Did you by chance catch the BBC new drama series “Bonekickers” which started a six episode run last night? What a hoot! We had a set of archaeologists led by the undeniably feisty Julie Graham investigating “mysteries of the past.” This quickly turned into a laughable plot which revolved around white psychotic Christians seeking to rid Britain of all other religions. This culminated in the beheading of a Muslim by one of these crazed right wing Christian types. Got to hand it to the BBC – they sure have their finger on reality.
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“Bonekickers? Totally bonkers.”
“‘Bonekickers’ might still be worth keeping an eye on after last night • but only to see if it can possibly remain so bad. “(James Walton).
Reposted from Open thread
BBC check list please. Let’s see.
1. PC boxes ticked.
Degenerate / incompetent white good guys. Check.
Feisty heroine. Check
Backup black hero/heroines. Check
Muslim or ethnic minority victim. Check.
All ok there.
2. Shit script. By God they nailed that one. Check.
3. Headline grabbing story of Right Wing Christians being naughty. Check.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/tv_and…=rss& feed=media
Sorry The Grauiad linke was broken.
Try this…
Absolutely, hilariously, ridiculously… awful.
The BBC – with its tax-extorted stranglehold on popular culture – is perhaps the biggest single threat to British achievement in the arts.
Simply awful.
Trebles all round, without a doubt.
I started watching it but when it got to the part about Christians-being-loonies, who of course, started the crusades just for the purpose of slaughtering Muslims who all wanted to live in peace, I had to turn over.
Unbelievably awful. When anything starts trying to establish it’s PC credentials from the very beginning, then that’s generally a bad sign.
lookng forward to this one as well.
There may have indeed been many fundy christians only too willing to lop the head of the infadels off…but that was a thousand years ago. Its funny though how in that time Christianity has indeed evolved (what would a creationist call that though:) while Islam has pretty much remained in the stone age.
Interestingly, Spooks began its life with a plot about mad Christian fundamentalists as well. Right on.
“Crusade propaganda”
(by Prof. Thomas F. Madden)
And, in more detail, by the same author:
“The real history of the Crusades”
Well the reviews are in…
OSAMA BIN LADEN: “Finally the British infidels are being won over to my way of Musliming. I vote 5 SEVERED HEADS.
AL-JEZEERA: Excellent brave and hard-hitting BBC documentary on the evil Christians plotting to take over the world. Though they still won’t discuss how the Jews are controlling the Christians into doing their bidding. 5 SEVERED HEADS
ARCHAEOLOGISTS WEEKLY: Exciting and realistic plot about modern Britain, though we do feel Bonekickers trivializes archaeology somewhat.
I watched up to the bit where the present day fundamentalists were scripted as Christian white youths. Had a fleeting notion I may have been transported to a parallel universe, or perhaps we are living in ‘The Matrix’ then remembered this is the BBC wasting our money to produce this puerile drivel; and turned off the t.v.
“Right Wing Christian” is an oxymoron,Christianity is a left wing creed.It was methodism which drove the Labour party.
Why is it never mentioned that,until the Arab light cavalry came galloping out of the Arab Peninsular ,the Mediterranean basin was Christian ? Before the Turks finished it off Iran followed the Zoroastrian faith.
I actually enjoyed the programme.
The bias is blatent though.
To be fair it has been shredded by its own critical elite aka the rather boringly Mark Lawson shaped Front Row (which at least has some rigour unlike the unspeakable Kultur Show which has to be the dumbest programme about culture ever made).
What about Dr Who which is supposed to be a happy union of Dr Miriam Stoppard and Fritz Lang and is truly hysterical and frightening: a wierd, emotionally incontinent, gay imperialist load of old crap – future generations in their Madrassa’s will marvel at its bizarreness and popularity.
Y-e-e-s-s. I thought it was great. And your point is?
Did the story about 2 boys punished for refusing to imitate Allah worship appear on the BBC? If it did I can’t find it. It appeared in the national press and on ITV local news up here, but not on BBC local news.
