?
Sheila – I’m afraid I agree with Hitchens et al . I’ve long maintained that Boy Dave is a creature of the media, specifically chosen to attract as little fire from the BBC (in particular) as possible.
I doubt very much that he will have the courage to tackle the BBC – I even wonder if he would recognise the need to.
GCooper: Yes, but plenty in the Tory party still attract hatred and bile fron the BBC.
Boris Johnson
Caroline Spelman
Michael Howard
John Major
The BBC does like Cameron as it loves Ken Clarke. Those that remember when Ken Clarke last stood for leader of the Tory party, the BBC were his biggest cheerleaders.
Here is an example of clear, undeniable bias from the BBC on R4’s World At One, this lunchtime.
Reporting on the fuel tax protests by road hauliers, the first interview following an outline of the story was with a spokesman for Greenpeace. Perhaps someone from the BBC (one of their trolls, maybe) might care to remind us how many seats in Parliament Greenpeace has? Or the Green Party?
So here is the first point. On what possible basis does the BBC suggest that Greenpeace’s opinion represents anything but that of a tiny, fanatical minority? Why are we meant to care what Greenpeace thinks?
From bad to worse. The next interview was with a Romanian road haulier, claiming his countrymen do not enjoy an unfair advantage over British transport companies. And thus to la Keanery, who began in fine BBC style, by snidely suggesting the road lobby had failed to get its members out to protest in sufficient numbers. We’ve seen this tactic from the BBC before. You start by undermining the credibility of the witness, (indeed, it’s a tactic used here by a Beeboid, only yesterday). Do they get taught this technique at Common Purpose sessions?
From there, having asked not a single previous combative question in this shoddy piece of work, Kearney proceeded to do her best to take apart the road hauliers’ case, point by point – repeating, like a limp parrot, the lines fed to her by the Green and the Romanian spokesmen she had previously interviewed.
So there we have it – the BBC, advancing its pro-goverment, pro-tax, pro-Green agenda. Greens and foreign competitors given free reign to talk nonsense and their lines used in an attempt to argue the case against the road hauliers.
But can you imagine it having been done the other way? A sympathetic interview with the transport lobby, followed by the attempted barbecuing of a government minister and an eco-fascist? Of course not. That isn’t how the BBC works.
This was irrefutable evidence of the Corporation’s bias, its tenth rate, loaded journalism and yet anther example of why the whole pack of them should be thrown out of work.
in the 1500’s my scottish family was dispossessed and deported to ireland.
my family and i have got over it and i don’t hold any grudges against the descendents of James I.
time to move on
Has anyone else noticed btw, that the beeb repeat the HYS postings? I’ve just looked at the Rowntree Trust related one and page one has some of the same postings as page two.This isn’t the first time I’ve spotted this either.
What’s wrong BBC? Can’t get enough people who agree with you to post, so you do a cut ‘n’ paste job?
Funny that the BBC got into difficulty with that Joseph Roundhead lefty report.
Most people think a car is a necessity not a luxury.
Funny that THOSE that think the car is the spawn of the devil don’t use public transport themselves.
Can I cite George Moonbat who recently purchased a car himslef. What’s wrong with public transport George?
Sue | 02.07.08 – 11:40 am
I can understand not wishing to live in an Islamic state, but would life in Israel as a (Catholic) doctor be intolerable?
No it wouldn’t. Bio asks more or less the same question. But because of Israel’s refusal to grant a right of return to 1948 refugees or their children, it’s never been an option.
What’s more we can’t even make a short trip • my father cannot visit his parents’ graves; he cannot collect rent on property to which he has proper legal title; I have never seen the family home except in pictures; we cannot visit uncles, aunts or cousins. Even Hamas thugs and Jihadis can go on their Haj, courtesy of Israel’s gatekeepers; but I cannot make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem or Bethlehem.
Read this article carefully, right through. Don’t fret about the source • they are biased, but like the BBC they sometimes tell the truth. The article is set up to focus on the elderly Brazilian, but try putting yourself in the place of the lady from Milwaukee whose tax dollars subsidise Israel’s army. How would you feel in her place?
Clearly such obstruction has nothing to do with genuine security issues. This is the sort of thing the BBC should report rather than the crazies from Hamas. This is what diaspora Palestinians are going on about when we talk of right to return • not trying to crowd out Jews to the margins or throw them in the sea.
What state would your land be in, if, in your ideal scenario, it was given back? A little Christian one within an Islamic one or a tiny Christian one within a tiny weeny Jewish one?
Neither. A democratic, secular republic with built-in constitutional protection for all minorities. And yes… I see no reason why Jewish settlers who particularly want to live in Samaria shouldn’t be as free to do so as Arabs who want to live in Nazareth.
“Turkey aint perfect…BUT they are one of the few buffers, with institions only too willing to step in, we have against Islamic extremism in the Muslim world.”
Our police and our armed forces should be our buffer against islam. Unfortunately, these have been subverted by political correctness. The fact that the BBC is actively campaigning for millions of Turks to invade borderless, defenceless Europe shows why I’m against any more Turks getting here.
Stamp duty was raised and raised again on the basis of ‘dampening the hyper demand in the housing market’.
Now the housing market is in full reverse gear surely these taxes are not only without merit, by the same argument for putting them on they should be abolished alltogether, immediately.
OK I don’t see much of the media pressing this obvious question of Brown at all, but surely the public financed BBC has higher standards and can be expected to push home the questioning.
On second thoughts don’t make me laugh, they wouldn’t be the first to ask they would be the last ones to ask…
“What state would your land be in, if, in your ideal scenario, it was given back? A little Christian one within an Islamic one or a tiny Christian one within a tiny weeny Jewish one?
