Can you imagine the BBC using such a perjorative headline in a story about any other group ?
Inverted Snob Yobs
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Can you imagine the BBC using such a perjorative headline in a story about any other group ?
Ah it’s OK. Public school Tory toffs.
Here, they can call a spade a spade because they know the public school kids aren’t going to bomb them.
George Frewer died falling while blood alcohol levels were two and a half times the drink-drive limit.
So what? That is a ridiculously pejorative way of measuring his state of inebriation. He wasn’t driving, and was therefore perfectly entitled to have this alcohol level, which I am sure I have attained many times and survived to tell the tale. Except that of course I can’t remember the tale.
I didn’t read the report, but I’m betting they got the Tory toffs Bullingdon club in there somewhere?
i’m honestly beginning to understand why a lot of youngsters are so angry in this country.
without hope, and with a sneering BBC, how else would you react?
thing is – the bbc is about 20 or 30 years out of date.
these snob yob parties are just a new form of acid house raves.
which were overwhelmingly attended by the plebs.. a bit of a classless affair i must admit (having attended many…) .. and a classless society is something that Al Beeb cannot contemplate.. for without “class warfare” , there goes the entire raison d’aitre of socialism.
prime example of the leftist mentality in england nowadays:
there i was in london this morning, waiting for Boris to appear , so that i could get some snaps on the anniversary of 7/7.
he’s the mayor , doing his duty and all that.
50 plus year old wanders by – “so who is attending? why are you waiting around here?”
“why, its boris! why wouldnt i wait around for him?”
“oh right.. as if he’s worth waiting around for..” and then he scuttles off.. probably to the Joseph Rowntree foundation or some other leftwing think tank building.
it was just the sheer LACK of respect for the OFFICE of Mayor that i found galling – and this isnt from a teenager – this is from a 50+ man…
something to bear in mind folks.
just one more point – the amount of youngsters hanging around with their mobiles ready for boris was a joy to behold…
youngsters.. NOT blue haired tories… youngsters… teenagers… folks below the age of twenty.
i saw that with my own eyes this morning.
The strange thing is that all senior BBC people send their kids private.
its NOT strange.
diane abbott is a prime example…
“do as we tell you , not as we do”
Where do you think the BBC hierarchy send their kids to school? The local comprehensive?
Polly Toynbee certainly didn’t send her kids to the local comp.
Another disgraceful piece of lefty class warfare from the BBC- why do I suspect that you would never see the title “Prole Yobs”, even though sadly that would be far truer.
As an aside, I’m currently watching the documentary “NHS: A Difficult Beginning”. Opening statement- “the need for the NHS’s existence is beyond doubt”- not here it isn’t. The rest of it is fast turning into a left-wing eulogy, rather than any kind of intelligent critique of the organisation or the ideology of statist healthcare.
But then I’m a middle class male toff- who listens to what I have to say? Perhaps I ought to bomb someone?!
Can you imagine the BBC using such a perjorative headline in a story about any other group ?
Absolutely not. Nor can I imagine any other responsible media using such a phrase.
Oh, what’s this?
Mosquito buzzers to stop trouble from ‘snob yob’ gangs in Cornwall
By Lucy Cockcroft
Step forward into the class-war hall of infamy, Lucy. Now, which treacherous rag was she writing for?
Blimey, it’s the Torygraph:'snob-yob'-gangs-in-Cornwall.html
Still, let’s look at that much-admired local newspaper, The Cornishman. What do they have to say about this story?
Police fight ‘snob yobs’ with use of noise device
Still, they were all probably poisoned by those Beeb reptiles, eh?
Oo-er! No!
BBC article dated today. Torygraph and Cornishman, in June….
Biased BBC: Everyone’s at it, but it’s all the BBC’s fault
Mrs Rooney’s leotard
The BBC is a State Broadcaster funded along Socialist principles and as such must refrain from indulging thier Socialist prejudices.
Why is that so difficult for you to grasp.
Say what you like, but get voluntary funding, dont imprison welfare mothers for non payment and then push a Socialist agenda.
Ok love?