So do we need to be especially vigilant of youths wearing white tee shirts with red crosses and carrying rucksacks on public transport?
Good grief, no wonder we need 42 days, ID cards and wall to wall CCTV.
seemingly they also missed the celebration party that was held on 7/7 for one of the mass murderers.
Of course you did you witless stooge, dont you have an electronic shelf-stacking job in Diversity Operations to fulfill, or is this your job?
PS I wont be engaging in any further dialogue with you so try and come up with something funny or ask one of your colleagues.
I have submitted an official complaint to the BBC about this Bonekickers astonishing bs.
But I won’t take to the streets, burn the British flag, and maim or kill a few adherants of another religion, or threaten to behead people, so it probably won’t be taken seriously.
But I won’t take to the streets, burn the British flag, and maim or kill a few adherants of another religion, or threaten to behead people, so it probably won’t be taken seriously.
The least you can do is make yourself a sign. You’re just not trying hard enough.
canon alberic:
Of course you did you witless stooge, dont you have an electronic shelf-stacking job in Diversity Operations to fulfill, or is this your job?
I think you’ll find that this is a witless stooge other than Hillhunt.
David V announced last night Mr Hunt was being banned for good…
Nothing new about this sort of crap.
I watched an episode,well 10 minutes of it, of “Spooks” last weekend out here in Oz.The plot was much the same,Yawn.Yawn !…….nasty Christian fundamentalists chopping heads off lovely peace loving muslims.
The programme and story line was quite compelling, I thought.
Unfortunately, however, owing to what must have been an administrative error in the casting department, the Christians and Muslims were simply mixed up, erroneously giving the impression that the behaviours of one religion were in fact the behaviours of the other.
Be assured that the BBC will correct this error in due course and is no doubt extremely embarrassed by the whole affair.
Of course if you were an obviously saint like person of any religion you’d go and meet a couple of people, who’d just threatened you with swords, on your own and in a secluded underpass , wouldn’t anyone?
Mind you being in Eastenders certainly messed that Joe’s head up good and proper didn’t it?
I only saw the trailer for upcoming episodes. Rest Assured, racist USA will feature
And next week the Muslim army comes to the rescue of homosexual Christians being persecuted by Henry the eigth.
I’m not sure if it was the worst programme I have ever seen, but it must be up there. The producers seemed to be going for Time Team meets Indiana Jones. Not the worst concept, but at a time when the only terrorists in Britain are Muslims, and the only people actually hacking the heads of hostages are Muslims, for the BBC to show a sinister Christian sect doing these things to Muslims (they even got the boilerplate “Islam is a religion of peace” BS in there) is truly beneath contempt. So, maybe not the worst programme, but possibly the most contemptible.
I wonder how this show square with the BBC’s intent for community cohesion.
Christians so far are relatively cool (no christian riots) when reacting to unfair and repulsive portrayals about them. No wonder the BBC insult them with impunity. Muslims meanwhile are treated with delicate respect by the BBC. Ironic.
Sorry for the spoiler, but in next week’s episode it’s revealed that the Crusades were actually a false flag operation carried out by the Mossad.
didn’t most of the crusades end up with everyone pissing around in central/eastern europe bothering the locals anyway? i recall there was only one or two that got anywhere near jerusalem
Yes, many of them did end up pissing around a lot of places, or didn’t make it through, or stopped due to lack of funds. Many of them had to go into debt just to get weapons and supplies to go on the journey. Others just decided – like so many of us today – to do their hols close to home and started killing French and German Jews instead.
The geniuses of one batch of the First Crusade even got bogged down in the Rhineland, and decided to start looting and slaughtering Jews or forcing them to convert to Christianity (damn usurists and Christ preventers) until Urban II had the good sense to call them back.
Apparently next week we have “murdered 18th century slaves” turning up in the Bristol channel. How many of the BBC narrative themes can they develop in that episode then?
