BBC loves to repeat ad nauseum the left wing narrative that the British Police are institutionally racist and so this latest nonsense from “diversity advisers” in Kent gives them a platform from which they can speculate just how racist our Police really are. Note that the BBC provides the story containing the initial allegations from which the professional whingers in the National Black Police Association then launched the assault on their own colleagues. The menace of the BBC is that it both undermines the morale of the Police whilst wasting their time fighting off the foot soldiers of the diversity legions.
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The BBC cannot help itself, it keeps giving these so called ‘victims’ a pulpit to spout their warped mindsets, the Police are not institutionally racist, not are they perfect.
I do not doubt that acts of racism have been carried out by police officers, however, I would imagine that the numbers are negligible and nowhere near as high as the BBC likes to claim.
On the one hand, we are told that the BBC deserves its funding because it is hugely popular; on the other, we are told that its programming would wither on the vine were its popularity to be tested in the marketplace. On the one hand, we are told that it has a “unique link” with its adoring viewers; on the other, we are assured that so strong and affectionate is that link that it needs to be maintained by the full majesty of the criminal law. There is a word that describes all of these arguments, and it rhymes with “rowlocks”.
A silly article but some of the comments are good.
Is the very existence of a Black Police Association not in itself an instance of institutional racism? Perhaps the BBC could explore how many black officers hold such unwelcome views, or is it just whitey that we need to concern ourselves with?
paving the way for political control of the police by extremists
The Association of Police authorities has said that there would be a very real danger of extremists and single issue pressure groups targeting these elections for their own ends
The BBC’s contamination.
Gosh | Homepage | 19.07.08 – 10:19 pm |
I actually agree. The police should not be elected as it would make them political – I know that they are now but this has come about by people such as McPhearson whose report actually made the police a political force. Why do the police top jobs go to university graduates and not to policemen who have worked their way to the top, it is because of the political nature of the police. What we need is not to make them even more political by electing chief officers but to de-politicise the police completely.
It is these principles that should rule the way the police work:
The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder.
The ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon public approval of police actions.
Police must secure the willing co-operation of the public in voluntary observance of the law to be able to secure and maintain the respect of the public.
The degree of co-operation of the public that can be secured diminishes proportionately to the necessity of the use of physical force.
# Police seek and preserve public favour not by catering to public opinion but by constantly demonstrating absolute impartial service to the law.
Police use physical force to the extent necessary to secure observance of the law or to restore order only when the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficient.
Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.
Police should always direct their action strictly towards their functions and never appear to usurp the powers of the judiciary.
The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it.
Before political interference, these principles worked – and this is the only code the police should work to.
David Vance | 19.07.08 – 9:33 pm |
You are right – there should be no self-serving interest groups within the police force, just as there should be no Police Trade Union. Every political element should be removed.
Isn’t the existance of a Black police association in and or itself racist.
Would a White police association be ok?
I kick BBC’s fat ass to the curb on a daily basis.
No worries, people… as soon as the natives in the UK have become a minority Al Beeb will rally to assist you.
I am not sure if this is off topic, but while trying to wake up this morning (here in Brisbane) I found myself listening to someone describing in lyrical terms an “arabian carpet which is beautiful” Since I thought I was listening to BBC World News I was somewhat startled.
Then I realised the announcer was merely translating some Iranian politician’s comments abouta recent meeting re their nuclear programme.
Frightening way to start the day!
PS I never heard what the other side thought of it all – but that’s about par for the course on World News.
I’m not in a position to say whether the police as a whole are ‘institutionally racist’ but I suspect that the members who were attacked in Croydon on Thursday afternoon may be leaning in that direction.
I wonder how the BBC would cover the formation of the WHITE POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION.
It’s worth remembering that the BBC’s Barnie Choudhury has a somewhat cosy relationship with the leadership of the NBPA:
If any organisation is institutionally racist – then it has to be the BBC – with it’s serially antisemitic portrayal of Jews. The recent documentary: Jews sums up this insidious racism. The first documentary portrayed an Orthodox Jew as a drug smuggler – implying that even the religious ones are untrustworthy faginesque crooks. In actual fact, as an ethnic group, UK Jews have some of the lowest crime figures of anyone. Al Beeb’s coverage of Israel is tainted with crude Leftoid stereotypes of Jews and Palestinians based on a politically infantile notion of “nasty bully-innocent victim”. I wonder how many Jewish news readers now work at al Beeb to give a fairer balance, for example? The suppressed Balin report says it all.
no, the mythical majority is always whitey and then in the same breath these people claim we are all immigrants.
the mythical majority is still the majority even where it makes up only 10% of the population, and the 90% is still referred to as minority ethnic.
Why? Because this mythical majority, in a secret masonic conspiracy against all other races, is always the white, English, which the beeb racially hates.
The BPA is criminally corrupt.
Government funding for it is being withheld, due to ‘financial irregularities’.
Most black officers I came into contact with were lazy and ever ready to play the ‘race’ card when challenged about their work rate.
The BBC is ever ready to peddle the line that Ali Dizaei and Girpal Verdi were innocent victims of ‘institutional racism’. What bollocks. Actually look at the evidence against them.
The BBC – no credibility any longer.