The BBC is a State Broadcaster … and as such must refrain from indulging thier Socialist prejudices.
Perhaps. But if the Torygraph and the local paper use identical words, then class warfare is not the cause. Unless you think that Lefties have taken over the Conservatives’ house newspaper and the entirely respectable Cornishman. The BBC is perfectly entitled to use vivid phraseology which has entered common usage.
Or perhaps you’d restrict them to a 19th Century dictionary to fulfill their civic role?
get voluntary funding, dont imprison welfare mothers for non payment and then push a Socialist agenda.
The welfare mothers I know – and I’ve come across a fair few – would be entirely happy with the phrase snob yobs. Don’t you think?
Ok love?
Love is certainly OK with me. But. not, alas, with you. I don’t think I’m your type.
Biased BBC: Forsooth, what blasphemy utters from yonder Socialist?
Don’t argue with Hillhunt. He’s been snorting too much Al Beeb sponsored cocaine (which ain’t good for your brain).
hillhunt sounds a bit annoyed this morning. did u have an argument with ur fella last night big boy ?
At least the Telegraph had the decency to put ‘snob yobs’ in quote marks.
GM – not sure about the LACK of respect for the OFFICE of mayor. Are you saying anyone dismissive of Gordon Brown is showing a LACK of respect for the OFFICE of PM? Having said that I saw Boris bouncing around at the head of the gay pride March on Oxford Street on Saturday (I’d just popped up to go to Selfridges – honest) and he was getting a great reception from just the sort of young, alternative metrosexuals who the Beeb seem so keen to court.
Best observation of the lot is from the “becoming-more-pissed-off-by-the-BBC-by-the-day” former Beeb producer Rod Liddle, who observed in his Sunday Times column a few weeks ago:
Chalk one up for the concept of transparency. Determined to prove that it is as smug, middle class, vacuous, public school and left-wing as its critics allege, BBC’s Question Time has taken to including on its panel each week a smug, middle-class, public-school, vacuous and left-wing employee or former employee of the corporation.
A few weeks back it was the BBC “anticomedian” • that means he’s not remotely funny; just incredibly pleased with himself • Marcus Brigstocke (King’s Bruton). The week before last we had the pious, handwringing former head of news Tony Hall (Birkenhead school), whom I well remember • without enormous happiness • from my time in the corporation. And last Thursday it was the extraordinarily empty Dan Snow (St Paul’s), son of the broadcaster Peter and a great-great-grandson of Lloyd George, telling us all that knife crime was a terrible problem but that prison didn’t work, okay, yah? We should, like, get these juvenile stabbers to do something, you know, constructive.
Read the full piece here. Wonderful stuff.
Meanwhile, the Afro-Slashers rampaging across London are just poor, misunderstood ‘youths’.
I look forward to the BBC story covering the setting-up of a travellers’ encampment with the headline:
‘Pikeys arrive; lock up everything!”
Indeed Chuffer,
Compare and contrast with the BBC’s coverage of The Romany in Italy.
The poor blights would never hirt a sole or steal a bean, yet those nasty RIGHT WING FACISTS are fingerprinting them anyway.
Surely to F**k, we see it with our own eyes – gangs of Romany either aggressively begging, or pickpocketing
So what if a bunch of rich kids go wild for a while – I’m sure they’ll be bringing money into the town !!!
The bbc Farming Today – the only remotely agricultural entity to take hillarity benn seriously. So seriously infact that they don’t even ask him why a TB infected badger cull can work very effectively in Ireland, but wouldn’t here. Could it be they are happy to allow him to use the excuse of a half arsed incompetently organised ‘trial’, where the initial terms of reference were rigged ???
Backwoodsman: on the PM programme yesterday the interviewer also allowed Hilarity Benn (thanks for that one!) to get away with suggesting that it would be too difficult and labour-intensive to organise a cull of TB-infected badgers in the UK, but that it was perfectly possible to introduce a programme of vaccination for the UK badger population.
The obvious question was never asked – how on earth could this be done except by sending vast hordes of veterinary staff across the countryside armed with syringes (and stout gloves, I’d suggest)…
It is pejorative, yes, but with justification. Anything else would be P.C.
