I see the BBC has been highlighting the charge by extreme left wing group Yesh Din that nine out of 10 investigations into alleged attacks on Palestinians by Israeli settlers end without anyone being charged. It adds that Israeli police disputed the findings, but “admitted” just 15% of cases in the West Bank in 2007 ended in a charge. Interesting to reflect that the conviction rate for most violent crime in the UK is less than 10% of reported cases. I look forward to the BBC conducting an investigation into this “admission” with equal vigour.
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David Vance
Interesting to reflect that the conviction rate for most violent crime in the UK is less than 10% of reported cases.
Happily things in the real world are somewhat better than they may appear to your jaundiced eye, David.
The detection (or clear up) rate for violent crimes against the person in 2006-7 was a healthy 71% in England & Wales.
That’s the measure to use when comparing how many were charged. Conviction rates depend on prosecutors, judges and juries – you can’t blame the police if they decide to let them go.
… nine out of 10 investigations into alleged attacks on Palestinians by Israeli settlers end without anyone being charged.
Perhaps that’s because those alleged attacks were just that – alleged but not proven? Like this one here:
Journalist’s Abuse Claims Refuted
Not sure what your point is Plod. Detection is not the same as charge.
For a bit of context, I wonder what the PA’s police charge rates is for crimes against jews?
The key word is alleged. And IF you can’t blame prosecutors, judges and juries in the UK, presumably the same applies in Israel. Plus, as Mailman ask, wonder what the PA conviction rates for attacks on Israelis look like? To the nearest %?
Hi David
Here is a recent report on rape conviction rates. Thought you might be interested:
Rape convictions falling in Wales
Page last updated at 10:24 GMT, Monday, 7 July 2008 11:24 UK
The number of convictions in rape cases has fallen in Wales at the same time as it has risen in England, according to new figures.
Statistics published by equality pressure group the Fawcett Society show the conviction rate has dropped in all four Welsh police force areas.
In Dyfed-Powys, there is a less than one in 30 chance of a rape conviction.
Last week, three AMs anonymously revealed they had been raped but had not reported the crime to the police.
The rape reporting figures relate to the 2004-2006 period and were obtained by the Fawcett Society following a Freedom of Information request to the Ministry of Justice.
Some senior police officers admit there is a culture of disbelief around rape in many police forces
Sarah Campbell, Fawcett Society
All four Welsh forces had a conviction rate below the UK average of 6.1%.
More on the link
This anti Israel report gives statistics that are basically the same or similar as most other first world countries. The BBC bias is that it constantly picks on Israel for anything that shows it in a bad light. The atrocities carried on in Muslim states would be 100 times worse than Israel but are constantly ignored usually on the basis that ‘its to be experted in these countries but not in a civilised country like Israel’. This is typical BBC crap from shit executives
mailman | 10.07.08 – 3:56 pm
Detection is not the same as charge.
Actually it is • more or less. Detection or clear up expresses the percentage of recorded crimes that are disposed of by charge or other means. (For the pedantic: Other means would include someone who’s already in jail serving a long stretch for a more serious offence holding his hand up and admitting this particular offence as well as a string of others • in such cases there’s no point wasting public money taking him back to court, but since the scrote has been identified, it’s deemed to be cleared up.)
Not sure what your point is Plod.
My point is that 71% of violent crimes against the person are sorted in this country, not the pitiful 10% alleged by DV.
Some people think the Police service does nothing but paperwork. Ain’t so.
So TIC’s are the same as a charge.
Could have fooled me except that I’m an ex-plod and I think you’re trying to have some people over.
“And IF you can’t blame prosecutors, judges and juries in the UK, presumably the same applies in Israel.”
‘71% of violent crimes against the person are sorted in this country, not the pitiful 10% alleged by DV’
Absolutely wrong. I don’t believe even 5% of muggings ever get to court because the mugger escapes and most violent crimes are done in this way. The 71% EXCLUDES muggers. Its typical to exclude anything that makes the statistics look bad, its the same with the official inflation rate of 3% being stupid.
“For a bit of context, I wonder what the PA’s police charge rates is for crimes against jews?”
Or crimes against gays .
I’m surprised the police solve any crimes in this country when most of the leaflets in police stations are on “How To Report Islamophobia”, when police dogs have to wear “booties” in muslim homes, when police harass Christians in muslim areas and when Channel 4 get investigated for reporting on radical clerics.