I am utterly, utterly sick of the BBC and its obsessive socialist engineering.
The quasi-educated dolts at the BBC have a tenuous grasp of reality at the best of times but they have managed to drag a few bits out from a discarded GCSE history text book and have banged them into shitkickers.
So far…
episode 1) The crusades and ‘right wing’indigenous funaligonist nutters.. who are obviously the unseen enemy in Britain today
episode 2) The only significant issue of note in Europe between 1550 and 1865 was the trans-Atlantic slave trade. This was exclusively a European imposed atrocity and had its locus in Bristol
How about a speculative episode 3, where the thoroughly convincing group of academics dig up a copy of the Beveridge report in their local left wing local council office and conclude that the 1945 Labour landslide was the single greatest event in British history, with the possible exception of the arrival of the Windrush. They then have to fight off sinister neo-fascist Thatcherites (war cry “Loads-a-money”) who think that the License fee should be abolished and that cannibalism is the best way to avoid food wastage, overfilling their bins and CO2 emissions caused by crematoria….
Come to think of it that would be a better story line than the crap so far delivered.
I saw a trailer for the series a while back…the carefuly balanced ethnic and gender mix of cast members was enough..no need to watch.
To compensate fot eh alnost complete absence of of, errr, “people of colour” in the higher echelons of the BBC (yes, all 23635349988 of them) the Beeboid aparatchiks cram them into drama.
Are these privileged liars even aware of their own hypocrisy?
I’m bemused. The writers helped create Life on Mars which was just as ridiculously PC. The portrayal of people from the 70s was: white male = racist, chauvinist pigs; white female = tolerant; minorities = paragon of virtue.
Viewers saw LoM as a parodic send-up of 70s TV shows with an anti-hero. For me the LoM writers were playing a far straighter bat with the cultural marxist propaganda laid on thick.
Given the response to Bonekickers it seems to be: moonbat nibbler 1, general populous 0.
moonbat nibbler,
I actually enjoyed LoM, even with all the overheated PC drivel. I don’t mind poking fun at past attitudes and behaviors. And the slob cops were at least portrayed as decent people in the end, which made a difference.
What lost me was a scene near the end of the series when somebody remarked about the possibility of someday having a woman Prime Minister. Tyler’s smirk was response enough, but his quip made it seem as if it was the conventional wisdom these days that Mrs. Thatcher was some sort of national shame. I watched the last episode, but won’t watch any of the sequel series.
the point is that LoM was enjoyed by the viewing population almost elusively for its’ non PC element. Non PC 70’s world (odd that there was no bolshevist union militancy about though) was in fact ‘heaven’ and Sam came to realise that the social(ist) engineering aspect of 21st Century policing, and by extension the repressed authoritarian nature of modern Britain with its camera culture was a pile of festering poo.
BK on the other hand has no redeeming features at all. Crude, bad, tainted with BBC group think.
If the BBC genuinely want to court controversy, a real one in there terms,then they should do this within their own frame of reference. Attack metrosexual Islington fabianism, multiculturalism and reflect the desire of the masses for some entertainment that isn’t served with a lumpen dose of BBC preaching. This would be a real controversy, and one I can guarantee will never occur
I think there was a marked shift between series one of LOM and series two. In the latter, the PC nonsense grew to Dr Who proportions and by the time the follow-up programme was made, I couldn’t even make it through the first episode.
Never watched LoM. Ouside of Top Gear and the Sky at Night, I don’t watch that much BBC output, unless it’s mentioned here for bias purposes.
“Never ever watched LoM. Ouside of Top Gear and the Sky at Night, I don’t watch that much BBC output, unless it’s mentioned here for bias purposes.
Martin | 09.07.08 – 6:34 pm | #”
Do you mean you watch the output on the Internet after someone commented on bias in order to form your own opinion?