I’m with Hillhunt’s tutu.
I know about this one because it’s on my patch. I have had feet in both camps so to speak.
Down ‘ere in the hols the strident extremely posh escape their version of civilization to grace some indigenous parochials with their patronage.
Each group interprets the other’s unfamiliarity with their own particular language and demeanor as inferiority.
Unlike adventurers such as Bruce Parry who are reverentially respectful of all bush pygmies and tribal warriors, including every single witch doctoring antic, the hooray revellers mainly regard the locals as insular halfwits.
By the same token the locals only hear wha wha wha noises when hooray henry tries order a pasty. He demonstrates his inadequacy by falling over a cliff, and tragically – killing himself, but also shows disrespect by wrecking stuff and disturbing the peace all night long.
But there you go. Chavs in Ibiza. Drunks in Newquay. Glasgow footie fans in Manchester. Does the BBC not report these? So why not snob yobs.
Don’t talk to me about the Cornishman. It’s The Western Morning News you have to look out for. Don’t get me started.
Can you imagine the BBC using such a perjorative headline in a story about any other group?
Lager Louts:
many more examples.
neither are class specific.
most definitions of ‘chav’ would suggest that it’s class specific.
both are in quote marks however
Rich people are despised by the BBC, except when they can convey them as wise,with inbuilt checks and balances-putting forward the view BBC likes EG Douglas Hurd, Lord Hurd, on crime and punishment.
Industrialists are despised by the BBC, unless they are using the admin class of their trade organisation (CBI)to ask for greater integration into the EU.
Old people are depised by the BBC, unless they are used as a tool for more socialism, like asking for bigger pensions from the government.
The police are despised by the BBC, unless they do more social work than policing.
The armed forces are despised by the BBC, unless the top brass is asking to pull out from a war zone, or a casualty or fatality can be used as a stick to beat the government.
Christians are despised by the BBC, unless its church leaders asking for more peace,understanding and multiculturalism.
most definitions of ‘chav’ would suggest that it’s class specific.
I disagree, its a way of behaving & dressing. Is a Tramp by necessity of any given class?
Now this is how you really fight a Class War with public cash:
London mayor Boris Johnson is to pay about £400,000 to Porsche after agreeing to scrap a plan to levy a £25 charge on the most polluting vehicles in the capital, it emerged last night.
Your ‘chav’ example (…ies/ 4413850.stm )is fundamentally flawed because the ‘chav’ in the headline is a quote from one of the parties in the story.
snobs eh? i bet all the snobs have an accent that is described as “BBC English”
beeboids, stuck up posh twats themselves
chuffer, I thought someone might say that – but nevertheless, as a response to DV’s question, it is valid. Had one of the parties used the word “p*key” or “ni**er” or “p*ki” the BBC would rightly not include the word in their headlines. Regarding Chavs, the BBC feel no such restraint.
Lurker: I refer you to David Vance’s question, to which my comment was a response, and to the fact that a majority of people would undoubtedly see “chav” as having class connotations.
I support the aims and general thrust of the site, but if our allegations of bias end up resting on the minutiae of whether or not “Chav” is as class-specific as “Snob” because if it isn’t then we’ve uncovered an agenda of class warfare at the BBC… then we are in trouble.
Cockney: “most definitions of ‘chav’ would suggest that it’s class specific.”
Agree entirely – it’s use is largely based on appearance although assumptions are made about the person’s education, lack of aspiration etc.
‘Snob’, on the other hand, is an attitude, not a style. It can be found anywhere, including the factory I worked in several years ago.
I think ‘chav’ is unacceptable and ‘snob’ should be confined to instances where the attitude of the person is known, not assumed.
Should have typed ‘its use’.
chav….council housed and violent?
The PC left must think “if we can only get rid of the best schools in the country, then our own downwardly spiraling schools will look a whole lot better, with no one to compare to!”
Look up, not down.
I’m sick of the BBC and have stopped reading their web site now for 3 months. Still listen to radio 4, but all the Indian programming is causing me to hit the off button regally.