I was entertained by this quote from Liam Keelan, head of daytime at the BBC, who seeks to explain Beeb policy towards property make-over programmes. “Everything we do at the moment has got to reflect what’s going on,” he says. “It’s not that we ever said that there’s money to be made out there [through property development], but now the advice within our shows is to be careful and make sure you’re not overstretching yourself in the market as it stands.” Eh? If you ever have the misfortune to watch these dreadful property make-over programmes the ONLY message put out is that there is money to be made out there. However the BBC then goes on to reveal that is has three more property shows in development or production! Surreal.
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I’ve been wondering how long it would be for the broadcasters to realise that a significant part of their output was now conspicuously irrelevant in the current economic circumstances. But 3 new series still to air?!?
So nobody but me can see a conspiracy at the highest level between The BBC, The Banking system with special reference to Northern Rock, The government, and The Establishment. Hmmmmm.
WHY, when it is now so damned obvious?
What are you people waiting for?
Are you waiting for them to actually announce their cruel dishonesty live on the 10 o’clock news, before you will acknowledge it?
Because you will be waiting in vain.
The more stupid they believe we are the more they will carry on taking the proverbial piss, until they no longer give a sod what we think. IMO, this stage has already been reached.
David Vance
Another point, which is also related to your post.
The BBC today has been hot on the state of the economy at least very much during the daytime when not too many are watching.
They seem to be making a concerted attempt to encourage people to save.
However this is precisely the time when people should be doing the opposite. Inflation means that prices will increase and so the value of money will fall.
Also if, sorry when, this turns into a depression the banks will go bust, and so will the country. So this is the time to spend spend spend like no tomorrow for the people wise or lucky enough to actually have any surplus cash available. Saving will without doubt make the situation even more torturous, and it will not help people with ever devaluing money sitting about in the Building Society. Advice to people in net debt should be, not to be ASAP. But there again that is always good advice all of the time.
Many people have been warning the BBC and The government of what we are about to receive now for several years. The BBC however did not even attempt to start to listen never mind change its clear and obvious house price inflation AGENDA. The BBC was clearly giving us bad advice then and is giving us even worse advice now.
The BBC since well before Thatcher in 79 could not have contrived twisted lied and conspired more to force another Labour government on the unsuspecting innocent people of this nation, then a whole major political Party full of determined activist.
Now the governments wheels have not just fallen off, they have been blown to bits taking most of the hand cart with them. So in theory this should have now blown the BBC’s credibility even more Sky high. After all not even Conservatives expect the Labour Party to be politically impartial, nor is there a moral or written requirement for them to be so.
But still there is absolutely no credible or even theoretical threat to the primacy of The BBC. IMO this is because the BBC know for absolute sure their future is as safe as the BBC consistently and falsely claimed houses to be, who ever wins and whatever we think.
I have a well established, documented and highly researched theory as to why this is clearly the case, which I have stated many times before. I will refrain from boring you with it yet again today.
The TV tax is a very bad thing. But it is insignificantly evil compared with the utterly horrific damage The BBC’s beloved Labour government has achieved for its masters. It matters not where an already existing wholly and long corrupted devil gets its finance, a devil is still a devil. Whether it is British a broadcaster or a corporation or not.
Total deregulation of the entire mind control broadcast media industry is the ONLY valuable answer. Anything much less will change nothing even slightly important, it could even make matters worse, if that were possible. Which IMO it could be, if the BBC was simply sold off to the lowest and most corrupt large corporate bidder.
‘Reality’ television is the second cheapest television behind ‘talking heads’ in the studio. Is this what the ‘quality’ broadcaster should be doing?
It’s always difficult for any broadcaster to ‘know what is going on’ outside its own social circles.
If anything it is the BBC catering to its traditional ‘Little England’ audience with feel good programming.
PS My, I’ve used five pairs of scare quotes! :o(
David Vance!! Did you see the question that President Bush fielded today?
A reporter asked Mr.Bush why he wasn’t advising Americans to cut down on their driving and to cut down on heating/air conditioning.
Mr.Bush replied that he didn’t think the American people needed a NANNY. He specifically stated that he had FAITH in the individual wisdom and judgement of the American people to make decisions as to their own pocket books and well being.
Mr.Bush further stated (very politely) that there was an obvious philosophical difference of opinion.
The reporter clearly held the opinion that the President should advise Americans…NOT TO DRIVE etc etc.
Driving is bad. Don’t drive. We must not use gasoline, electricity or natural gas etc etc etc…..
THE PREMISE IS BULLSHIT, but it is HELD by nearly every liberal alive. The PREMISE holds that FREEDOM and LIBERTY are secondary to THEIR AGENDA.
President Bush didn’t bite.
Mr.Bush said that Americans are smart and acutely aware of the price of GAS.
They do not need to be lectured to by the President, because THEY are not stupid. If gas becomes more expensive, the PUBLIC can decide whether or not to spend their income on gas.
THE REPORTERS’ assumption from a liberal perspective is that…..AMERICANS SHOULD NOT use gas.
Cutting to the chase…. Liberals believe we shouldn’t use gas.
I believe liberals should kiss my ass.
Atlas shrugged | 16.07.08 – 1:17 am |
The more stupid they believe we are the more they will carry on taking the proverbial piss, until they no longer give a sod what we think. IMO, this stage has already been reached.
Can’t really argue with that.
Deegee, “reality television” is big business in the U.S.A. HUGE BIZNESS.
I don’t watch it. I’m not morally superior nor “better” than that. I simply am not interested in faux reality. My life IS REALITY.