Neither. A democratic, secular republic with built-in constitutional protection for all minorities.”
A decent thought, Aoun, but it’d get you nowhere. The neighbours of such a state could never tolerate it. You don’t have to be jewish to be hated by the Islamists, unfortunately, secular and democratic works just as well.
Allan@Oslo, I wouldnt worry too much about being invaded by millions of Turks. I think as soon as they see what this place is really like they probably upsticks and leave just like the Poles are leaving.
For this very reason, Turkey should become a member of the EU, so that its democracy and moderate influence on the rest of the Islamic world can be nurtered and fostered.
mailman | 02.07.08 – 11:18 am | #
Here’s why your argument is incoherant and lacks logic. No offence.
Even accepting your premise (which I do not) why would Turkey joining the EU “nurture” its “moderate influence.”
And why would that “influence” then be mysteriously transfered (as if by magic) to othere “islamic” countries?
These are just platitudes you’ve plucked out of thin air.
Here’s an alternative scenario…
The radical Muslim influence in Turkey INCREASES when they join the EU, fueled by a violent hatred of what they see as decadent western values being FORCED upon them by a secular Europe.
Jack Bauer,
Alternatively, if Turkey is accepted into the EU, the secularists will gain the upper hand (as always, with a little help from the military). Turkey itself has a chance to become a bit more secular, and the hordes of immigrants that head West will be the manual laborers and idle benefit parasites seeking a fatter teat.
The secular, more educated Turks stay home, helping to bring the country even closer to more Western values, while all the fundamentalist peasants flood Germany, Belgium, and Britain.
I’m not saying this is more likely than your scenario. I just think this would be a very amusing alternative: Turkey becomes more secular, while the Western countries who cried about the Gates of Vienna are slowly submitting to the “sensitivities” of their Muslim residents. (Not that it would be amusing to any Brits here, obviously.)
Even if that did happen, I think you’re right that Turkey can’t be much of a positive influence anywhere east of their border with the Kurds. Among Arab countries, there’s even more animosity against them having influence to their east than there is among the naysayers in Europe.
Baggiejonathan: You are so spot on. This why the bollcoks spouted by the left about “green taxes” is crap.
We are told by the likes of the BBC that green taxes are meant to use used to cause us to change our habits.
So as you rightly point out, if the housing market is now in free fall, why not cut stamp duty? or do away with the pointless homebuyers pack?
The truth is a Government will never give up a tax it doesn’t have to regardless of what it says.
If we all stopped smoking, drinking and driving tomorrow along with our flying holiday what would the Government do? Would it cut taxes on these things? No, it would have to rack up other direct taxes to make up for the loss of revenue.
So in fact we’d get shafted twice. Except for Beeboids and Guaridan readers who earn so much it wouldn’t matter to them anyway.
TWO contrasting reports on the AFRICAN UNION:
1.)That of the appeasing BBC News:
“AU treads softly on Zimbabwe”
2.) That of the strongly critical Sky News:
“Africa’s lack of Moral Authority”
DP: I’m not saying this is more likely than your scenario. I just think this would be a very amusing alternative:
Yep, that’s another alternative. And we all note how the moderating influence of the democratic EU is affecting the Muslims now in our midst.
I think a recent poll in the UK showed 35% agreeing with the goals of al-kayda.
That moderating influence is working out so well for us!
Jack Bauer,
And we all note how the moderating influence of the democratic EU is affecting the Muslims now in our midst.
You got that right.
The BBC are running a report about the horrific abuse of Asian domestic workers in the UK ie sexual abuse,violence,terrible working conditions etc. Very comendable yes? Er but this is the BBC we are talking about so the BBC are silent about the ethnicity of the rich abusers, hmmmmm I wonder why? The vast majority are Asian and so the BBC are happy to infer that it is the native English who are to blame! After all they are never going to put the blame for third world slavery and cruel treatment of the Asian lower castes, which is common in India, on to the real culprits! These practices have been imported by the wealthy asians who live here. The nuLabour handwringers have never told these immigrants that such nasty slavery practices will not be tolerated here!
As Pounce would say, The BBC and half a story and lets not name names cos it would hurt cohesion?
BBC 2’s ‘Newsnight’ tonight congratulates itself for putting up a Muslim, Pakistan pundit to give his slant on the Taleban and the West:
[From ‘Newsnight’ preview of tonight’s programme:]
“The Taliban
“We have an interview with Ahmed Rashid the hugely influential Pakistani journalist who has studied the Taliban for many years. How can the West beat them?”
Of course, we can expect ‘Newsnight’ to be dhimmi-like in its deference to Rashid; he speaks the language of denouncing that Islamic aunt-sally: ‘Islamophobia’, and he speaks of how the West should not be allowed to publish cartoons showing Muhammad.
Whatever you do, ‘Newsnight’ don’t have on a speaker who is Western, non-Muslim, pro-free speech, pro-publication of Danish cartoons.
‘Newsnight’ will not refer to just about the only bit of anti-dhimmitude it has ever broadcast: this Danish journalistic video defending the Danish cartoons. Don’t remind Rashid, ‘Newsnight’. But here it is:
‘Denmark: Cartoons’ row revisited’
When you look at the twisted bile pumped out by the BBC, you’d think the BBC Trust could have found something a little more ‘serious’ to critercise than Top Gear (again)
I thought the Polar Special was very funny and a real piss take to the green losers that run the media.
I see my buddy Peter Hain finally got a mention on the BBC. I notice on the BBC news they “emphasised” the point he’s done nothing wrong.
Of course not. Shame the BBC don’t take the same view with Caroline Spelman though.