Hi David
Well, I thought you’d be slaving away on your book rather then snuggling up on your settie watching popular programs. Failing that, I would have expected you to work in every spare minute to raise the £5k for the book deal.
Never mind …
gunnar: No. If someone gives a heads up on a programme beforehand I will watch it, or if I missed it and it’s mentioned here I will use iplayer or similar to watch it.
I never watched LoM so I can’t comment.
I find very little of the BBC output interests me. I much prefer what I can find on C4, C5 or the likes of Discovery, National Geographic and so on.
If I had the choice of NOT paying for the BBC and not having access to its channels I wouldn’t miss the BBC.
Israel is rehearsing an attack on Iran
whereas Iran is just testing some missiles
Hi “gunnar” aside from the snarky comments above, what did you think of the programme ? Was it pro-muslim enough for you ? Did Al-BBC tick all their usual anti-Christian, anti-British boxes ? Hey, how about an episode when they discover that the Holocaust was just a Zionist plot to create Israel ! That should please all the islamofascist lackeys at Al-Beeb and their gollum-like supporters.
I havent watched any of these programmes mostly because I hate the affected acting and production styles in which everything is put through a PC prism and makes you want to scream. I think future generations, if we arent all rote learning medieval Arabic, will marvel at how dreadful, stylised and just plain stupid it all is. I had to watch the last episode of Dr Who which was torture in every way: so boring, so cretinously badly written, so unscientific and so horrfically noisey (that fucking aweful music) – but apparently millions, many of them children who have sort of reliable unspoiled taste love it. They cant all just be gay, I wonder if those relatively few of us posting here are wasting our time?
During WW2 the New York Times referred to the Nazi’s victims of the Holocaust only twice as “Jews”. When the history of our times is written the BBC will be seen to have (by omission) led people equally astray.
Lurkingblackhat is correct. The BBC template is set, the story is fixed, the good guys and the bad guys have been identified, and nothing can get in the way of narrative.
Remember the classic Peter Sellers’ phrase from the “Political Speech” (written by Frank Muir and Denis Norden) “I do not consider existing circumstances likely” We live in a hall of mirrors. Welcome to Wonderland.
Sums it up really. A load of old crap from the BBC.
Thanks for that link. I particularly liked this bit:
Bonekickers is, to say the least, a bit daft. It might be perfect teatime fare for children were it not for the fact that a) children would probably find it too stupid to endure, and b) it featured a nasty and unnecessary scene in which a young Muslim student is decapitated (nothing like a bit of controversy with your crap).
Whoever at the BBC gave it the green light would be well advised to hide in a trench and hope no one discovers them for about 150 years or so.
By the way, is gunnar the latest hillhunt manifestation?
Hey all, thought you might like to read my complaint to the BBC regarding Bonekickers. I hope that it is somewhat more reasoned than the rant that DV posted here a few weeks back from his friend…
“Dear Sir,
Whilst I usually find the BBC’s output in general to be of a high standard, I must complain about the absurd and offensive portrayal of evangelical Christianity in the above programme. Was it really fair or indeed a reflection of reality to portray as the antagonists a “sect” of supposedly murderous evangelical Christians? Anyone with merely a passing acquaintance with evangelical Christians would be well aware that such behaviour is completely out of touch with the teachings of scripture, and is certainly not rooted in the reality of twenty-first century Britain. Such a portrayal can only lead to offence for evangelicals, and be misleading for those unfamiliar with Christianity. It certainly has no place in the output of a public service broadcaster whose mission states that their aim is “to enrich people’s lives with programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain”. Last night’s programme sadly failed on all accounts. It was crass and ignorant in its portrayal of a significant section of British society, and had a risible standard of both acting and scripting, meaning that it could hardly be described as “entertaining” either. I pay my licence fee to receive quality programming, and I sincerely hope that such a disgraceful depiction will not be seen again from the BBC.
Yours faithfully”
Here’s to a satisfactory answer (!)