I vacationed in Washington D.C. last week. I had so efffffing much REALITY to experience that fantasy reality was moot.
I went to Antietam (wow), Gettysburg, Arlington (my father is buried there) and Mount Vernon. (I stood at George Washingtons grave!!!!!!).
Most people would rather watch Jerry Springer.
Hershey bars are preferrable to Brussels Sprouts to most people.
“So nobody but me can see a conspiracy at the highest level between The BBC, The Banking system with special reference to Northern Rock, The government, and The Establishment.”
errrrr…. no – i can see lots of bad property shows because they have no original ideas and these things get ratings.
Is it just me,or is haloscan playing up again?
Can’t read any of the comments – this publish box comes up on its own when I click on the comments link…
Haloscan’s not displaying comments, just the box you write in. So you end up talking to yourself. Can someone fix it?
Where are the eleven comments? Just thought I’d ask.
it’s fixed now, thanks
Last year I watched one of the buy a house abroad type programs while visiting a relative over in Spain (to be honest I can’t remember if it was on BBC1 or Channel 4). The show happened to be about the town my relatives live in. They were amazed and horrified how the program said property was cheaper than it actually was by a factor of about a third and how at the same time it exaggerated rental incomes by over 50%. Plus never mentioning the bureaucracy involved in renting holiday property which can add considerably to the costs.
You would have thought that the moment Northern Rock went tits up that the schedulers would have stopped commissioning these low end property shows. I wonder if these shows have been around so long (10 years nearly I think) that the planners don’t have any ideas for other kinds of programs to fill the 9am to midday slot.
Out of interest does anyone here personally know any of people who have appeared on any of these property shows looking for a house ? Its just I heard a juicy rumour that one of these shows filmed in my home town was pretty much fake from beginning to end but have nothing concrete.
beeb never said there was money to be made ?
this must be another bbc then…
The worst property shows are the ones that encourage people to buy property abroad in the interests of ‘deeper EU integration’, but they never actually mention that in the shows, of course. People were outraged when Rageh Omar told people to go and move to Bulgaria in his “Immigration Inconvienient Truth” programme the other month, but when those ‘Place In the Sun’ type programmes suggest it, people lap it up without realising that they’ve just been suckered.
“The worst property shows are the ones that encourage people to buy property abroad in the interests of ‘deeper EU integration'”
Benny | 16.07.08 – 3:01 pm | #
That’s a new one on me. Can you give any examples?
Caveat Emptor.
Most of these shows talk about prices that seem very reasonable, then it’s only at end that a note comes up saying prices are based on anywhere between 12 and 24 months ago.
You also notice that the people featured in the programs rarely make a purchase.
Folks, please Monitor Matt Frei’s output closely both on the web and on air. He now feels its open season on George Bush (was it ever thus?) and is increasing shrill (sorry: witty)
“President Bush continues to provide a rich reservoir of humour. He is the open strip-mine of satire: cheap, easy access and in no immediate danger of running dry – no offshore drilling required.”
I sense that the “award-winning” Frei is pandering more and more to the folks back home. Do I sense a return to the UK soon, and a promotion for being a good attack dog?
(PS Has any BBC journalist NOT won an award – or is about to do so?)
1327, just about everything on tv is fake. far more than people realise. tv people live in their own little world. there is a good chance rumours you have heard are understated.
John Bosworth | 16.07.08 – 4:28 pm
I sense that the “award-winning” Frei is pandering more and more to the folks back home. Do I sense a return to the UK soon, and a promotion for being a good attack dog?
Frei Boy has stepped it up a notch because Obama is down in the polls, and has stumbled recently over honesty, keeping bad company, and flip-flops galore. Frei and his cohorts read and hang out with the writers from The Nation, the Washington Post, and other DC-based Leftoid publications. He and Justin Webb often seem to take their lead from stories they read the day before.
And yes, if Obamessiah gets elected, I’m sure when Frei goes back to the Mothership sometime next year it will be “Lo! The conqu’ring hero comes”.
jimbob | 16.07.08 – 1:39 pm
I didn’t watch the series but I did wonder if the developers paid tax on their profits, because having developed 7 houses in just a couple of years they could be considered to be running a business.
Don’t really watch TV but have seen the odd property programme. I have always been amazed how they never seem to take into account the finacial loss from people refurbishing instead of working. Also tax as gordon bennett has raised (above)
Really during the boom you could paint the house pink and still make money!. Now were going for the bust the government want to do something about house prices (to protect their fiddled interests) Why could they not see what was going to happen, why could they not think about Poor Little B****** like me trying to get on the housing ladder.
I recommend housepricecrash for a good discussion on house prices
John Bosworth | 16.07.08 – 4:28 pm |
Matt Frei is a moron. There is no level to which he won’t stoop to show his contempt for Bush, who is
(a) far more intelligent
(b) far more more popular
than Matt Frei will ever be.
Frei doesn’t do journalism, but pathetic and condescending sneering.
Let’s face it, a more enlightened USA would have kicked him out long ago as an unwelcome guest.
What really gets up Frei’s nose is how a country which is not in lockstep with his beliefs can be so successful, (current economic climate notwithstanding) and the people so decent.
gordon-bennett | 16.07.08 – 5:14 pm |
yes, too true – it looked to be large scale fakery to me. no one ever mentioned capital gains tax in any of the “buy it, do it up, flog it” property programmes i saw.
Al Beeb has become a Nazi organisation. I have not the slightest hesitation in saying it. It’s pathological hatred of Jews and Israel is perfectly illustrated here.
Sorry, pressed the wrong key.